"Tick tock!"

The last drop of water splashed on the calm lake, and circles of ripples spread away, collided with the ripples splashed by the rain, and rebounded and spread.


Standing in front of the two, Yahiko glanced at Chiba from the corner of his eye, then his eyes fell on Lao Zi, and he said.

Nagato and Xiaonan nodded slightly, their bodies were slightly heavy, and they rushed forward.

And this scene clearly fell into Lao Zi's eyes. He glanced at the tailed beast coat on his arm that was blown apart by the explosion, and the slight burn mark on his arm.

Even the Tailed Beast coat can't stop this kind of close-range explosion!

Sure enough, this brat meant a lot to them! Judging by their looks, they should have given up on running away and are ready to fight to the death!

This place is not conducive to the performance of my melting escape. The orange-haired boy and the red-haired boy are both users of water escape, which restricts me a lot.

Lao Zi recalled his burning river rock technique and the attack of the lava ball just now. Originally, he was determined to win, but he was evaded by the red-haired boy's water. Although the lava ball penetrated through, no matter the temperature or The speed has slowed down a lot, giving them time to dodge.

Water Dun has a great restraint on his Melting Dun!

And these people are not ordinary people, even if there is only a momentary gap, they will be caught.

To use it, it must be guaranteed to hit 100%!

No matter what, if you restrain that brat, the three of them won't think about running away! Even if you don't need Melting Dun, it's not difficult to deal with them by relying on Tailed Beast Transformation!

As he thought about it, he snapped his hands together. The light red tailed beast chakra covered his arms. The tailed beast coat on his arm had been repaired after the explosion just now, and the burn marks were gradually fading away.


And the moment Lao Zi crossed his hands, a fist hit his crossed hands fiercely.

The sharp light in Yahiko's eyes flickered, and Zuo rushed out of his fist. Seeing that his attack was blocked, there was no difference on his face, and the other hand was suddenly pulled out from behind, and the two shurikens in his hand were thrown out smoothly.

At this time, the distance between the two of them was no more than an arm's length away. After the two shurikens were thrown out, they passed through the gap between Lao Zi's hands and went straight to Lao Zi's eyes.

The shuriken attack at almost zero distance, the shuriken almost pierced into Lao Zi's eyes almost the moment he shook his hand.

However, at this moment, Lao Zi snorted softly, and the three tails fluttering behind him moved violently.


"Chi Chi!"

A sharp claw composed of a light red tailed beast chakra rushed out from the side and lay across in front of Lao Zi's eyes, immediately blocking the attack of these two shurikens.

And the two shurikens seemed to be swallowed by the sharp claws composed of this tailed beast chakra, floating in the sharp claws, unable to enter at all.


A look of surprise flashed in Yahiko's eyes, but he was not surprised, a kunai slipped out from the sleeve of the hand that threw out the shuriken, and held it in his hand with a "snap".

Then, taking advantage of the momentum of the swing, he stabbed obliquely with his backhand, and went straight to Lao Zi's right temple.

Two stage attack?

After Chakra's sharp claws, Lao Zi's eyes flashed, and his tail moved again, turning into sharp claws, and grabbed it extremely quickly.


Kunai stopped at Lao Zi's temple, and Yahiko's hand was firmly grasped by the sharp claws of the tailed beast Chakra.

too naive!

There was a gleam of light in Lao Zi's eyes.

The corner of Yahiko's eyes twitched, he glanced at the hand holding his sharp claws, his brows frowned, and a scorching feeling passed from his grasped hand.

Not so much!

Yahiko's gaze was fixed, and he ignored the burning sensation. At the same time, he twisted his waist and turned around, and kicked Lao Zi's waist fiercely!

And Lao Zi only felt the weight of his crossed hands, and the orange-haired kid in front of him twisted his body slightly to borrow his strength, his face changed immediately, and the rest of him moved his tail immediately.


There was a crash.

Yahiko only felt a scorching heat on the kicked right foot, and looked around, but saw that the last tail also turned into a sharp claw, grabbing his calf.

Falling into a trap, boy!

At this time, a smile appeared on the corner of Lao Zi's mouth.

Just when the smile was split, the sharp claws blocking the two shurikens suddenly moved, and turned into fingers clasped together, like a shuriken thrown, and the two shurikens, unknowingly, It has been buckled between the fingers of this sharp claw!


At this time, Lao Zi's hand, which was in a blocking state, suddenly grabbed Hong Yan's punching hand!

At this moment, the shuriken was about to be thrown, and the distance between the two sides was no more than an arm's length. As the attacked party, Yahiko was restrained with both hands and feet.

There is no chance of dodging!

The Tailed Beast Chakra actually has such a function!

A slight surprise appeared on Yahiko's face, his eyes swept over his restrained hands and feet.

Get rid of one first!

Killing intent flashed in Lao Zi's eyes, and he was about to throw out the shuriken by manipulating Chakra's sharp claws. At such a close range, and his body was restrained, even if Yahiko reacted quickly, he couldn't dodge it!

But just before the sharp claws were about to be shaken, two paper shurikens suddenly shot out from under Yahiko's armpits, heading straight for Old Zi's head.

That little girl!

Lao Zi narrowed his eyes slightly, and paused slightly as he flung out his sharp claws. The two paper shurikens were tricky, aimed at the gap between his hand and Chakra's sharp claws, and rushed straight.

To hide, or not to hide?

At this moment, Lao Zi had a question.

Then, he jerked his head up, and in a matter of minutes, two paper shurikens brushed his cheeks left and right, and flew out obliquely.

It might be the detonating talisman. An explosion at such a close range would hurt even the Tailed Beast's coat.

While avoiding, such a thought appeared in his heart.

Then, next, just...

Old Zi's eyes narrowed slightly, a killing intent flashed in his heart, and his sharp claws were about to be thrown out again.

But at this moment, his expression changed.

"Chi Chi!"

Two streams of blood burst out from his face, and even the tailed beast coat with his face was torn apart, as if being cut by a very sharp weapon.

what happened?

Laozi's heart tightened, and he didn't have time to think about it.


On Yahiko's shoulders, armpits, left and right arms, paper shurikens flew towards his head and face.

Almost subconsciously, Lao Zi suddenly let go of his hands and claws, kicked his feet, and retreated rapidly.

Looking at the blood lines flying out of his cheeks as he was retreating, Lao Zi had surprise in his eyes and doubts in his heart.

That shuriken...cut the tailed beast chakra? It even caused damage to my body!

This pain, these two scars, are definitely not shallow!

what happened?

That paper shuriken can't be this sharp!

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