Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 712 That Action!

This level should not be enough!

In mid-air, Hongyan Sangouyu's Sharingan stared closely at the place where the shuriken rain had fallen just now, that is, the white mist that was still slowly spreading. Inside the white mist, there was the person he was most familiar with. that friend.

Also, among all the people present, the most difficult ninja to deal with.

These shurikens can't hurt Chiba's rock-hardening technique. From when Chiba used the rock-hardening technique to resist Kakashi's electric current just now, it can be seen that although the rock armor of the rock-hardening technique is much thinner, In fact, it is denser, and its defense power has increased, and because it has been thinned, it has removed some of the obstacles caused by its volume, and it will be more flexible to fight while wearing rock armor.

Although I don't know when Chiba studied it during this period of time, but it can be seen that the rock hardening technique has evolved, with higher defense and more convenient.

I'm afraid that during this period, Chiba's understanding of Chakra's nature and form changes has deepened, and her control over Chakra has become more precise.

Otherwise, it is impossible to make the rock armor denser on the basis of thinning. This change in the nature of compressibility, the requirement for chakra control... I am afraid that I will not be able to achieve it in my life.

Sometimes it is really unimaginable how fine Chiba’s ability to control Chakra is. If Chiba hadn’t repeatedly emphasized that she has no blood inheritance limit and learned other secret techniques, I would really think that this incredible Chakra Precise operation is Chiba's blood succession limit or secret technique...

Looking at the white mist that was spreading and gradually fading, Hirohiko's figure began to fall slowly, and at the same time, his writing sharing eyes of the Sangouyu also began to shrink slowly, and it could be felt that his concentration was constantly increasing. Cohesion, I am afraid that the insight eye of Sharingan is already running at full power.

It can be said that no slightest movement can escape Hongyan's Sharingan, and even Hongyan can clearly see the movement of the white mist and the traces of collapsing and fading.


Hirohiko couldn't know what was going on inside the white mist. After all, Sharingan's Insight Eye, Illusion Eye, and Clone Eye didn't have the function of seeing through. I'm afraid only Xue Nai who was present knew what was going on in the white mist.

At this time, the surrounding area was quiet.

Those children whose verbal attacks were about to escalate to armed conflict just now, all became quiet at this moment, their eyes widened, just like Hirohiko, staring at the white mist, obviously waiting for the next development.

And behind them, the adults also kept turning around, staring at the white mist, waiting for the next development.

Originally, they were going to leave, but they didn't expect that the son of the strangest father-son combination in the village, Maite Kai, would suddenly appear and attack Chiba, a super genius, and even hit the super genius. I was cornered.

Seeing this situation, the desire to watch the excitement that had been extinguished at that time suddenly burned up. Although they didn't think that Maitekai could defeat the super genius Chiba, what if such a counterattack really happened?

After the curiosity of "what if it happens" arises, they can't move their feet. In order to see all the developments in the field, they even forget to change their postures, preferring to turn their heads like this.

"Hey... Did you see Chiba's action just now?"

At the same time, on the roof, the male Anbu, who was also turning around and turning around, said, his eyes under the mask flickered in disbelief.

"I see it."

Anbu, the female in the same posture, narrowed her eyes slightly, watching the spreading and dissipating white mist, her pretty face under the mask was serious.

"Is this kind of thing... possible? That kind of action appeared on an outsider who has nothing to do with it."

In the words of the male Anbu, there is obviously an incredible tone.

"Other outsiders are impossible, but Qianye should still be possible. After all... there are many rumors that he will not be an outsider..."

The female Anbu shook her head, denying the words of the male Anbu.

"How is it possible? I have never heard of that family intermarrying with outsiders."

The male Anbu said.

"Especially the Zong family, right?"

But the female Anbu did not deny this time, but added a sentence.

While talking, the eyes of the two fell on Qianying in white over there.

At this moment, the pretty and elegant girl who was the focus of their attention was comforting her friend behind her: "It's okay, Lin, Kakashi is not at a disadvantage."


Lin was obviously a little worried, with a few voices of moving and fighting reflected in her eyes, and her face was a little unsightly.

"Don't worry, Kakashi's fighting power is not inferior to Chiba."

Xue Nai continued to comfort Lin.

"That's not what I'm worried about. This guy Obito just knows how to make trouble, and he can't keep up with the others, so he's probably going to get hurt again!"

Lin shook her head.

"Don't worry, Kakashi has sense."

Xue Nai smiled and shook her head, but in the field of vision of the white eyes that opened, the point of view was not where Lin's gaze was, but the direction of Hirohiko in mid-air.

Chiba... When did he learn it? I haven't seen him practice recently. Moreover, even though I have been training with him for a year, the posture just now...

Could it be that Qianye has learned to return to heaven?

And in her heart, there was a thought that she herself could not believe.

At the same time, in another place, Hokage's office, the third Hokage took a deep breath, and in his mind was the situation where Chiba knocked Asma into the air and Maitkai was knocked unconscious just now.

that pose...

Undoubtedly, it is the posture of soft boxing, moreover, the use of steps in it, and the technique of unloading force...

It is a movement that can only be made if you have learned the Huitian of the Hyuga Clan. Just now Chiba let Kai's kick cut away, not without effort, but with a dense layer of chakra attached to the entire arm, It forms a plane like the screen wall of Huitian, which allows Kai's kick to slide away, and it is very well hidden, not so obvious.

Otherwise, with the strength and focus of Kai's kick just now, it would be impossible for the kick to slide away.

This kid, when did he even comprehend this kind of skill?

And the heart of the third Hokage can be described as turbulent waves. Others may not be able to see or care about the scene just now, but as Hokage, also known as "Doctor Ninja", it is absolutely impossible to miss or ignore it.

Even though I'm so optimistic about his talent, I'm still not optimistic enough!

This kid, without rolling his eyes, has he absorbed even the Soft Fist into his strength?

Thinking, Sandai Hokage's eyes moved slowly, fixed in the mid-air of the crystal ball image, Hirohiko's direction slightly extended, staring at something through Hirohiko's body.

"No, that's enough, Hirohiko!"

And at this moment, behind Hong Yan, two balls of emerald green flames suddenly ignited, and a heavy voice rang out.


At this moment, Hirohiko was startled suddenly, his hairs stood up immediately, his eyes quickly glanced back, and his face looked back subconsciously.


A muffled sound resounded through the cabin.

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