Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 821 What else?

The depth of this footprint is the kind that will be left behind by a person.

It seems that this should be the route taken by that little ghost of the Uchiha clan carrying that Taki Chiba on his back.

Can't go wrong!

The third generation of Raikage looked down at the traces left on the grass, while galloping, the increasingly dense current around him was moving at a high speed, converging into a stream, making him fly away like a stream of thunder.


Wherever he passed, the wind pressure suddenly rose, and the grass on both sides of the path fell outwards following the wind pressure after he passed by, and the wind was loud.

At this moment, he was convinced that the path he took was the escape route chosen by the Uchiha clan kid. There was no doubt about it, this time, he was on the right path.

And with his speed, within three to five minutes, he can catch up with this cunning Uchiha clan kid!

However, after confirming it, his brows furrowed.

Is this thing really that simple?

This route is not wrong, but it was so easy for me to find out, almost as soon as I got out of the primeval forest. With the tactical ability of that Uchiha kid, would it be so easy for me to find out?

He should know that as long as I search the primeval forest, I will discover his tactics, and when I go in to search, he can eliminate some of the initial traces even behind his back, or at the cost of speed, No obvious traces are left, which allows me to search and buy more time.

So why doesn't he do it?

Did you give up on yourself?

Or is there another conspiracy?

At this moment, the third generation of Raikage, after suffering a loss, became a little cautious.

Or, is this also using my psychology?

I just suffered a loss before, so it is inevitable that I will be a little suspicious. Could it be that he left traces on purpose to make me suspicious?

Is this also a psychological tactic?

And the next second later, when he stepped on the grass, the grass on the soles of his feet suddenly burst into three generations of Raikage, but another thought flashed in his heart.

But what's the point?

Afterwards, Sandai Raikage frowned a little more, he couldn't understand what the other party was thinking at all.

And the current situation is all against him, this kid from the Uchiha clan is already lingering on his last breath, and there is no way he can do anything in the future.

However, he was a little uneasy at the bottom of his heart. He always felt that this kid from the Uchiha clan hadn't given up yet, and was still thinking about something. He hadn't given up yet, and he wasn't stupid. The stuff at the bottom of the box was useless.

And this trump card or something at the bottom of the box may be the source of this brat's persistence.

Otherwise, everything now would appear that this little ghost of the Uchiha clan is like a headless fly or a moth driven into a desperate situation.

But he knew that this kid from the Uchiha clan was definitely not a headless fly or a desperate moth.

There must be a conspiracy here!

At this moment, a series of thoughts flashed through Sandai Raikage's mind again.


At this moment, the pupils of the three generations of Lei Ying's eyes suddenly shrank, and the corner of the eye flashed, and the whole face was turned to one side.


And in the next second, there was only the sound of a steel wire breaking, and it almost turned into a thunder stream moving at high speed. The third generation of Raikage suddenly looked down.


Then a strong light flashed, instantly illuminating the area, a white fireball exploded, and the scorched grass flew wildly, instantly engulfing the thunder stream.


"come yet?"

At this time, Hong Yan, who stopped his body, glanced at the two traces of grass pressure in front of him, and at the white light fireball rising a little far away, and frowned slightly.

So fast!

This speed is too fast!

At the same time, his heart skipped a beat, although he expected that Yun Yin would come over soon, but at this point, he has come so close, but he didn't expect it.

The location of the explosion and his location are only three to five hundred meters away, which is already very close, and with Yun Yin's speed, even if he runs away at full speed now, he will be properly captured within two or three minutes. It doesn't even take two or three minutes to catch up.


Or was it a misjudgment?

In this kind of meticulous calculation, I am still not as good as Chiba!

Next, hurry up, if you don't arrange it well, the plan will all go bankrupt!

Thinking of this, Hirohiko, who took another look at the place where the flames exploded, hastily and carefully put down the figure covered with rock skin on his back, walked forward a few steps, and turned his eyes, as if measuring the ground with his eyes, and at the same time stretched his hands towards the ground. Ninja bag.

The remaining detonating talisman can only be used as a trap. If this trap cannot be successful, then I have almost no choice.

Now that the trap over there has been triggered, it can buy me some time, so I must speed up my hands and feet.

Don't worry, Chiba, I will never let you die!

After groping for the ninja bag, Hirohiko had such an idea in his mind, and then glanced at the direction of the primeval forest intentionally or unintentionally, and with a movement of his hand, several kunai were projected out with steel wires like transparent threads, Aggressively plunged into the mud at an echoing angle.



And at this time, a foot wrapped in a blue chakra spray-shaped chakra coat slowly stepped out of the steaming blazing white to bright red fire smoke, and stepped outside the center of the explosion, but On the somewhat blackened bare soil that has been steamed by high temperature.

Isn't it the kind of detonator for a highly concentrated explosion?

With the stepping out of this foot, the figure of the third generation of Raikage also slowly emerged from the fire and smoke that gradually began to be small.


An electric spark exploded from the Raikage's chakra coat, piercing the air and illuminating the dignified face of the third generation of Raikage.

But in his heart, there was a trace of hesitation.

Obviously, although this detonating talisman also ignited a white fireball, it was much inferior to the previous one. It didn't even burn the soil. The detonating talisman just now crystallized the soil. The power of the explosion is self-evident.

In other words, he didn't take out the most powerful detonating talisman, so the function of this trap should not be to kill me, but...

Delay me and remind him of my location!

Soon, the third generation of Raikage thought of the key.

Indeed, this kid from the Uchiha clan did not give up, and there must be something at the bottom of the box!

He thinks something that can hurt me to successfully rescue my companion!

At the same time, at this moment, the third generation of Raikage also thoroughly confirmed what he had been hanging on his mind.


I don't have to be too scruples, let's see what he has at the bottom of the box!

Thinking of this, the corner of Raikage's mouth twitched into a sneer, and the other foot covered by Raikage's chakra coat stepped out from the fading flames and smoke, and took a step forward.


Then, there was a slight sound of a hard, metal-like object being trampled down.


At this moment, the sneer at the corner of Sandai Raikage's mouth froze slightly.


Then, a large blazing white fireball exploded!

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