Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2068 The Nightmare Begins (4000 words)

Mission begins.

Goal: survive (8/2).

Without any warning, just when everyone was looking ahead and each of them gained a sense of security, a sudden news suddenly broke into everyone's minds, and the eight people present, including the current Chiba, all accepted it. to this message.

This, the text message in the mind.

Mission started?



Nothing at all?

At that time, when seeing this news, whether it was the current Chiba or the past self, such a thought came to mind almost at the same time.

In a sense, this may be a tacit understanding of the same essence, and the first reaction of the two is exactly the same.

Then, when the other six people were still in a daze, with expressions of surprise, uncertainty, doubt and even a bit of astonishment on their faces, the past self subconsciously looked at Xiaoqian, even with the one who had no initiative at all. Chiba also looked over there.


It should be said that what I saw and felt in the past, and even the emotions in my heart, poured into Qianye's perception almost without any sense of disobedience. It should not be said that Qianye also looked over there , it should be said that Chiba looked over there.

The actions and emotions of the two of them have been completely integrated together, so the past self is naturally no different, but at this time, Qianye has already discovered that he seems to have integrated into the consciousness of the past self.

Everything about the past self will be fed back into his consciousness, as if what he experienced is what he has experienced, regardless of each other. Although his consciousness is independent, he feels that it is the past self, as if he is experiencing Everything about my past self, experiencing all his emotions and perceptions, is like a kind of empathy that has been highly indistinguishable from each other.

This is a very wonderful feeling. Chiba can think for himself, but his feelings are the same as his past self. If his past self felt pain, then his heart will also be in pain. If his body is injured, With severed limbs and such, he will also experience pain and the feeling of having no limbs.

Although the mind is two, the senses are one.

Even though he has independent thinking, he is basically experiencing everything about his past self, and even the emotions and senses of his past self completely affect his emotions and senses.

At this time, Qianye clearly felt the uneasiness of her past self, and seemed to instinctively sense something dangerous.

For a person who is often slandered by rumors, verbally violent, and isolated, vigilance is always instinctive, and sometimes, this vigilance, vigilance against anything, is too much to the extent of being persecuted.

However, this time, the past self was not delusional about being persecuted, he felt the crisis from the news.

Great crisis.

Ten words, four symbols, two numbers, almost instinctively, the past self felt the danger.

I have to say that the past self is actually not much different from Chiba when Blank just entered the Naruto world, but compared to Chiba in the Naruto world, the past self is more likely to go in a dark direction .

It may be that the past self has a complete memory of the previous life, and has the negative emotions brought about by the complete memory, while the blank Chiba feels only the strong emotion left by the memory, and this emotion is still very strong. Single, biased towards motivation, which led to him being more active.

And at this moment, the past self, after feeling the crisis, immediately regarded everyone here as an enemy.

And don't intend to trust anyone.

Even that little one.

As for Qianye, she threw out the set of the cold and shaking carriage. Although there is a strong sense of sight, this is not the routine of that kind of novel.

Even if there are tasks as well.

This is completely different.

This afterlife world is not an infinite flow routine like infinite horror.

And when the past self turned his head, Xiaoqian's eyes also fell on him. At this moment, the two looked at each other.

Then, they saw a kind of vigilance in each other's eyes.

There is vigilance about the current situation, there is vigilance for all the people in the room, and there is also... vigilance for each other.

At this moment, the two understood each other's thoughts almost instantly.

Something is coming.

Something extremely dangerous is coming.

Almost instantly, the past self stepped back slightly, and sat on a low cabinet in the corner where he was. At the same time, with his hands behind his back, he opened the drawer of the low cabinet without a trace, and started to grope.

And Xiaoqian also took a slight step back, with his hand on the work table behind him, hiding the screwdriver in his sleeve.


Then, at this moment, the only door of the wooden house seemed to be hit suddenly by the gap where the two of them retreated, and there was a loud noise, which caused wood dust and earth powder to fall around the door frame.

Almost instantly, everyone's eyes fell on the door. Suddenly, two women among the six people screamed.

But at this moment, Qianye's gaze, that is, the gaze of her past self, fell on the closed window of the wooden house, which was even staring at the wooden board.

At the same time, Xiaoqian's gaze crossed his, looking at the same sealed window on the other side.

Then, both of them tightened the weapons in their sleeves at the same time.

At this moment, in the gap of the window, they all saw something, something dangerous.

It is also a frequent haunt in horror film and television dramas or novels.


Foreign version of that kind of zombie.

Scary looking, almost blue-faced fangs, or all kinds of rotten and disgusting... zombies!

And, more than one.

"Bang! Bang!"

And at this moment, the door of the wooden house vibrated more frequently and louder.

"Zombie! It's a zombie! What's going on! Is this a movie?"

"What the hell is this place? Why are there zombies!"

Then, the next second, someone seemed to have noticed Xiaoqian's gaze, and after subconsciously following Xiaoqian's gaze, he was stunned for a moment suspiciously, and that person immediately screamed.

The zombie at the front had its entire face embedded in the window, and one eye was squeezed out with a bang, rolling in with a sticky liquid all the way.

stopped at his feet.

And that zombie didn't seem to realize it, it seemed that it was about to open its mouth to shout something, when it opened its mouth, the rotten jaw fell off again, and fell into a ball of rotten flesh with a clatter.

There is no need to say anything, and there is no need to doubt, this is a zombie, a real zombie!

Afterwards, screams followed one after another.

Suddenly, the room became a mess.

However, the screaming didn't last long before it was stopped by Xiaoqian. I have to say that this girl is really attractive, or in other words, very charismatic. This kind of danger only exists in movies, TV dramas and novels, as well as dangerous wild areas that you will never go to. People who have never experienced a real life-threatening crisis, and are completely panicked. People who only know how to scream and retreat, even With just one sentence, "We have weapons, we are surrounded by weapons, we must live" and simply suppressed everyone's panic.

