Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 185 Senju Tobirama: Am I really Danzo? Ascension to God Long Stage Activation!

In recent days, everyone in Konoha has discovered something.

That is their fifth generation Hokage, who can be said to be the youngest in the entire history of the ninja world. He seems to be in a particularly good mood!

Although he usually faces others with a smile on his face, once he is not satisfied, he will immediately perform the "art of changing faces" for everyone.

Now, even if he is dissatisfied with some proposals and policies, he will listen patiently and then give some suggestions for modification.

And when he patrols the streets on weekdays, the smile on his face makes people feel like he is bathing in the spring breeze, and he is happy from the bottom of his heart.

Yuzhi's situation made everyone feel happy, but at the same time they couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"What happened to the Hokage-sama, and the Hokage's wife, why don't we seem to have seen each other for a while?"

This problem is not only faced by Konoha's "melon-eating masses", but also by Haori's old friends from the Shadow Guard.

"Hokage-sama, why haven't you seen Ying recently?"

One afternoon, after Haori sent away the annoying old man Senju Tobirama, he summoned all the members of the Shadow Guard.

But after they arrived, Lin couldn't help but blinked and asked curiously.

These days, the members of their Shadow Guard have basically never seen Haori, and they were simply given a 'vacation' by Haori.

Although for any 'worker', taking a vacation is a happy thing, and as ninjas, they also hope to have time to improve themselves.

What embarrasses them is that as Haori Shadow Guards, they seem to be doing nothing no matter what.

In addition, they are Haori's classmates and friends, and Lin's relationship with Hikari is extraordinary. Some concern and curiosity are naturally inevitable.

"She's fine, she just needs a break lately."

Haori was also very calm. He shrugged and said with a smile, but Asuma on the side raised his eyebrows. He looked at Haori with a mischievous smile.

"Not only does she need a rest, I think you, Hokage-sama, also need a rest, such as reading less books on weekdays."

Hearing these words, Yuzhi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. He didn't forget that Asuma once gave him a 'Little Emperor's Book'.

Although the impact of the 'Little Imperial Book' on Haori was not as great as expected, it can still be regarded as a masterpiece in the ninja world.

In fact, he has always been curious, has Asuma, Sarutobi's rebellious son, been discovered by the Sandaime?

But Haori didn't bother to talk about it, and he was really considering what Asuma said seriously.

"Have you been playing a little too crazy lately?"

Although Guang still seemed a bit 'reluctant', she didn't show much cosiness, and sometimes even took the initiative to provoke.

For example——

"You say you are very powerful, but this is the result?"

Although it is just an ordinary sentence, it is definitely the sentence that can inspire Haori's greatest motivation.

The result is that Haori has been a little crazy these days, although he has not yet realized the meaning of the sentence "A man's harbor after marriage is when his wife and relatives come".

But he also feels that he has been a little less focused recently. This is the result of his gratitude to 'Asura'.

"I will take your opinion into consideration, thank you."

Thinking of this, Haori suddenly looked at Asuma with a sincere face and said.

But when he said these words, Asuma almost wanted to go up and punch Haori twice.

As a man, how could he not understand what Yuzhi meant?

He is obviously a classmate, but why has this guy made no progress at all even though he has already come this far?

"Ying is resting, Lin. If you have time, you can go and see her."

Looking at Asuma's slightly distorted face, glanced at Kurenai and Rin who looked confused, and Aoba who lowered his head as if he didn't hear anything, Haori smiled and said.

"And you also have new tasks during this time, so if you have any questions, it's okay to ask me."

"new task?"

When they heard this, they suddenly became excited. This was good news for them, because they were really too busy!

And since he became a member of the Shadow Guard, although his status has increased, he is still a close friend of the Hokage.

But following Haori, they don't need to do anything at all.

If there are dangerous things, Haori will take care of them on his own. If they don't have any dangerous things, Kakashi from ANBU will take care of them before they even see anyone.

Now that Yuzhi said this personally, how could they not be excited?

"Do you want us to go to the capital of the Fire Nation?"

The excited Asuma blurted out immediately, which made Lin, Kurenai and Aoba a little confused.

