Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 184 Stop is wrong, shut up!

The night before, within the Uchiha clan.

Mikoto was washing the dishes, probably because Haori came over. She asked all the servants to go home and rest, and she cooked the food herself to reward Haori.

Naturally, she had to clean up after the meal, but she seemed to enjoy it.

Just thinking that Haori didn't taste it carefully at all, and had a 'ninja mode' attitude towards eating, made her somewhat uncomfortable.

"No wonder Ying said that for this guy Haori, the non-poisonous food is the food, the poisonous is the medicine, and the food that is really difficult to swallow is the building material."

Although Haori doesn't have much time to come over often, Hikari still has more time, plus Sasuke serves as a link, and Mikoto is also very good at making friends.

After going back and forth, it turned out that Hikari and Mikoto's relationship was really good, and they discussed many things.

Similarly, I also roughly know Haori’s attitude towards food.

Haori was sitting in the room, listening to Sasuke telling anecdotes about school, and couldn't help but secretly thinking about Sasuke's future route.

Although it was somewhat risky to erase the consciousness of Indra Chakra in Sasuke's body, Haori felt that it was not impossible for him to give it a try.

Everyone is dead, Yuzhi thinks they should go with peace of mind, there is no need to continue in the human world.

What's more, Yuori knew that if nothing unexpected happened, the reincarnation of Indra and Asura would most likely end with Naruto and Sasuke.

"After all, these two people have brought out all the Immortals of Six Paths..."

Even if it was due to Uchiha Madara's light, there was also the fact that Sage of Six Paths and their little brother Black Zetsu was causing trouble.

However, both Naruto and Sasuke have experienced the 'Ultimate Yin and Yang Escape', and have also been 'stripped of cheats' by the Sage of Six Paths.

The most important thing is that Sasuke, who was obsessed with Indra, was finally defeated by Naruto, who represented Asura's obsession. All this was finally over.

"But there is me in this world, and I am completely sure that my power is Indra's power, then..."

So as a real 'Asura', it is not an exaggeration for me to destroy the consciousness of the previous Asura, right?

"And if we really want to eradicate this will, perhaps the best way is to fuse Asura's chakra, right?"

In fact, Haori had some doubts about how to do it, but after thinking about it, he felt that the best way might be to 'fight fire with fire'!

Indra and Asura are two brothers in the true sense, and their powers seem to restrain each other, but their ultimate essence is actually a fusion of each other.

It is difficult to say that when Indra's chakra discovers that Asura's chakra has entered, the body's rejection is actually a kind of subconscious rejection by 'Indra'.

But after the rejection, the two parties began to integrate, which can most likely be understood as 'mutual understanding' and 'reconciliation'.

The Indra Chakra that Haori obtained has no consciousness in itself, it is just pure chakra, and when he injected the White Zetsu cells, he was actually stripped of consciousness.

How Black Zetsu did it, Haori didn't know, maybe it was because Senju Hashirama was dead, or maybe he did it through Yin Yang Escape, or maybe he did it through the power of the Blood Succession Snare.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have that ability for the time being, and my thoughts are all speculation.

However, even if chakra infusion of will itself is a very nonsense setting, maybe my method can be useful in some cases. "

Yuzhi secretly wondered whether Sasuke had the power of 'Asura' in the original work. He was actually quite skeptical.

On the one hand, the original work did not draw this matter in detail, but when Kabuto was treating Sasuke, it was hard to say whether he would inject something into it.

After all, his reincarnation eye did not disappear after the Six Paths Immortal took away the 'Ultimate Yin Escape'.

This shows that either he retains the power of 'Asura' in his body, or that the Samsara Eye will not degenerate after it is opened.

However, since he retained the 'Power of Asura', why did he not accept the subsequent arms developed based on the 'Power of Asura'?

For a ninja, one arm has a huge impact on combat effectiveness. No matter how strong Sasuke is, he cannot ignore this matter.

