Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2164 Goodbye, partners

"Bang bang tie!"

"Papa papa!"


In the most remote corner of the Konoha residential area, a series of sounds of beating and repairing spread far away.


After driving the last nail into the roof, Qianye stopped the hammer in her hand and wiped off her sweat lightly.

It's almost there.

Looking around at the neat and sturdy roof, Qianye, who confirmed that all unsteady and hidden dangers have been eliminated, wiped off his sweat, and slowly stood up.

In another two hours, he has repaired all the hidden dangers in the Japanese-style cabin up and down, and reinforced the exterior of the basement, and set up a simplified version of the six-path sage at the entrance. For the enchantment technique, some organs were also set up inside the tunnel, until now, Qianye finally felt at ease.

Everything that should be done has been done, and there is nothing left to do.


Chiba, who had done all this, did not hesitate. After packing up the tools, she jumped off the roof and stepped on the ground behind the Japanese-style log cabin.

However, after settling down, he did not leave immediately, but paused slightly, his gaze fell in front of him.

On the open space in front of the grove.

And on this open space, except for some potholes and broken traces, there are only three wooden stakes standing upright.

One doesn't seem to have been used, has no traces of anything, just looks like an ordinary stake

One is already densely covered with fist marks and kick marks, and the side facing Qianye has been slightly sunken.

But the last one has been completely sunken in, and it is almost about to break. It seems that it is already unusable.

It was the three wooden stakes that Chiba used in his daily practice.

Of course, I don't know the number of stakes.

I always feel that although it is only one night, everything here seems a little strange.

And looking at those three wooden stakes, he was very familiar with them, and they would suffer from his torture almost every day, such a thought subconsciously popped up in Qianye's heart.

At the same time, when this thought came to him, he couldn't help but look up, and turned back to look at the newly renovated Japanese-style log cabin behind him.

Suddenly, under the sky that had darkened at some point, this Japanese-style log cabin looked a little strange.

This deserted feeling made him very strange.

Although, most of the time, he was training alone, but the feeling was different.

It is completely different from the deserted feeling now.

When he was training, and most of the time he was training, but he didn't feel deserted.

It's not that this Japanese-style cabin will be so lively, and even this Japanese-style cabin is lonely most of the time, only Chiba is "boom-boom" practicing boxing in the back of the house, but there is no such deserted feeling .

This is an indescribable feeling. If I have to say it, the Japanese-style log cabin in the past will give people a quiet and secluded feeling when there is only Chiba alone.

But now, in Chiba alone, this Japanese-style log cabin has a strange and deserted feeling.

From the looks of it before, the cabin still had a "popular" feel to it. Although it was secluded and too quiet, it felt like someone lived there.

Looking at it now, although the cabin is still secluded, quiet and excessive, there is a sense of desertedness that no one lives here.

In the previous cabins, if a traveler came over, they would sigh "this place is so quiet", but in the current cabin, if there are travelers, they will probably sigh and use "a remote abandoned house" or something like that. adjective.

If the previous log cabin was a quiet afternoon or a refreshing and quiet morning, then the current log cabin is an evening at dusk.

Also, only Chiba is left alone, but the feeling is completely different.


It's because they are gone.

It was because, this time, there was really only one person left.

There is really only one person left in this log cabin.

Then, thinking of this, the corner of Qianye's mouth showed a slight bitterness, he already understood why the feeling is completely different now.

Then, after having this thought in his mind, Qianye raised his head to look at the large clouds in the sky that blocked the light at some point, and sighed slightly, with a bit of bleakness that could not be concealed, With the toolbox, he walked into the cabin.

Next, there was the sound of footsteps stepping up the stairs, almost with a slight echo, resounding in the stairwell of the cabin.


Then, when the footsteps stopped, the sound of a heavy object being placed on the floor resounded in the room with the word "Hirohiko" hanging on the door.

"Hirohiko, you haven't lived in this house for long."

Then, a sigh sounded from the room.

Chiba, who had placed the toolbox on the floor, walked gently to the desk that was exactly the same as herself, where many scrolls and books were meticulously placed, and gently picked up a scroll, sighing, as if subconsciously , he opened the scroll.