Asuma is the 'hokage's treacherous child', he still knows a lot of things, but others don't necessarily know that.

"You have a good big brother in the capital of the Fire Country, so forget it."

Yuzhi shook his head, thought for a while and then spoke.

"You can share some information with Lin and the others on weekdays. They are all members of the Shadow Guard, and they cannot know anything about some things.

And as the son of the Hokage, I think you can also grasp the sense of proportion. After all, you have done well before. "

"Yes, I understand."

Asuma pursed his lips. He would not refuse this matter, but what puzzled him was that the capital of the Land of Fire actually refused to let him go.

He also thought about going over there and 'punching hard' those disobedient daimyo warriors, so that he would be embarrassed in front of Hong.

"So what's the mission this time?"

"it is this."

Yuzhi took out five scrolls and handed them over immediately.

"Although you are all outstanding in all aspects and very talented, but after Kirigakure's experience, I think you also found that your strength is somewhat lacking.

Although strength and experience can be improved through accumulation, since we are Shadow Guards, I think you should also have something that you are good at. "

"So, Hokage-sama, you personally prepared this for us?"

Lin blinked and then asked with a smile on her face.

"Well, this is a power that even Jiraiya cannot fully grasp."

Yuzhi nodded seriously and put the scroll on the table. His expression became a little serious now.

"However, such power is bound to have certain dangers, so even if I hope you can accept this task, I will fully consider your choice.

It’s up to you whether you choose to accept and practice these powers.”



"Hizashi-kun, there's no need to be so polite. It's been a long time since we last met."

In the Hokage's office, Haori sat at his desk and looked at Hinata Hizashi in front of him, with a warm smile on his face.

And Qianju Tobirama, who also appeared in this office, crossed his arms with his chest. He sat aside without saying a word and watched all this with cold eyes, but he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Evil kid, are you finally willing to get down to business?

Haori was in a particularly good mood these days, and Kaguang never showed up. Although Senju Tobirama was not a stranger, he immediately realized what was going on.

This immediately made him feel extremely dissatisfied. He didn't understand why Yuzhi was so strong and could still be addicted to women?

It's not like he hasn't challenged Yu Zhi with this kind of question, but the result was not ideal.

"As human beings, the only two things that are engraved deep in our genes that will not change are dryness and reproduction. Don't you even know that you are a human?"

Although he always felt angry at Yuori's words, he couldn't find any reason to fight back.

Because Yuzhi pointed to his eldest brother's picture outside, because he got married and had children.

And what makes Senju Tobirama even more depressed is that Haori and that Uchiha Ying are so ridiculously strong. How strong will their children be?

If this continues, Uchiha will probably be strong for a long time, right?

On the other hand, although their Senju have been integrated with Konoha through his policies, even though their reputation is not obvious at this time, the blood fusion has been continued.

And it's not like he didn't want to ensure that the Senju clan still held the orthodoxy, at least Tsunade was still there, but Tsunade had no idea at all!

"Are all the young people in Konoha dead?"

Senju Tobirama, who was extremely depressed, really didn't want to talk anymore. It was difficult for him to find fault with Haori, because even though Haori was "obsessed with women", there were no problems with government affairs.

On the contrary, it was prosperous. Not only had the arrangements been made for the year, but even the future had been planned. Such a versatile person made him feel happy and uncomfortable at the same time.

And today he was called to meet Hinata and Hizashi together. He knew that Hinata's problem was most likely solved, but he came here to take the blame again.

Am I being used as Danzo by him?

"I would also like to thank the Hokage for his support and care, so that Hizashi is as good as he is today."

Neither Haori nor Hinata Hizashi knew the complicated emotional changes in the second-generation Hokage's heart, but Hinata Hizashi remained extremely respectful.

"Hizashi-kun, there is no need to be self-effacing. Being able to achieve such achievements within the police department already demonstrates Hizashi-kun's caliber and ability."

Haori smiled, exchanging business blows never goes out of style, but Hinata Hizashi is indeed capable.

Otherwise, he might have been able to stand still when the police department was so full of rolls that each roll turned into a 'squid'. Haori's words were indeed correct.