However, Haori was very interested in creating a Sasuke who always had the power of Indra and Asura.

Especially now that he has basically determined his chakra.


Just as he was thinking, he suddenly found that his hand seemed to be being pulled and shaken by someone.

He shook his head and looked around, only to see Sasuke looking at him with an aggrieved look on his face.

"Father, it seems like you didn't even listen to what I said."

"Sorry, I was thinking about something else."

Yuori was a little embarrassed. Although it was not a big deal to be distracted, it might be a little sad for this little guy.

"Your father may be thinking about some things in the village. Don't forget that he is the Hokage."

Fortunately, at this moment, Mikoto, who had already washed the dishes, walked in. She couldn't help but answer Sasuke's words, while Haori smiled and touched Sasuke's little head.

"I'm sorry. I've been busy lately and have a lot more things to deal with. After all, the livelihood of the entire village and even the entire Fire Nation depends on me."

Is it really okay to brag to a child...

Mikoto couldn't help but pursed her lips when she heard Haori's words. Haori was the Hokage, and it was true that it was related to the vitality of the entire Konoha.

Why are you rebelling against Tiangang? Even the Fire Nation is under control?

Is it possible...

Suddenly, Mikoto had a terrifying thought, and she couldn't help but glance at Haori.

As the daughter of an elder who was able to marry the clan leader, Mikoto's abilities have never been bad, and her pair of three magatama Sharingan eyes have long proven everything!

And from the changes in the family to now, she can see many things clearly and knows how to do them, which also shows that she has a clear heart.

But after thinking about it, she decided it wasn't a big deal.

As a ninja, it is okay to respect the daimyo, but I want powerful ninjas to regard the daimyo as the 'only sun'.

He even asked the ninjas to regard the name as the only 'jade' instead of their shadow. I'm afraid no one will agree to this!

Although Mikoto now has the image of a gentle wife that makes all 'Boss Cao' move their index fingers, others have three magatama...

"Okay, don't talk about this."

Mikoto no longer thought about it, she simply smiled and said to Haori and Sasuke.

“It’s rare for you to come here once, so you should spend more time with Sasuke.

And he keeps saying that he wants to be your Hokage's disciple.

I can't persuade him anymore, so you have to come. "

"Of course, after all, I am his father."

Haori blinked at Mikoto, then looked at Sasuke and deliberately lowered his face.

“What, boy, you don’t even listen to your mother, do you?

Believe it or not, I called Naruto over, took off your pants, hung you up and beat you? "

"Don't be like this either..."

Looking at Haori's fierce look and Sasuke's aggrieved look, Mikoto was really speechless.

But he didn't know if it was because of his sixth sense that he suddenly noticed the two people in front of him...

Really a bit like biological father and son?

Especially, in terms of each other's chakra?

"Okay, don't scare him anymore."

Although she felt a little nervous, Mikoto quickly adjusted herself. She immediately shook her head and said.

"Are you such a father? Will your future children be like this?"

"As long as it's my child, I'm afraid I will consider it..."

Haori touched her chin and nodded seriously. This sentence made both Sasuke and Mikoto dumbfounded.

No, do you really have this idea?

Sasuke subconsciously touched his butt. This was not good news for him.

Being beaten is actually not a big deal. Isn't it a normal thing to be beaten by one's own father?

But when Naruto came to see him, he couldn't hold back. He suddenly felt that he should be obedient. Even if he was beaten, he couldn't be beaten in front of Naruto!


But soon, Sasuke seemed to realize something, and he looked at Yuori with surprise.

"Father, am I going to have a younger brother or younger sister?"

God knows how exaggerated an Uchiha's control over his younger brother is. As soon as this guy heard Haori's 'my child', his eyes immediately lit up.

And he had been thinking about it all the time, but there was still no movement at all after such a long time, which made him a little unbearable.

"It's hard to say, but I'm working on it."

After thinking for a moment, Yuzhi said helplessly.

"Then, when is it?"

