Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 367 Fortunately, I interrupted...

"Where's Hirohiko?"

After waking up, Qianye quickly spoke.

After all, in his eyes, it seemed that Aso Sasuke and Nan Musheng were about to speak again, and based on past experience, if the two spoke again, they would basically go elsewhere, even outer space.

Moreover, based on past experience, it is estimated that he will also be taken there.

Here...the two of them cannot be allowed to speak!

"Hirohiko?" Kanye Satoru, Aso Sasuke and Nan Musheng exchanged glances, and asked, "Are you looking for Hirohiko?"

"Yeah, I remember he was on duty here today."

Chiba nodded, but heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, interrupted!

"For Hong Yan, it seemed that there was something urgent just now, and he hurried back. But don't worry, we are also teammates fighting side by side, and we will help him cover it up."

As he spoke, Guan Yewu gave a thumbs up and grinned, revealing a row of white teeth.

Hastily rushed back?

Qianye frowned slightly.

Is something wrong?

Since Mito Muzi woke up that day, Hirohiko's mood has improved a lot. By the time Chiba was discharged from the hospital, Hirohiko had already stepped out of the shadows and started to accept the security mission.

Therefore, during the execution of the mission, Chiba also occasionally teamed up with Hirohiko. At that time, Hirohiko had returned to his previous calm poker face, as if this incident had never happened at all.

Of course, Qianye knew that this matter was only deeply buried in his heart, and it was impossible to forget it.

Chiba still can't imagine that it can make Hirohiko's poker face collapse. For him, this is such a sad thing. Said to forget, Qianye a million do not believe it.

It can only be buried in the heart.

However, even if it was only deeply buried in his heart, Chiba was relieved. At least Hirohiko had returned to the old Hirohiko. Moreover, after this incident, he could clearly feel that Hirohiko had changed.

Seems to have grown a lot!

Even, with him, Qianye felt a much stronger sense of security than before. Even, Qianye felt that as long as he was by his side, his back would never need to be distracted.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Perhaps, this is the partner who can be entrusted to his back and never need to doubt him!

And whenever he felt this way, Qianye felt an inexplicable emotion, a kind of rejoicing, and couldn't help but have such a thought every time.

It's great to be able to cross over!

But at this moment, hearing that Hirohiko hurried back, Chiba couldn't help feeling worried.

Although Hirohiko was young, after that incident, he became much more stable, and the thing that made him hurry back...

No need to think about it, it must be urgent.

Thinking of this moment, Qianye hurriedly asked: "Where did he go?"

"Should have gone home!" Aso Sasuke said, "I think he is heading for the Uchiha clan's clan, so he should have gone home."

Heading towards the Uchiha family, did something happen to the Uchiha family?

Almost subconsciously, Qianye came up with such an idea, and then his face changed slightly.

Genocide Night?

no no no! It's still early, Itachi hasn't been born yet!

For a split second, Qianye's chest almost jumped. In a flash, he was relieved, but he was also very worried, and said immediately: "I have something to do with him, so I will leave first."

With that said, he turned around and was about to leave.

Guan Yewu and the others looked at Qianye's hurriedly walking back, quite puzzled.

Why is Chiba in such a hurry? Could it be that Hiroko's urgent matter has something to do with him?

This idea popped up in the hearts of the three of them unconsciously, and in the next second, Guan Yewu suddenly slapped his thigh and said in a broken voice, "I forgot!"

As he said that, he ran out, grabbed Qianye, and said, "Qianye, wait a minute, I have something for you!"

something for me?

Chiba was taken aback, stopped, and looked back at Guan Yewu who hurried back, feeling puzzled.

I saw Guan Yewu hurried back, and after entering the hut, he ran out holding a small packing box.

"Here...for you." Guan Yewu stopped in front of Qianye, took a breath, handed him the packing box in his hand, and said, "This is a new product in my store, try it, my parents said , I want to ask your opinion. After all, you are the most meatball-eating one they have ever seen..."

Chiba subconsciously took the small box, and according to Guan Yewu's words, it should contain a new type of meatball from the meatball shop.

"Then, come to my shop when you have time, your opinion is very valuable."

At this time, Guan Ye Wu's words came, and when Chiba looked away from the box, Guan Ye Wu had already walked away.

How many times is this, this is...

Qianye gently clenched the packing box, and looked at the three people who went back to stand guard to carry out the mission. He knew that this was not a new product from the meatball shop at all, but Guan Yewu's habit. , Guan Yewu always used to carry a box of meatballs.

This box of meatballs was not eaten by himself, but kept for Chiba. Even when they were not on missions together, Guan Yewu always carried a box, so that he could give it to Chiba when he met.

As for the new products and tasting, it was just an excuse to give the meatballs to him, and it was a very poor excuse.

Because, what is in the box is not a new product, but the same three-color balls.

Guan Yewu's excuses can be debunked without even thinking about it.


After being stunned for a while, Qianye's mouth buzzed for a moment, as if to thank her, but halfway through her mouth, she couldn't say the last half of the word.


In the end, he just thanked him in his heart, then turned around and headed towards the Uchiha clan.

While Guan Yewu and the others were on duty, they glanced at Qianye's back, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of their mouths.

At this moment, a ninja in a black cloak suddenly appeared in front of them.


The three of Guan Yewu were taken aback and looked at each other.

Afterwards, Guan Yewu said in line with professional ethics: "Master Anbu, is he going to leave the village? Do you have a document from Master Hokage? If there is no document, we will not let you out of the village."

Hearing that, Anbu raised his head, and the eyes under the civet cat's mask seemed to look at Kanno Satoru and the others.

Then, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Are you making up Chunin, Kanno Satoru, Aso Sasuke, and Kusunoki Katsura?"

Looking for us?

The three of them were taken aback. They were just ordinary Chunin. Unlike a super genius like Chiba who shined brilliantly, ninjas like Anbu were rarely encountered. Even, this was their first contact with Anbu.

"Aren't you leaving the village?"

Guan Yewu muttered in line with his professional habits.

"No, I'm not going out of the village." This Anbu was also honest, answering Guan Yewu's habitual questioning.

"Oh, then there is no need to register."

Saying that, Guan Yewu habitually put away the recording board,

To be honest, in fact, his mind has gone blank, all these are just habitual actions.

Anbu is looking for us... what is it?

The three of them, in the blank mind at this moment, these words slowly floated up.

And that Anbu also saw their situation, and this line of words couldn't help but emerge in his heart.

What a... well-deserved trio of idiots!

I feel that IQ has been pulled down a lot in an instant!

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