Konoha, The Opening Fusion Gojo Satoru

Chapter 168 Trembling Hatake Satoru

Chapter 168 Trembling Hatake Satoru

The kneeling villager seemed to have come to his senses at this moment, first he looked up at the gloomy Water God, and then at the outsider who was as imposing as the Water God.

They didn't dare to speak at all now, and the old lady who brought Hatake Satoru was also lying on the ground trembling at this moment. He regretted it very much now, why did he bring Hatake Satoru here.

And she was also very scared in her heart, she didn't know if Lord Water God would punish her because of this person in a while, she didn't want her good life to just begin, so she would take a step first, that would be too much Lost.

"Hey, young man, hurry up and apologize to Lord Water God, and ask Lord Water God for forgiveness."

The old woman touched and tugged Hatake Satoru's pants quietly, and whispered.

"Don't worry, grandma, I'll be fine."

Hearing what Hatake Satoru said, the old lady was speechless.

"I'm not afraid that something will happen to you, but I'm afraid that something will happen to me."

It was originally a thought, but for some unknown reason, she said it directly.

"Ah ha ha."

Immediately, Hatake Satoru showed an embarrassing expression. At first he thought the other party cared about him, but it turned out that he was thinking too much.

"Don't worry, grandma, you'll be fine."

Just after Hatake Satoru finished speaking, a stream of water rushed towards Hatake Satoru, but it was easily blocked by Wu Qing, and the scattered seawater also poured on the surrounding villagers.

Immediately, the villagers became chaotic and ran towards their home, shouting as they ran, the water god was angry.

And the old lady who was carried by Hatake Satoru just now sprinted in front of everyone in one fell swoop, the speed was beyond Hatake Satoru's imagination.

"Sure enough, people's potential is truly endless."

Hatake Satoru was a little surprised by the speed of that old woman, she was obviously a dying person, but she ran faster than those young people.

"It's really a sin, a sin, Lord Water God, don't blame me, I really didn't know that this little bastard would offend you."

While running, she prayed in her heart, wondering if the so-called water god could hear her heartfelt voice.

"Is this the so-called god? To play such a sneak attack trick."

"Hmph, I'll give you another chance to obediently hand over your eyes."

Although until now, he has not seen what Hatake Satoru's eyes look like, but judging from the huge energy he feels, it is definitely not bad.

Even the Rinnegan he met before didn't have as much energy as those eyes.

"I reject."

"If that's the case, then I can only get it by myself."

After all, several streams of water appeared directly from the sea, rushing directly in the direction of Hatake Satoru.

Anything can be touched by Hatake Satoru, just like the sea water, but when the sea water is used to attack oneself, the sea water carries malice.

And his no-lower-limit spell can just respond to these malice.

So, even if he doesn't react, nothing will happen to him, but if he stays still, wouldn't it be too boring.

Although the speed of the water thrust is very fast, the purpose is also obvious. It is the place where Hatake Satoru was standing just now. As long as he leaves there, the attack of the water will naturally be easily dodged by him.

Of course, Hatake Satoru is definitely not the one who just waits to die. Others have already attacked him, so he has to retaliate no matter what.

It was just an ordinary Body Flicker Technique, Hatake Satoru had already come to the opponent, clenched his fist with his right hand, and punched out directly.

The imaginary scene did not appear. Originally, Hatake Satoru thought that he could knock the opponent away with one punch, but in reality, when his fist was about to touch the opponent, a water curtain suddenly appeared and absorbed his fist directly. All the power on the ground, and directly bounced that power back, acting on himself, the other party had nothing to do, but made him retreat tens of meters away.

This can be said to be the first time he has tried the power of his fist, and it really is very powerful.

Water is a kind of substance that combines hardness and softness, but softness can overcome rigidity. It may be soft one second, and it may be very rigid the next second.

"Don't try to challenge the authority of God. In this sea, I am invincible."

I saw the other party spread his hands and said, several waterspouts shot up into the sky, and a doomsday-like scene appeared in front of Hatake Satoru.

And the villagers on the island were completely terrified, hiding in their homes and shivering. Seeing this battle, they knew that the water god was angry.

At this moment, they already hated Hatake Satoru to death in their hearts, and the old woman who brought Hatake Satoru together, they already called him an old woman in their hearts.

And the old woman was already hiding in the bed, she didn't even dare to stick her head out, she didn't know what happened outside, she could only hear the violent wind coming from outside.

"It's really interesting."

Hatake Satoru, who was in the midst of many waterspouts, had blown his blindfold off and his clothes were blown by the wind, but he didn't seem to be affected in the slightest.

On the contrary, the expression on his face looked more and more excited and excited. It's not like he hasn't met someone stronger.

For example, the Vulcan I met last time is stronger than this Water God. After all, the original Vulcan can be said to have descended in real body, but this time the Water God is just a clone.

But in the middle of the sea, this is his home field, and he can exert 200% or even 300% of his body's strength.

And the rapidly changing weather made Hatake Satoru's breathing feel a little depressed.

But it was this depressing feeling that made him more and more excited, and his body couldn't help shaking. Of course, this wasn't trembling from fear, but trembling from excitement.

"Go to hell, human."

With the opponent's big hand wave, several waterspouts directly wrapped up Wuji, trying to tear his body apart.

"Spell Reversal, Huh."

As Hatake Satoru's voice fell, a terrifying repulsive force erupted directly in the center surrounded by many waterspouts, and in an instant, all the waterspouts were washed away.

Seeing this scene, the Water God frowned slightly, as if such a result surprised him.

"A little bit, but that's all there is to it."

He raised his hands, and a huge tsunami appeared directly in front of Hatake Satoru, and behind Hatake Satoru was the island just now.

"If you hide, the villagers behind you will be buried in this sea, but if you don't hide, you can still be with them.

As a ninja who protects the people, what choice do you have to make? "

(end of this chapter)

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