Chapter 169 Goodbye Itachi

"Come on, what choice do you have to make? Do you want to be buried with these villagers obediently or live alone."

The corner of the water god's mouth raised a slight arc. This kind of smile is like a cat catching a mouse, and the smile is sure to win. No matter what choice Hatake Satoru makes, it is the same for him, but he died early. dead question.

"Oh, this is really a bit difficult."

Hatake Satoru stroked his hair, except for a helpless expression on his face.

"But I wouldn't choose either of these two options. Threatening me is the stupidest decision you've ever made in your life."

In an instant, Hatake Satoru's face became serious, and even his voice became full of murderous looks. It is estimated that anyone hates being threatened by others, and Hatake Satoru is the same.

"Curse, Cang."

As Wu's voice fell, a blue light ball with a diameter of about one meter suddenly appeared in the middle of this huge tsunami. Suddenly, the huge tsunami seemed to be attracted by the blue light ball, and directly gathered into a A vortex was attracted by the cyan light ball.


Seeing this scene, the water god was completely stunned. Now he found that he had no way to control the tsunami, and the tsunami could not break through the attraction of the cyan light ball.

"Who the hell are you?"

For the first time, the Water God felt a sense of being beyond his control.

Although he is not the strongest among all gods, he is definitely not only an existence that humans can defeat. At first, he just thought that Hatake Satoru was a troublesome existence, but now, he feels that the other party is an existence that makes him flustered.

"Me? I'm just a ninja who happened to be on a mission."

After finishing speaking, Hatake Satoru clasped both hands, and the imaginary '茈' took shape instantly.

All of a sudden, the water god completely felt a sense of threat.

"No, it's impossible. This is definitely not a ninjutsu that should appear in this world. Who are you?"

He knew that he would definitely die with this move. Although this body can only be counted as a clone, once this body dies, it will also cause great mental damage to his body. Recovery will take at least a few years.

"I've said it all, I'm just a person who happens to be on a mission."

With the flick of Hatake Satoru's fingers, Xushi rushed towards the water god in an instant, and the passing sea was split into two halves in an instant. Even though there was a steady stream of seawater flowing in, it was still not filled up.

"I'm not going to die, human, next time we meet, I will definitely kill you, and you will become the common enemy of all gods."

After the last word fell, the opponent was completely swallowed by the virtual formula.

"Then I hope that when I meet you gods, I will see if it is you who kill me or me to kill the gods."

Of course, the water god couldn't hear what Hatake Satoru said.

Following the news of the water god, the sea gradually calmed down, and a colorful rainbow appeared in the sky, which seemed to be celebrating the departure of the water god.

And those crops withered instantly, and the villagers who seemed to be energetic just now looked a little sluggish.

Because of the disappearance of the water god, all the power he left behind disappeared along with it.

Or the only proof of the existence of the water god is the crops that these villagers have harvested in the past few days.

Summoning a Ninja Hawk, briefly reported to Minato about the mission, and then Satoru left, because he felt that if he stepped on that island again, he would definitely receive malicious looks and emotions from the villagers. .

Although Hatake Satoru did this for their own good, in the eyes of these villagers, Hatake Satoru is the chief culprit who destroyed their hard-won happy life.

Hatake Satoru's next task is of course to find some traces of gods, but before looking for gods, he wants to meet Itachi first. Although Itachi will occasionally send some news to prove his safety, Satoru still wants to To confirm the other party's situation with your own eyes.

It has been three days since the killing of the water god. At this time, Hatake Satoru was already in the territory of the Bird Kingdom. He got in touch with Itachi through secret techniques. Itachi was sent to the Bird Kingdom to complete a bounty task. Now that the task has been completed, Itachi is on his way back.

"Long time no see, Itachi."

In a forest, Hatake Satoru met Itachi. When he saw Hatake Satoru again, Uchiha Itachi's expression was obviously a little excited, but he quickly hid it.

"Long time no see, teacher, I'm relieved to see that you are the same as before."

Itachi said this in a very mature tone.

"Ha, I should be the one who said this to you, Itachi, it's really great to see you safe and sound."

Hearing Satoru's words, Uchiha Itachi's heart warmed up.

"By the way, it's okay for you to act without authorization, right?"

Suddenly, Hatake Satoru's tone changed, becoming a little more serious.

"Do you need me to get rid of that teammate of yours?"

"Need not."

Itachi shook his head calmly.

"Although that guy's strength is not bad, he doesn't have any resistance to illusions. He has now been hit by my Sharingan's illusion. In a short time, he won't find that I have left, and I also stayed by his side. A Shadow Clone, even if it breaks the illusion, there won't be any problems."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Hatake Satoru nodded and said, All I can say is Itachi really deserves to be Itachi, he will think of every aspect of everything and do it impeccably.

"Itachi, fight with me, let me see how strong you are, and take it as my last test of your strength."

"Okay, teacher."

Itachi didn't ask Hatake Satoru why he did this, and he also wanted to test his own strength. How far is the current self, who has Mangekyō Sharingan, from his teacher.

"You don't have to hold back from me, including your Mangekyō Sharingan ability, you can also use it as you like."

Hearing this, Itachi's expression on his face was slightly startled, but he was soon relieved.

"As expected of a teacher, I really can't hide anything from you."

After all, Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the Sangouyu in his pupils instantly turned into a sickle-shaped Sharingan, which looked very pervasive and filled with an ominous aura.

"Then, let's start the last contest between our master and apprentice."

"is teacher."

After finishing speaking, Hatake Satoru walked directly in front of Itachi, grabbed Itachi's shoulder, and led him away from here. After all, there will still be people passing by around here.

Here is the brief introduction of the book "My Ability to Replace the Heavens in Konoha":

"Hmph, who do you think is standing in front of you?"

"This is the grandson of Second Generation!"

"Hope for Konoha's Future"

"The most favorable contender for the next generation of Hokage"

"He is Nakano Yuuki-sama!"

"Masaka, is this the legendary No. 1 medical ninja in the ninja world, known as Konoha Nozomi, who has strange abilities and possesses countless abilities that have never appeared in the ninja world?"

"That's right, it's this lord."

At this time, Yushu smiled low-key, the ability to replace the heavens and worlds is so simple and unpretentious!

Book friends' books, everyone can go to support a wave.

(end of this chapter)

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