But after he finished blowing, Haori knew that he had to do something serious. He deliberately turned to look at Hinata Hizashi with a puzzled expression, and then asked.

"I don't know why Hizashi-kun came to see me today. If it's a problem with the police department, I personally suggest that you go to Shisui.

After all, he is the Minister of Police now. Although I am the former Minister of Police, I still have some small influence in the Police Department.

But now that I am Hokage, I will not interfere in many things at will. I think you should understand. "


When Haori said these words, Senju Tobirama and Hinata Hizashi couldn't help but cursed secretly.

Senju Tobirama was okay, after all, it was normal to be shameless as a Hokage, but Hinata Hizashi was a little unbearable.

You won’t interfere at will?

You've already reached out to the Hyuga clan, and you still don't know how to interfere?

No matter how unbearable he was, Hinata Hizashi calmed down. He knew that Haori's position was superficial.

Tell him that no matter what others think, he just 'doesn't know this', so he speaks with an extremely heavy voice.

"Lord Hokage, this meeting is not about the police department, it is about Konoha and the Hyuga clan!"

Having said this, Hinata Hizashi paused slightly, glanced at the frowning Haori, and then continued.

"Lord Hokage, the Hyuga clan needs to change. The clan's oppression of the branch family and the inner dissatisfaction of the branch family have reached a limit.

And the people of the Zong family are paying less and less attention to Konoha and even Hokage. If this continues, the entire Hinata will be in crisis, so I and the people who support me want to change everything!

Hokage-sama, we have a plan."

Hyuga Hizashi continued to talk, but Haori became more and more embarrassed the more he listened, and he suddenly discovered that this Hyuga Hizashi was also a talent.

To attack the family, you naturally need to find a suitable reason and excuse, and Hinata Hizashi chose 'for Konoha'.

This excuse has a very wide range of applicability, and Danzo used this excuse countless times to achieve his goal.

As a member of a large family, even if you don't know what Danzo has done, you will more or less know how he did it.

Thinking of this, Haori couldn't help but turn his head and look at Senju Tobirama, who was also somewhat embarrassed.

He has also read Danzo's files, and naturally some things are clear to him, which makes him not feel depressed.

As for what Hinata Hizashi said next, neither Haori nor Senju Tobirama listened carefully. Anyway, it probably meant something like 'the evil thieves must be eradicated for the sake of Konoha'.

In addition, I also hope that Konoha can provide some assistance so that they can complete all of this better. After all, they are still bound by the caged bird.

"Hizashi-kun, thank you for the information you provided."

After Hinata Hizashi finished speaking, Haori spoke quietly. He sighed first and then said seriously.

"It's a shame to make such a decision for Konoha."

What a grievance, isn’t this what you want?

Hinata Hizashi cursed inwardly, but Haori also turned to look at Senju Tobirama at this moment.

"Nidaime, you have gone too far. Konoha cannot interfere in family affairs."

Shameless bastard!

Senshou Tobirama was also a little embarrassed. He knew that he was here to take the blame, but he was still unhappy when the blame fell on him.

But no matter how unhappy he was, there was nothing he could do. He could only bite the bullet and speak with a cold face, maintaining an indifferent attitude.

"Hmph, I am doing this for Konoha. Konoha cannot interfere with the family, but now that we have discovered the clues, should we still turn a blind eye?

Konoha's policies are not an umbrella for the family to harbor evil intentions. No matter who has a problem, I will deal with it! "

Even you Uchiha

Senju Tobirama thought to himself, but soon his face turned darker. Why the hell does he look more like Danzo?

Hinata Hizashi continued to scold these two people for their shamelessness, but his face remained heavy.

Everyone knew what each other was probably thinking, but they both maintained a tacit understanding at this time.

"Then, I approve this."

Yuzhi pondered for a moment, and then he looked a little helpless and said quietly.

"ANBU will follow up, but this matter has nothing to do with Konoha."

"I understand that this is our Hyuga clan's 'own internal affairs'."

Hinata Hizashi also nodded, this result was not unexpected.

And this is also the best choice. After all, it makes them 'own internal affairs', so many problems will be easier to deal with.

