Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 470 Completely confused!


A heavy punch slammed on the command table during the war. The documents, maps, and everything on the table almost rose from the table. After a shock, the burly man's face was full of anger, and he screamed. Panting heavily, he raised his head slowly, staring fixedly at the scout ninja below.

"You said... the eight elites, the quasi-elite Jnin and the quasi-Junin, are all dead? Are they all killed?"

These words seem to be squeezed out from between the teeth, which shows how angry the commander of Yunyin is.


The detective ninja responded with a blank expression, as if he didn't take the commander's anger into consideration.

"Then, seeing that they were about to rush into the encirclement? Did they suddenly turn around?"

The burly man gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and asked again.

"Yes, it was later found out that it was to support the little girl from the Hyuga family in the south. The little girl from the Hyuga family somehow escaped from the siege of Iwagakure, but turned back."

Cha Tan Ninja remained expressionless and answered truthfully, but this time he did not hesitate to explain the situation.

Hearing this, the burly man took a few breaths and suddenly stood up.

Are you going to support the little girl in the Hinata family?

This indeed made sense, but according to reports from the people below, they walked extremely decisively without any hesitation. When they saw the signal, they immediately changed direction and went straight to the little girl in Hyuga's house.

This is decidedly a little strange.

If their plan is really to go straight in, disrupt or attract our arrangement, then at that time, they should also hesitate. After all, they just broke through the siege of my eight elites, so they have to hesitate for a while. yes.

And now, they don't even hesitate, as if...

It's as planned!

If it is really planned, then...

what do they mean?

What is this plan?

What does it have to do with their rescue plan?

A series of questions flashed through the burly man's mind, but in the end, he still had insufficient information, and he couldn't deduce it.

Then, he raised his head and said, "Is there any other information?"

"The little girl from the Hyuga family seems to be from the Zong family. When facing the siege of Yanyin, she used Huitian."

The detective ninja answered truthfully, concisely.

Back to the days?

The burly man was taken aback, and blurted out, "Baguazhang Huitian? Only the Hyuga Sect can use Huitian? The "absolute defense"?"


The detective ninja responded.


After getting an affirmative answer from the detective ninja, the burly man suddenly laughed and laughed out loud.

So it is! So it is!

Hinata's direct lineage, no wonder they didn't hesitate at all, no wonder they had to change direction without thinking.

It turned out to be a direct descendant of the Hyuga family, and that signal should be a warning signal for help! Since she is the little princess of the Hinata family, I don't hesitate to support her!

Compared with the defense map, the little princess of Hyuga's family is not so light!

Even more important than the defense map.

After all, if we didn't get the defense map, that is, we didn't get it. It may give us an advantage, but it's not a direct loss. And even if we use the defense map to deal with Konoha together with Yan Yin, Konoha may not be able to support it , but a disadvantage.

However, the little princess of the Hyuga family had an accident, and Baiyan’s Blood Succession Limit was taken away by other villages. Following the boundary, the second is the attitude of the Hinata family. If the connection between Hinata and Konoha works properly, it is not an unbreakable thing!

The loss and hidden dangers of Konoha will be great!

Moreover, at this time, before reaching a desperate situation, sending the Hyuga Clan's direct line to the battlefield, I am afraid that the Third Hokage is also under great pressure. If Hyuga's little princess is wrong, the Third Hokage will not be able to explain it, and it is more likely to have cracks. .

I really didn't expect Konoha to come up with such a trick! Among the five major ninja villages, except for Konoha, which village is not trying to get Konoha's powerful blood succession boundaries, especially the white eyes and sharing eyes that only Konoha has, and even this white eyes, in a strategic sense, It is even more precious than Sharingan, let alone its ancient and noble.

It seems that Konoha is also in danger!

No wonder those two boys rushed forward desperately, not caring about anything!

This Konoha...does it do the opposite?

In the current situation, we all know that we can't be too radical, we can't be too radical! We can't let others go too far, but if a village suddenly goes too far, we will be more cautious in accordance with the inertia of thinking that we can't go too far, for fear that this radical village will provoke another village to go too far, and our hands will be restrained.

And this kind of restraint is the easiest to be broken by a reckless offensive!

That old man of three generations of Hokage really should not be underestimated!

"Now, what about Yanyin?"

Thinking of this, the burly man calmed down instantly and asked.

"All the elites used for support were annihilated by Taki Chiba. There was no movement for the time being, and the nearby patrols were also silent."

Said the detective ninja.

Of course there can be no movement. Everyone knows that all the elites have been wiped out, and it is absolutely impossible to stop them with no more than twice the strength of the elites.

And twice as many elite troops... Huh, if they are concentrated together, there will be loopholes, and there will be loopholes in the encirclement, and the Konoha intelligence team inside will find loopholes.

Since he couldn't kill him, and he couldn't increase his troops, he would rather let it go than take any action.


The commander of Iwahik is not an idiot.

The burly man didn't care about this, and asked again: "What else?"

"They went back."

The detective ninja said.

"Go back? Taki Chiba?"

asked the burly man.


The detective ninja replied.

Go back and rest... These few battles, they should also consume a lot, so is it safe to choose?

It's completely different from the desperate one before!

what happened?

The burly man frowned. At this moment, he deeply felt how difficult Taki Chiba, who was called the little monster, was.

I have no idea what he's going to do!

So, do you want to take the opportunity to siege?

No, there is a chance of winning against them... not enough manpower!

Are there more troops?

This is absolutely not possible!

If we increase our troops, Yan Yin will definitely increase his troops, and Konoha will probably increase his troops to rescue them with great fanfare. He will not sit back and watch these three promising children die here. At that time, all three may suffer...


It's fucking disgusting!

The burly man scolded a few times, and said: "Scrutinize them closely, don't act rashly, the defense has been strengthened, we...

Stand still! "


The detective ninja responded, and then the figure flashed and disappeared in place, apparently to issue an order.

Let's keep the balance! Anyway, these three children have not yet broken the balance of power and tactical plans and actions...

The burly man sighed and pressed his temples with both hands.

Headache, this is such a headache!

"Let me try."

At this time, behind a wooden wall behind his command desk, there was a crisp voice that sounded like a little girl's voice.

"No, it's not yet time, please wait patiently."

The burly man who was pressing his temple seemed startled, stood up quickly, and said respectfully to the wooden door.

Then, there was a long silence.

After a while, the burly man wiped off his sweat and said, "Thank you for your understanding."

His response was still silence.

However, the burly man sat down with relief and let out a long breath.

If you go out, I am afraid that Yan Yin will not be able to control the increase in troops!

It's not yet time!

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