Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2339 Change


The light belonging to the first exercise room in front came in from the corner a few steps ahead, slightly illuminating the dim environment.

Is it... a bit off?

Gently supporting the cold wall, the bright red color in Haneda Ichiyo's eyes gradually dimmed, and finally sank into the darkness.

At the same time, breathing is also slightly disturbed.

All of a sudden, nearly half of the chakra was consumed. My previous behavior has already attracted Jiraiya's attention, and I still can't replenish the chakra.

Although this half of Chakra is more than enough to maintain the current state, but next, I hope the battle with that substitute will not be too difficult.

If the strength of that stand-in is too close to Orochimaru, I'm afraid, for the sake of the next plan, I can only give up the preliminary selection.


However, if you don't do this, I'm afraid you won't be able to frighten Orochimaru. Seeing his greed for Sharingan, I'm afraid he will still do tricks secretly.

However, after being shocked like this, will Orochimaru continue his plan...

If his plan doesn't go ahead, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do it next time.

And with the disordered breathing, such a thought flashed through Haneda Kazuyo's mind.

To be honest, such a big battle just now consumed a lot of Haneda Ichiyo, but, as one of the Sannin, Orochimaru has seen countless dangers. Can't hold him down.

Although this is equivalent to three or four hundred damages to Haneda Kazuyo, he has no choice.

If possible, he would never waste Chakra like this.

Let's take a break.

And thinking of this, Haneda Ichiyo slowly stood up straight, took a deep breath hard, and calmed down the disordered breathing.

Although he wanted to rest, he didn't allow himself to show his fatigue.

Orochimaru is still in the room behind him. If Orochimaru reacts at this time, or accepts his blow just now and walks out to see him looking tired, the effect of deterrence will be greatly reduced , or even have the opposite effect.


Then, after taking a steady breath, Haneda Kazuyo also stepped out. He is still a little "close" to Orochimaru, and he should go back to the second floor of the training ground, anyway, he can also recharge his energy there.

As long as you don't get called out suddenly.

However, if you stay here, you will suddenly want to play, and you will look suspicious when you come out of here.

Now, after all, it is impossible to stay here.

Therefore, he still had to go back to the second floor.

Then, you can't show your fatigue even more.

Then, after making a decision, Haneda Kazuyo didn't hesitate, and stepped out directly, from the darkness to the place where the light shines.

However, just when he took the first step and was about to follow up with the second step, he suddenly stopped on the spot.

In an instant, his pupils slowly widened.

However, it stopped in this darkness.

At the same time, he stared at the light ahead without blinking.

For a moment, silent.


Can only, give up Konoha collapse plan?

At this time, on the other side, after repeatedly looking at the cracks around and touching these cracks, and convinced that this was not an illusion, Orochimaru's ugly face seemed even uglier.

At this moment, such a thought appeared in his heart.

To be honest, seeing this scene, chakra alone can cause damage to the surroundings. This kind of thing, even Orochimaru, has never been seen before.

I am afraid that this kind of thing could not be done even in the heyday of the third Hokage.

And this Taki Chiba just happens to be the kind who has been dazzling since childhood, and his strength progress can almost be described as terrifying. At a young age, when he was eleven or twelve years old, he was already a strong man who surpassed the S-rank ninja. After so many years It is not impossible to grow to such a degree.

In other words, it is not surprising that this kind of thing happened to Taki Chiba.

Even, as early as more than ten years ago, Konoha's high-level officials have concluded that this Taki Chiba is the only one who will surpass the third Hokage, the fourth Hokage, and even the fifth Hokage who will catch up and surpass the two previous Hokages. Candidates.

Now, it's nothing more than normal.

And this kind of Taki Chiba has already returned to the village, and he is still talking about the Konoha collapse plan. As long as Taki Chiba is around, it is said that there is a Konoha collapse plan. up.

At this time, if you still don't give up, you are basically fools and idiots.


Is that all?

Now Uchiha Sasuke can't get it anymore. After Konoha's collapse plan was abandoned, so many years of hard work...

Just because, this Taki Chiba gave up?

But at this time, a hint of hesitation flashed across Dashewan's ugly face.

Konoha's collapse plan and capturing Uchiha's Sharingan, these were originally his two goals at this stage.

Originally, in this Konoha collapse plan, even the purpose of Sharingan was fulfilled, which made him very excited.

For so many years, this was the first truly good thing he had encountered.

Because of this, he was a little too excited, and somewhat lost his usual calmness.

Therefore, I was also caught by this Taki Chiba with so many painful feet. The reason why Taki Chiba came suddenly just now is probably because he noticed his departure and subconsciously understood his intentions.

I was really too complacent, knowing that Taki Chiba was there, I dared to leave so blatantly, to trouble Kakashi and Uchiha Sasuke.

In a sense, I really deserve it for being like this!



However, just as he was cursing himself secretly, Orochimaru's eyes flashed, but a strange look flashed across his face.

its not right!

It stands to reason that when he came to me before, I used Yinyin Village as an international issue to suppress him, so that he could only warn.

This time, with Kakashi as a witness, I have thoughts about Uchiha Sasuke, and Uchiha Sasuke has Sharingan, even if he killed me at that time, there is enough reasoning.

After all, I covet Sharingan... I want to win Sharingan.

It's a conspiracy against Konoha, and I am a traitor, so if I die in Konoha, Konoha will not have any public opinion pressure.


Why, he didn't do it?

I have already endangered Konoha, and even made a clear plan for such an important Chunin exam. This Taki Chiba should have every reason to kill me.


He was just a warning?

This is not in line with common sense, right?

Then, Orochimaru's mind lit up, and suddenly, he discovered many problems.

Is it possible...

The current Taki Chiba, in fact, can't stop me?

Finally, a thought that shocked even himself popped up in his mind.

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