Sasuke asked still enthusiastically. He glanced at his mother, then looked at Haori, and he suddenly said excitedly.

"Why don't you, father, stay here tonight? I heard Shikamaru say that if you have a child, your parents need to live together!"

Sasuke's words really made Mikoto unable to bear it, and Haori was stunned.

What does that kid Shikamaru have in his head all day long?

But Haori touched his chin. He is now in Konoha... no, his status in the Land of Fire should be regarded as the 'prime minister', right?

After all, he is the boss in the huge Konoha, and he can still say a few words in this three-acre land of Fire Country.

Although it's not much, it's okay to simply change the name.

"Isn't this just a replica of 'holding the emperor to order the princes'?"

Thinking of this, Yuzhi was sure that he did have the 'presence of a prime minister', but considering that he didn't do everything personally, then he was not a 'Prime Minister Zhuge'.

Since he is not ‘Prime Minister Zhuge’ and he likes the Three Kingdoms so much, then isn’t he really ‘Prime Minister Cao’?

Thinking of this, Haori couldn't help but glance at Mikoto who lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him, and then glanced at the photo of Uchiha Fugaku placed beside the bed.


But before he had time to make any decision, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open.

Then, Yuzhi watched Guangguang walk in expressionlessly——

The moon and stars are sparse.

In a room of the Hyuga clan, Hizashi was sitting there calmly, and there were also many Hyuga ninjas sitting there.

Perhaps because of family ties, none of them wore forehead protectors, but they all tied turbans on their foreheads.

Such actions have made their identities clear at a glance. They are all members of the Hyuga branch!

"Mr. Hizashi, is there something wrong with gathering them secretly so late?"

One of the Hyuga ninjas looked at the people gathered there and asked with confusion.

The people gathered this time were not ordinary, except for members who served at various stations of the police department and even some team captains.

There are also many senior chuunin in the branch family, as well as some veteran jounin!

Without exception, those in the police department followed Hinata Hizashi. After all, he was the highest-ranking member of the entire Hyuga clan in the police department.

And the rest of the chuunin and jounin are all people who hate the clan without exception!

"Is everyone here?"

Hinata Hizashi opened his eyes when he heard this. His white eyes scanned everyone present before he slowly spoke.

"Everyone, I have called you here this time because there are important things to discuss."

"Important matter? What important matter requires so much mobilization of troops? Did those bastards of the Zong family give any instructions?"

"No, it's not the instructions they gave us. We even have to avoid them!"

Hinata Hizashi's words made everyone present hold their breath. What does this mean? They are meeting privately while avoiding the clan?

Are you crazy?

Although people from the Zong family don't care about people from separate families getting together, because they don't worry or care that this group of people can cause problems.

With the caged bird in hand, you only need to activate the spell seal of the caged bird. No matter how strong you are, you can't bear the endless pain from your eyes and brain.

It only takes a split second for them to kill you, and you have to do more to possibly take out one.

After this, maybe the entire Hyuga clan will pass a resolution.

It's like sending your whole family together, and digging up the ancestral graves of your branch family. The reason is that your family is not worthy of being buried in the Hyuga clan.

Not only that, your friends may be implicated, and they may be regarded as accomplices regardless of whether they did it or not!

Therefore, the people in the Hyuga Separation Family are always more cautious. No matter how much they hate them in their hearts, they know that they cannot mess around.

Think about your family and friends, so just bear with it.

This time Hinata Hizashi called everyone together and still spoke like this. How could this make them not think in a terrible direction?

"Mr. Hizashi, I hope you can calm down."

A Hyuga Jōnin frowned, but considering Hyuga Hizashi's identity, he finally lowered his voice.

“I don’t know what’s going on, there are things we all think and long for, but you know it.

We are just a group of prison birds, and we all need to exercise restraint for the sake of our families. "

Family is not just Hinata Hizashi's weakness, but also the weakness of everyone present!

"I understand your concerns, but I want to ask everyone a question."