If other clan members disobey, then he will try to be cruel, but if it is his brother, he still hopes to keep them.

Even if the relationship between their brothers has become a little weak because of the caged bird, without the caged bird's control, everything can change.——

"It seems that Hinata's problem has been solved."

"I don't know what step Hinata Hizashi will take. I hope he can maintain restraint."

In the Hokage's office, after Hinata Hizashi left, the Sandaime and Minato also walked in one after another.

Of course they knew that Hinata Hizashi was here, but they didn't come forward for various reasons.

After all, this can be regarded as a classic case of Konoha interfering with the family. The fewer people involved, the better. Besides, Minato and the Hyuga brothers are also friends.

Less contact at this time is not a bad thing for each other.

It was just the Sandaime's emotion that made Haori couldn't help but feel a little funny. After all, in the original work, he was the one who 'persuaded' the Hyuga clan to let Hyuga Hizashi die.

The Hyuga clan in the original work is actually quite embarrassing. They are unable to achieve anything high or low, and are used as pawns and minefields by Kumogakure, so they have to make certain choices.

Hyuga Hizashi had to become the victim of this game, but his death also laid hidden dangers for the Sandaime to be "isolated and helpless" in the future.

Naturally, Haori cannot follow the same path of the third generation. Although the choices he makes may be more extreme, he has the resources and can make more choices!

"I think he will exercise some restraint, after all, the caged bird will make him restrain himself."

Haori shook his head and chuckled. He looked at the Sandaime and Minato and smiled.

"Even if I have decided to teach them Yang Dun's training skills so that they can improve before the battle.

But the time is too short, and they can't reach the level of those guys on the moon. "

What's more, on the moon, the most important thing for the Hyuga branch to destroy the clan is actually the power of the reincarnated eye.

Relying on the Tsangikangan to wipe out the entire clan in one fell swoop, they achieved absolute victory.

"Hmph, I just hope they stay sensible and don't expand to the point where they can't find Bei."

Senju Tobirama still remembered that Haori used him as Danzo. Although he didn't dare to criticize Haori, he still had no problem complaining about Hinata.

"Also, the Fifth Generation Eye, I suggest that those Yang escape cultivation methods be promoted. This should be beneficial to everyone."

"This is natural. I have no intention of hiding anything."

Yuzhi nodded, he really planned to take advantage of the benefits gained from the moon.

After all, once the Yang Dun practice method can be popularized, it will be a huge improvement for everyone!

Of course, this is not considered selfless by Haori. After all, for normal people, everyone more or less maintains a simple mentality.

That is, 'If I can't get in the car, of course I'm going to scold the driver', but once I get in, my mentality immediately changes to 'I'm already in the car, so of course I'm going to weld the door shut'!

Haori didn't think so, mainly because these things were somewhat worthless to him.

The practice of Yang Dun is mainly to improve the quality of the body, mobilize the power of Yang Dun in the body as much as possible, and make it possible to use it.

It sounds really powerful, but the key is whether he can practice well or not depends on your personal talent!

If you have a good talent, you can naturally mobilize the white power of Yang Escape, but if you don't have a talent, it will only improve his physical fitness at most.

Moreover, good talents also need to be matched with skills to maximize this power. To put it bluntly, this skill seems simple, and the entry level is not high.

But if you want to maximize energy efficiency, it still depends on the ‘context’.

After all, this world still depends on blood. Unless you can understand the only way out for you in the world - the blood inheritance snare, otherwise you will really be like that.

It's a pity that Haori, as a person with the power of Asura, no longer cares about it, but others don't think so.

"The Godaime is truly selfless."

The Sandaime and Minato couldn't help but feel a little emotional when they heard this. Even the Nidaime, who was a little unhappy with Haori, couldn't help but nodded.

But soon, the Sandaime's expression became slightly serious, and he said seriously.

"However, I think we still need to be cautious about popularizing the Fifth Generation Eye. This power is very universal, and it will also have a good effect on Raikage and Tsuchikage.

Therefore, I suggest that it is best to start with a small group of people. Hinata has a caged bird to ensure that there will be no problems. For others, I suggest starting with the Shadow Guards, Anbu and Jonin. "

Raikage is already good at taijutsu, his physical fitness is off the charts, and he basically has no problem with his talent.

