Konoha, The Opening Fusion Gojo Satoru

Chapter 216 Going To The Future

Chapter 216 Going to the Future

As soon as the words came out, the expressions on everyone's faces changed, and they instantly realized the seriousness of the problem. Although this incident happened in the future, Hatake Satoru has a more or less deep relationship with them.

"Then what do we do now?"

Kakashi asked with an ugly face, after all, although the one who was sealed was the future Hatake Satoru, that was also his big brother.

"I want to go to the future and rescue the future me."

Satoru immediately stated his choice.

"I'll go as well."

As soon as Satoru finished speaking, Kakashi immediately picked up the words and spoke.

"No, I can do this alone. With your strength, if you go, it will only add to my burden in vain."

Wu immediately refused, even if he was his younger brother, Wu didn't have the slightest politeness to talk to him, after all, he was going to break into the land of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

There, special pupil techniques can be said to emerge in endlessly, like the space movement technique, for them, it is more like basic ninjutsu, almost every member of the Ōtsutsuki family can use it.

"Since the future you has been sealed, wouldn't it be more dangerous for the present you to save the future you?"

Minato also frowned and said.

"No, my main purpose this time is not to fight them, but to solve the future me. As long as the present me and the future me join hands, then no one in this world will be our opponent .”

When he said this, Hatake Satoru's tone was very confident.

After all, he is already invincible by himself, and he is a person above the ceiling. If there is another him, he will be sealed again, but there is really no way to go on.

Only the current Sasuke and the current Naruto showed confused expressions. Jiraiya didn't understand at first, but through the dialogue between several people, he also understood something.

"Let's go back now, this matter is not in a hurry, it's better to have a long-term plan."

Then, Minato suggested.

"Kakashi, you continue to practice with Sasuke.

Jiraiya-sensei, Naruto is in your hands. "

After Kakashi glanced at Satoru, he came to Sasuke's side.

"is teacher."

Then, he grabbed Sasuke's collar and disappeared directly using the Body Flicker Technique.

After Jiraiya glanced at the future Sasuke and Boruto, a smile seemed to know everything on his face, and he also pulled Naruto away.

"Sasuke, Boruto, can you go back to the future now?"

Hearing Minato's question, Boruto took out the time-traveling Noble Phantasm 'Plow' from his bosom.

Seeing that 'Plough' had fallen into a deep sleep with his eyes closed, Boruto shook his head.

"Not yet, it has not replenished enough Chakra, and there is no way to travel through time and space."

"Just need Chakra? Then leave it to me."

Minato held out his hand, while Boruto showed a puzzled expression, but still handed the 'plow' into Minato's hands.

A fiery red Chakra instantly appeared on Minato's right hand, and this Chakra is exactly the power of Nine Tails. It can be seen that 'Plow' opened his eyes and opened a gap in his mouth, visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​devours Minato's Chakra.

After a final hiccup, he finally stopped devouring Chakra.

As for the Nine Tails in Minato's stomach, it can be seen that she has lost a lot of weight, which shows that the consumption of Chakra is still very large when traveling through time.

"Wow, are you awake now?"

After Boruto took the 'plow', he sighed and said, when the 'plow' fell into a deep sleep due to the lack of Chakra, Boruto also delivered Chakra to its body, but when he felt that he was about to be sucked dry,' The plow' remained still, and Boruto gave up on feeding himself Chakra.

"Can you time travel now?"

Boruto immediately asked 'Plow'.

"No problem, with the amount of Chakra in my body now, it's not a problem to travel through time twice."

Hearing Boruto's question, 'Plow' answered.

"Mr. Sasuke, shall we hurry back then?"

Although staying at home here, there is always a sense of belonging in Boruto's mind. Although seeing his parents and grandparents when he was young makes Boruto feel very happy in his heart, but there is more in his heart. What he misses most is his parents, grandparents in that time and space.

"it is good."

Sasuke also nodded, he had already quietly glanced at his parents in this time and space, and was already satisfied, so he had nothing to miss in this time and space.

Just as Sasuke and Boruto were about to activate the Noble Phantasm and leave, Minato stopped him suddenly.



Sasuke responded with a surprised tone.

"You should have the ability to erase our memories, right?"


Sasuke nodded.

"Then please, clear away all the memories that don't belong to our era. After all, the ending of the novel is the most attractive to read at the end."

"it is good."

In fact, Sasuke also had this idea long ago, but if the other party is not voluntary, facing a powerhouse of Minato's level, there is no way to successfully erase the memory.

After finishing speaking, Sasuke made a seal with one hand, closed his eyes and opened them again, the scarlet Three Tomoe Sharingan had a dim light, and a huge phantom Sharingan also appeared over the entire Konoha Village.

The phantom was naturally discovered by the Uchiha clan, and Fugaku also looked at the phantom of the Sharingan with a serious face. He found that the pupil power contained in the Sharingan was stronger than that of his Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Is there another Mangekyō from the Uchiha clan?"

Fugaku thought solemnly in his heart that it should be a good thing for the Uchiha clan to have another Mangekyō, but judging from this posture, it seems that the visitor is not friendly.

The phantom of Sharingan comes and goes quickly, and those who have seen Boruto and the future Sasuke always feel that something is missing in their brains.

Kakashi and Sasuke, who were training, froze. They felt something was wrong, but they didn't know where it came from.

The same goes for Jiraiya and Naruto.

After performing the spell, Future Sasuke also took Boruto and disappeared in front of Minato.

Minato came back to his senses and saw the scene in front of him with an inexplicable expression on his face. With his strength, he naturally knew that there seemed to be something missing in his mind, but his heart told him that it was not a bad thing.

"Okay, let's go now."

In a corner of Konoha Forest, Satoru said to Sasuke and Boruto that he also has a little longing for the future world, and in the future world there is the strongest Ōtsutsuki clan that has appeared so far, Ōtsutsuki Ishiki.

(end of this chapter)

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