Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 21 Huh? (Seeking for further reading)

"Is this all true?"

Late at night, inside the Konoha camp.

After Jiraiya listened to the details of the mission, he looked at Namikaze Minato in front of him in stunned silence.

When You Qi saw his disciple nodding seriously, he couldn't hold himself tight for a while.

That Uchiha Haori is too capable of causing trouble, right?

This time the mission was successful, and it can be said to be very successful!

Especially Team Haori and Kakashi were brought back by Minato. It can be said that Konoha really won.

Although, there are losses.

Except for these two teams, the other teams that entered behind enemy lines can basically be judged to have been destroyed.

But how could there be no losses in the war, and compared with Konoha's gains, this loss is really nothing!

It's just that the details of this operation were so outrageous, especially the extraordinary performance of Haori's team, which left Jiraiya speechless.

"Jiraiya-sensei, I know you are surprised, but I am actually more surprised than you."

Namikaze Minato looked at Jiraiya who was in a daze, he shook his head and spoke with a smile.

“However, Haori’s ability has indeed been underestimated by us.

I have communicated with him, and I can conclude that he knew the purpose of our mission from the moment he received it. "

"So, he will speed up and directly raid a large supply point, and that supply point happens to have a large number of detonating symbols?"

Jiraiya rubbed his head and said helplessly.


Namikaze Minato nodded. He had already asked Kai and Aoba, and the answers he got were extremely consistent.

Haori really just wanted to raid the stronghold to attract Iwagakure, but he didn't expect that there were so many detonating charms in that place.

If they hadn't been lucky, they would have been blown up there!

And the impact of this big explosion can be said to have really accelerated the process of the war.

It clearly tells all the rock ninjas on the front lines that your hinterland has been penetrated by us, and we can cause huge damage at will!

Although it is undeniable that this explosion also brought bad luck to other teams, and even Kakashi's team was affected.

But for the front line, the impact of this incident is entirely positive.

Because it greatly boosted the morale of the front line, it also deeply affected the morale of Iwagakure, and even gave Konoha a great victory!

"Although the flaws are not concealed, they may have considered me during the escape process, so they brought many enemies to Kakashi."

Looking at Jiraiya who was still deep in thought, Namikaze Minato hesitated for a moment, and finally continued simply and straightforwardly.

“But it is undeniable that what they did also saved Kakashi and the others.

And in the subsequent actions, he even killed Kari, arrived at the Kannabi Bridge in time and killed more than ten ninjas stationed there, and finally completed the mission. "

"That guy Kari is also dead, and he killed so many people?"

Jiraiya could understand what Namikaze Minato meant, but at this moment, he was still reviewing everything Haori had done in his mind.

Jiraiya, the guy like Kari, naturally knew that this elite of Iwagakure had brought a lot of casualties to Konoha.

Now he was actually killed by Haori, and Haori also eliminated more than ten stationed Iwa nin at one time.

It can even be said that without Haori, the mission of blowing up the bridge would not have been so smooth, which made Jiraiya really emotional.

"It's normal for him to go find you."

Although he was feeling sad, Jiraiya also knew that he had other things to deal with, especially what his disciple had said before.

He raised his head and glanced at Minato before continuing with a smile.

“He has already guessed the details of the mission, and it’s not a big deal to rely on you when he encounters big trouble.

But there is no need to write this conjecture into the report, just say that he accidentally met Kakashi while avoiding Iwagakure's pursuit. "

"I understand, sensei." Namikaze Minato couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"You kid, you are playing tricks on me."

Jiraiya glanced at his disciple angrily, then laughed and cursed.

"Okay, let's pass on all the achievements of the mission and make everyone happy.

Haori is so great and has done so many things, we can’t bury others.

Uchiha is also our ninja of Konoha. All we have to do is be responsible for the affairs on the battlefield.

As for other headaches, leave them to the people who deserve them. "

"is teacher."

The smile on Namikaze Minato's face became even brighter. He had always known that his teacher seemed unreliable sometimes.

But when it comes to serious matters, the most trustworthy person is your teacher.——

The early morning sun had just fallen on the earth. In a camp in the grass country forest, Haori sat up from the simple wooden bed.

Looking at the simple but obviously man-made environment around him, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Suddenly, a feeling of relaxation filled his body.

"it is finally over"

Although it was only a few days, and he had to admit that these few days were not that dangerous to him.

But in such an environment where you can encounter enemies at any time, life is really not easy.

And at this time, he couldn't help but think of yesterday's battle.

That kind of fighting experience was indeed extremely enjoyable, and the feeling of being in control of everything made him have endless aftertaste.

He seems to understand now why Uchiha Madara's fighting is as stunning as art.

Putting aside Madara's living environment during the Warring States Period, in addition to allowing him to hone his incredible body skills, the power of the Sharingan is really indispensable!

The power of the Sharingan is really unimaginable. Uchiha Madara can dance among tens of thousands of people with just three magatama.

However, it had only been a few days since Haori had raised his eyes to three magatama, and he could move freely among dozens of ninjas while activating these eyes with all his strength.

Such power is truly unimaginable!

Haori is now even more looking forward to what kind of effect these eyes can achieve after he continues to improve them.

In addition, he is also longing for the power of Kaleidoscope.

After all, for the future, the power of Kaleidoscope is the basic self-protection ability.

"But yesterday was a bit adventurous."

Although she was very excited inside, Haori was still relatively calm.

Thinking back to yesterday's battle, he was breaking out in a cold sweat.

Although he didn't have to worry about what those Iwa ninjas would do to him, Namikaze Minato was actually fighting the Five-Tails.

Fortunately, Namikaze Minato was able to contain them well and the Five-Tails did not hit them with a Tailed Beast Dama.

And he took them away before Wuwei had any idea, otherwise he would really have to kick his legs and live in peace with the world.

"You still need to be more careful in the future."

Yuzhi stood up. He felt full of energy after getting enough rest, and he didn't want to lie here all the time.

"Haori, are you awake?"

But he had just stood up when a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Is it you, Lin, and Kakashi?"

Yuzhi turned around and glanced, then smiled and nodded.

"Don't you want to take a little more rest?"

Lin asked with some concern, while Kakashi nodded quietly.

Haori's performance yesterday was really deeply imprinted in his heart. That elegant and art-like fighting style was unforgettable.

And it was because of Haori's timely support and strong attack that this mission could be successfully completed.

"I'm in good spirits now, but I don't want to lie down all the time."

Haori wanted to say, 'Why do you have to sleep for a long time in life? You will sleep forever after death,' but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it.

After all, in this world, there is such a thing as reincarnation, and you may not sleep forever after death.

"But it's okay to go out for a walk, but Yuori, you have to be prepared."

After Lin heard Yuzhi's words, she thought about it for a while before speaking with a smile.

"Now, everyone knows about you."

Yuzhi looked at Lin and was stunned for a moment.


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