Above, is an architectural drawing.

This is……

Is it the architectural drawing when the wooden house was built?

That rascal……

He is indeed a genius!

house builders.

With the architectural drawing reflected in his eyes, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

Looking at the detailed and rigorously designed architectural drawings, although Chiba had never studied civil engineering, he felt Hirohiko's talent in this area.

At the same time, a series of images flashed through his mind, outlining that in Kakashi's home, who often stayed up late at night and wrote and drew on the table with a poker face and a focused expression. juvenile.

"That guy, even if he doesn't become a ninja, he won't starve to death. He might even make a fortune."

After taking a few glances, Chiba rolled up the scroll and put it back in place. Her finger touched the vertically placed book. It was a signed book presented by the author to thank Hirohiko for his valuable opinion. One night, Hirohiko used to show off to him with a rare poker face.

I heard that the author is his favorite author.

Of course, the author also brought him a considerable consulting fee.

In the world of novels, it seems that Hirohiko is also quite famous.

After noticing this book, Chiba couldn't help but burst into an inexplicable smile recently, and blurted out this sentence.

However, after all, he didn't pick up the book, but after tidying up the desk that didn't need to be tidied up, he walked out of Hirohiko's room.

Then, gently closing the door of Hirohiko's room, Chiba took a slight breath, looked at the door with "Chiba" written on it, and slowly walked towards the room of "Xue Nai \u0026 Kushina" at the top of the stairs .


With the sound of the door being pushed gently, the boudoir that should not have been entered was slowly revealed in front of Qianye's eyes.

The room that Xue Nai lived in Kushina temporarily did not have any boudoir atmosphere, and the furnishings were almost the same as Hirohiko and Chiba's room, except that there was an extra bed above the bed for the floor.

There are no elements of girls' rooms that are common in comics or animations. In the wooden room, there are wooden beds, wooden cabinets, and wooden desks, and they are all in true colors. They look simple and simple, and they are cute and gorgeous. The class is completely out of touch.

However, when Qianye walked into this room, she felt an unusual warmth.


Shane's style.

Afterwards, after looking around for a week, Qianye walked towards the desk unconsciously, but such a thought flashed in his mind.

Although it is said that Yuki Nai is the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, but her own character does not have the style of a eldest lady.

At least, apart from her natural beauty, she is basically a rather simple girl, not to mention having a squeamish temper. On the contrary, she has always been a stubborn, cute girl who works hard.

Of course, in terms of gestures, the eldest lady's excellent upbringing will still be revealed inadvertently.

One or two can also be seen from the layout of the room.

"Really...still studying medical treatment, obviously no special talent."

And at this time, Chiba, who walked to the desk and picked up a scroll almost subconsciously, showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

This scroll was given to Xue Nai by him.

It's about medical treatment and medical chakra. It contains some simple medical ninjutsu knowledge. He has forgotten when Xue Nai asked him for it, but he remembered that Xue Nai asked him for such things .

However, it is a pity that it is not known whether it is because of the blood of the Hyuga clan, or Xue Nai really has no talent in medical ninjutsu and has not learned medical ninjutsu.

However, it can be seen that this scroll is often taken out for viewing, and some corners have begun to fade and wrinkle due to repeated opening and holding.

Qianye could almost picture in his mind the appearance of the serious girl who was trying hard to read everything written on the scroll under the lamp.


After reading it for a while, Qianye put down the scroll he wrote, and gently placed it on the desk.

After a long pause, he moved his right hand.

In fact, Xue Nai didn't keep many things on the desk, and she didn't have any girls' hobbies, such as small pendants and other things that girls like.

In addition, she was the deputy commander of the defense force, held an important position, and was on the edge of the high-level, so at the moment she died, there were already special Anbu ninjas who took away everything that might become confidential documents and leak information As for whether to destroy it or put it up, as a relic and keep it at the core of the defense force as a memorial, I don't know.

Now on the desk, there are several scrolls that belong to Xue Nai, and when cleaning, Chiba has already read them all, they are all about physical skills and medical ninjutsu, and there is also an introduction to bandage therapy A collection that can be bought at ordinary bookstores in master-level villages.