Hinata Hizashi had long known that this would be the case. The deterrent power of a caged bird was beyond what ordinary people could imagine, but he still said in a deep voice.

“If one day, a very powerful and powerful person comes to you and asks you a question.

Do you want to continue to be so ignorant and manipulated by others, unable to escape from the cage and be a bird unable to fly for the rest of your life?

Or do you want to hold the key yourself, let the cage become your protective color, so that you can try to fly freely? "

Hinata Hizashi's words were extremely cryptic, but everyone present was stunned when they heard it.

They were not fools, they could all hear the implication, and such 'rebellious' words caused a subtle change in their expressions!

An extremely powerful and powerful person, there is only one such person in Konoha!

What makes them somewhat confused is what does it mean to make the "cage become one's protective color"?

Everyone present was confused but extremely enthusiastic. They really longed for freedom, and they really wanted freedom too much!

"Can you explain it, Mr. Hizashi?"

After a while, a jounin from the Hyuga branch couldn't help but ask.

"What does that big shot mean?"

"it's actually really easy."

Hinata Hizashi spoke expressionlessly. Although it was a bit difficult to say, he had to say it.

"He wants us to keep the caged bird."


"What does this mean?"

"What a bastard, what on earth is this man thinking?!"

As expected, when Hinata spoke to Hizashi, everyone present went crazy!

What they long for is to escape from the caged bird and give themselves ultimate freedom, but now they get such a result. How can they bear it?

And they all could probably tell who the person who said this might be, and letting that guy completely dominate them was contrary to the education they had received for so many years!

At this moment, most people are filled with indignation, and they already have an idea in their minds.

That is, rather than being controlled by another family, it is better to continue living like this!

At least those members of the Zong family were nominally members of the Hinata clan. At least their family's honor and pride had not been completely trampled on. They no longer wanted to be other people's slaves.

However, some Hyuga ninjas did not speak, they just frowned and thought.

In their opinion, Konoha should not be so stupid to propose such a condition that is unacceptable to everyone!

And they also noticed that although everyone was venting, Hinata Hizashi was still sitting there expressionless. He just looked at everyone quietly.

This made them realize that there might be some options in this matter!

"Have you finished venting?"

Sure enough, after the group of people calmed down, Hinata Hizashi continued to speak.

"Now that everyone is quiet, I think you should listen to what I have to say."

"Mr. Hizashi, there should be some hidden secrets here, right?"

This is what a Hinyu chunnin who had not participated in the previous scolding asked in a low voice.

"This time, I hope that sir can finish all his words, so that we can have a better consideration."

"this is necessary."

Hinata almost nodded. He looked at everyone's doubtful or angry looks and spoke calmly.

"We all know the hardships the caged bird brings us, but we can't deny one thing, that is the caged bird's protection of Hinata!

It is because of the caged bird that we have avoided inheritance problems, and it is also because of the caged bird that our bloodline has not been plundered.

What the big man meant was very simple. There is still a need for the caged bird to exist. After all, we Hinata are not Uchiha.

It is extremely difficult to open Uchiha's Sharingan, and there are not many ninjas in the entire Uchiha who have Sharingan.

But as long as we Hinata reach a certain age and undergo certain training, we can use the power of the Byakugan!

This is our advantage, but it is also our disadvantage. We need to protect our eyes, protect our blood, and the caged bird is born naturally. "

Everyone present fell silent. The 'use cost' of the Byakugan is indeed much lower than that of the Sharingan.

This results in that almost every clan member has the power of white eyes. If such power is not guarded against, huge problems can easily arise.

Everyone will regard you as a sweet steamed bun, and everyone will ruthlessly plunder you. This is almost inevitable.

Almost all of them present had fought in the war, and quite a few of them had done something.

During the battle, they deliberately exposed the curse mark of the caged bird, and once they did this, they would immediately stop many people from staring at them.

"Who will be responsible for controlling the caged bird in the future?"

After a while, the other Hyuunin finally spoke.

