Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2540 No. 14

As for number 14, in a sense, in fact, he is the same kind of person as himself.

This is the conclusion Chiba drew from the story told by mouth number 14.

That night, compared to the story on the 15th, the story told by the gentle and peaceful voice of the 14th was nothing thrilling.

The story of No. 14 is not told from beginning to end like No. 15, but starts from the middle part.

Of course, Chiba still doesn't know the beginning and end of No. 14's story.

Come to think of it, it is the part that No. 14 is unwilling and unable to mention.

In this regard, Chiba naturally would not ask.

And No. 14 tells the story of a very ordinary girl. The specific background No. 14 does not describe too much, but Chiba infers from the context that it should be in a ninja village, or a big ninja village.

In other words, the heroine of the story on the 14th is a ninja from Ninja Village.

It's just that, unlike No. 15, who has multiple blood-successor limit abilities, the heroine is really ordinary, without too outstanding abilities and strengths, but she doesn't even have the capital to become a crane tail.

Ordinary ones go to ninja schools, and ordinary ones graduate from ninja schools. Similarly, like other ordinary graduates, there will always be a few geniuses in the same period, and they are always submerged under the light of geniuses, reduced to The most inconspicuous ones.


It should be said that, except for those geniuses, all ordinary people have been reduced to inconspicuousness.

After graduation, the girl officially became a ninja and was assigned to a team of four, led by an ordinary Chunin, and accompanied by two equally ordinary companions.

Ordinary doing ordinary tasks.

Ordinary grows up day by day.

In the end, when he was an adult, Ordinary took the ordinary Chunin exam, and then Ordinary grew up to be a Chunin.

It can be said that the girls before this had a very ordinary life.

She is also very used to this kind of ordinary life. She has seen wind and rain, encountered danger, was rescued, and saved others. In the world of ninjas, she lived such an ordinary life like tens of thousands of ordinary ninjas.

Originally, she thought that she would live like this forever, and when she was old, like other ordinary female ninjas, she would find an ordinary person or an ordinary ninja to retire and marry, or retire and not marry.

In the world of ninjas, as an ordinary girl, that's all she can do.

And compared to an ordinary ninja, an ordinary woman, in this world where bloodlines are more important than feelings in marriage, she can finally find a soulmate, no, don't fall in love, can find a soulmate who can respect each other. , a man who takes care of his family and children in a down-to-earth manner is already very good.

At least, girls still yearn for such a life.

And the task of ninja is also done as a profession.

However, in the face of this dark and cruel world, the girl is too naive after all. Perhaps, she is living an ordinary life, and the tasks are ordinary tasks within her ability. There are risks, but after all, she can handle them.

However, there are always exceptions to everything.

For example, war.

Yes, when the girl thought her life would go on like this, the war broke out.

In an instant, everything was disrupted.

She needs to do the tasks that originally belonged to her level, and because of the war, the difficulty factor has increased by one level as a whole. Gradually, she felt the pressure, and the originally friendly ninjas gradually disappeared. Maybe never see it again.

Even, in the end, the Chunin teacher who used to take him with him, also died on the battlefield to cover them.

Girls are very lucky to always be the moment when they are rescued or finally survived.

Until, all her contemporaries were ruined on the battlefield, leaving only those increasingly dazzling geniuses.

And, a talented team.

The girl, on the other hand, fell into deep helplessness and powerlessness. Geniuses have the strength to protect themselves and their teammates, but she can only watch them die in front of her one by one.

Until finally, the war is over.

There is no one around the girl.

The original teachers, friends, relatives... are all gone, the girl survived, but there is only a lonely person left.

Although, because of the relationship between surviving and returning from the battlefield together, she is closer to those high-ranking geniuses.

Geniuses are also happy to socialize with her.

Even, she has become the envy of many ordinary ninjas, almost unscathed in the war, and she is so close to those geniuses, the big shots in the future village, and even heard that geniuses have always been very interesting to her , the kind of true love.

However, whenever she walks alone on the road where things are right and people are wrong, she always feels a kind of loneliness.

A great loneliness.

As if, the world in front of me, the village in front of me, the village in front of me that is getting better after the war is not her world, not her village.

A cold sense of alienation has been lingering in her heart.

Every time people can't help but look back, but when they look back, there is nothing.

In the end, she just kept walking like this, and as she walked, she never looked back.

Then, the story of No. 14 came to an abrupt end here.

At that time, No. 14, who was sitting on the side of the ship, stopped talking when he said this. For one night, no matter how curious No. 15 was insinuating or simply asking, No. 14 was just silent.

In the end, because of the abnormal behavior of the always gentle No. 14, No. 15 stopped asking because of worry.

However, No. 15 didn't understand, but Chiba did.

Number 15 felt that the story came to an abrupt end, halfway through, but Chiba knew that Number 14 had already finished.

And the reason why the story ends here is because the story itself is not over, the story is still going on.

The best proof is the 14th at this moment.

After all, their chat that night was basically telling each other about the past. Although they used other people's stories instead, they were really talking about their own affairs.

Whether it's the 14th, or the 15th, or the 23rd in Chiba.

Those boring days, when there seems to be no way forward, need to communicate, and everyone is suffering from pain. In those days, even if they are all experienced ninjas who have experienced life and death, in the end It is a human being, not a god, as long as it is a human being, there are always times when we are vulnerable, and we always need to communicate and confide.

However, due to everyone's ninja identities and Li Xiao's ethos of protecting the privacy and appearance of each member, they all used stories to refer to them.

However, there is some tacit understanding, needless to say.

And the story here is not over, because the current No. 14 is not dead yet, and the story is still going on.

However, in the first half of her life, there was indeed nothing to say.