Even if there is no suitable technique, it is extremely terrifying when he uses it in conjunction with his own lightning escape.


It can cure his waist problem and make him more energetic and energetic. Combined with Chendun, this is not a terrible thing.

"Then let's do it."

Yuzhi nodded, and then he started to laugh a little.

"It seems that some of my shadow guards are busy, but it's okay to find something for them to do."

The scrolls that Haori took out to Rin and the others were naturally Orochimaru's curse seals!

Orochimaru is really a rare genius, and the power of the curse seal really makes Haori feel incredible.

The power of nature needs to be absorbed, otherwise it will be over if you use it up, and people who do not know the immortal mode will also have a huge trouble in absorbing the power of nature.

But the curse seal solves this problem very well. It can absorb natural chakra independently and without affecting the host.

"Sasuke tried to cover the entire Susanoo with the power of the curse seal. If the curse seal didn't absorb chakra, it wouldn't be able to do it."

Of course, the problem with the curse seal is also obvious.

That is, people who don't know how to use natural chakra just can't, and may even be affected by natural chakra and even become crazy.

Even the appearance may change, but the curse seal also plays a certain role in containing it, at least it will not turn into stone or die!

But no matter what, the power is real. As long as you learn to use, control and practice these natural chakras, everything will get better!

"To put it bluntly, Cursed Seal is definitely a more suitable choice for getting started than those so-called holy places!"

What Haori gave Lin and the others were the curse seals that were not 'contaminated' by Orochimaru, and he also explained the risks and dangers involved.

But these five people all chose to accept it without exception. You can imagine how hard they have to practice in the future. As a result, now there is another thing for them to practice.

"It seems good. At least you won't complain about having nothing to do every day, right?"

Although it was funny in his heart, he knew that all this was a good thing for them. After all, it really allowed them to improve and grow.

After chatting for a while, Yuzhi knew that the things he had arranged were progressing, and the daimyo seemed to be unable to bear it.

This made him feel happy. As the "Yu Cheng" who has truly mastered the power of "life, death, and permission" from the Fire Nation, an obedient daimyo is a good daimyo!

"Work harder. Konoha's finances are also tight now. Dealing with them all early can make Konoha's finances safer, and public opinion will be better, so Kakashi and the others can move faster."

"Yes, the Godaime."

Seeing everyone nodding, Yuzhi stretched and then decided to skip work.

After everything that needs to be dealt with is taken care of, he should take a good rest.

After all, he has not missed any official duties. At the same time, he still has "overtime" to play during these days. Even though he is in good health and has chosen to "stop drinking" at the same time, it would be great to take a break.

As for whether it is a real break or an 'overtime', no one else can know.


But when Yuzhi returned home as a flying thunder god, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Because as soon as he came back, he felt a strange but extremely familiar chakra brewing, and there was something more important.

This chakra is actually spreading out from Guang's body.——

Guang is a little depressed these days.

Because she was not very good at evaluating what she was thinking, but she finally realized how many tricks this guy Haori had.

"What a pervert!"

Every time she thought of this, even though she had no resistance, she still couldn't help but curse secretly.

Especially that guy didn't seem to know what it meant to admit defeat. He was obviously just unhappy and wanted to regain his face, so he subconsciously taunted him.


"But isn't this guy really tired?"

Guang couldn't help complaining in his heart. Fortunately, although Haori has some "wild, lewd, shameless, and excessive" tendencies, at least he still knows that he is Hokage.

Even if it’s just to check in

At least he didn't use the wooden clone to deal with it, and this guy still followed his own wishes. If he didn't want to at all, he wouldn't go any further.

"But it's still too much. Why did I meet such a guy?"

Guang hugged her knees and sat on the sofa and muttered something to herself, but she just said this with a trace of a smile on her face.

She had already determined some things in her heart. Even if she complained on her lips, she was still very happy in her heart, but soon she frowned slightly.

Because after spending the past few days playing around with Yuzhi, she also noticed something strange in her body.

"My chakra seems to be a little off."