"Is it us, or Konoha, or whatever."

"No one is in control."

Hinata Hizashi understood what this Jonin meant, and he gave the answer directly.

"From now on, the Hyuga clan will not be divided into clans and branches, and everyone must be a caged bird!

The control method is destroyed, and only its basic ability will be retained, which is 'self-destruction after the eyes are forcibly dug out', and nothing else will exist.

The meaning of what I just said is very clear. We want to turn the "cage" into our "protective color".

Although this cage is heavy, if we can change it, wouldn't we still be flying freely? "

Hinata Hizashi's words made everyone present couldn't help but fall silent again, although this result was quite different from what they desired.

But if you think about it carefully, isn’t this a kind of freedom?

It is true that the caged bird is retained, and they will still bear the seal from the caged bird.

But no one can activate the caged bird again, no one can use the caged bird to do something to us, no one is over their head.

So, isn’t this a kind of freedom?

After thinking about this clearly, the eyes of everyone present changed. The desire for freedom and the oppression of the branch family by the clan were driving them crazy.

Even if it is the freedom that comes from compromise, they are extremely eager for it!

"And everyone, there are people who have promised me that if I agree, they will also provide us with unexpected things."

Hinata Hizashi naturally knew what everyone present was thinking. He nodded secretly and then continued.

“Although I don’t know what it is yet, I think it is definitely something we need.

And everyone, I don’t think you should be sad. The caged bird has been running for thousands of years and no one has been able to crack it. We, our friends, relatives and children have all been hacked.

This is doomed that neither we nor they can escape, so what is unacceptable about freedom in another way? "

"Indeed, changing the way is also a kind of freedom."

At this time, one Hinata ninja shook his head with a wry smile, while another ninja from the police department suddenly laughed.

"We have accepted the caged bird, and now I am even more eager to see what it will be like after those members of the Zong family are labeled as caged birds!"

"Yes, since everyone wants it, then they can't escape!"

"Looking at it this way, it seems more interesting. I've had enough of their condescending looks for a long time!"

At the thought that the Zong family would also be a caged bird, the people in the Hyuga branch family became excited for a while.

They had no hope of escaping, so letting the Zong family members join them was enough to make them happy.

"Mr. Hizashi, can you tell me who that person is now?"

But at this moment, another Hyuga ninja hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Is this person the Fifth Hokage?"

This question immediately made everyone present look at Hinata Hizashi. If the Godaime personally promised, this would definitely make them more confident and sure.

"Sorry, no."

However, Hinata Hizashi shook his head, but soon he spoke with some contempt and helplessness.

"Because our Fifth Hokage decided that he didn't know this happened."


In the early morning, when the sunlight slowly shone into the room from the window sill and continued to extend from the ground to the sheets, Guang opened his eyes in confusion.

The first time she woke up, her body froze.

Because she felt sore all over, and also had an indescribable sense of exhaustion?

Guang now feels that her brain is a little swollen. She has never experienced such a feeling.

The most important thing is that she can't seem to remember what she did last night.

"What happened? What happened?"

Guang looked confused, but when she woke up a little, her body froze again.

Although she had long noticed that someone was hugging her from behind, she naturally knew from that familiar feeling that the guy was Yuori.

And at such a young age, this guy liked to hug himself while sleeping, which didn't attract her much attention.

But the key problem is that she was shocked to find that her clothes seemed to be missing!

"What happened?"

Guang froze on the spot. Although she had already agreed with Yu Zhi in her heart, this situation seemed to be beyond her expectation.

But just when she was confused, she suddenly felt her brain turning, and all the scenes from last night came back to her mind.——

"Are you planning not to come back tonight?"

"How is that possible? Don't talk nonsense!"

"Tch, who believes what you say?"

"You, my Lady Hokage."

The moonlight was blurry. In Haori's courtyard full of flowers and plants, Haori and Hikaru leaned together and looked at the moonlight in the sky.

