Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 839 In planning...

It seems that the injury from that punch has recovered completely?

Through the thin screen of smoke, the third Raikage observed the sudden boy, and a series of images flashed in his mind.

That was the bloodstain drawn by the right hand of that little Uchiha clan kid on the yellow and black detonating talisman before the detonating talisman exploded. The airflow grabbed the hanging right hand with a "snap", and then, with a flash of fire, everything was covered by intense white light, which drowned his sight and also the figure covered in violent airflow. .

Then, just now, after the night wind swept by, those eyes were ignited with emerald green flames.

Looking at his current appearance and standing posture, there is no trace of stiffness, and it seems that he has not suffered any injuries.

And seeing that he was able to sustain my life force with a single punch, I'm afraid that the previous injury has recovered during the time this Uchiha kid delayed me. Looking at him now, the fixed-point continuous explosions just now did not seem to affect him...

That is to say, apart from the information sent back by his elder brother using the psychic beast, this kid's speed has greatly improved during this period of time.

Even, the body has unusual vitality and recovery power, able to break my ribs in a short time, and completely recover from the injury caused by the punch that hurt my internal organs.

It may be that I have learned some kind of medical ninjutsu that I don't know, or even a medical forbidden technique, or that I have developed the vitality and resilience of a special blood in the body...

All in all, this kid is getting more and more difficult to deal with. He is different from the little ghosts of the Uchiha clan. Facing him, at least, I have to be serious.

And as the picture in his mind and the appearance of the young man observing in his eyes flashed, a series of thoughts also flashed in Sandai Raikage's mind.


But at this moment, when his thoughts flashed, the young man he was quite afraid of suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.


That kid from the Uchiha clan?

Almost at the same time, when the boy turned his head, he guessed something, and his body suddenly sank.


Immediately, the ground where the third generation of Raikage was originally located was cracked inch by inch, and the thunder light flashed, and a hole suddenly opened under the smoke screen that had faded a lot, and thin light smoke sprayed out with the penetration of the thunder light, "Zi——" With a sound, a whirlwind rolled up on the left side of the boy, and with a sound of "Wow--", the boy's hair suddenly stretched straight towards the right side.


Almost at the same time, the boy's screams sounded.


But at this moment, the eyes of the shadow clone boy behind the boy suddenly widened, and his body stiffened suddenly, but when he subconsciously looked down, the shadow clone boy exploded into white mist with a "bang", Spread out, engulfing the third generation of Raikage who jumped up and punched through the chest of the shadow clone boy.

So fast!

At this moment, the eyes of another shadow clone boy who was half kneeling on the ground to treat Hong Yan also opened slightly, and the image in his eyes was reflected in the image that spread out to envelop the burly cloud. In a flash, a cloud of white mist exploded directly in front of him, and he didn't even see clearly what happened!

Sure enough, is it here?

But at the moment when the white mist obscured his sight, the third generation of Raikage clearly saw the little ghost of the Uchiha clan who was lying on the ground frowning and comatose, with a pale face and peeling off scorched black rock skin behind the shadow clone. .

It seems that it is not completely uninjured... Also, this kid must have learned some kind of medical ninjutsu, which can heal internal organs...

But in this glance, such a thought flashed through Sandai Raikage's mind, and his gaze was fixed on the scorched black rock skin and the green light that was suddenly thick and then dim.

This is……

But at the moment when such a thought flashed in his mind, his back stiffened suddenly, a chill suddenly rose, and his eyeballs suddenly looked back.


At this moment, there seemed to be a silent muffled sound, two clusters of emerald green flames suddenly ignited, and a stern face suddenly appeared behind him, and a young figure with his chest outstretched and his fists clenched suddenly flashed behind him.

The speed of this physical technique is so much faster than that kid from the Uchiha clan!

And at this moment, the moment the boy's figure appeared in the rearward glance, the face of the third Raikage changed uncontrollably. Although the speed of this moment was not as fast as his own, it was at least a step faster than the little monster of the Uchiha clan. times!


However, the third Raikage only changed his face, and he was a little surprised. After the change, after the surprise, he was not worried.


Suddenly, the third generation of Raikage landed on both feet.

Damn, it's too fast, I didn't have time!

And the moment he landed on one foot, the emerald green flames in the eyes of the young man behind him were burning, and several thoughts turned in his mind.


The next moment, the young man punched from top to bottom, and there was a piercing sound in the air, and it hit the third Raikage's neck fiercely.


But at the moment of the punch, the young man's stern face stiffened slightly, and his eyes suddenly looked back.


A flash of thunder suddenly shot out from his back shoulder, like a flash of thunder, passing through the eyeballs of his glanced back, illuminating the thick raised arms in those eyes, and the underside of the thunder coat. Inside, those eyes reflecting his back!

I was just here to lure you to attack!

The corners of the third Raikage's mouth curled up slightly, and with a "pop", the raised right hand had already turned into a sharp blade of lightning, and it was about to slash down vertically, splitting the kid in front of him in half!

But at this moment, this kid was in mid-air, unable to draw on his strength, and he had just swung his fist with all his strength. Hit, he is bound to win!

As long as this kid is killed, the next thing will be easy to handle, and he doesn't want to delay any longer, the battle must be resolved quickly.

If you are entangled here by this kid who is more difficult than the Uchiha clan kid, and he delays for a longer time to heal the injury of the Uchiha clan kid, then, if the two brats work together...

Even if it is me, I may not be able to escape in a short time.

I don't know the situation on the earth platform, but now I'm within the contact range, and he hasn't contacted me yet. I'm afraid that something happened in the rear battlefield today, or he encountered some troubles, and he couldn't contact the rear headquarters in time. build connection.

In either case, I must rush back.


Thoughts flashed across his mind, and the third generation of Raikage did not hesitate, and with a "pop", the thunder light in his hand exploded suddenly, and the thunder blade flashed down.

Die, Taki Chiba!

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