Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2158 Choice (4000 words)

Do you... bury it with your own hands?

Hearing this slightly low voice, looking up at the uncontrollable waves in Chiba's calm eyes, a trace of sadness flashed across Sandai Hokage's face.

Really just, is that so?

However, there was a question hanging in his heart.


However, although there were doubts in his heart, after all, after Chiba said these words, the Third Hokage simply agreed.

In fact, he had no room to refuse this question.

Even though he seemed to have all kinds of questions and worries about Chiba's motives, in fact, the Third Hokage had no room for rejection.

It's not that Qianye's words contain elements that he can't refuse.

Rather, it was impossible for him to refuse the request.

For the Third Hokage, at this moment, compared to the current situation, or the handling of the remains of the three of Kushina, he is most worried about Chiba's mental state.

After all, losing Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina all at once, no matter how strong a person is, losing three close relatives and the most important people at once, at this time, the mental state will be extremely unstable.

It doesn't matter if he is in extreme grief or pretending to be stable, but his heart is already like a knife, or it is full of frustration, or it is deeply shocked. In short, at this time, Qianye's heart is definitely not as peaceful as he showed.

Even when some people face grief for the first time, they don't necessarily show much grief, and they don't even feel too much grief.

However, with the ferment of time, you will feel more and more intense grief, and it may not dissipate for a long time, and even affect your whole life. Over time, this grief will become unbearably severe.

At this time, the Third Hokage was very worried. Chiba's situation was of this type of hindsight.

After all, Qianye's current behavior is indeed somewhat abnormal. No matter how you say it, it is impossible to be so calm.

And now, letting Chiba handle the remains of Kushina and the others, in a sense, can relieve some symptoms of grief, and at least bring some comfort to Chiba's heart. Besides, this was proposed by Chiba himself. For the sake of Chiba's mental state, the Third Hokage would not and would not refuse at all.

Especially after confirming that Chiba has no intention of going in a crooked way.

For the third generation of Hokage, Chiba is not only the important future pillar of the village, but also a child who has been watched and grown up since childhood. Moreover, this child is also particularly competitive, not only a talent that can be created, but also a rare talent. The traits at first sight, and more importantly, the child is almost perfect in general.

His thinking and mentality are almost perfect.

Mature, stable, responsible, yet brave and prudent, and what's more perfect is the child's mind.

To be honest, although he had attached great importance to this child before, he hadn't reached the level of attention he has now, and he would not let this child be so indulgent. Eyes passed.

If the previous Bamen Dunjia was due to Chiba's father, Taki Maya, then the spirit transformation technique this time was due to Chiba himself.

Ever since Chiba learned the truth about his father, he has been focusing on observing this child. This child has a mind and aura that ordinary people don't have. Regardless of Hyuga Yutaka who had murderous intentions towards him because of a misunderstanding at the beginning, the child accepted their existence in a very common and reassuring way.

Moreover, accepting their hostility and killing intent, this kind of open-mindedness is not something ordinary people can have.

The last person who could have this kind of open-mindedness was the first Hokage who founded Ninja Village.

This is absolute leadership.

It is also the temperament that a good leader should have.

If you are narrow-minded or ordinary-minded like ordinary people, you can't even accommodate one person or a little more people, how can you accommodate the entire village?

Only when all rivers are included in the sea can it have a majestic and incomparable momentum.

If you have only a little heart, and you can only see that some people or things can be accommodated, how can you look at the entire ninja world and lead a ninja village to prosperity?

How to balance the forces of all parties?

Because of this, seeing Chiba's broad mind hidden under the child's gloomy face, he considered Chiba as a candidate for the future Hokage for the first time, or let Chiba become Hokage candidates.

And in this ninja world full of wars and strife, as the shadow of a village, if the strength is not enough to deter other ninja villages, or to make other ninja villages quite afraid, how can it guarantee the peace of the village?

That's why he let Qianye go to gain strength.

It was also because of this, and because this child was so important, so special, and such a perfect Hokage candidate, that at this time, he would agree.

