Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 713 Continuous Attacks!

When did it come behind me!

As he leaned forward and fell rapidly, Hirohiko gritted his teeth tightly, but his eyeballs looked diagonally upwards. In Sangouyu's Shulun eyes, there was a reflection of Chiba's body punching in mid-air, as well as the two balls in his eyes. The flowing emerald light.

And in the corner of his vision, there was the white mist on the ground that had faded a lot.

Not from inside the white mist group... Then that is to say, it is the same as dealing with Kakashi at that time, using the earth escape from the ground, moving to the woods outside the crowd, and then using the instant body or other means that can reach behind me in an instant , was attacked.

It was my mistake just now, fighting against Qianye, we must not let him out of sight!

The timing was so good, I was in a hurry before I knew it! Anxious to seize the opportunity that Qianye couldn't avoid, and instead gave Qianye a chance!

At the moment of the sudden fall, such a regretful thought flashed through Hirohiko's mind.


Just when this thought flashed by, Hirohiko slammed obliquely into the ground amidst the muffled sound of a heavy object hitting the ground,


A cloud of smoke and dust slowly floated in the open space surrounded by the crowd.

Enough to make me serious, Hirohiko...

But at this time, seeing the cloud of dust and smoke that Hirohiko crashed into the ground, Chiba in mid-air slightly narrowed his eyes, the emerald green light flickering in his eyes, and he even took a slight breath before he knew it.


Afterwards, a slight cracking sound sounded from the cloud of dust and smoke that Hongyan fell.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Then, one sound, two sounds, three sounds... There were dense cracking sounds, and the cracks spread like spider webs, centering on the place where Hongyan fell to the ground, forming a circle of spider web cracks.


Then, the round spider web cracked with a sharp depression and cracked, and the gravel immediately flew up and fell in all directions.


"It hurts!"

"Back quickly!"

And with a series of "cracking" sounds of crushed stones falling, a series of children's cries of pain came.

At this moment, the watching ninjas, who kept turning their heads sideways, seemed to wake up. While blocking the children from knocking down the flying gravel, they slowly backed away, widening the distance until they all entered the woods among.

After all, if you don't take it seriously, this battle will really be endless. Kai, who has learned the eight armors, but doesn't know how many doors he can open, and there is another one who has never shown his hands and doesn't know how strong he is. Asma who knows what kind of ninjutsu, and you, a genius of the Uchiha clan who is suspected of being good at illusion and who has grown to what extent your own strength has grown, I am not serious. I'm afraid I'm about to fall into a passive position!

No, it is falling into defeat!

So, we can only go all out!

Qianye's figure was slightly stagnant in mid-air, and slowly began to fall, while his eyeballs kept moving, moving away from the place where Hirohiko landed, skimming the white mist that had dispersed, and glanced up behind him ,

But just as this helpless but extremely cautious thought flashed through his mind, his eyes narrowed slightly and his face froze slightly.

This sunshine!

Also, Kay, gone!

At this moment, his gaze looking up at Asma was filled with the slightly westward slanting, but still dazzling sunlight, and in the midst of the sunlight, he seemed to be able to vaguely see a person's shadow, but But I can't see any movement about this person, it's just a vague blur in the light, and I can't distinguish it at all.

At the same time, when his eyes glanced over the white mist just now, he had already seen that Kai was no longer within the range of the white mist, leaving only a faint human-shaped shallow pit.

I am afraid……

Because of the glare of the sun, Qianye's eyes narrowed more and more, and the faint black shadow in his sight seemed to get bigger and bigger.

The attack of the three of them just now is obviously a coordinated attack by the three of them. Even if they just made a supplementary attack according to the situation before, but after seeing that I resolved it unscathed, I am afraid they will choose to join forces and cooperate with the attack next time. Bar.

So, if the attack above my head is Kai's attack, then it must be a physical attack, and from this position, this direction, the most suitable physical attack is a top-down slash!

Then, after I hit the ground, Asma will attack me with ninjutsu...

And if the current attack is Asma, then his attack method may increase the possibility of ninjutsu attacks in addition to physical chopping. The original Asma's chakra attributes are fire and wind, so basically It can definitely be wind escape and fire escape, and the attack route must be a top-down attack. Now that I am in midair, the timing of the attack is very good. Whether it is Asma's physical attack, fire escape or wind escape attack, It's all possible.

And after I was attacked, the next thing waiting was Kai's blow to ensure victory, and I had to be injured!

Seeing how they looked just now, they wouldn't keep their hands like Kakashi did!

It's true... This group of guys who celebrate the New Year are too careless!

However, now is not the time to complain about this. Taking into account the following possibilities, my best way to deal with it now is probably...

But at this moment, a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, his body began to "click" and at the same time, his hands began to lift upwards. In the process, a thin layer of rocky skin As if growing, it quickly crawled out of the sleeves and covered Chiba's arms.

That's it!

The next moment, Qianye's eyes narrowed, and she almost let out a sigh in her heart.


At this moment, the rocky skin grew and covered the tip of Chiba's middle fingernail. His entire arm and even his whole body were covered with a layer of grayish white rocky skin. The whole person looked like a stone statue!

Rock hardening technique, evolutionary version!


And at this moment, the shadow in the sunlight also appeared, and one foot, with a touch of green, ruthlessly struck Qianye's crossed arms above his head.

"Konoha fluid technique, rock collapse!"

Amidst the muffled sound of skin and flesh colliding, Kai's passionate voice rang out above Qianye's head.


There was a slight sound of rock breaking, amidst this passionate sound, there was a sound.

"call out!"

And just as the slight cracking sound sounded, Qianye's figure flashed, and was sent flying straight down like a cannonball!


A huge column of smoke and dust, accompanied by the crackling sound of "Ka Ka Ka", suddenly rose up!

Don't let a situation that obscures your view happen!

At this time, behind Kai, who kept a serious look on his face, the figure of Asma, who was staring at the rising dust and smoke, slowly turned sideways. At this time, he was holding his chest up, Take a deep breath.

Obviously, he came to the same inference as Hirohiko.

And the next moment, without any hesitation, he struck down with one palm!

Wind escape, strong wind palm!

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