
After hearing what Yuori said, all the Iwa ninja present were unwilling to believe it.

They all knew the name of Kari. He was an elite member of the explosive force. How could he die in the hands of a kid?

But what left them speechless was that Kari did indeed participate in this interception mission, and the brats in front of them did indeed break through.

More importantly, they all noticed Haori's scarlet eyes, which seemed to silently enhance his persuasiveness.

No one dares to question the power of the Sharingan, even on a kid!

"Are you timid?"

Haori continued to walk slowly towards the group of rock ninjas. He made a gesture quietly as he walked, and at the same time he kept adjusting his breathing.

Kakashi and others behind him, who originally wanted to persuade him to stop, paused and did not act rashly.

"It seems you are really scared."

Haori continued to walk forward, his aura getting stronger and stronger, and his chakra was already boiling in his body.

And the three magatama in his eyes also began to rotate rapidly, and at this moment his vision became particularly clear!

If you want to reach the ultimate level of Sharingan, the best way is to forcibly improve it through mental stimulation.

But mental stimulation may not be very effective for Haori. Maybe he hasn't encountered any 'unbearable' pain yet.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have had two magatama in the Country of Whirlpool for so many years.

In addition to mental stimulation, it is to practice Yin Escape to enhance one's mental strength, read books and materials to supplement it, and polish it through battles.

Haori got some simple Yin escape training from Qingye, but he didn't have the time to do it on the battlefield.

So for him currently, the best way is only the last one!

"I must calm down and practice hard after I go back. Also, I don't know what that Uchiha's ultimate weapon can bring to me."

Yuzhi thought silently in his heart, and his power reached its peak at this moment.


In the distance, Namikaze Minato's toad was still fighting madly with the Five-Tails.

The earth continued to tremble during the fight between the two monsters, and the roar was endless.

Along with such a roar, Yuzhi began to slowly speed up his pace, and his scarlet eyes seemed to bloom with a strange color.

The oppressive atmosphere began to spread among the rock ninjas, and the roar and the glance of the scarlet eyes gave them a feeling of palpitations.

Just watching Yuzhi get closer and closer, the taunting words from before seemed to start to echo in his ears.

"Come on, let's kill him!"

Finally, one of the Iwa ninja seemed unable to bear it any longer, and he suddenly roared angrily.

And with this roar, all the rock ninjas erupted!

They all took out their weapons and rushed towards Yuzhi with roars.

"Akai, you and Qingye act quickly."

When Kakashi saw this scene, he immediately took out a scroll and said.

"I will cooperate with Yuzhi, and the task of blowing up the bridge will be left to you."


Akai and Aoba didn't expect Kakashi to be so decisive, but they quickly took the scroll and nodded.

"No problem, leave it to us!"

Yuzhi's gesture just now was to tell them to attract their attention and let them cooperate at any time.

The two of them took a deep breath, and immediately found the right moment to move.

Attracted by Yuzhi, there are not many people they need to face. As long as Yuzhi and the others can contain them, they are confident to complete the mission!


Upon seeing this, Kakashi formed a seal with his hands, and the Chidori's thunder appeared in his hands again.

In fact, he was also a little anxious in his heart. Although Haori's way of attracting enemies with himself was good, it also put himself in danger.

And Kakashi doesn't think how far one person can achieve it.

Although the strength of these rock ninjas in front of them are all average, because most of the elites are on the front line, they can't stand up to the large number of others.

"We must cooperate with Yuzhi as soon as possible, otherwise."

Kakashi thought silently, but when his Chidori was just ready, he saw a scene that he would never forget!

"This feeling."

Seeing the Iwa Ninja rushing towards him quickly, he felt a strange feeling for some reason.

His eyes can clearly see the movements of most of the Iwa ninjas present!

Although I can't see everything, I can't instantly understand all the intentions of these rock ninjas.

But he can roughly guess the direction of these people's attacks and can figure out the possible trajectory of these people's attacks. This is enough for him!


Figures intertwined, and a rock ninja screamed, and his chest was pierced by a kunai at some point.

And such screams were just the beginning. When Yuori completely rushed into the crowd, such screams continued one after another.

Facing the large number of Iwa Ninja, Haori was like a dragon swimming among the crowd.

His movements were simple to the extreme, and he was able to strike continuously while moving around. From a distance, he looked as graceful as a dance.

However, every rock ninja who came into contact with him was knocked down!

Moreover, Yuzhi also saw Akai and the others passing by, and he knew that he had to act more ruthlessly!

Among the crowd, he easily dodged the attack of an Iwa Ninja in front of him, but the kunai in his hand had already penetrated into the body of the Iwa Ninja next to him.

Immediately, he grabbed the body of the Iwa Ninja and blocked it behind him, and at the same time took the kunai from the Iwa Ninja's hand with one hand.


With a metallic clang, his kunai blocked the attack of an Iwa-nin in front of him, and the Iwa-nin behind him had already been nailed to several kunai.

His knees hit forward quickly, and the Iwa Ninja in front of him suddenly felt a cramp in his abdomen, and the next second, the Iwa Ninja felt a coolness on his neck.

"Go to hell!"

This Iwa Ninja was dealt with, and another Iwa Ninja had already come to his side, raising his Ninja Sword high and slashing at him fiercely!

Haori frowned slightly, but his expression remained calm.

Although his blind spots are still behind him and on his flanks, his reaction speed is fast enough, and his own speed can make up for this shortcoming!

With a quick turn, Yuzhi instantly avoided the knife. At the same time, he lowered his body and dodged the knife from the top of his head again.

He quickly slid to the front of an Iwa Ninja, and without waiting for the Iwa Ninja to react, he stabbed upwards with the kunai in his hand.


With a muffled sound, the kunai penetrated directly through the guy's chin!

Forming a seal with one hand, Haori's scarlet eyes turned slightly, and the Substitution Technique and Illusion Technique were activated instantly.

An Iwa ninja who had just rushed in front of him was stunned on the spot, and then he had changed positions with Haori.

"I'll lend you the sword."

Without any explanation, Haori took the ninja sword out of the Iwa-nin's hand, and the Iwa-nin had already been killed by his teammates!

Wandering among the dozens of Iwa Ninjas, Haori performed with ease.

Even though there were times when he looked in danger, he was absolutely dominant from beginning to end.

And these Iwa ninjas were seriously injured and killed by Haori's attacks, and their morale plummeted.

They couldn't understand why so many of them could be so helpless in front of one person.


The five tails in the distance were still roaring, and the earth was still trembling.

But at this moment, it was not just the earth that was trembling, but also their hearts!

"Is that all you have?"

Knocking down an Iwa Ninja to the ground again, Haori also stopped as he looked at the Iwa Ninja who didn't seem to dare to rush forward again.

In fact, he was already feeling tired, his concentration was high, and using the Sharingan with all his strength also made him a little dizzy.

However, he still did not maintain a calm posture, calmly allowing himself to calm down a little.

Boom, boom, boom——

But at this moment, a series of explosions suddenly sounded.

The explosion stirred up a cloud of dust that filled the surrounding area, and the bridge behind them slowly collapsed as flames hit them!

The ground trembled even more fiercely at this moment, and everyone present understood what this meant.

Surrounded by smoke and firelight, Haori dropped his ninja sword casually, crossed his hands across his chest, and stared at the ashen-faced Iwa nin with his scarlet eyes.

"It seems that everything is over. You Iwagakure really have no one left."

I was originally going to set a timer, but I just found out that I clicked on the wrong one

Mengxin begged to pursue reading. Now, pursuing reading will determine everything about a book. It is easy to die if you keep books.

Thank you guys Onz

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