
The pitch-black lightning pierced through the ground fiercely, exploded instantly, and turned into a thunder pool of black thunder flashing, like a hundred birds chirping, creaking and creaking.

And at the moment when the black thunder pool exploded, the figure wrapped in the blue chakra coat plunged down from midair, drawing a fine current in midair, and slammed into the black thunder pool heavily.


Immediately, the black lightning was instantly attracted to the place where it fell to the ground, and in an instant, a crackling and scorching thunder pack of black thunder gathered in the thunder pool.


And in the next second, there was a clear sound of cracking the ground, and suddenly, the entire black thunder pool seemed to have subsided, and dust overflowed, gradually filling the gaps in the black thunder flash.


Afterwards, more and more cracking sounds were heard, and the Black Thunder Pond suddenly sank again, and even the area around half a meter outside the Thunder Pond was sunken and cracked, and smoke and dust billowed up.


In the end, amidst the sound of the collapse, a huge column of smoke rose up, engulfing the thunder bag and the black thunder pool in an instant!

Calculated to I will use Black Thunder?

At the same time, I calculated the height at which the earthquake core knocked me into the air, and immediately jumped behind me, and when I threw the black halberd, I struck this blow!

And just before this column of smoke and dust exploded, the three generations of Leiying who fell into the ground and cracked and spread around him looked at the young figure kicking sideways in the midair without blinking. Biting slightly, a trace of pain flashed through his eyes.

At the moment just now, when the black thunder spear was about to pierce the ground, Taki Chiba, who was in the starting posture with his hands on the ground and one foot on the ground, disappeared suddenly. Huge force surged in, the scene in front of him changed rapidly, and he slammed into the black thunder pool formed by his lightning spear.

Then, just as this thought flashed, smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the figure of the third Raikage who was completely knocked down by the strange force was instantly engulfed.


And at this moment, in mid-air, Qianye, who looked like he was spinning sideways, raised his right fingers, and in an instant, a cloud of white mist exploded from his side.

And at the moment when the white mist exploded, a hand stretched out from the white mist, grabbed his hand with a "snap", and took advantage of the momentum to flick him, sending him flying.


The figure drew a green light in the air, and Chiba fell to the ground with a muffled sound, half kneeling in front of the shadow clone Chiba and the unconscious Hirohiko, stirring up a circle of dust.

"The main body..."

But at this time, looking at the sudden arrival of the main body Qianye, the shadow clone Qianye frowned slightly, and spoke with some concern.

At this moment, in his eyes, in the half-kneeling posture of the main body Chiba, there is clearly a trace of trembling, and just now the brilliance of the emerald green body outline flickered, and even, in the nostrils of the main body Chiba, it seemed There are traces of blood oozing out.

No matter how you look at it, Chiba's condition is not very good now.


But hearing the worried words of the shadow clone Chiba, the main body Chiba didn't seem to care, and didn't even glance at the huge smoke column behind him, but slowly stood up, raised his hands slightly to the chest and abdomen, and clenched his fists.

Immediately, the clucking bones rang twice.

The increase in speed and strength... The injury mode can't be compared with the Dumen mode! This has almost reached the speed and strength of the injured state!

Moreover, the amount of chakra in this body is basically several times that of the injury mode, and it is already the chakra amount of the super shadow level. Four or five shadow clones are separated, and it doesn't feel too much consumption, but the torrent The speed is also double that of the wounded mode, and the meridians of the body are a bit unable to bear such a fast chakra rush, and the physical energy consumption is much faster than the wounded mode or even the critical state of the wounded mode.

Although this is the first time to use it in actual combat, I can be sure that as long as I can fully load the Dumen mode, my combat power will enter the category of S-level, and it is not impossible for the third generation of Raikage to fight!

At this level, I can be said to be a strong ninja in the true sense, although it is still far from the Sannin and others.

Feeling the explosive power in the body, as well as the chakra extraction amount and extraction speed that almost extracted 10% of the chakra in the injury mode in just an instant, Chiba felt a little incredible in his heart.

At the same time, for the first time, I felt the surplus of Chakra.

Yes, for the first time, he felt that he did not lack chakra!

With 10% of the chakra amount plus a shadow clone, he still feels that he can still use the shadow level chakra amount which is far more than the wounded mode.

To be honest, he who is used to saving chakra and counting carefully, encountered this kind of situation, he was quite at a loss.

Almost all gave birth to "so much chakra, how should I use it?" This kind of panic seems to be like a poor man who suddenly got a huge inheritance and doesn't know how to spend the money.

Moreover, he did not expect the comprehensive suppression of the third generation of Raikage just now. He did not expect that such an easy trick of sealing the scroll could smash the third generation of Raikage into the ground in embarrassment.

This situation is completely different from the bitter battle just now.

He even felt a sense of relief.

"How long!"

After clenching his fists and clucking twice, Qianye also quickly walked away from his surprise, looked down at the shadow clone, and asked.

"It didn't take long. In about 30 seconds, Hirohiko's right lung has almost recovered. Next, it is estimated that only the Chakra of the two shadow clones in Dumen mode can heal his injuries. However, when will he wake up? ,Can not be sure."

The shadow clone Qianye replied truthfully, speaking a little faster, obviously racing against time.

"It's okay, don't worry about Chakra, the Dumen mode... the increased Chakra is simply unimaginable!"

Hearing the faint worry in the words of the shadow clone, Qianye shook his head, and said a little excitedly.

At this moment, he seemed to understand the feelings of those ninjas who are at the top of the ninja world and have a huge amount of chakra. Too shabby.

I also deeply feel how miserable I would be if I didn't have the vision of the eight-door model and the scroll of the eight-door armor that I got because of my "father".

Sure enough, this world is a world where Chakra speaks volumes!

At the same time, he further confirmed the essence of the Naruto world that he summed up when he was developing the eight-door model.


In this world, we still need to have power!

At this moment, Qianye took a deep breath, and a proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"So, what are you going to do next?"

And at this time, the dignified words of the shadow clone Qianye came.

At the same time, Qianye's gaze of the shadow clone also turned slightly, looking behind him, the steaming smoke column behind him.

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