Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 823 Ominous Feeling

Then, the next step is to hurry back, lest the old fox make any despicable tricks, and the earthen platform can't stand it!

Reflecting the head of the Uchiha clan kid who was slowly turning around in his eyes, a trace of worry flashed through Sandai Raikage's heart, and he raised his right fist and slammed it down fiercely.

Oh no!

It's too late for the substitute technique!

At this time, the strong figure of Yun Yin behind him and Hirohiko who punched the fist wrapped in the lightning current were already reflected in the corner of his eyes. Between his stiff body and pale expression, the feeling as if his body had stopped was extremely strong, and from the corner of his eye Among them, it is the substitute technique with the second seal, which seems to be still.


And at this moment, a shout full of anxiety and anger suddenly burst out from behind the third Raikage, and a figure exactly like Hirohiko suddenly flashed, with both hands raised, each holding Kuwu, as if about to attack the third Raikage. tied at the neck.

Obviously, this is the avatar that Hongyan originally wanted to replace.

However, at this moment, it was useless. The third generation of Raikage didn't even look at it. At the corner of his eyes, he had already locked the half-marked hand. He already understood the situation in his heart, and this The two Kung Wu Fear can't cause any damage under the Lightning Dun Chakra coat, so how could he care about it!

On the contrary, he felt a little more at ease in his heart.

This should be a replacement physical avatar, so in other words, the one in front of you is the main body?

You can't go wrong, it's definitely an entity!

Then, don't let it go!

Thinking of this, a sneer sneered at the corner of Raikage's mouth, the lightning in his hand exploded suddenly, and the speed of his fist suddenly increased, and he had already touched the black hair of the kid from the Uchiha clan, which was stretched back straight because of the previous explosion. .


And at this moment, under the traction of the thunder light, a trace of static electricity also slowly flickered, flickering in Hirohiko's hair, and with the flickering of static electricity, the thunder fist approached with a hissing sound. In an instant, Hirohiko's hair also stood on end.


Feeling the numbing sensation of static electricity in the back of his head, Hongyan clenched his teeth tightly, and tried his best to move his body to the left to dodge, but the feeling of stillness still existed, giving him the illusion that he couldn't move at all!

Damn, hate, hate!

If I die now, Chiba can't help it...

Even Xue Nai will have an accident!

Everything is over!

From the corner of his eyes, looking at the increasingly larger Lei Guang fist, Hongyan was about to burst into tears, his eyes were already bloodshot, his teeth were creaking, and he didn't know whether it was anger, remorse, or despair. The thought suddenly arises.


And in the next second, that fist with thunder and lightning, accompanied by the sound of skin and flesh colliding, resounded on the exploding grassland!



And at this time, less than one kilometer to the west of the primeval forest, Xue Nai's figure who was galloping towards him trembled slightly, and an extremely ominous premonition surged up, and the white pupils in his eyes suddenly floated, The meridians in the corners of the eyes suddenly bulge and extend to the temples.

Roll your eyes, turn on!

it hurts!

And at this moment, the moment her white eyes opened, a sharp pain flashed across her face, and at the same time, her white eyes' vision suddenly went black, and it slowly returned to normal after a second.


This premonition... Could it be that something happened to them?

Although the pain was so painful that she couldn't help trembling slightly, Xue Nai didn't pay attention to the pain in her eyes, but was worried about the ominous feeling just now.


With the strength of Hongyan and Qianye, how could something happen, and Yun Yin on their side is indeed a bit stronger, but under the hands of the two of them, it is nothing.

How could something happen!


Stepping on the muddy ground, Xue Nai clenched her teeth slightly, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and a thought of denying the ominous feeling came to her mind. At the same time, the chakra under her feet exploded, splashing a little dust, and then The whole person flew up, and when he landed again, he had already crossed a distance of several meters.

However, this ominous premonition...


Impossible, that's Chiba and Hirohiko. With Chiba's tactical ability and the power that the tacit cooperation of the two of them can produce, even if Yun Yin comes to a team of more than five people, it is impossible to pose a threat to them.

Besides, Chiba alone has the strength of a quasi-S or even an S-level ninja. Although Hirohiko has not shown anything during this period of time, he is also a genius, and he has the Sharingan of Sangouyu. , and even the strength category of a quasi-S rank ninja.

Moreover, although Hirohiko kept it hidden, he had been discussing tactics with Chiba intermittently during this period of time, and he often simulated tactics secretly by himself, learning tactics from Chiba. His tactical ability, Although I haven't seen it before, with Hirohiko's ability and tactical ability during this period, he must have improved a lot, even enough to be alone.

In other words, even if the two join forces in one place, or divide them into two places, it is impossible for them to have an accident.

In other words, it is impossible for something to happen in such a short period of time!

With their strength, unless they send a troop of more than 50 people, and the troop leader must also be proficient in tactics, and at least five elite jnin can let them have an accident, or capture or kill them alive, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for them Something happened, and I couldn't even run away!

Clenching her teeth bit by bit, Xue Nai resisted the intensifying pain in her eyes, but a series of thoughts passed through her mind, each of which rejected the idea that the two had an accident.

During this period of time, she has been serving in the defense force, and she has come into contact with various ninjas, strong and weak, she has a general idea of ​​the strength of the entire defense force, and even the level of ninjas in Konoha . Even, in order to arrange the guards, Watanabe Kenshin, as the commander of the army, specially held a sparring meeting, just to let her have an intuitive understanding. Of course, although the sparring conference was held by Watanabe Kenshin, it was she proposed.

Therefore, she is very clear about how strong her sweetheart and best friend are. Even in the elite defense force, the two of them can be counted as captains.

She couldn't imagine who could make them have an accident.

However, the ominous premonition just now, the feeling that her heart was beating violently, made her deeply feel as if she had lost an important feeling in her real self, and made her worry, even anxious!

hurry up! Hurry up!

And thinking of this, no matter how fast she walked, her white eyes kept searching, searching for possible footprints.


A minute later, she rushed into the dense and dark primeval forest.

"This is!"

At the moment of rushing in, her eyes widened slightly, and her face froze with worry.

how come!

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