Then, subconsciously, the remaining six people picked up everything that could be used as weapons, and inexplicably, the whole wooden house suddenly fell silent.

At that time, the past self looked at those tremblingly holding all kinds of tool weapons such as hammers and crowbars in front of him, and suddenly became quiet, watching the horrible squeezed shapes of the zombies outside the wooden house being crushed. The people whose shoulders trembled under the thumping sound couldn't help swallowing, and suddenly realized that the most terrifying thing here might not be the zombies.

Instead, this girl with a surname of Qian.

Just one sentence brought everyone together, and let them settle down. Although they were still extremely afraid, they calmed down somewhat, so that they would not lose before the fight started.

Amazing girl!

At the same time, Qianye was also quite appreciative. In the face of sudden terror, people can maintain a certain level of calmness as long as they have a sense of security. Besides, they are now in a relatively confined space, and they can't escape even if they want to. Where are they going? The six people just woke up and haven't investigated the wooden house yet. If the structure of the wooden house is not carefully investigated, it is just a room similar to a workshop and two bedrooms.

They are also completely unaware that there is a safe place.


At this time, everyone thinks that these areas are the only hiding places, and the zombies outside also give them a feeling of being surrounded. In this case, unless they are scared out of their wits, people are actually like animals, and they can also be trapped beasts. Fighting against each other, with weapons in hand, you can feel more at ease.

Moreover, in this case, for these ordinary people who have not experienced a life-and-death crisis, their minds are basically blank, and sometimes they basically act on instinct.

Like hiding in a corner with your head in your hands.

Such as taking up arms like now.

For example, Qiang Zuo stayed on the spot calmly, seemingly calm, but actually panicked and couldn't move.

And what makes this girl really powerful is that in her words, psychological hints are actually added. The word weapon already contains a considerable amount of psychological hints. When thinking of weapons, the first time people think of When it comes to fighting, it will either be associated with self-protection, or it will be awakened to the silent beast and aggressive nature in the blood, and these people's heads are blank at this time, and they are the easiest to be hypnotized by hints in their hearts, or to be hypnotized Mobilize the enthusiasm of a certain part to face the current predicament.

Therefore, this girl's one sentence will immediately create the current positive situation. It can be said that with just one sentence, Xiaoqian has manipulated everyone here.

Even, even the past self was actually affected.

To be honest, the past self was only a little better than these six people in the situation just now, and the reason for this is actually just because he was often alone, and he was a little used to bear everything alone, and he finally I have never thought about suicide, and I need to be tougher.

It's just that there is a limit to being tough. I saw the zombie's eyes and jaw drop just now, and my past self was also taken aback, but I was still able to maintain a minimum level of calm, and I was basically scared to pee.

Xiaoqian's words were actually a shot in the arm for her past self.

At least, now Qianye can't feel the panic that almost made him unable to think just now.

"Bang bang bang! bang bang bang!"

At this time, the frequency of knocking on the door outside became higher and higher, the sound became louder and louder, and the scale of falling debris and soil powder became larger and larger.


Can't last long.

Even the nailed wooden boards of the windows began to creak.

Coming soon!

The zombies outside are about to break through the last line of defense.

And at this moment, the hearts of everyone present, including Qianye, her past self, and Xiaoqian, were already beating faster.

Every knock on the door seemed to hit their hearts.

Everyone couldn't help swallowing at the thought of fighting those terrifying zombies who didn't know if headshots could stop them.

Even, a few of them were already pale, and their hands were shaking so much that they almost threw away the weapons in their hands.

"Head...hit the head, everyone will get the headshot later, in the movies I watch, zombies are going to be headshot!"

And at this time, someone suddenly spoke tremblingly.

It seemed to suddenly think of something, and it seemed to be relieved.

However, no one responded.

The others were either staring closely at the disgusting and terrifying zombies outside the window, or staring at the crumbling wooden door, or closing their eyes tightly, subconsciously throwing away the weapons in their hands.

No one ever heard him say it.


These people, no!

If this continues, everyone will die!

And at this moment, the past self, Qianye and Xiaoqian almost subconsciously flashed such a thought in their hearts.

"The basement, yes, the basement, there is a basement here, I just checked! People can hide there!"

And at this moment, Xiaoqian suddenly thought of something, and suddenly said.

At the same time, while speaking, he pushed the work table away and pulled out a hidden door.

Immediately, as if seeing a savior, everyone threw away the weapons in their hands, and was about to rush to the secret door that could only accommodate one person.

"Girls advance! There is still time!"

And at this time, the handsome-looking man in business attire among the six spoke.

As soon as these words came out, Xiaoqian and her past self couldn't help but glance at this man.

Dressed beast.

And this was the first thought in my past self after this glance.

Still a little sensible.

Xiaoqian thought so in his heart.

The door is about to break!

And Chiba, who saw what he saw in the past, thought so.

Then, no nonsense, the two women and Xiaoqian took the lead.


At this moment, the door burst into pieces.

The tide of corpses is about to rush in!

Today there is only this chapter, which can be regarded as a big chapter of 4000 words. I will finish this part of the content as concisely and clearly as possible, because it is Chiba’s past, I feel the need to explain it, don’t worry, I won’t Too many chapters.

Thank you for your persistence all the time, Chiba is about to roll in the end, five million, should be the limit.

Although there is no way to give you the best fan-reading experience, at least, you have never read such a long fan-book.

Ha ha!

just kidding.

For a long time, I have tolerated the self-willedness of the beginning, thank you so much!

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