Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2159 The decision of the three generations (4000 words)

"Actually, I lost that battle."

Hearing Sandai Hokage's affirmative answer, Chiba's face flashed a little haze, and he spoke.

In the battle with Nobuhiko Uchiha, although it was said that Nobuhiko Uchiha was defeated in the end, in fact, he lost after all.

It's just that because of Xue Nai, he was not killed by Uchiha Nobuhiko like other traversers.

Even if all the secrets of time travel were revealed, and several times of substantial improvement, in the end, he still failed to catch up with Nobuhiko Uchiha.

It can be said that in the end, it is still...


"No! Since he was defeated in the end, it means..."

And hearing this, the Third Hokage frowned slightly, then shook his head, ready to deny it.


For this matter, did Qianye attribute all the responsibility to herself?

And in his heart, it was said that such a rather heavy thought had arisen.

In any case, Nobuhiko Uchiha was repelled after all, and Chiba finally won this matter. No matter what the process was, the final result was that Nobuhiko Uchiha failed to achieve his goal, and, according to intelligence, Uchiha Ha Nobuhiko almost fled in a hurry, and Chiba can already be said to have defeated Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Now, Chiba still feels that it is his failure. Obviously, it is because of the sacrifices of Kushina, Minato, Hirohiko and Yukina. It is the guilt that makes him feel that it is his failure.

This is enough to show that Chiba has become obsessed with Uchiha Nobuhiko.

The worst scenario Sandai Hokage imagined has already happened.

"No, it is true that I lost, Uchiha Nobuhiko, and he still has the stronger power shown by him, and the reason why I was able to win was because of Hyuga Yutaka's sacrifice, which gave me a glimmer of life, and I was able to borrow With the new sealing technique, Uchiha Nobuhiko sealed the pupil power of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, forcing him to flee."

However, the rebuttal of Sandai Hokage was immediately interrupted by Chiba's serious words.

"Hinata...Snow Eagle?"

And hearing this sound, Sandai Hokage was slightly taken aback, apparently he didn't expect that he would hear the name Hinata Snow Eagle here.

"My sealing technique cannot last for a long time. As long as the sealing technique is lifted, Uchiha Nobuhiko will still threaten the village and everyone in Ninja Village, so..."

However, this time, Chiba didn't let Sandai Hokage stay in a daze, or asked Hinata Snow Eagle's question again, but spoke directly.

"I see, tell me, what should I do?"

But this time, the Third Hokage did not let Chiba continue, but interrupted Chiba's words.

"Three generations... Hokage-sama..."

Hearing the third Hokage interrupting his words, looking at the solemn and serious face in front of him, as if he had made up his mind, Chiba was slightly taken aback, apparently he did not expect such a situation to happen.

"I see."

However, in the next second, a smile appeared on the corner of Chiba's mouth.


Three generations of Hokage did not mean to be reluctant.

In other words, he already had deeper considerations.

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

At this moment, his goal has been achieved, and it is much smoother than he expected. At the same time, he also underestimated the third Hokage in front of him. He didn't have to think so much about the pros and cons of some things.

Moreover, the three generations of Hokage have a clear understanding of the control of this matter, including their understanding of Uchiha Nobuhiko, and its possible huge impact on the village and even on the ninja world, and they also have their own arrangements.

And the words of the third Hokage undoubtedly gave him everything about Nobuhiko Uchiha, and he has also been removed from the candidates for the fifth Hokage. In other words, at this time, the third Hokage has given up Let him become the fifth Hokage's plan at this time.

Instead, a task that may be more important than becoming the fifth generation of Hokage was placed on his shoulders.

That's right, the fifth generation of Hokage.

Chiba is also very clear that the third Hokage will inevitably hold an emergency meeting next, and then announce the new Hokage candidates, and because they are ordered in the face of danger, the village is already in the midst of life and death, which can be said to be in the highest level of danger. , There will never be any so-called democratic practices such as elections.

