Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2541 Sudden mention

Nine tails... night?

Turning her head suddenly, Qianye stared blankly at No. 14 who had turned her head to look at her in front of her. She was stunned, but her heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Although, the current him is no longer the one who just experienced that tragedy, at least, he has been able to face that tragedy head-on.

However, this sudden mention was brought up on the 14th, which I hadn't thought of. Suddenly, countless emotions rushed into my heart, whether it was negative or not, for a moment, Chiba was stunned. on the spot.

But, don't know how to respond?

I don't know what it means to mention this suddenly on the 14th.

"Ah! That's right! For No. 23, it's the Nine-Tails Rebellion!"

And at this time, No. 15 on the other side woke up at some point, and seemed to have heard what No. 14 said, and said immediately.

Obviously, he suddenly understood something. This sentence should have been blurted out.


They know my identity!

When I recalled their stories, they also recalled mine.

And with this sound, Qianye also understood.

Although it is almost forbidden to show people's true colors in the dawn, they have to wear a special silver moon black robe that can't see their faces clearly. In view of the particularity of the dark world, everyone understands this measure. In a sense, This is protecting every member.

After all, in a small and transparent organization, it is inevitable that there are eyeliners from other organizations. This almost mandatory rule of not revealing the true face can prevent eyeliners from obtaining information on the appearance of members in a sense. The organization has to deal with Lixiao, and it is difficult to implement an effective elimination plan for Lixiao without knowing his appearance information.

It can be said that this regulation has largely guaranteed the safety of Daybreak.

Of course, when Qianye entered the dawn, she was also forced to wear the silver moon black robe, and was strictly ordered to wear the silver moon black robe even with her partners No. 14 and No. 15. And Chiba still likes this rule very much.

At that time, when the leader of Daybreak carefully explained to him, he raised his hands in favor.

Not only agrees, but because of Li Xiao's move, Li Xiao's move is highly valued.

However, sometimes, there are unpredictable things in the sky, even though Lixiao's regulations are good, Qianye's compliance is also tight, but Qianye has an old enemy like a natural enemy.

That is to say, after finishing what the leader of the dawn promised to do, the Chunin exam will start in a few months, and Chiba is about to leave the dawn and return to Konoha's stall, but Nobuhiko Uchiha uses various signs to find Chiba.

And at that time, it happened that No. 14 and No. 15 came to see him off. At that time, No. 14 and No. 15 also knew about his agreement with Li Xiao, and seemed to know something about him from the leader of Li Xiao. Maybe it was because I really came here with the feeling that I might never see you again in the future.

Originally, for Nobuhiko Uchiha who appeared in front of them, their best choice was to escape quickly, and let Chiba, who proposed to break up, face Nobuhiko Uchiha alone.

After all, the two of them also came into contact with a lot of information about Uchiha Nobuhiko, especially after Chiba selected them as partners to complete the things agreed with the leader of the dawn, the Uchiha who is known as the "second Uchiha Madara" Nobuhiko, to a certain extent, the existence of the third Ninja World War that could not stand still for a long time, the first time they saw it, they should run away without hesitation.

Indeed, the strength of the two of them is not weak, but compared with Uchiha Nobuhiko, they are not enough.

Even if the 15th has multiple blood succession boundaries, it is still not enough to watch.

Even, the multiple blood-successor limit-bound traversers who died under Uchiha Nobuhiko who had the benefits of the traversers did not leave a single finger.

Let alone the 15th.

The two No. 15s are no match for Nobuhiko Uchiha.

However, neither of them was willing to leave him as No. 23 and escape. At that time, although Nobuhiko Uchiha had no intention of fighting, but if these two guys refused to listen to any persuasion, then Nobuhiko Uchiha's patience Nor is it infinite.

Although Nobuhiko Uchiha avoids conflicts with Chiba, it doesn't mean that he is really afraid of Chiba. It's just that when two people fight at this time, no one can please, and there are only two losses.

It really pissed Uchiha Nobuhiko, this guy will really fight.

Chiba is not sure to keep these two guys under Uchiha Nobuhiko's hands.