Although handing over the remains of Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina to Chiba for burial is not in compliance with the rules, and there may be some future troubles, but if Chiba can be comforted, he can stabilize his emotions faster , to stabilize his mentality, then, is worth it.

Besides, for Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina, it should be their wish to be buried by Chiba.

He has no reason not to agree.

It is also impossible not to agree.

"Thank you, Third Hokage-sama."

Regarding this, Qianye's face was slightly stunned, apparently he hadn't expected that the Third Hokage's promise was so straightforward, and the series of rhetoric he prepared later was useless.

But after being stunned for a moment, that's all he could say.

Very good……

This thing can be done so easily.

And in his heart, after all, a feeling of joy rose.

At least, there is no need to worry about Orochimaru or Uchiha Nobuhiko using the remains of Kushina and the others to desecrate their personality by reincarnating from dirty soil.

It also avoided the situation of standing on the opposite side with Jiu Xinnai and the others.

After all, if he really stood on the opposite side with them, he really didn't know, and if they were hostile to each other, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

As for the reincarnation of the filthy soil and the resurrection of them, Qianye really didn't think about it.

What he said when he asked was not a lie or an excuse.

For Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina, he can use reincarnation to resurrect, but he can't use the technique of reincarnation.

"So, one last thing?"

But after hearing Qianye's words of thanks, Sandai Hokage didn't feel relieved, on the contrary, his expression slowly became serious.

Vaguely, Sandai Hokage felt that this last matter was the source of his uneasiness now.

The next thing is likely to destroy everything he expected.

A solemn meaning slowly floated in his heart.

"It's about Nobuhiko Uchiha."

But hearing this, Qianye didn't seem to think too much, and said straightforwardly.

"Nobuhiko Uchiha?"

Hearing this, Sandai Hokage was stunned and murmured.

Could it be that……

This child, he thought...

At this moment, he seemed to have thought of something.

"Three generations of Naruto-sama, if you have received the information, you should know that Uchiha Nobuhiko is not dead, but was temporarily repelled."

In this regard, seeing the solemn look on the face of the third Hokage, Chiba spoke again.

Looking at the appearance of the third Hokage, it seems that he has already noticed what I mean.


At the same time, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

"Yes, we also received the news that Uchiha Nobuhiko was repelled, and we confirmed the end of this battle."

In this regard, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the third Hokage, nodded, and said.

Is it really Nobuhiko Uchiha?

Is it possible that this child has become obsessed with this Uchiha Nobuhiko?

And in his mind, a thought flashed through his mind that made him even more dignified.

What he was worried about finally happened.

The reason for this Nine-Tails Rebellion can basically be considered to be Uchiha Nobuhiko and the repelled masked man who claimed to be Uchiha Madara, and Chiba was dragged in place by Uchiha Nobuhiko , and even almost died once in the middle. It can be said that from Chiba's standpoint, he had no way to rescue his teacher this time because of Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Even Hirohiko died at the hands of Uchiha Nobuhiko.

At this moment, Chiba has already developed an extremely strong hatred for Nobuhiko Uchiha, and it is quite normal to even hate to the point of obsession.

And now that Chiba mentioned Nobuhiko Uchiha, it is obvious that there is already a revenge plan for Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Yes, revenge plan.

Although the hatred for Uchiha Nobuhiko is enough to generate obsession, and even Chiba already has an obsession with Uchiha Nobuhiko, and he must be killed to get rid of him, but Sandai Hokage believes that even if there is obsession, With Chiba's character, or character inertia, not to mention that he looks quite calm now, even if he is already crazy because of Uchiha Nobuhiko, he will definitely formulate a series of plans to ensure Uchiha Nobuhiko's death.

At this time, since Uchiha Nobuhiko was mentioned, Chiba must implement his revenge plan.


Is this last thing going to destroy all my thoughts?

Afterwards, thinking of this, Sandai Hokage pursed his lips lightly, and such a somewhat complicated thought flashed through his mind.