But at this time, although Hikari was leaning against Yuori, she was looking at him with disbelief.

Even though you pushed the person out by yourself, you still turned against Tiangang, didn't you? You didn't even know you were coming back so late?

Even though Haori had thought of dragging her along before leaving, Hikari still didn't agree in the end.

Yuzhi's previous words had already made her a little nervous. She felt that she needed to be quiet, but after Yuzhi went out, she felt that the world had become too quiet.

"Am I really inseparable from that guy?"

Sometimes, even Hikari couldn't help but think like this, but she knew that she had actually recognized this idea for a long time.

And when she thought about what this guy was talking about about 'marriage' before he left, she couldn't help but think about it for a while.

I don’t know how long it took, but seeing the time slowly reaching around nine o’clock, I really didn’t want to wait any longer!

"Speaking of which, you went to Mikoto to catch me, right?"

Haori didn't know what Hikari was thinking. He looked at the girl shrouded in moonlight in front of him with an amused look and smiled.

"I'm not going to arrest anyone, I just want to meet Sasuke!"

Guang snorted and said dissatisfiedly. Although this was her idea, she would never admit it!

"And you, don't think I can't see your evil thoughts. Do you really want her to give you a child?"

"Please, even if you agree, why don't you lie to Sasuke? Besides, I won't come back if I really want to."

Haori shrugged and said with a smile, although he admitted that he had a "Jianan style", but he knew one thing better.

As the saying goes, "Wei Wu felt great for a while when he cracked his whip," but after the pleasure was over, he became miserable.

And although Haori has a lot on his mind, he knows one thing very well, that is, Hikari is his wife.

"And if I really want a child, shouldn't it be with you?"

"Stop talking nonsense."

It was a bit hard for Guang to hear Yu Zhi's words. After she glared at Yu Zhi, she didn't bother to talk about this topic anymore.

In fact, everyone in the Uchiha clan hopes that she and Haori will have a child. After all, they are so strong, so what will happen to their child?

Even if nothing too abnormal appears, as long as one of them inherits the talent, it seems that he can become the banner of Uchiha in the future!

"You really don't even ask if we want to or not."

Guang pursed her lips, but after taking a look at Haori on the side, she felt it was better not to continue talking about this.

"Would you like a drink?"

Haori noticed Hikaru's gaze, he chuckled and then asked.

"Didn't you say you stopped drinking?"

Hikari was confused for a while, while Haori shrugged.

"It's true that I've stopped drinking, but I feel like the atmosphere is good now, and Mikoto also gave us some, so I asked."

Although Hikari came to arrest people, Mikoto still gave them some gifts. These sakes were said to be treasured by the Mikoto family.

They, the 'orphans and widowers', didn't drink, so they took the opportunity to give it to Yuzhi and the others.

"It's up to you."

Guang thought about it and nodded. She had never drank wine before, so naturally she wanted to try it to see what the wine tasted like.

Soon, the two opened the sake and placed it in front of them. The rich aroma of the wine still emerged from the bottle.

"It smells okay, but no matter how good it smells, it's a bit off-putting."

Hikaru sniffed it and quickly gave an evaluation, while Haori smiled.

"It's normal. After all, this is wine. Although I don't particularly understand why everyone loves drinking so much, maybe there is a special flavor in it."

Haori really doesn't understand why so many people like to drink, and it's not like he never drank before traveling through time.

It's just that he really didn't taste the unique aroma of the wine, and he didn't really feel how wonderful the feeling of being tipsy was. On the contrary, he only felt uncomfortable.

He had a deep understanding of the feeling of wanting to vomit but not being able to.

In fact, for him, his favorite is still beer, at least it is not so uncomfortable.

Most of the wine in this world is sake, Yuzhi thinks that the problem should not be too big, right?

"Cough cough cough"

But what Yuzhi did not expect was that Guang, who was standing next to her, looked at the small wine pot and pondered for a moment, and actually drank all the wine in one breath!

