Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 870 Invincible?

once again...

I fell for the same trick!

Scenes flashed through his mind, and Sandai Raikage couldn't help thinking that during the first confrontation before, this Taki Chiba also used a similar fighting method to deceive him, and escaped his several fatal attacks.

This kid's movements are so natural!

This kind of physical movements and arbitrary camouflaged attacks are not something that can be achieved by hard work alone!

At the same time, he couldn't restrain the surprise in his heart, and judging from the situation in front of him, he also knew that his attack failed again.

Before the attack with his right hand hit, the kid's kick would send him flying, and the attack would naturally be nullified.

Everything is within this kid's calculations!

And when his thoughts turned, the third generation of Raikage frowned slightly. He could clearly feel the force that was about to explode on the foot that had already kicked his lower abdomen. In the next second, the strange power of this Taki Chiba , will strike.


Amid the slight sound of landing, the third Raikage slashed down with one hand and thrust out obliquely with the other. His whole body fell to the ground with a slightly arched posture.

At this moment, the force on the left foot suddenly exploded!

Strange power... exploded!


But at this moment, with his right hand on the ground, Chiba's brows suddenly frowned, and the emerald green inner circles of his pupils shrank suddenly.


The flashing lightning flashed by the thunder current pierced through the air, briefly illuminating his pupils, as well as the "Zi Zi" linear fragmentation of the thunder stream in his pupils and the kick kicked by his left foot in the air. appearance.

This kick is empty!

At the moment when the strange power was about to erupt, his target suddenly disappeared!

Is there!

At the moment when the thunder and lightning flashed away, Chiba's eyes suddenly glanced to the left side at this time, only to see a flash of thunder, and a "pop" as the electric current cut through the crisp sound of the air, three generations of Lei Ying His figure suddenly appeared, and the lightning blade was raised, and it was already slashing down.


And at this moment, the thunder blade in his hand slashed down, drawing a straight falling lightning in the air, the third generation of Raikage who has been looking down since the flash appeared and reflected in the eyes of Chiba's hand supporting the ground There was a flash of light.


And just when the third Raikage's thoughts turned around, the ground under his feet suddenly cracked in a circle and suddenly bulged.

Earth escape, earthquake core!

And at this moment, because the third generation of Raikage flashed out instantly, Chiba, whose left hand was free and because of the strength of the elbow, swung to the left with a left-handed trend, in the left hand that was swung away, a fruit had already formed. The last seal.


Immediately, a circular rock pillar with a diameter of about half a meter suddenly rose from the left side of his twisted body, that is, the feet of the third generation of Raikage, broke through the horizontally spreading thunder and lightning, and rushed straight up , With a bang, when Qianye turned over, a circular rock pillar about one or two meters suddenly formed on his left.

However, Chiba, whose body was turned down, turned over the rock pillar from top to bottom, but did not even glance at the rock pillar, and the emerald green eyes flashed a top-down look in the air. The emerald green arc, however, fell on the other side of the rock pillar following the downward trend of the overturn.


Just at this time, the thunder light flashed, and in his pupils that were illuminated again, it was the third generation of Raikage who was spraying out from the Thunder Dun chakra coat, with his right hand stretched out, and the hell gun piercing towards him, and the appearance of that There was a look of "I knew you would have predicted my attack" in his eyes.

Apparently, the third Raikage had predicted the rock pillar's attack, that slash was just a feint, and the real attack was now.

And the eyes of the third Raikage fell on Chiba's hands that were off the ground because of turning over.

Earth escape ninjutsu, although its power may not be the strongest among the five escape techniques, it is also the least gorgeous one, but in terms of defense and versatility, it is the strongest among the five escape techniques.

I have to say, it fits really well with you little monster!

In your hands, the Earth Dungeon Technique can really exert 200% of its power, and the Earth Dungeon Technique can also allow you to exert 200% of your combat power. There is no doubt about this!

However, many tricks, if used too much, even the stupidest enemy will understand!

At the same time, at the moment when the Hell Kanshou pierced halfway through, such a thought flashed through the mind of the third Raikage.

Then, in the next second, his gaze touched Qianye's gaze, and Qianye's left hand slowly revealed from the angle blocked by the body along with the spinning trend.

In an instant, his face changed again, his eyes opened suddenly, and he looked down suddenly.

Could it be that……

And in this downward glance, he clearly saw a scroll facing down, which was being stepped on by his right foot.

Sealing technique, solution!

Earth escape, earthquake core!


Immediately, another round rock pillar shot up into the sky, and with an unstoppable force, the lightning trail that slanted down and pierced the air stood upright, complementing the opposite rock pillar, standing proudly on the spot.

That kid actually arranged a ninjutsu seal scroll here!

Can his attack prediction be predicted to this extent?

At this moment, the third Raikage, who was knocked into the air by the sudden rock pillar with lightning speed, stared at Chiba below, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Suddenly, he suddenly felt a little chill behind him, as if a group of dark clouds were gathering and turning behind him, and finally turned into black hands, under the gaze of a pair of huge emerald green eyes, slowly covering him The body suspended in mid-air was grasped in the palm of the hand and slowly closed.

Everything was within this kid's expectation!

The current situation is that he can't hurt me...

Me too, can't hurt him?

At this time, an unprecedented thought rose in the heart of the third Raikage. He has been in the ninja world for decades, and the enemy cannot hurt himself.

Even if it was Eight Tails, he cut off its horns!

But now, it's impossible to give a kid a fatal blow, no, even a wounded blow?

Doesn't that mean that this Konoha kid is invincible to him?

What a joke!

Thinking of this, the third generation of Raikage's complexion suddenly sank, and with a crackling sound, a black thunderbolt exploded in the palm of his left hand, his body leaning in the air suddenly twisted, and the black thunder in his left hand slammed down, and the black thunderbolt burst instantly Turned into a pitch-black thunder spear, flashing down!


And at this moment, Qianye landed on both hands and one foot, turned over, and landed firmly on the ground.

Although I didn't see the body movements of his next attack, it is certain that the third generation of Raikage will not give up the attack, and he is a thunder ninja, and his attack speed is an absolute advantage. The attack can only be a long-range attack from Thunder Dungeon!

And his most powerful long-range attack, from just now until now, is the black Thunder Dungeon!

The moment he landed, several thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, and his whole body tensed up suddenly.


At this moment, the pitch-black thunder and lightning seemed to penetrate the space, and the thunder spear arrived and penetrated in an instant.


Almost at the same time, there was a muffled sound, which spread far away.

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