Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2165 A New Chapter (4000 words)

"Haw... Haw..."

With the bright sunlight projecting into the window next to the bed, a few birdsongs unique to early summer echoed in this small living room, and the room was filled with warm warmth.


Then, a long yawn sounded in the living room.

The young man sat up from the bed, and the naked strands of blond hair under the black and white nightcap of some kind of cartoon image shone brightly in the sunlight. Amidst the yawn, he stretched out a long hair. Lazy.

Then, with his eyes almost closed, he got up and groped his way to the bathroom at home, keeping his eyelids drooping and his face still awake, washing his face and teeth clean.

After washing up, he threw the nightcap aside, revealing a golden hedgehog head. The boy continued to maintain a sleepy look, but miraculously bypassed all the scattered scrolls and scattered scrolls on the ground. Not knowing what the shuriken and kunai were used for, they opened the refrigerator, placed a simple breakfast on the only table in the living room, and sat down.

"Well...it hasn't expired yet..."

After sitting down, the boy drooped his eyelids, washed his face with a kind of cold water, and looked at the expiration date on the milk he picked up. After shaking it to make sure there was still some left, he muttered, and then , and drank it with a gurgle.

Then, he casually picked up the buttered bread on the side, completely ignoring the clean instant noodle cups left over from last night next to the hands holding the buttered bread, and sent them to the mouth after filling the milk , chewing with a sleepy mechanical rhythm.


Can you receive a powerful task today?

As the mouth chewed, the blond boy thought so.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

"Ah! It's so long-winded!"

The pink hair shone brightly in the air. Amidst the thumping footsteps, the girl who was sitting at the porch changing shoes yelled into the room with a sense of impatience.


Mom and Dad are so wordy!

I need to meet Sasuke right away!

And in the girl's heart, a wild personality completely different from the cute and cute appearance she showed was clenched with both fists, and the forehead was screaming "well".

"What are you talking about? Xiaoying, you have reached this age, why are you still so nervous? Shoes are thrown around, clothes are not folded properly, and you don't like to clean up. How will you get married in the future? Don't give others trouble. Trouble, mom is so worried!"

But at this time, women's worried words came from inside the room.

"Haha! Hahahaha! Hahahahaha! Yes, Sakura, your mother is right, but Dad believes that you will become a virtuous wife like your mother in the future, right? Damn the child."

Then, there was a burst of male laughter.

"Ah! Nasty! Really, the boy's father."

Then, before the girl could speak or react, a woman's angry voice came from the room again.

"Really! Mom and Dad, you are too much! You are long-winded and like to tell bad jokes, and it's not funny at all! It's really annoying!"

And hearing this, not only the inner personality, but even the girl who was well-behaved on the outside couldn't keep it up, a big "底" character suddenly tangled up, and she yelled into the room again.




But at this moment, the inner personality in her heart was already so angry that even the style of painting had turned into a reverse-colored stick figure.

"What did you say!"

And hearing her daughter's words, the woman as a mother seemed to finally be unable to bear it, and an angry cry came from within.


However, this time, the girl didn't pay any attention to it, and didn't give any response. The girl who had already put on her shoes slammed the door directly, leaving only a closed door and the heavy slamming sound.

"Well... Calm down, motherfucker!"

"You are used to it!"

Then, there are men's words of comfort and persuasion, and women's angrily turning to men's scolding.


And listening to the voices of a man and a woman inside, one persuading and one scolding, the girl leaned against her door and let out a long breath.

Then, just as she let out a breath, her face, which almost began to coincide with Li's angry face, changed into a cute and cute look in a miraculous way.

We can meet Sasuke soon!

Hurry up to the meeting place!

Afterwards, after such a thought of rapid heartbeat, flushed cheeks, and burst of nympho attributes flashed in her mind, the girl instantly forgot about the unpleasantness behind her, and walked quickly towards her team's assembly point.



"Papa papa!"


The scattered shurikens collided with each other in the air, and the original single trajectory instantly became complicated, stabbing into the hidden targets at various angles.


The handsome black-haired boy landed lightly, raised his head immediately, and looked at the hidden targets.

Seventy percent hit rate.

Hearts hit 50 percent of the time.

Almost instantly, with this glance, such a judgment flashed in the heart of the handsome black-haired boy.


And after judging the results of this training almost immediately, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across the expressionless face of the handsome black-haired boy.

Still can't control it freely.

Training in this area needs to be strengthened.

At the same time, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

"It's almost time."

However, although he was quite dissatisfied with the results this time, the handsome black-haired boy didn't intend to continue any longer. After seeing the bright morning sky, he turned around and walked towards a certain direction.

not enough!

Not enough!

But as he walked, the expression on the face of the handsome black-haired boy became more and more gloomy, and a strong negative emotion continued to grow in his heart. It may be because of his eyes, but his expression was It looks like it is full of the color of no strangers.

To kill him!

not enough!

Far from enough!


Then, ten minutes later.

Somewhere where a river belonging to Konoha flows, on a small bridge lined with torii gates, a handsome black-haired boy leans on the railing, the dark look on his face that is not to be approached by strangers is gone. Gone without a trace, replaced by a deadpan color.

However, it may be because of his slanted eyes that he still looks a little unfriendly, and in the eyes of some people, this kind of expression seems to be a bit tugging, which will make some people feel very upset. Unpleasant and unhappy.

And half a meter away on his right side, the girl with pink hair was closing her eyes, her face had a slightly expressionless color that was unique to waiting, and she was standing with her chest folded.

The two who arrived at the meeting point one after the other seemed to be waiting for something.

However, neither of them spoke, but one was leaning against and the other was standing, as if there was no intersection.


Then, there was a sound of footsteps.