This made her cough directly. Although the sake is not high in alcohol and not that spicy.

But drinking so much in one breath, even a man can't stand it.

"What are you doing? This is not how you drink."

Seeing this, Yuzhi immediately reached out and patted her back gently, and stopped when he saw that she had eased a little.

"It's really spicy. I don't understand what those people who love to drink think."

Guang's face was slightly red, and she put down the wine pot and muttered.

"I feel now that you said you wanted to quit drinking because you knew it was hard to drink, so you said that on purpose, right?"

"Yes, I said that because I knew I couldn't drink it."

Yuzhi said jokingly, but he also took a sip of the sake in the glass.

It was a little spicy, but everything was fine.

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Yuzhi stretched out his hand to stop Guang, raised his head and looked at the bright moonlight in the sky, he suddenly smiled and said.

"After going around in circles, I didn't expect that so many years have passed.

I still remember that when I was thirteen, Uchiha Fugaku forced me to join a mission that was almost certain to die.

And that time, I finally had a rebellious mood in my heart. I knew I couldn't go on like this, and I knew I had to change everything."

"But I didn't expect that the boy who swore at the beginning is now standing on the top of the cloud?"

Guang leaned on Yuzhi's arms, and she looked at Yuzhi with a smile.

"This is your story, I know it all, you told me."

"Yes, but the story has changed a long time ago, because."

Yuzhi hugged Guang tightly, and he said softly.

"This story is no longer just my story. It's our story, a story that we wrote and created together."

Haori paused for a moment, and smiled at Guang, whose face became increasingly red, whether because of the wine or his words.

"I always remember the moment when I found you in Akizuki Valley, and I always remember the way you cried and wanted to destroy the world.

I also remember the time when you used Amaterasu to protect me and accompany me in the Land of Grass.

Similarly, when you feel the true feelings of this world and know the essence of the problem in this world.

You who resolutely gave up your inner thoughts and even tried to stop me.

I will never forget you who always reminded me to keep my original intention and not change my mentality because of the change of status.

You have long been in my story, and I can no longer live without you.

You have always said thank you to me, but I think this sentence should be said to you.

Thank you, Guang, without you, there would be no me now."

Haori's words were very gentle, but they were firm in their gentleness.

The moonlight was hazy, and the silver moonlight fell on the two of them. The breeze blew and curled their hair.

Guang's eyes were also a little dazed. She looked at Yuzhi quietly. She didn't know how long it took for her to smile.

"How long will this story last?"

"I don't know, but as long as my story is still being written, I think you will never be missing from it."

Yuzhi looked at Guang quietly, and he said softly.

"I asked you a question last time, and you answered me. Can you give me an answer this time?"

"What question?"

"For the rest of my life, I wonder if I can ask you for more advice?"

Guang didn't answer Yuzhi's words, but raised her hands slightly and hugged Yuzhi's neck, and then she put her face on it.

Under the reflection of the bright moonlight, only two elongated intertwined shadows were left——

"Damn it, no wonder Yuzhi keeps shouting that he wants to quit drinking, so this is it!"

When the thoughts in his mind slowly stopped, Guang's face turned red for a while.

And what made him feel even more ashamed was that she seemed to be more proactive last night?

After all, in her memory, she took the initiative to kiss Yuzhi, and although she was taken back to the room by Yuzhi, the key point was that she didn't resist!

Once she thought about these questions clearly, Guang couldn't hold it in at all, although she really didn't reject Yuzhi, and had already determined that she would only be with him in the future.

But the problem was that she really didn't think that things would become so sudden, and thinking back to some details of what happened yesterday, she was even more embarrassed.

"It should be him who took the initiative, and then I was reluctant to welcome it."

Gently breaking away from Yuzhi's arms, Guang looked back at Yuzhi who was still sleeping, and cursed at this guy in her heart.

Although she didn't know why she did this, she couldn't help it.

Then she quietly took her hand off her lower abdomen and prepared to stand up. She just hoped that Yuzhi would just lose her memory!