Just like the third generation took over Konoha from the second generation, he will also take over Konoha from the fourth generation under the arrangement of the third generation.

This time, age doesn't matter anymore.

The key is strength, popularity and ability.

As for this point, Qianye can actually feel it without thinking about it. The attitude of the people in the village has changed. Although he is not in the high-level now, he can still call a lot of documents that can only be used by high-level people, and even some high-level people, such as the defense force and the like. , and will give him some privileges.

Obviously, although his position in Konoha is not high-level and has not been assigned any position, he has the privilege of high-level people.

It can be said that he is definitely the privileged class of Konoha.

Moreover, it is still the kind with high popularity.

And the things he has done are enough to support the achievements of becoming Hokage.

It can be said that his level is at least at the level of Sannin.

And Sannin doesn't seem to have any jobs, but the privileges they have and their reputation are actually candidates for Hokage.

It's just that Orochimaru has been proven to be unrecognizable, unsuitable to be a Hokage, let alone a Hokage who is ordered in a crisis. I am afraid that if he takes office now, the originally restless people and ninja groups will be even more disturbed. To add insult to injury.

And Jiraiya is not in the village at this time, and his whereabouts are not clear, and Chiba can guess that this Jiraiya is mostly because of the new prophecy about the one who knows everything. He, then there must be something about this new prophecy entrusted to him.

The current Jiraiya may be busy with the new prophecy, just like his whole life exists for the son of prophecy.

Now, it is impossible to come back and inherit the position of Hokage.

Moreover, Jiraiya is also probably unwilling to inherit the position of Hokage.

The remaining Tsunade, because of his phobia, stayed far away from the village. It can be said that he was the most unsuitable candidate among the three.

Now, the only one left could be him.

However, Chiba cannot become Hokage, and cannot become the fifth generation Hokage to be bound in the village. Perhaps, in the past, he might take over this burden and become Hokage, which means he can maximize the control of Konoha, the entire ninja world. With the largest collection of power, there are many things Chiba can do.

It is more conducive to the change of various destiny processes.

Kushina and the others who survived the Nine-Tails Rebellion escorted them.

However, now that Kushina and the others are gone, there is no need for him to think about such issues.

Even, there are still a lot of things that require him to have a free body, maybe even a free body from Konoha.

Then it is even more impossible to become Hokage.

Although he will not choose to betray Konoha, but he cannot stay in Konoha until the time is right.

After all, Konoha, a huge collection of power, can do more things than he who already has the eyes of reincarnation.

It's also more convenient.

As for rebelling against the village, given his current popularity and privileges in Konoha, as well as his direct relationship with high-level officials, if he rebelled against the village, he would be the biggest fool in the world.

Now he needs to master more power, not only the power of the individual, but also the power of the group.

Therefore, he did not choose to leave directly now, but had a face-to-face conversation with the third Hokage.

He needs a suitable reason to regain his freedom.

Now Nobuhiko Uchiha is undoubtedly the best choice, and what he said is not wrong, although his pupil seal can seal the reincarnation eye of Nobuhiko Uchiha's eye, but it cannot be said to be an eternal seal .

After all, haven't tried it.

Even, very likely, the time of this seal will be very short.

Moreover, even if the time effect of this seal should be very long, it may not achieve its true effect.

Nobuhiko Uchiha's evolution rate is definitely not slower than him.

Even, in a sense, it is still higher than him.

Chiba is not sure how long the pupil technique seal can keep Uchiha Nobuhiko silent. Chasing Uchiha Nobuhiko is also a kind of control over Uchiha Nobuhiko, preventing him from doing too many things that interfere with his plan.

This can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone, a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

But now, it is obvious that Chiba has got what he wanted. The words of the third Hokage obviously handed over all the initiative to him.

Even, there is another meaning behind it.

