Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2340 Random

how do you feel...

This scene is somewhat familiar...but it seems to be the first time I've seen it.

In the darkness, looking at the scene in the light shining in front of the turning that seemed to divide the darkness and the light, Haneda Kazuyo slowly frowned.

At the corner of his mouth, that warm smile that he didn't know when he showed, also slowly retracted.

It turned into a look of doubt.

It seemed that the scene in front of him made him very confused.

But at this moment, in front of him is just a very ordinary scene on the second floor. After all, this is an indoor passage leading down from the second floor. A dimly lit room with pillars. What he saw here was only the scene on the second floor.

The scene on the second floor is actually not unfamiliar, it's just a few people standing there watching the battle below, and these people are not special people, they are the people standing beside him just now.

The only difference from before was that the girl Xing Nai was holding the boy Long Yan's arm, as if she was acting like a baby, while the boy Long Yan seemed to be throwing a temper tantrum. .

However, even so, this is just a common situation after he met these two children.

Completely, without any need to feel déjà vu.

never mind!

I still don't think much about it!

However, he quickly waved away this feeling, it was just a feeling of deja vu, for the current situation and his plan, it didn't help or make any sense.

Even, if you pay too much attention to this kind of thing, it will have a bad impact on your plan.

For the current Haneda Yiye, he doesn't care too much about it.

So, after dispelling this strange feeling of déjà vu, Haneda Ichiyo stepped up and came from the turning.

"Ah! It's Brother Yiye!"

And at this time, Haneda Anna, who was still shaking Haneda Tatsuhiko's arm to ask for forgiveness, quickly noticed him, and turned around and showed a big smile.


However, her next words were interrupted by Haneda Kazuyo's silence.


Immediately, Haneda Anna let go of Haneda Tatsuhiko's arm, and covered her small mouth with both hands, so as not to cover up the words that were about to blurt out.


Regarding this, Haneda Tatsuhiko also found out about his return, and also noticed his and Xing Nai's little actions, and immediately snorted even more angrily.

"Well... Long Yan, you are a boy, you should be more tolerant! Although I don't know why you are angry with Xing Nai, look at Xing Nai's pitiful appearance, please forgive her!"

Seeing Haneda Tatsuhiko's reaction, Haneda Kazuyo, who had recovered to that laid-back look, spoke casually.

"How can I be angry with Xing Nai! If I want to be angry, I am angry with you!"

For this, Tatsuhiko Haneda seemed to be stimulated by something, and immediately became furious, turning his head and roaring.

"Great! I like Long Yan the most!"

However, the roar was uttered, but the head did not turn away. In the huh after the roar, his head was embraced by the excited Xing Nai.

nice job...

In this regard, looking at Haneda Tatsuhiko who hugged each other, especially Haneda Tatsuhiko who whispered "too close, too close", Haneda Kazuyo showed a slight smile.

"It looks like it's over."

And at this time, the final sound of Moonlight Gale came from the arena below the second floor.

Apparently, the battle between Zack and Yume Shino is over.


This Zac should be one of Orochimaru's test subjects.

Still, the relatively inferior ones were probably regarded as failed experiments by him as cannon fodder.

But hearing this sound, ignoring the two children who were making a fuss, Haneda Kazuyo stepped forward, looked down, and focused on the damaged flesh in Sac's hands, as if it was a hole blown out by an internal explosion After that, I thought so in my heart.

"The winner, Yume Shino!"

At the same time, the announcement of Moonlight Gale sounded again.

This time, the winner of the battle was announced.

The oil girl family...

He will always be in the top three of Konoha's most difficult families. I'm afraid I won't be able to cope with the bug's secret technique.

But at this time, after hearing the announcement, Haneda Kazuyo shivered slightly as he looked at the young man wearing sunglasses who was clearly a mystic in the field, as if he had thought of something that made his back chill.

"He... who is he, Neji?"

But at this time, Locke Lee, who had watched the entire game, couldn't help but ask Ningji Hinata beside him.

Roll your eyes!

Hearing this sound, Neiji Hyuga didn't hesitate at all, Yuyin opened his eyes and looked at Shino Aburo in that scene.

"How could there be such a person! Leaving aside the psychic summoning of worms, he actually let the worms live in his body!"

And under this look, Hyuga Neiji took a step back almost in shock, and blurted out an exclamation in his mouth.

"You, what did you say?"

Hearing this sound and seeing Hinata Ningji's reaction, Locke Lee also exclaimed.

This situation is too appalling.

Let the worms live in your body.

Even Locke Lee is fighting a cold war right now.

"He is the one who drives bugs in the legend of Konoha."

In this regard, their teacher, Maite Kay said so.

"In this way, I have also heard that from birth, they use their bodies as the nests of bugs, and then drive the bugs to fight. They can manipulate the bugs, and almost all the fighting is handed over to the bugs. As a price, make a contract to supply your own Chakra to the bugs."

Afterwards, hearing the teacher's explanation, Hinata Neji also thought of something.


"It's a pity, Zack."

But at this time, on Yinyin's side, Toss made such a sound, as if it was not his teammates who failed, but the regret of an insignificant person.

"Why is Sac's arm like that?"

Qin on the side asked like this.

"I'm afraid it's that guy named Yume Shino who took the opportunity to let the bugs block the exhaust vent on Sac's hand, causing the blockage and explosion."

In this regard, Toss said so.

But, I will avenge you, Zack.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.


"What? What! Shino, you bastard, are you that strong? Damn it!"

On the other side, Naruto Uzumaki was already yelling, he was very dissatisfied with this guy who showed such a strong strength that he usually had no sense of presence, and even defeated his opponent almost standing still.

"Although I thought he was a bit scary before, but I didn't expect..."

And at this time, Haruno Sakura beside him also said the same.

It proved that Shino, like Naruto, is definitely not the type that is popular with girls.

"Then, let's proceed to the next round of competition."

And at this moment, Moonlight Gale's words sounded again.

At the same time, the electronic screen behind him also jumped.

In an instant, more or less, everyone's eyes were on the electronic screen.

And when everyone's eyes settled down, the names scrolling on the electronic screen also stopped.

Cao Tianyin.


Haneda Kazuyo.

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