Similarly, she also lost her memory, so it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

"Also, what does this guy mean by 'on top' and 'move on your own', this bastard."

When she thought of this, Hikari couldn't help but glared at Haori again, and her expression suddenly became angry and funny.

Because she could clearly see that the corners of this guy's eyes were beating?

"Now that you're awake, why are you pretending to be asleep?"

Although he was feeling shy in his heart, Guang still managed to stay calm, trying to maintain the state of meeting this bastard for the first time, and spoke coldly.

"Um, morning."

Haori opened his eyes, blinked and then smiled and spoke to the light.

In fact, Yuori had woken up a long time ago, but he didn't move when he woke up.

Although he also drank yesterday, that little bit really made no difference to him from not drinking at all.

It's just that he had some aftertaste at the time, and he himself didn't expect that this matter would go so naturally and come to this point!

Ever since Guang opened the Eternal Eye and they came back from the moon, Haori has been thinking about how to 'consecrate' it.

But thinking about it, his consistent style has determined that he will not go against Guang's ideas.

If she really didn't want to, she wouldn't be able to do whatever she wanted, even if he knew that as long as he persisted, he might just let him do whatever he wanted.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid he would be like this, but facing this real 'living ancestor', Yu Zhi thought it was better to be careful.

The success last night also made him a little unbelievable, so much so that now he is still a little confused.

"Now, even Uchiha Madara wants to call me 'Tai Gong', right?"

I don’t know how long she had been holding it in, but Yuzhi suddenly had such an idea, and at this moment, Guang also woke up.

This immediately made Yuzhi decide to pretend to sleep. He didn't care, but he didn't know what to think about it. After all, she drank too much last night.

I am also taking advantage of others' danger.

Just think of it as giving her a buffer time to accept it all.

But he didn't expect that he would be discovered so easily, which made him slightly embarrassed.

"What are you pretending to be? Now that you've woken up, stop pretending."

Guang still pretended to be calm and said with his plain eyes and cold tone.

"I really didn't expect you to do such a thing."

"Such a thing?"

Haori sat up and looked at Guang's appearance, which immediately made Guang's face turn red.

However, she still forced herself to remain calm, and quietly pulled up the quilt to cover her chest while speaking coldly.

"What did you do while I was drunk!"

"Well, I did what a man should do."

When I heard this, I couldn't stand it anymore. Why, you're still very proud, right?

Looking at Yuzhi's expression, she immediately understood that although this guy didn't say anything, he seemed really proud.

This made Guang really unbearable. Did he marry some kind of bastard?

"Forget it, just treat it as an advantage."

Glancing at the clothes thrown on the ground, she simply stood up with a red face. She just wanted to avoid this bastard now.

But before she could remember to walk away, she was suddenly pulled by Yuzhi, and then her whole body fell into Yuzhi's arms.


"I'm sorry I made you tired last night."

Hikaru was a little confused by Haori's move, but Haori had already hugged her and said softly.

"However, I think I have the final answer."

At this point, Yu Zhi's hand gently shaved the blushing cheek, and he said softly.

"Please give me your advice for the rest of my life, Hikari."


After hearing Yuzhi's words, Guang subconsciously snorted, but soon she slightly raised her head to look at Yuzhi's serious eyes, and finally nodded slightly.

Perhaps after giving such an answer, Guang relaxed for a moment, and his whole body was not as tense as before.

She didn't think about how long the rest of her life was, but she was still recalling Yuzhi's previous words in her mind -

As long as my story is still being written, I think you will never be missing in it.

"Forever? It's really a wonderful future."

Guang murmured in her heart, looking at Haori's face that was slowly approaching her, she blushed slightly and closed her eyes.

"No, what are you doing? I'm right. You've been working hard all night, and you're still here?"

"Wait a minute, where are you going to kiss me?"

"Stop. No, shut up!"

For a moment, Guang felt that this story should come to an end.

Because this guy is too much.

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