It can be seen that Xue Nai's usual entertainment activities are actually similar to Chiba's, they are all things to improve oneself.

"In the past few years, I should buy some girls' gifts for Xue Nai..."

Then, in the process of moving his right hand, a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, and in the end, he uttered this voice with some regret and guilt.

And his eyes fell on the sunflower that had withered for an unknown amount of time.


At this moment, Chiba's right hand touched another pile of scroll books.

These are Kushina's things.

Picking up a scroll casually, Qianye pursed her lips and opened it casually.

It is a record scroll about the nutritional composition of ingredients and various rare ingredients.

And next to it, there is a book about nutritional combination for eyesight and eye-catching. Next to this book, there are various books about nutritional combination.

"It turns out that Jiu Xinnai's cooking should be terrible, but, for us, she has become the best cook."

Although he had read it once, Qianye still sighed the same.

Obviously, these book scrolls are the reason why Kushina's cooking is so delicious that they can almost swallow their fingers.

High-intensity devil training means high-intensity consumption. For children like them who are still growing, food is particularly important.

It can be seen that Jiu Xinnai has worked hard in this regard.


After looking at it a few times, Qianye also gently put down the scroll.

Next, it's my turn to do something for you.

Then, Qianye, who stood silently in front of the desk for a while, took a slight breath, and after such a determined thought flashed through his mind, he turned around silently, and left the room.

Amidst the sound of the door closing and a series of sounds of feet stepping on the stairs all the way down, I looked around at the kitchen and living room downstairs and the various rooms of various sizes that were vacated due to the various wonderful opinions of my friends. Ye stopped at the entrance and picked up the package that he had prepared a long time ago.

The package was light, with only three pieces of clothing in addition to some everyday utensils.

A suit that Kushina made for him that fit him.

A piece of clothes that Kushina made for him already didn't fit well.

A piece of clothing that Kushina made for him to wear when he grows up.


Then, the door slammed softly, and Chiba opened the door of the Japanese-style cabin.

"Lord Chiba, it's almost time."

At this time, in front of the Japanese-style cabin, there was already a young man in his twenties with a ninja sword on his back, a forehead protector on his head, and a falcon spreading its wings on his shoulders.

"Yes, I understand."

Hearing this, Chiba nodded.

He should go.

Now that the news of his death in battle has spread, he wants to leave Konoha as soon as possible.


Hearing this sound, the falcon seemed to sense something, and it flew away from the young man's shoulder, flew to Qianye's shoulder, and stopped.

This is the ninja eagle used for emergency communication with the village, and it was repeatedly told by the third Hokage that he must take it with him.

"Yes! Then, Uchiha Shisui has completed the task and returned to his life."

After receiving Qianye's affirmative answer, the young man nodded slightly, a hint of emotion seemed to flash across his face, and he nodded in response.

Uchiha Shisui?

And hearing this sound, Chiba was obviously taken aback.

However, he didn't have time to ask this young man who completely overlapped with a certain character in his memory any questions.

At the same time as he responded, the young man had already left here with a blinking body that he could hardly see clearly.


Then, the next second, Qianye, who was slightly taken aback, laughed.


Knew it!

There is no absolute thing!

In any world, there is no absolute thing!

But in his heart, he seemed to be laughing crazily.

"Really, you are leaving again."

And at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the roof behind him, and he subconsciously looked up, and at some point above his head, a ninja shoe swung down.

"Ah, sorry."

Qianye was not surprised by this, but after looking up, she said apologetically.

Then, he turned around, glanced at everything behind the door with a little nostalgia, and then, with a "snap", closed the door of the Japanese-style log cabin, and without looking at the boy on the roof, he walked slowly towards the sea of ​​flowers in front of him. go.


Is there no way?

Save your most important person!

And the white-haired boy on the roof looked at the boy walking forward, with a look of grief slowly appearing on his face.

He bowed his head and was speechless!

However, when he raised his head, his expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, without knowing when, the sky had already shone brightly, and the bright sunlight poured down, shining on the gray-haired boy who was walking forward, coating him with a layer of golden brilliance.

At first glance, it seems...

The boy's entire body was glowing!

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