This situation is already the most complicated thing in Chiba's last request that he thought of.

As for this kind of thing, the three generations of Hokage didn't need to think about it too much. As long as Chiba's revenge plan is effective, then let Chiba do it freely.

There is no need to fret.

Even, the third Hokage must support Chiba in many ways, and get rid of Nobuhiko Uchiha as soon as possible.

After all, in terms of strength, since Chiba can repel Uchiha Nobuhiko, it is enough to prove that Chiba has the possibility of killing Uchiha Nobuhiko.

The three generations of Hokage don't need to consider the strength comparison between the two at all.

As for Uchiha Nobuhiko, after this battle, his arrest warrant will probably be raised to the top, and the amount of the reward must be at least doubled, and may even need to be distributed to the dark world through some channels.

Moreover, the information about him must be distributed to other ninja villages for free, regardless of size, whether it is sand hidden, cloud hidden, rock hidden, or fog hidden, or rain hidden, grass hidden.

That's right, after this battle, this Uchiha Nobuhiko is already a serious problem for Konoha, even for the entire ninja world. According to the current information, Uchiha Nobuhiko already has the potential to become the second Uchiha Madara .

Even, already owning the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and being able to kill Hirohiko who has awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, plus his ability to avoid Konoha's full search before, it is entirely possible to become the second Uchiha Madara of.

Even if Chiba doesn't say anything, the third Hokage will definitely go all out to hunt down Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Therefore, for Uchiha Nobuhiko, the purpose of Sandai Hokage and Chiba is the same. Even, if it is normal, Chiba may not have to mention it, and Sandai Hokage will send Chiba to hunt down Uchiha Nobuhiko. Uchiha Madara strangled in the cradle.

However, it is normal time.

Now is not an ordinary time, on the contrary, it is an extremely critical time.

And Chiba is still the most important person to solve this crisis, not one of them.

Moreover, in order to solve this crisis, Chiba may not be able to leave Konoha.

That's right.

At this time, it is time for the fifth generation of Naruto to debut.

Three generations of Hokage held an emergency meeting, even before Zhuanshu Xiaochun reported the situation to the country of fire, in order to confirm Chiba's Hokage seat at the emergency meeting, and then, Zhuanshu Xiaochun passed the news to the In the ears of the fire country daimyo, Chiba's Hokage identity was legalized immediately.

In this way, after the death of the Fourth Hokage, when everything is uncertain, and when all unstable factors are about to affect the overall situation, a person who is expected to be as powerful as the Fourth Hokage is recommended as quickly as possible, and there is enough deterrence in other ninja villages. The powerful fifth-generation Hokage took the lead and stabilized the situation.


At this time, Chiba cannot go after Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Compared to Nobuhiko Uchiha, staying in the village and becoming the fifth Hokage is what Chiba should do now!

At this time, Sandai Hokage cannot let Chiba go after Uchiha Nobuhiko.

However, if Chiba is not allowed to hunt down Nobuhiko Uchiha and end this obsession, even if he becomes the fifth generation of Hokage, even if the current situation is stabilized, there will be endless troubles for the future.

This heart knot, this obsession, under the huge power of Hokage, whether Chiba can still maintain the most basic rationality, and prevent this obsession from expanding to the point of being out of control, the third Hokage does not have much confidence .

After all, Qianye is such a child with such a heavy emotion, and he has already carried too much heavy and grief. Now that he has developed an obsession, the most important thing to do is to let Qianye resolve this obsession with his own hands, and understand it with his own hands. share of hatred.

As for what the overall situation is most important, the third Hokage is not naive enough to let a child with hatred that has risen to obsession in his heart take charge of the entire Konoha.

Even if it is, this child is a born Hokage.

Therefore, at this time, the three generations of Hokage are already complicated in their hearts.


However, although his heart was complicated and unspeakable, his answer was still very straightforward.

what to do?


Or refuse?

At the same time, such a multiple-choice question floated up in his mind.

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