


Blazing white fireballs exploded one after another along a straight line, heading all the way towards the hinterland of the grassland. Waves of air spread out with the heat wave, blasting a circle on the grassland. Another round of ring-shaped wind and waves, "wow-wow-" stirred up a green wave.




But accompanied by one explosion after another, there was a subtle but exceptionally clear sound.

Did that kid from the Uchiha clan set up so many traps?

So many traps can be arranged in such a haste, and judging from the distance between them, I still calculate the distance of each step of me...

Bursts of air waves hit, and "puffy" hit Lei Dun's chakra coat. The three generations of Raikage walked on this straight line with the traces of the Uchiha clan's little ghosts, but the explosion air waves couldn't shake it at all, as if Strolling in the courtyard was not at all affected by the extremely close position and the explosion under his feet.

Indeed, on the way to escape, rather than running away without doing anything, it would be better to put some obstacles in the way to slow me down further.

Although, if you step on the first one, you may not step on the second one.

However, generally speaking, people who step on one or two people may not really follow this path. However, if they do not follow this path, they must take a detour, and they do not know who set the trap , How far to set the trap belt, I am afraid that it will be safe when detours, and it is estimated that it will be done in a safe way, and it will also be a large circle, so that it will buy enough time.

Even someone with defensive means like me can use air waves to slow down the speed. This move can be regarded as taking into account the pursuers who have defensive means and those who have no defensive means. It seems to be done easily, but it does make sense.

This brat is probably becoming more and more familiar with the use of tactics and the like.

In other words, did the battle with me give him a more thorough understanding of tactics?

Really, an unreliable talent!

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, and amidst the sound explosion, Sandai Raikage's complexion became more and more serious, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more serious, and his eyes narrowed.

It's just that it's good for me to do so.


Thinking about it, the third Raikage stopped, looked ahead, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


And at this moment, there was a "click" under his last foot, and it exploded suddenly, and a ball of blazing white flames and smoke exploded.


The explosive air wave carried the heat wave and immediately spread away, rolling up countless grasses, and the surrounding green grass suddenly fell outwards, and finally hit a squatting figure with a "poof", making a muffled sound.


Didn't it take much time in the end?

Slightly raised his hand to block the blast of the last explosion trap he set up ten meters away. The figure gritted its teeth slightly.

Moreover, the explosion along the way did not hurt this Yunyin at all, and this Yunyin's defense power can be called absolute defense...

Now, it is probably the time when Chiba told me that the tactical value was the lowest.

His eyes turned, and turned to the fallen green grass on the ground in front of him, and the "cracking" steel wires that were blown by the blast and wind, and the slightly trembling kunai inserted into the ground, and in his mind It reminded me of that night in the past few years, when I had a random conversation with Qianye. At that time, Qianye said that tactics also have limits, and the impossible effect actually decreases with the strength gap between the two sides. If you can't harm your opponent, no matter how strong your tactics are, the enemy is already invincible to you.

And what is invincible, then needless to say.

Also, with so many explosions, it didn't take long enough for me to complete the trap...

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hirohiko took a slight breath, a layer of bright red slowly appeared in his pupils, and the writing sharing eyes of Sangouyu slowly appeared, staring closely at the Zhuang who was submerged in the explosion smoke in front of him. With a loud voice, at the same time, one hand grabbed into the ninja bag.

It seems that it should not be completed!

Although I don't know what kind of trap it is, but judging from the power of the detonating talisman along the way, and the combination of the explosion power of multiple detonating talismans in the trap, if this trap is set up, I am afraid that the terrain in this area will change. Come on!

It's a pity, if the trap along the way can delay a little longer, it might be over.

But now...

No threat to me at all!

At this time, in the smoke of the explosion, the unfinished trap belt with a large layout on the ground that he stopped and saw just now and the body covered in the grass flashed through the mind of the third generation of Raikage. A figure wrapped in rocky skin.

The one full of hardening skills should be Taki Chiba, this kid really took Taki Chiba away and ran away together.

Moreover, he also knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he set up such a big trap, and he probably wanted to fight to the death.

Then, it can be said that he has no other methods or tactics, only to fight to the death!

He is at the end of his rope!

Thinking of this, looking at the fire and smoke in front of the third generation of Raikage, his narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and with a "pop", the Thunder Dun Chakra coat around him suddenly turned into a jet, and the needle-like scattered His hair seems to be curled up again.


And in the next second, the lightning flashes that appeared on Lei Dong's chakra coat suddenly concentrated, turning into thunder streams, crackling and flowing.

Well, it's over!

The kid of the Uchiha clan!

At the same time, the third generation of Raikage felt the last trace of regret in his heart, and suddenly clenched his fists.


At the moment when the fist was clenched, the flames and smoke that had just blown up and were slowly steaming into a ball suddenly disintegrated.


But at this moment, Hongyan stared at the reflection of the fire and smoke in front of him, while the three-gou jade in the Sharingan suddenly turned and glanced behind him.

There was nothing in the exploding fire and smoke!


At this moment, an electric current shot out from behind him, passed through the eyes that were glanced back, and illuminated the bright red Gouyu pupil, and also illuminated the bright red pupil reflected on the edge of the pupil. A burly figure with a fist clenched in his chest, about to punch him.

Oh no!

And at this moment, Hongyan's body froze suddenly, and his face turned pale!

The fatal blow came in an instant!

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