Konoha, The Opening Fusion Gojo Satoru

Chapter 215 Pu Shi's Answer

Chapter 215 Pu Shi's Answer

"Kill me, kill me quickly."

These words kept appearing in Pu Shi’s mind, he is in too much pain now, his brain is overloaded, his body can also move, but the speed of action can be said to be very slow, Almost like standing still.

"Want to die?"

Suddenly, Satoru's voice rang in Pu Shi's ear again.

"If you want to die, just tell me everything I want to know."

The few people outside the field could only see a circular light curtain suddenly appearing, enveloping the two people in an instant. As for what kind of situation is inside the light curtain, no one knows.

Now death is already a luxury for Pu Shi, so death is the greatest charity for Pu Shi.

Afterwards, Satoru snapped his fingers, and the domain was shattered from the inside out, while Pu Shi, who had regained his freedom, was panting heavily, but judging from the expression on his face, he hadn't changed from the previous situation. Relieved in the field.

Just 0.2 seconds of infinite space can paralyze the super magic spirit in the magic world for more than five minutes, and just now Hatake Satoru maintained the domain for almost half a minute.

And within half a minute, seven and a half years of invalid information had already appeared in Urashiki's mind, and if he wanted to digest these seven and a half years of invalid information, even the people of the Ōtsutsuki clan had to take a good rest a period of time.

But how could Hatake Satoru give him time to rest, he stepped on his head directly with his foot, exerting force, intending to forcibly wake Ura Shiki up.

But I have to say that this method is still very effective. Under the severe pain in the brain, Pu Shi woke up instantly. Although there is still a feeling of swelling in the brain, it does not prevent him from answering the question now. .

The moment he came to his senses, after Urashiki saw Hatake Satoru's face, his face was instantly filled with an expression of fear. During that time just now, Urashiki really experienced the feeling that life would be worse than death.

"Come on, tell me everything you know, Ōtsutsuki Urashiki."

Hatake Satoru turned and sat on Urashiki's body, and asked with a relaxed expression.

"Of course, if you still want to experience the feeling just now, you don't have to say anything."

Hearing these words, Pu Shi, who originally wanted to survive, shuddered instantly. Recalling the feeling just now, Pu Shi really would rather die than experience it again.

"I said."

Ōtsutsuki Urashiki struggled with these two options for a long time, whether to say or not to say, and finally chose to say what he knew. Now he is completely desperate in the hands of Hatake Satoru.

Obviously, in the eyes of their Ōtsutsuki clan, these people in the lower world are ants, and they are all fodder for them to raise the sacred tree, but among these ants that they despise, people who can kill them appear one after another.

"I saw you in the future, on the land of the Ōtsutsuki clan. At the beginning, you didn't know how to directly open up a space passage, and it appeared in the territory of our Ōtsutsuki clan.

And your appearance naturally aroused the vigilance of our clan, and we continued to fight with you, but your strength was completely beyond the imagination of all our clansmen. In that battle, we not only did not take advantage, but also Several clansmen were slaughtered by you. In the end, we had no choice but to seal you up by our patriarch himself. "

Hearing Pu Shi's words, Satoru sat on him, with a pensive expression on his face.

"Then how did your patriarch seal me?"

After thinking about it for a while, Hatake Satoru asked the most important question. He knew exactly how strong he was, and his future self would only be stronger than his current self.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to seal him head-on. He must have used insidious, despicable, and cunning means.

"I can't say that."

It can be seen that the expression on Pu Shi's face suddenly became ferocious, and he finally refused.

Apparently, he seems to be more afraid of what happens when he speaks out than Hatake Satoru's domain.

"Then do you want to experience the feeling just now?"

Hatake Satoru's voice sounded like a devil's whisper in Ōtsutsuki Urashiki's ears.

"No, I don't want to."

Pu Shi didn't even think about it, and replied immediately.

"Then why don't you say it soon?"

"Our patriarch uses his eyes..."

Before Ōtsutsuki Urashiki could finish his sentence, blood flowed from Qiqiao, and then a huge energy suddenly condensed in his body.

Immediately afterwards, it can be found that Urashiki's body is getting bigger and bigger, and Hatake Satoru sitting on him also moved a certain distance to the side in an instant, and then there was a bang, and there was an explosion. Ōtsutsuki Urashiki's The body was directly swallowed by the raging flames.

When he was dying, he did not utter that complete sentence.

"It seems that there should be a curse similar to Caged Bird in his body."

Seeing the tragic situation of Ōtsutsuki Urashi, Hatake Satoru analyzed the reasons and said.

Afterwards, Minato and his group all rushed over.

"Wu, are you okay?"

The explosion just now was too violent. Although they all knew that Satoru would have nothing to do, they still asked Hatake Satoru very concerned.


It's just that when he answered this sentence, Hatake Satoru's expression was obviously not very good.

He has always been brooding about the fact that his future self was sealed, although he believes that his future self will definitely have the ability to escape the seal.

But the ability that must be able to trap him is not so easy to escape.

And if he doesn't figure out this matter, it means that he will be sealed in an unknown amount of time.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone noticed that Hatake Satoru's expression was wrong, and Kakashi asked.

After all, for some questions, it is most appropriate for one's relatives to ask them.

"The future me has disappeared, and I suspect that the future me is being sealed away by the Ōtsutsuki clan."

Hatake Satoru lowered his head, rubbed his chin with his hands, and finally said what he knew.

To be honest, Hatake Satoru himself should be the one who felt the most surprised when he heard that he was sealed. He originally thought that the future Sasuke said to go to other worlds was really the world he imagined.

I didn't expect to go to the place where the Ōtsutsuki clan was. The most important thing is that not only did I not turn that place upside down, but I also got myself into it.

This immediately gave Hatake Satoru a hot feeling on his face, it was really embarrassing.

(end of this chapter)

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