Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 328 Weakening

"Boom boom boom!"

A dozen flames and smoke exploded in an instant, converging into a huge fireball, which engulfed Lao Zi in an instant.

Almost at the same time, with a sound of "Boom!", after the huge fireball exploded, three groups of fire and smoke also exploded on the surface of the lake more than ten meters away from it, instantly engulfing the sideways little figure.


At this moment, two jets of water splashed down, the wall of water had completely fallen, and the surface of the lake on that side gradually calmed down.

"Papa papa!"

Drops of water poured down like torrential rain, hitting Xiao Nan who was slowly climbing up the lake.


At this time, on the slope where Xiaonan was, Nagato came out of the water, he lifted his right hand vigorously, and pulled Yahiko who had one eye slightly open, whose mouth and nose seemed to be bleeding.

"Hoo hoo..."

Both of them were panting heavily, and the water droplets hit their faces and clothes with crackling noises, and the flames and smoke were steaming from the front and back.

"Nagato...thank you." Yahiko said, wiping the blood from his mouth and nose.

Nagato shook his head and remained silent.

And at this moment, a pale red figure in the big fireball in front of them maintained a posture of crossing his hands, quickly withdrew from the fireball, counted points on the water surface, and quickly distanced himself from them.

At the same time, in the three clouds of fire and smoke behind them, a small figure crossed his hands and flew out quickly. There seemed to be a trace of smoke on his body, leaving a line of smoke in the air.

One after the other, it is naturally Chiba and Lao Zi!


Qianye landed on the water, splashing a splash of water, and there were slight charred marks on her face and arms.

Almost caught on!

In Qianye's mind, the scene just now flashed naturally.

Just now the three kunai were shot, and almost instantly, he gave up his plan to retreat and turned to avoid sideways. He reacted very quickly, and the life gate mode had been activated, and his speed had also increased considerably. The three kunai were easily shot. Just escaped.

Originally, after he dodged, he wanted to continue running away, but in a glimpse, he found the detonating talisman tied to the end of Kunai...

Then, here is the situation.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly at the time and discovered it in time, otherwise he would probably have been injured by the blast now.


On the other side, Lao Zi, with three fluttering tails behind him, also stopped his retreat.

This kid reacted quickly...

Lao Zi looked at Qianye who was also standing still, but his eyes were not on Qianye, but on Xiaonan.

But Xiao Nan was not injured at all except for the burn on his abdomen at the beginning. The fist that hit the flesh just now didn't seem to have any effect.

It's a bit tricky, that paper ninjutsu.

With such a thought in his mind, Lao Zi turned his eyes to Yahiko and Nagato. At this time, Yahiko had already stood up with the support of Nagato.

That orange-haired boy should have been injured.

Seeing the blood oozing from Yahiko's mouth and nose, a sharp light flashed in Lao Zi's eyes.

Anyway, this time successfully weakened one of them...

Moreover, this time was different from the last time. Not only did they lose two teammates, but they also had this burdensome brat, which was easier to deal with.

The orange-haired boy was attacked by me just now, and the red-haired boy didn't come to rescue the first time, or to observe the situation of the paper girl, but did not hesitate to save the kid. To them, this kid must be very Important, as long as the little ghosts are still there, there is no need to worry about them running away.

Under the tailed beast coat, there was a slight smile on the corner of Lao Zi's mouth.

But this smile completely fell into Qianye's eyes.

This old Zi, those three kunai just now are definitely not used to stop Xiaonan's paper shuriken, but to prevent me from escaping... He wants to keep me here!

As thoughts flashed, Chiba looked at Yahiko and Nagato.

Yahiko was injured, and it was impossible for Nagato and Konan to abandon him. At this time, it was already a fight to the death.

With Nagato's Eye of Reincarnation, they shouldn't have a problem holding Lao Zi back.

Anyway, let's find a chance to escape now!

"Nagato, I'm sorry, I asked you to save this child." Yahiko stood up slightly, and said with his hands off Nagato's shoulder.

Nagato glanced at Yahiko, shook his head, and said, "It's okay."

And in his mind, there was a flash of Yahiko who flashed behind Lao Zi just now, that glance towards him.

His partner for many years, he understood Yahiko's meaning in an instant.

Save that Konoha child first!

Then, his body actually skipped the ambivalence towards the Konoha ninja in his heart, and immediately used the water blinking body to save the child.

"I'm sorry, your parents clearly...but I asked you to save a Konoha ninja." Yahiko apologized again.

Yahiko is very clear that Nagato has complicated feelings towards Konoha Ninja, on the one hand, he is an enemy who killed his father and mother, and on the other hand, he is his mentor Jiraiya.

After these words, Nagato was also silent.

"However, this child knows Jiraiya-sensei, and can even tell about Jiraiya-sensei's recent situation. It is estimated that he has a close relationship with Jiraiya-sensei. Maybe he is a ninja that Jiraiya-sensei is optimistic about." Yahiko suddenly smiled. , said.

As soon as these words came out, Nagato was stunned for a moment.

To Jiraiya, Nagato is still very grateful in his heart.

"You can also see that, facing this Renzhuli, this child has no hesitation or fear on his face. How old is he, seven years old? Or eight years old? He has very good qualities and has been quite well trained. " Yahiko said.

Nagato frowned slightly, recalled the situation just now, and nodded silently.

"Besides, after experiencing the explosion just now, the calmness on this child's face and the clarity in his eyes have not changed at all! It's as if..." Yahiko said again.

"I've long been used to this kind of critical situation." This time, Nagato spoke, interrupting Yahiko's words.

Just now when Qianye and Lao Zi got out of the range of the explosion, the two of them glanced towards Qianye intentionally or unintentionally.

They saw Chiba's performance.

"Yes." Yahiko nodded, and said: "Besides, regardless of whether it is Konoha's ninja, or whether it has something to do with Jiraiya-sensei, we cannot let a child die in front of us and become a victim of war !"

Saying that, Yahiko took a deep breath, resisted the pain, took a step forward, and walked in front of Nagato and Xiaonan who was flying in the form of paper and gradually turned into a human form.

"Then, do you still remember the cooperation that Mr. Jiraiya always emphasized?" Yahiko's mouth and nose were still bleeding slightly, but his face showed neither fear nor pain, some...

Only the "hope" named "confidence" can bring people out of the predicament!

And at this moment, whether it was Xiaonan or Nagato, the corners of their mouths were slightly raised.

It seems that the self-confidence called hope is also infected!

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