In the end, in desperation, Chiba had no choice but to take off the black robe of the silver moon, and completely reveal her identity in front of Nobuhiko Uchiha and No. 14 and No. 15. After that, the two went back in all kinds of unbelievable and unbelievable.

And judging from the behavior of No. 15 who almost hit a tree at that time, I am afraid that his identity will take a while to digest.

As for the confrontation with Uchiha Nobuhiko, Uchiha Nobuhiko also put away his impatience because the person who got in the way left.

However, in the end, he didn't say much, just glanced at Qianye, and left thoughtfully.

Regarding this, Qianye at that time could only smile wryly, and finally left at the fastest speed, and everything that was originally arranged was also advanced.

Because this time it is certain that Nobuhiko Uchiha's purpose of coming to him has been achieved.

That is to say, after Nobuhiko Uchiha synthesized all kinds of information and got the news that he was in the dawn, he knew his plan.

My own plan for the Chunin exam.

After all, in these years, except for the few years just after the night of Kyuubi, although Uchiha Nobuhiko appeared in front of him much less often, it doesn't mean that Uchiha Nobuhiko is not worried about himself at all.

On the contrary, this kind of non-appearance is precisely the proof that Uchiha Nobuhiko is studying his own purpose and everything he has done.

In the dark, I am afraid that Nobuhiko Uchiha knew his actions well, but when he joined Lixiao later, Nobuhiko Uchiha should have lost his goal all of a sudden. After all, during that time, in order to manage the identity of No. 23, He also set up a lot of doubts to prevent Nobuhiko Uchiha from investigating and grasping his detailed whereabouts.

To be honest, it was also at that time that he discovered that Uchiha Sasuke's "strategy" had also begun to evolve, and it was already quite difficult to deal with him.

However, in the end he succeeded and bought time to enter the status of No. 23. At that time, Taki Chiba officially disappeared in the ninja world, whether it was the world of Mingmen, or the dark world of Nobuhiko Uchiha’s base camp. .

Moreover, many of the subsequent plans were arranged on the 23rd of Lixiao, or directly in the name of Lixiao without affecting Lixiao.

I'm afraid that Taki Chiba suddenly disappeared in Uchiha Nobuhiko's intelligence network at that time, and then several years later, an organization called Breaking Dawn suddenly added a few new tasks, that's all.

Of course, the information that the last organization called Breaking Dawn suddenly added a few new tasks must have aroused Nobuhiko Uchiha’s suspicion. What is certain is that Uchiha Nobuhiko must have a lot of information about his plan in his hands, but because he can't be found, Uchiha Nobuhiko is a little bit unable to trust this information.

That is to say, his disappearance and where he went has become an unknown key point of all the information of Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Then, he noticed the dawn, and noticed the newly joined No. 23. Of course, it is also possible that the promise to the leader of the dawn alarmed Nobuhiko Uchiha. In short, Nobuhiko Uchiha just met him at that time.

Afterwards, it happened that he had no choice but to reveal his identity.

After confirming his identity and whereabouts, everything about Nobuhiko Uchiha is connected.

Therefore, there is the current situation of the Zhongnin exam.

A more intricate situation than the original.

After all, compared to the original book, this Chunin exam has already mixed too many unpredictable factors.

Especially Nobuhiko Uchiha's intervention made too many things confusing.

If according to the original plan, there is no Uchiha Nobuhiko's intervention, or in other words, Chiba will set up some doubts in the original plan to delay the time, so that Uchiha Nobuhiko can't react to this matter.

He can completely break through cleverness with strength, and suppress all the impending moves with one person's power.

However, this is another matter. Regardless of the merits and demerits, if we only look at the current situation, I am afraid that at that time, after leaving on the 14th and 15th, because I learned my identity, I was probably immersed in that for several months. No. 23, their partner No. 23, the life-and-death acquaintance who drifted on the sea together, turned out to be that Taki Chiba, that dead legendary Taki Chiba, which made their partner No. 23 feel overwhelmed.

In addition, Qianye heard that after returning on the 14th and 15th, he was reprimanded by the leader of the dawn who got the news, and sent a very troublesome mission.

Come to think of it, during that time, they were basically spending the troublesome task of digesting the fact that number 23 was Taki Chiba.