Considering Uchiha Nobuhiko’s influence and his threat to become the second Uchiha Madara, I am afraid that the words of the third Hokage have the meaning of “As long as Konoha can give you resources, you can be the master” Inside, such an existence that threatens the entire ninja world, the third Hokage will certainly not be so naive as to let Chiba alone solve it.

Moreover, Chiba has already stated that he is not Uchiha Nobuhiko's opponent.

Moreover, combined with Nobuhiko Uchiha's ability to hide before escaping from the hunt, and the intricate relationship hidden behind this ability to hide, it is impossible for the third Hokage to let Chiba solve this matter alone.

It must be secretly giving Chiba a lot of resources.

Whether it's intelligence, manpower, or anything else, as long as Konoha can allocate it, she will definitely support it with all her strength.

Even, at that time, there will be some resources from other ninja villages to help.

After Konoha disseminated Nobuhiko Uchiha's information, Chiba took the lead. With Chiba's deterrent power in other ninja villages, I am afraid that other ninja villages will inevitably want to help.

It can be said that the words of the Three Hokages, and the meaning behind them, have already given Chiba what he wanted.

"First of all, I would like to ask, if I go to carry out this long-term mission, how can I solve the current situation in the village?"

However, although he got what he wanted, Chiba did not immediately put forward his request, or what to do, but asked the third Hokage how to deal with the current situation.

Of course, saying this sentence is tantamount to asking the third Hokage, "If I don't become the fifth Hokage, how will the overall situation of the village be stable?"

"Don't worry, I will continue to deal with these things until you complete the task."

In this regard, the third Hokage did not hesitate, and said straightforwardly.

this kid...

After all, I still miss this village.

Since such a dangerous task is to be performed, chasing someone who can become the second Uchiha Madara should also let him have no worries.

This old bone of mine can last a few more years. Whether this task is completed or not, he can become an excellent leader.

At that time, maybe it would be better to make him the fifth generation of Hokage.

But at this time, the third Hokage, who had already made his decision, felt a slight turmoil in his heart.

He didn't expect that Qianye, who had fallen into obsession, would ask the first question about the village.

This made him quite excited.

At least, the child in front of him is still rational, even if he faces Nobuhiko Uchiha, he will not fall into a disadvantage because of his emotions.

For some reason, he suddenly felt relieved.

Some, relieved.

"That would be wonderful."

And hearing the words of the third Hokage, Chiba said with sincere joy.

Although I probably guessed that the third generation of Hokage would say that, after all, he will not become a Hokage, and he will go out of the village for a long-term mission. The village can hold the current situation, that is, he is the old Hokage.

However, he was still quite worried after all. After all, fate could be changed. A tiny flap of wings could turn into a storm, let alone him, a traverser who survived the hands of natural enemies.

Chiba is still very worried, because of his own existence, the third Hokage did not take charge of the next Konoha in the end.

But now, he knows that everything is still precious, and he is really happy and relieved.

"So, the second point, I think, to announce my death, or to let other ninja villages know that I have died on purpose, Taki Chiba must disappear into history during this time period."

Then, after being sincerely happy and relieved, Qianye took a slight breath, and also said his plan.


Hearing this, Sandai Hokage was slightly taken aback.

This is……

Do it secretly, to prevent the possibility of assistance from other ninja villages?

Or, does Chiba have any other plans?

And this series of doubts flashed through his mind.

"no problem."

However, although there were many doubts in his heart, the third Hokage's next answer was very straightforward.

At this time, the three generations of Hokage have not only regarded the task of chasing Nobuhiko Uchiha as a task, but a free training ground for Chiba. In terms of consideration of various issues, they have not only completed The necessary support for the mission is gone, but it is already considering fully exercising Chiba's support.

At this time, although he was puzzled, he still respected Qianye's thoughts.

"So, my specific plan..."

Afterwards, after receiving the affirmative answer from the Third Hokage, and seeing that the Third Hokage would really support him with all his strength, even when it was his own willfulness, Chiba took a deep breath, and slowly revealed his plan .

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