In the first half of her life, she was just an ordinary ninja, except for the ordinary ninja who lost all her beloved ones.

There may even be unbearable guilt.

Survivor's guilt.

It is really not as exciting as No. 15 and his No. 23.

Strictly speaking, her first half of life was different from herself and No. 15.

In any case, No. 15 is a powerful ninja with multiple blood succession limits, at least he is also a genius, and he is definitely not an ordinary ninja.

The story of No. 14 is destined not to be too exciting.

There is nothing to say.

The key is number 14 itself, the number 14 now.

She is alive and her story is still going on.

Of course, the story of No. 15 and himself is also going on.

It's just that the story of No. 15 and the first half of his life is a bit unusual, so it somewhat obscures the most important point that everything is still going on.

As for the end of the story on the 15th, according to Chiba's speculation, I am afraid that, like himself, the 14th is not willing to lose everything.

It's just that Qianye doesn't know what kind of determination No. 14 made to defect from his village and join the organization called Lixiao.

And what is the purpose of entering Lixiao, and what does it have to do with her determination, or in other words, what is the benefit of joining Lixiao and her goal after making up her mind.

Here, No. 14 will not have a general understanding of this Naruto world like himself, and has never been in contact with the supreme power.

Even, she should have never heard of those of the supreme power.

That is to say, she made up her mind that it is impossible to reincarnate from the dirt, reincarnate and resurrect.

However, there are indeed plans.

It is even possible that being close to Chiba now may be part of her goal.

Of course, Chiba didn't care that No. 14 would use her.

As for the reason, it's also very simple, number 14 and himself are so similar, even number 14 is much more miserable than himself.

At least, he knew a lot, and there was a definite and certain hope.

No. 14 can't enjoy these.

For so many years, she may have been living in self-blame and sadness, this point, Qianye is still very clear.

For a while, whenever he thinks of Hirohiko, Yukina, and Kushina, he always has a state of survivor guilt, which is definitely not a comfortable thing.

And after going through all this, Chiba can still feel that No. 14 has no tendency to become black. This girl is really strong and terrifying.

It was this strength that reminded him of Xue Nai.

It is precisely because of the resemblance between No. 14 and Xue Nai that it gives him comfort.

Also because she couldn't see her face, Chiba subconsciously always felt that Xue Nai seemed to be still by her side.

Faintly, it brought him a considerable sense of peace of mind and ease of mind.

Perhaps, this resemblance to Xue Nai will affect Chiba's intuitive judgment.

It's not like Chiba didn't think about it.

After returning from the sea, Chiba actually did some investigations secretly, using the intelligence network of Caoyin Village over there, and the intelligence network chaired by Haneda Kazuyo.

As a result of the investigation, although it is not known which ninja village No. 14 was born in, during a dawn mission, No. 14 once persuaded No. 15 to let go of the opponent who was about to torture him to obtain information and kill him.

It can be seen that No. 14 has not been blackened, and still maintains a considerable sense of reason.

In other words, it is very sensible.

Because, that opponent is a subordinate of Da Nin Village, and they are still carrying out a transportation task that Da Nin Village is quite concerned about. Moreover, the two of them have not shown any super strength, and they will not expose Li Xiao's non-small transparency at all. real strength.

Obviously, No. 14 is considering that since it is impossible to expose the situation on his own side, then rashly killing the opponent or torture to death will easily cause a rebound from Da Nin Village.

Every Great Ninja Village has a dark side, and it is more or less powerful in the dark world, so it is easy to expose Lixiao, or in other words, it is better to give up this task if Lixiao provokes an opponent who has to show all his strength.

It can be said that No. 14 is very calm.

There is absolutely no tendency to blacken.

Even, she should be calmer than when she was in Ninja Village.

It can be seen that after leaving Ninja Village, No. 14, whose story is still going on, is much stronger than No. 14 in Ninja Village.

Regarding that task, the judgment of that matter, the thinking of No. 14 has at least risen to a level that ordinary ninjas can't imagine.

Already have a rare overall view.

At least, in terms of thinking, he is much better than the powerful No. 15.

In comparison, No. 15 is not as stable as No. 14. It seems that No. 15 is the subordinate of No. 14, rather than the powerful No. 15 who is in charge.

It can be seen that No. 14 itself is no longer an ordinary ninja. Although No. 14 has not shot much, it can already be seen that someone with this kind of overall vision and overall situation is already a qualified troop leader

As a ninja, personal strength is almost the only measure.

However, the commander of the army does not need to be strong, and personal strength is secondary. What is really important is this kind of overall vision and overall situation.

And this kind of overall vision and overall situation view, even a genius, may not be able to grasp it.

Strictly speaking, number 14 is a rarer talent than number 15.

It can be seen that not only has No. 14 not been blackened, but during this period of time, he is really trying to improve himself. I am afraid that he is working hard towards his determination and goal step by step.

Although, Chiba didn't know what this goal and determination was.

However, it shouldn't hinder his plan.

Even approaching him on purpose.

For No. 14, Chiba is quite at ease.

However, in this regard, is it necessary to further confirm.

No matter what motivation No. 14 is, or how many motivations are mixed in. It's not that she wants to destroy the ninja world, so there should be no conflict with me.

If possible, with her qualifications in the Lixiao organization and the trust in her, it can make Lixiao more stable.

But at this time, thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help thinking a little bit in his heart.


I am also really, I am used to intrigue.

However, he soon laughed at himself and silently put aside some of his previous thoughts.

How much, still have to leave a bit of sincerity.

If everything is calculated, there will be a situation where too much is too late.

"So, is it the Nine Tails Rebellion?"

And at this moment, a gentle and peaceful voice suddenly sounded.

He said something that made Chiba suddenly turn around, and his face changed suddenly.

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