It never occurred to him that the number 23 had told the story of his own past.

And now, sitting here, reminiscing about the years they spent wandering together, they suddenly realized now.

Realized that the No. 23 in front of him, the event that lost everything mentioned by Taki Chiba in front of him was the famous Kyuubi Rebellion in the whole ninja world.

A tailed beast appeared in the village to destroy it.

I'm afraid, there is no way to imagine the 14th and 15th in front of me.

Even, many ninja villages and dark organizations cannot be imagined.

After all, since the Tailed Beast was subdued by the first generation of Hokage, it has become a Chakra extractor of Jinchuriki, and each has the weapon core of the Tailed Beast Ninja Village. Many people have never seen the Tailed Beast, but sporadically heard about some Just strong.

However, from a ninja village like Konoha, the strongest ninja village in the ninja world, the whole army was dispatched, and all the elite were dispatched. In the end, not to mention a large number of elite losses, even the fourth generation of Hokage was paid. It can almost be said that Konoha The decades to come were annihilated at that moment, and one could imagine the destructive power of the Tailed Beast and the horror of that disaster.

It is also because of being able to imagine the horror that it is shaking the entire ninja world. Whether it is the bright side or the dark world, generally speaking, the dark world has no great interest in the bright side world. In addition to fishing to earn some resources, World Wars is basically in the dark world, but the bright world often extends its tentacles to the dark world to consolidate its rule. However, this time, the entire dark world was shaken. After all, the losses reported by Konoha in this Nine-Tails Rebellion were almost equal to the sum of losses from previous Ninja Wars.

A real pain in the ass.

However, what really shakes the dark world is not these numbers, but the meaning behind the numbers. According to the situation of the major ninja villages at that time, after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Konoha's military strength fell precipitously in an instant. Sand Hidden, who lost all his ink in the Ninja World War, was even worse than it.

There are even rumors that the position of Hokage is pending. The original candidate for the fifth generation of Hokage is dead. In addition, the dark world feels that the dark side belonging to Konoha is about to move, and the news that Konoha is going to civil war is even worse. spread like wildfire.

Although the last three generations of Hokage once again carried the banner of Konoha, the dark world is not optimistic.

And if there is a major reshuffle of the forces on the bright side, the dark world is estimated to have a round of cleaning. The first to reach the pinnacle of the Great Ninja Village, or in other words, the five great Ninja Villages, the remaining four, no, are the remaining four. The two most promising ninja villages to fight for hegemony, Yan Yin and Yun Yin are not as restrained as Konoha to the dark world.

Especially Yunyin Village, which is a well-known trouble-making village.

And if Yunyin is a hard knife, then Yanyin Village is a soft knife, something will always happen, no one can worry.

There is no one that pays attention to balance like Konoha, and gives some living space to some small organizations that survive in the cracks.

Although the dark world is intriguing, it is only due to the environment. Without the huge power of Da Ninja Village as the cornerstone to support the rules, any rules are fragile in the dark world, and there are even no rules or rules at all.

If they want to survive, they can only intrigue, use unscrupulous means, and even blatant treachery, which is comparable to a jungle overgrown with wild animals.

And no matter how terrifying the jungle is, there are always some weak survivors.

However, if Konoha falls by the side, no matter weak or strong, there are only two paths, one is to be swallowed up, and the other is to be destroyed.

After all, the bright world is stronger than the dark world.

Therefore, the Dark World is also very concerned about the Nine Tails Rebellion.

On the 14th and 15th, they should even have considered the result of the falling leaves and what to do when the time comes.

Of course, in the end, I should have thought too much.

Konoha is very strong, terrifyingly strong.

The other Four Great Ninja Villages couldn't shake it after all.

The dark world remains.

It was a false alarm after all.


At this time, thinking of this, Qianye calmed down, nodded, and admitted the matter.


However, No. 14 and No. 15, who heard this, looked at each other, and then, although they couldn't see their faces clearly, they seemed to have reached a certain tacit understanding.

"Then, it's time to work, the long-lost task together."

After that, the two slowly put down their teacups and stood up.

No questions asked.

Didn't say much either.

Just, ready to leave.

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