At this moment, the pink-haired girl's eyes suddenly opened, a "finally here" expression flashed across her face, and she suddenly looked to her right side, which was the direction where the footsteps came from. .

At the same time, the handsome black-haired boy also turned his head to look.

"Morning! Sakura!"

But when the eyes settled down, the same person was reflected in the eyes of the two.

A boy with blond hair and blue eyes, with a sunny and positive smile on his face.

And at this time, as if he noticed the eyes of the two, or in other words, only noticed the opposite-sex gaze, the blond boy raised his hand happily and said hello.


Then, in the next second, when the blond boy stopped beside the pink-haired girl, he seemed to have finally found another gaze. The joy of seeing the girl disappeared, and it was replaced by a feeling of dislike and dissatisfaction. A slightly embarrassed expression covered his face, and his eyes half-closed in an instant.

At the same time, after noticing that the other party had noticed his black-haired handsome boy, all the cold, expressionless, and tugging appearances on his face had collapsed, half-closed his eyes, his entire face was It's an expression that is mixed with sound, dissatisfaction, disgust, and what seems to be a little embarrassment.

But it was exactly the same as the expression on the face of the blond boy.

The two looked at each other.

And at this time, the pink-haired girl seemed to be aware of the abnormality of the two of them instantly. Looking at the blond boy with blue eyes, and then at the handsome black-haired boy, her entire shoulders drooped instantly.


At the same time, the blond and blue-eyed boy and the handsome black-haired boy let out a cold snort of dissatisfaction, and then turned their heads away, full of disgust for each other.

And as the heads of the two were put aside, the pink-haired girl's face instantly turned into a helpless expression with half-closed eyes.


Naruto and Sasuke are back!

After returning from the land of waves, these two people are a bit weird.

I always feel that there seems to be a bit of rift between the two.

And in her heart, there was already a long sigh.

come quickly!

Mr. Kakashi!


And at this time, deep in her heart, the personality in the reverse color stick figure had already started to wave her fists.


And at this time, on the other side, the pink-haired girl's personality called Kakashi-sensei deep in her heart, that is, this white-haired girl, wearing a forehead protector, and using the forehead protector to cover the drooping eye of the left eye, A young man with a lazy face is gently placing a bouquet of flowers in front of Konoha's memorial tablet.

"Well... Now, I have become a teacher leading a team. I always feel that I understand your feelings a little bit, Mr. Minato. Naruto and Sasuke, both have great potential, I can't imagine it, Mr. Kushina What kind of mood is it to train three geniuses, and one of them is by far the most dazzling genius in the entire Konoha."

After putting down the flowers, the young man gently wiped the slightly unclean places on the comfort monument, looked at the names of "Namikaze Minato" and "Uzumaki Kushina" on it, and let out a cry of helplessness mixed with these strange emotions. The words floated out from under his mask.

And at the end, his gaze had already moved to the three names on the line below the two of them.

Taki Chiba.

Hirohiko Uchiha.

Hyuga Yukina.

The line below the two of them is engraved with these three names.

Three faces that hadn't faded and blurred in his mind for more than ten years slowly emerged on his face.

But after that, he didn't speak. After inserting one hand into his pocket, he stood like this, staring at the three names, silent.

It seems to be recalling something, it seems to be recalling something.


And at this moment, the warm wind of early summer mixed with the breath of sunshine gently brushed past, and the grass waves floating here whizzed away in bursts.

Over the past ten years, how is that guy doing now?

At this moment, after the warm wind blew past, such a thought flashed through the young man's heart.

He still remembered that after the boy named "Taki Chiba" left that day, the village received a reconstruction plan and emergency measures in the style of "Taki Chiba". Taki Chiba's death was announced.

As a hero, Taki Chiba died in battle.

In the night of the Kyuubi, he was killed by Uchiha Nobuhiko, the only super-S-rank wanted criminal who is now wanted by the entire ninja world.

And when the news of Taki Chiba's death came out, in an instant, the entire ninja world stopped fighting against all the forces that were about to move in the messy Konoha after the night of Kyuubi, and even later, Yunyin decided to send envoys to negotiate peace with Konoha , In the end, it contributed to the complete end of the Third Ninja World War.

Of course, this Taki Chiba is not dead, even if the major forces do not have any news about this Taki Chiba, it seems that this person has really evaporated from the world, or is really dead.

However, the young man knew very well that the entire ninja world was destroyed, and this guy might not necessarily die.

At this moment, maybe somewhere, I am fighting for Konoha, for peace.


And at this moment, thinking of this, the young man's eyes seemed to move up uncontrollably, and landed on the two names above the five names.

Uchiha Obito.

Nohara Lin.

As his gaze settled, these two names unconsciously came out of his mouth.

With a little sadness.

Also a little sad.

Afterwards, the young man remained silent again, with one hand in his pocket, standing like this, reminiscing and reminiscing.

Time, just like this, is passing by in the constant memories and remembrances.

"Hey! Kakashi!"

And after a while, an extremely impolite call in the tone interrupted all the thoughts of the young man.


Hearing this sound, the young man blinked and turned his head.


But after turning around, he exclaimed, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, behind him, there is a small pug dog squatting, looking at him with eyes that seem to be superior to others with drooping eyelids.

"Ah, almost."

But looking at the owner in front of him, Parker's face was quite serious.

It's just that the dignified look of its dog's face also looks like a contemptuous look.

"about there?"

Hearing this sound, Kakashi was slightly taken aback at first.

"You mean?"

Afterwards, his face suddenly turned aside, and he blurted out a sound.

"Ah, he..."

At this time, looking at Kakashi, Parker's dog face became more dignified, and he said in a deep voice.

"...I'm coming back!"

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