Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 368 Uchiha Clan Land

The mansions of the Uchiha family.


Qianye jumped down from the fence, looked around, with a slightly stiff look on her face.

At this time, he was in the middle of two walls, and the round fan emblem symbolizing the Uchiha clan stretched all the way on the wall.

Outside the wall on the left is the village, and outside the wall on the right is the settlement of the Uchiha clan. Chiba just went to the wall to see it, and there is a Japanese-style residence.

The Uchiha clan is different from the Hyuga clan. There are almost no guards, and it is not a place where entry and exit are strictly prohibited.

Just now Qianye walked in swaggeringly, no one was guarding him, and no one stopped him.

Even, I didn't see any people along the way, and the huge Japanese-style residence looked like a ghost.

However, Chiba also knows that the reason why there are few voices in the Uchiha clan is because a large number of Uchiha clan members participated in the war, that is to say, they went to the front line. A small part stayed behind, and most of this small part were female relatives who could not fight or children who were not yet able to fight. Others are necessary guards.

After all, the Uchiha clan is the strongest clan in Konoha. Although they are excluded, they still have this authority.

Even the current young patriarch, Uchiha Fugaku, is on the front line.

As for why Chiba knew this, when the Third Hokage was looking for him to discuss things these days, Chiba came into contact with the information on personnel transfer and deployment.

At that time, he was still surprised when he saw a row of Uchiha.

Originally, the policy of the Second Hokage was to alienate the Uchiha clan. It seemed that a department of the police force was set up, which was dedicated to the Uchiha clan, and gave the Uchiha clan the highest affirmation and trust.

But in fact, it is to keep the Uchiha clan away from the core decision-making body of the village, and hand over the thankless work of the police force to the Uchiha clan, reducing their popularity in the village. After all, the police force will inevitably have some things will offend people. Over time, it is impossible for the Uchiha clan to gather popularity and prevent the Uchiha clan from becoming powerful.

In terms of the Uchiha clan alone, they are indeed the strongest in the village, but they are not invincible. There are many other powerful families in Konoha, needless to say the three clans of Inokacho, like the current three-generation Hokage clan, the Sarutobi clan is actually quite powerful It's just that this family is quite low-key, even if there is a Hokage, it doesn't show itself.

However, there is a detail in the original work that shows the strength of this family. That is the name Uchiha Sasuke.

After Sasuke was born, Uchiha Fugaku named him "Sasuke", hoping that Sasuke would become a powerful and great ninja like Sasuke Sarutobi, the father of the third Hokage.

Even the arrogant Uchiha clan recognized Sasuke Sarutobi so much, it is conceivable that the background and strength of the Sarutobi clan.

Needless to say, the Hyuga Clan can compete with the Uchiha Clan for the strongest name, and even in a sense, the two families should be tied for the first place. After all, the two families come from the same line, and they are just inherited blood. different.

The original work focused on rewriting the Uchiha clan, which unknowingly made readers think that the Hyuga clan was weaker than the Uchiha clan, but the final form of the two blood successors, in fact, was tied for the first place, which is actually reasonable.

Moreover, Chiba also felt the strength of the Hyuga clan from Hyuga Shinsuke and Hyuga Hizashi, the kind of invincible physical skills, soft fists and white eyes that can even restrain ninjutsu. It can be said that Chiba would rather face a Uchi Bo, also unwilling to face a Hinata.

Therefore, if it is just the Uchiha clan, the second generation of Hokage is afraid of their power, but compared with the families on the other side that are completely loyal to Konoha, the power of the Uchiha clan is not so prominent, or even worse .

As long as they have no one around them to support them and maintain an "isolated clan", the extreme instability of their clan will have the least impact on Konoha.

Of course, if Uchiha really rebelled, Konoha would also be in chaos.

Knowing these measures, Chiba was surprised when he saw a row of Uchihas. In his habitual thinking, even if the Uchihas were in war, they should be isolated in the village and could not easily call the police. Army.

It is simply impossible for this kind of thing to be sent to the battlefield in large numbers.

However, Chiba was just surprised. It was actually reasonable for Uchiha to be scrutinized and sent to the battlefield.

Almost all of Konoha's ninja troops are now hoarding at the border. Recently, some adjustments have been made, and many troops have been transferred back in batches without the Land of Earth and the Land of Thunder noticing.

However, the interior of Konoha is still very empty. If Uchiha suddenly launches an attack at this time, the success rate of usurping the throne is extremely high. If the Uchiha family really wants to rebel, they will never miss this opportunity.

Therefore, arranging all of them out is also a way to transfer hidden dangers, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

After all, on the battlefield, the combat effectiveness and deterrence of the Uchiha clan are no worse than Sannin.

This will not only transfer the hidden dangers, but also increase the containment force, killing two birds with one stone.

Moreover, although Chiba is unwilling to think so, sending Uchiha to the battlefield has another advantage, or it is the third gain.

It's just that if there is such a third achievement, then the third Hokage is too insidious, a bit unlike the third generation, but rather what Danzo did.

And the third thing is to use war to weaken the strength of the Uchiha clan!

Needless to say, the casualties on the front line, even the Uchiha clan, cannot be invincible without loss. As for the loss...then there are many things that can be manipulated.

But in any case, it is completely reasonable for the Uchiha clan to be stationed on the front line.

At this time, Chiba did not stop because of the sparsely populated Uchiha clan, but...

Where is this... Hirohiko's house?

Yes, Chiba just remembered now, he still doesn't know where Hirohiko lives, even though Hirohiko often comes to his cabin, and also went to Xue Nai's home together.

However, he has never been to Hongyan's house, and Hongyan has not invited them to.

Patronizing and worrying! I didn't even ask where Hirohiko's home is...

The slight stiffness on Chiba's face turned into a wry smile.

Even if you ask Guanye and the others, they might not know.

It seems that now we can only ask people.

Qianye looked around again, but saw that the front and back were empty, and there was no one at all.

Forget it, let's go to the Japanese-style residential area, there should be people there.

Thinking about it, Chiba planned to go forward. There was a turning in front, a small crossroad separated by a wall. Go left to the village and right to the Japanese-style residence.

And at this moment, two figures came in from the corner on the left, turning a corner, thinking of him coming.

At this very moment, Qianye caught a glimpse of those two figures, almost subconsciously, jumped up the wall on the right, and turned behind the wall.

After landing, Qianye was taken aback.

Why should I avoid it?

And at this time, the voices of the two came...

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