Guang thought with a little doubt, and she didn't know what was going on, but the intensity of her chakra seemed to be getting higher for no reason.

And slowly there is a convergence with the chakra in Yuori's body, and it begins to undergo a slow change!

How these chakras entered her body was temporarily unknown, but the changes brought about by the entry of these chakras left her somewhat confused.

The most important thing is that she noticed that these chakras seemed to be faintly resonating with those powers that had begun to integrate with her and belonged to the "Thousand Hands"!

"what is happening?"

Guang had some doubts in her heart, but soon she thought of something.

After all, her eyes have reached the level of eternal eyes, and she also has the power brought by the "fusion of four bloodlines" in her body.

And following Haori for so long, she also added all kinds of knowledge, allowing her to know all kinds of outrageous truths about the ninja world.

While she remained calm now, she couldn't help but have strange thoughts.

"Could it be that Haori's chakra has reached the level of Indra, so his chakra triggered the power of Asura?"

Although this idea made her feel a little outrageous, it seemed that it was not unacceptable if she thought about it carefully.

After all, this is Haori, and it doesn't seem to be something too surprising no matter how outrageous he is.

"Then how to use these powers?"

Guang tilted her head and thought to herself that although she could wait until Yuzhi came back to ask, she wanted to try it herself.

After reaching the same starting line as Yu Zhi, she realized how far and long the road ahead was.

What's more, there is a saying in Konoha, that is, 'There is also a gap between jounin'.

Although this sentence is most likely said by Haori, the meaning is also very clear. The Jonin is the strongest fighting force in Konoha, and there is a gap between them.

The same is true for the Eternal Eye. Both she and Haori have opened the Eternal Eye, but it's hard to say how different they are from each other.

"Tch, I was deceived by you in the end."

When I thought about this problem, I couldn't help but complain in my heart. They were on the same starting line, but the problem was that Haori had already sneaked away.

So in order to catch up as much as possible and not be pulled too far away, she was still willing to make some necessary attempts.

What's more, she is not inexperienced. After all, she has had the experience of blending her own power with the power of Thousand Hands, so she feels that she can use this experience.

"Then give it a try!"

Anyway, Haori has gone to the Hokage's office now. She has no idea of ​​going out and hanging out yet. She just needs to stay. It's not a bad thing to give it a try.

Thinking in his heart, the light has already controlled the two forces and begun to merge with each other.

And with this fusion, she suddenly felt that the blood in her body began to boil faintly!

"Is it another way to improve your bloodline?"

Guang's eyes were dimly shining, and she had already felt the benefits of bloodline improvement.

It's just that the development of Blood Succession Limit has always been very difficult. Even though Haori has been saying that her talent is terrifying, it is not easy to integrate it.

"Besides, you are obviously more talented than me, but you just know how to comfort people."

From Guang's point of view, Haori's talent is obviously much higher than his own, otherwise he wouldn't have 'grew up by watching' him.

In terms of the development of blood successors, they have completed the limit of two blood successors and the elimination of one blood successor, and the remaining Haori has not yet been arranged.

But she always felt that Yuzhi had escaped. Although there was no evidence, she believed in her judgment.

Now that she encountered this method that could improve her bloodline, she was naturally very happy.

"I just don't know how far Yuzhi has gone."

Thinking in her mind, the progress of her fusion began to intensify, and with this fusion, she suddenly felt that her eyes seemed to be faintly affected!

She seemed to be experiencing the scene she felt when she had the Eternal Eye again, and this time her feeling seemed even weirder.

She seemed to be able to feel that there was a more powerful force waiting for her and calling her in the distance!

And that power seems to be the limit of their eyes!

"What exactly is going on"

Guang felt slightly confused, but regardless of whether she was confused or not, she was not going to stop.

As the chakra in her body continued to fuse, she could faintly feel that her chakra seemed to be starting to become less abundant.

"Are you too impatient?"

Hikaru frowned slightly. After Haori's chakra entered her body, it was faintly changing her own chakra.

And after she realized that her own changes and the power of the Thousand Hands were triggered, she directly fused, which naturally caused her chakra to be consumed too quickly.

