Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 838 Sure enough!


Looking at the two groups of emerald green flames burning behind the fading black smoke column, the third Raikage slowly put down his hands, his face slowly sank.

It's him!

At this moment, in his eyes, behind the black smoke column as thin as cicada's wings, he can already see the flat ground extending away, and the eyes of the person standing in front of the flat ground, only behind the black smoke column, are burning two A pitch-black youthful figure of emerald green flames.

Three generations of Raikage...

And at this moment, the eyes of the young man with emerald green flames burning in his eyes narrowed slightly, and in the depths of his eyes, in the burning emerald green flames, was the reflection of the extremely faint black smoke column in front of him far behind. The burly and upright man standing there, with a sense of majesty rushing towards his face when he looked at him, although he couldn't see his face clearly behind the black smoke, but the "crackling" thunder current entangled in the Thunder Tunnel Chakra coat, standing upright The body that seemed to never fall down allowed him to confirm immediately that this person was the person he least wanted to provoke during this period of Hokage, and he was also the ninja he never expected to meet at this time !

This is bad...

Although I have been feeling terrible since the first time I saw him, but when I actually face him, I still feel...


The young man is very clear about what the burly man in front of him represents. The third generation of Raikage, the third generation of Shadow of Yunyin Village, has the "strongest shield" and "the strongest spear". Strictly speaking, there is nothing too Ninja with big weakness.

It is more difficult than the Yeyue he has fought against, and the old Yunyin who has a superb control over Lei Dun in the previous battle... No, it is not difficult, it is countless times more terrifying, at least, if he is not effectively attacked and In terms of the means of harm, all his fighting behaviors are basically delaying his own death.

Even, this third generation of Raikage is the only one among all the kages in Ninja Village who has the strength to fight against war-tailed beasts and even single-handedly suppress tailed beasts during his reign, and more than once.

His "strongest shield", that is, the thunder-dun chakra coat around him now, can't even be destroyed by the power of eight tails. In the boy's memory, this "strongest shield" is even the strongest wind-dun mystery , Feng Dun, and the spiral shuriken couldn't hurt him at all. The young man estimated that the third generation of Raikage might be able to withstand the eight-tailed tailed beast jade head-on. As for whether the eight-tailed tailed beast jade can break this "strongest shield", The juvenile is unknown, but it is certain that he will never die.

According to the teenager's memory, the only obvious scar on the third Raikage's body was caused by himself.

In other words, apart from himself, no one can leave scars on his body!

The strength of this third generation of Raikage may be comparable to other kages, but his combat power is definitely not inferior to any kage, and may even be the most capable one among all kages!

In other words, what he has to face now may be the strongest fighting force among the major ninja villages in this period!

none of them!


And at this moment, when the young man was secretly screaming and recalling the materials of the third generation of Raikage in front of him, a voice that was exactly the same as his voice came from behind him.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing this, the corners of the boy's eyes twitched slightly, and the eyeballs subconsciously glanced back, looking behind him.

"Ka... Kaka... Kaka..."

At this moment, there was a sound of cracking hard objects behind him, as if the rocky things were peeling off.


And with the sound of this sound, a rocky object fell to the ground, and the sound of shattering came one after another.

Then, in the sight of the boy, two figures exactly like him appeared, and these two figures were lying flat on the somewhat sandy flat ground, with half of their body covered with scorched black rock skin and the rock skin was constantly shaking. The peeled and smashed young man was covered in blood, and one of the figures exactly like him was half-kneeling beside the young man, pressing the young man's chest with both hands, emitting a green light that was thick and dim at times.

"What's wrong? Didn't it work?"

And when these three people appeared in his line of sight, the young man hurriedly opened his mouth, and the corner of his eyes could not leave the burly Yun Yin behind the opposite smoke screen.

"No, it worked. The new medicine has been integrated into his wounded body. The special medical chakra can stimulate his self-healing ability. Like our previous one, he is in a treatment theory similar to "creative regeneration" In the healing state, the finger-sized gap in the muscle tissue and the heart has healed, half of the right lung is healing, the bleeding has stopped, the blood vessels have healed...everything is getting better."

Hearing the main body's words, the one who looked exactly like the boy responded, pointing at Kunai, who seemed to be on guard.

"and you……"

Hearing this, the young man frowned slightly.

"Chakra is not enough..."

The identical alert figure pursed its lips and spoke.

Sure enough, isn't chakra enough?

The amount of chakra of a shadow clone is really too little!

Hearing the words of his shadow clone, the boy couldn't help but gritted his teeth, and then asked, "How long will it take..."

"At least five minutes! At least five minutes to fully heal..."

The alert shadow clone spoke with a worried face.

at least five minutes...

Hearing this, the corner of the boy's mouth twitched involuntarily. For five minutes, he maintained that special medical chakra. It is estimated that he would not be able to distinguish the shadow clone, and the amount of chakra in his heyday might not be able to support it.

"If it can't be completely healed, it can be cured to save your life..."

Thinking of this, the boy asked again.

"Impossible! You can either be completely cured, or you can only die. That's half a lung! And there's too much blood loss!"

However, before he finished speaking, the shadow clone interrupted his words with a very urgent tone.


Hearing this, the young man frowned, and his heart almost sank.


At this time, there is still a third generation of Raikage to deal with...

Is it another desperate situation!

But such a dignified thought flashed through his mind.


However, at this moment, the vigilant shadow clone suddenly roared!


And just as the roar sounded, the sound of a high-speed electric current cutting through the air suddenly sounded in the boy's ears.


The sudden gust of wind hit the side of his face, and almost at the moment when the sound sounded, the boy's eyes flashed with thunder, illuminating his entire pupil, and he immediately understood what was going on, and cried out.


And just as he turned around, the sound of something exploding rang out.

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