Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 471: True or False!

Surrounded by primeval forest, an underground temporary command post.

"Is it true?"

The short, fat man with a baby face sitting behind the wartime command table looked at the elite Iwagakure in front of him, glanced at the scroll he presented, frowned slightly, and asked.

"Yes. It has been confirmed to be true. After realizing that the scroll had fallen, the little princess of the Hyuga family even returned with serious injuries and sent a distress signal immediately."

Yanyin Jingrui looked at his arm with one hand and said.

And the short and fat man glanced at the blood between his fingers, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "Since the other seven people are dead, why are you able to come back?"

"I don't know either. When the team leader signaled to me to come back secretly to report, it seemed that the kid from the Uchiha clan was focused on Princess Hyuga's injury and didn't notice me. And that Taki Chiba, directly I used the Rock Pillar Prison to trap the team leader and others, and they probably didn’t see me.”

That Yanyin Jingrui opened his mouth and said, with doubts in his tone, and even more lack of confidence when he talked about it later. He began to realize that he was going too easily. It was too easy to escape. With the strength of that Taki Chiba and the Uchiha clan, he would definitely not escape so easily, and he might even be left behind!

Could it be that there is something tricky here?

For a moment, he was full of doubts about the previous sentence "it has been confirmed to be true".

Now he already suspects that they let him go on purpose, otherwise, why the little ghost of the Uchiha clan didn't move, even if he is supporting the little princess of Hyuga's family, he can always attack with shuriken and kunai , or to remind that Taki Chiba.

In short, it is impossible for him to leave easily.

"Well... that's it."

The short and fat man rubbed his chin, thinking for a moment, his eyes fell on the scroll involuntarily, his eyes reflected the map on it, those seemingly messy arrows, and the information about Yunyin and their Yanyin. Information on relevant patrols.

That Taki Chiba's tactical and strategic wisdom, Aoto-sama, with his last breath, must warn us that he must not be underestimated here!

The short and fat man thought of his teacher's appearance before he died, and while his heart ached, he was thinking calmly.

What exactly did he mean, did he let go on purpose, or did he have other plans, we must not jump to conclusions!

"When you got this scroll, did they see it? Did they know that the scroll was seen? How did you handle this matter? Answer me truthfully."

Thinking of this, the short and fat man said.

Have you been seen?

Yanyin Jingrui frowned, thought about it carefully, and said affirmatively: "I probably didn't see it. After we found this scroll, the team leader asked us to quickly copy it down. It didn't change at all, and , according to its appearance when it was discovered, and put it in place. They should not know. If they see our transcription, they will definitely not let me go. "

"Well, I see."

The short and fat man nodded, thinking in his heart.

Now, roughly two possibilities can be deduced.

The first is that Taki Chiba deliberately let people back, and told us about this matter, the content on this scroll, and even the throwing of the scroll was arranged by him alone. As for why he let us know, there may be other reasons The purpose, this purpose, can't be speculated yet, but what is certain is that he wants to use this scroll to make a fuss, and has a close relationship with them. The plan on this scroll is true or false, basically false.

The second type is that this Taki Chiba deliberately let people back, but the purpose is to make us not believe the plan on this scroll. He may not know whether the scroll has been seen, and even if he killed eight people at that time, he may not have killed all the people who might have seen it. After all, there were patrols besieging Princess Hyuga at that time, or there were other people at all. The elite is watching from the side, he may not care whether the plan scroll has been seen or not, he just thinks that he has been seen, and has sent it back to our commander of Yanyin, which is my hand. That’s why he deliberately let people go, so he set up doubts, it looks like what he deliberately let us see, so that we don’t believe in the plan on this scroll, or hesitate, and then he can make a fuss out of it and mislead us, Even steer the situation in their favor. In other words, the plan on this scroll is true.

Which one might be bigger?

The short and fat man frowned, with hesitation on his face, no matter which possibility is reasonable, it was also made by Taki Chiba, and he could think of it.

I finally understand why Lord Aoto held his last breath, and wanted to warn us students of the danger of Taki Chiba, and Master Huangtu, why did he paint portraits and ordered that in any war, if Taki Chiba is found, Annihilated him immediately.

He is only ten years old!

Unexpectedly... unexpectedly can make me so hesitant!

I have no idea what he's going to do!

The commander of Yanyin Village, who claimed to be calm and ruthless for ten years, felt a real chill and depression in his heart at this moment!

Yes, he was terrified and depressed at the same time.

Both possibilities are possible!

Both possibilities make sense!

And no intelligence can deny any of them.

However, he had to choose one of the two to believe, because the plan on the scroll was too important.

If the plan on this scroll is true, then the defense map will be available!

"How about Yunyin?"

The short and fat man let out a long breath, but he didn't think about it any further, but asked another detective ninja.

"Eight elites from Yunyin were killed."

The detective ninja said.

"Is there any movement over there?"

The chunky man spoke again.

"No action, just increased security."

The detective ninja replied seriously.

Has the security been stepped up?

That is to say, if the enemy does not move, I will not move. Although this cunning fox looks simple and honest, he has a lot of small things in his heart.

What does he mean now, is to maintain a balance and stay still, so as not to cause any changes?

It seems that it is impossible to expect Yun Yin to have any flaws.

Even Taki Chiba couldn't break this guy's mind!

However, we must always find a breakthrough, otherwise...the defense map will never reach our hands, and the defense map will always be a sharp sword hanging above our heads!

Once there is no deployment map, it will be our end!

Thinking about it, the short and fat man's eyes fell on the plan scroll, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

So it is!

This Taki Chiba also has to maintain balance! He is definitely not the kind of person who doesn't care about the overall situation, maybe even more than us!

If this scroll is fake, then why did he come to raise doubts!

This plan scroll contains all their rescue plans, even backup plans, can't they be used to appease us Yanyin?

With this plan scroll in hand, it means that we Yan Yin have mastered their movements. There is nothing more reassuring than knowing the movements and detailed movements of an enemy who may have taken away or even taken away the defense map!

If this plan is false, then why bother to cast doubt on it, just let us believe it. This will not only mislead us, but also appease us. Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to their rescue plan?

Now there is only one possibility for the doubts!

"Pass my order, and then we will follow Yunyin's example and stand still and strengthen our vigilance."

The short and fat man raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said with a shake of his hand.

This plan scroll is absolutely true!

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