The chakra Haori brought to her has been used and integrated by her before she has been transformed. Naturally, she cannot withstand this!

“This is a bit bad”

Guang was muttering secretly in her heart, but at this moment she suddenly felt that the chakra in her body became full again.

This immediately made her feel relieved, because she knew that this was Haori's return——


Looking at the light that had fallen into a state of cultivation, Yuzhi immediately knew her situation after checking it.

This made Yuzhi a little stunned, and at the same time, he suddenly felt a little surprised.

"How come she can arouse the resonance of two chakras so quickly, but I haven't been able to do it yet?"

Yuzhi really didn't understand that his body had been completely replaced by the power of Indra. Regardless of other factors, he was 'Indra'!

However, he did not directly resonate with the power of 'Asura' like Guang, which made him somewhat doubt whether he was really 'stuck' by the system.

Just slowly observing the light situation, he suddenly realized something.

"The power of Indra in Guang's body is not that much, so this unexpectedly reached a balance with the power of Asura in her body, and that's why it resonated?"

Balance is sometimes the key. If one party is too strong, the situation may not be particularly good.

This made Haori wonder. Uchiha Madara waited so long to open his eyes. Was he also waiting for the growth of "Asura's power"?

Just after figuring out these problems, Haori was puzzled.

He is full of the power of Indra. If he is to be balanced by the power of Asura, doesn't he really have to wait until he is old?

"Does this mean that he really can't be a talented player and can only be a cheat player?"

Although he was a little depressed, Yuzhi did not panic. He had already recognized his talent.

What's more, he has always believed that cheating is a kind of talent?

Since there is a hang-up, then take the hang-up as a talent, and his talent has no limits!

"But Guang is too reckless. She can't bear so much now. Being too anxious will only harm herself."

Haori shook his head to block out those messy thoughts, and then he put a hand on Hikari's body, and his surging chakra began to pour in instantly.

And he was in a pretty good mood now. Originally, he was worried about whether his chakra would be effective.

Even though he had compared Sasuke's situation, he still maintained a certain degree of suspicion without being completely clear.

But now the light has helped him complete this final seriousness, and he knows that his operational space is really huge!


Chakra slowly poured in, and at this moment Haori suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly.

The power of Indra and Asura in the light body are resonating and blending, and all this has not stopped yet.

The moment Haori's power slowly joined in, this resonance suddenly slowly reached Haori's body!


Feeling the power belonging to Asura in his body constantly calling for his own power, he himself felt a little dazed at this moment.

That kind of blending of energy, that kind of blood boiling faintly again, and that kind of change that touched his eyes made him feel incredible!

His current bloodline is already at the Indra level, and if his bloodline continues to boil and improve.

Then you really have to reach the level of Otsutsuki Hagoromo!

"It's such an incredible feeling."

Yuzhi murmured in a low voice. Although the resonance generated in his body was too weak compared to the light, such resonance also surprised him.

Especially with this continuous fusion, his brain suddenly shook slightly, and then a piece of information suddenly appeared in his retina.

[Ascension to God Level has been activated]

[Can perform 3 jumps]

[Number of remaining jumps: 3]

[Can activate jump: Blazing Cheng]

[Do you want to enable the jump? 】

Seeing this piece of information, Yuzhi was stunned for a moment, and then a burst of ecstasy appeared on his face.

He has always been wondering when he will be able to activate his [Long Step to Ascension to God], because the time it takes for him to get it is not short.

At the same time, he was also curious, after he had gained so many abilities, what effect would this [Ascension to the Gods Long Stage] have?

I just didn't expect that it had been silent all this time, even if the chakra in his body had completely transformed into 'Indra'!

Unexpectedly, this time, with the help of Guang's slightly reckless behavior, he actually started the first stage [Ascension to God Long Stage], which made him suddenly excited!

"I want to take a closer look at what kind of effect you have."

Thinking in his mind, Haori activated this jump while stabilizing the chakra in Hikari's body.

At this moment, Yu Zhi's expression also changed slightly, and all the chakra in his body seemed to start to beat faintly.

Not long after, a black sphere that seemed to contain all the chakra slowly emerged behind him.

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