Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 219 Transformation and Classification

The sun is shining brightly in Konoha, it's obviously another pleasant day.

Iruka stood on the classroom podium, looking at the noisy students below, feeling a little emotional and helpless.

Years passed, and before he knew it, another group of students had graduated, and they were about to embark on their own ninja careers.

Every time he saw this scene, he felt extremely happy. This may be the value and meaning of being a teacher.

No, he can't be like his seniors at the same time, all of whom are talented and outstanding in strength. For example, senior Haori has become Hokage.

No matter how bad it is, just like Kakashi-senpai, he has now become the ANBU minister.

He has always been an ordinary member, but even if he is ordinary, he can show his value and can also serve Konoha.

It's just helpless and helpless

"These little guys are too noisy!"

Looking at the students in front of him, Iruka also had a headache. These little guys were too 'lively', weren't they?

Forget about the children of Konoha, the 'exchange students' were all extremely excited. Where was the peace they usually had?

However, Iruka just complained in his heart. He did not stop these students from going crazy. After all, they would be the ones who would suffer later.

Graduating from a school in Konoha Village is actually not difficult. After years of education, most students can graduate successfully as long as they study hard.

People with talent will have an easier time, so becoming a genin is not too difficult.

The real headache is the promotion from genin to chunin. Every time there is a chuunin exam, there is no telling how many ninjas will fall.

Now that they have become genin, they can be happy. Once they are happy, the rest of their lives will really depend on the 'roll'.

"What Haori did, it's really a bit difficult."

Shaking his head, Iruka was too lazy to think about it, and it was almost time now.

"Okay, you can be quiet now."

When Iruka thought of this, he clapped his hands and said loudly. Soon all the excited students present fell silent, which made Iruka nod with satisfaction.

He showed a smile and then said slowly.

"Today is the day when everyone graduates and is divided into classes. I don't want to say anything more. I think everyone can't wait.

Becoming a ninja is something to be proud of, but it is also a new beginning. I hope everyone can adjust their mentality.

But before that, I have to divide everyone into classes. After all, ninja action is never a solo effort. It requires the cooperation of companions. "

Although Iruka's words seemed a bit redundant, because they had already asked their seniors about these matters, everyone listened attentively.

At the same time, they were also secretly thinking about who they would form a team with.

Those who are not worried about forming a team are thinking about the teacher. After all, for those ‘ambitious’ guys, a good teacher is more important than anything else!

"In that case, let's get started."

Iruka nodded, and then took the list and read it directly. Although he had already read the list, he couldn't help but frown when he looked at it again.

"This kind of class division is really true"

Because Konoha has many exchange students from other small country ninja villages, as well as big ninja villages like Kirigakure, they are temporarily staying in Konoha to learn and grow.

They will wait until they become chuunin before they consider returning to their village, so Iruka can see surnames like 'Ghost Light' in the list.

Although he treats all students the same and is not surprised by such things, he is a truly responsible teacher.

He always thought about the question, 'What will the original team do when these students from other villages return?'

But he soon smiled sarcastically, saying that this was simply unnecessary.

"The ones who should have a headache are those Jonin who are leading the team. I don't know who is leading the team."


"Are you really not going to try leading a team?"

In a conference room in the Hokage Building, Haori looked at the members of his Shadow Guard in front of him, and he couldn't help but ask helplessly.

There were many people in the conference room, many of whom had already decided to become jounin leaders, and some who were not completely clear yet and were deciding whether to 'adjust' or not.

After all, although the leading Jonin will 'follow the principle of voluntariness' in the beginning, how can there be so much 'voluntary' in the adult world?

If you are unable to meet the current requirements, you can only accept the 'obedience adjustment', which everyone is well aware of.

"Hokage-sama, we are not considering leading the team for the time being. We are members of the Shadow Guard and have no plans to leave for the time being."

Lin, as the representative, smiled and shook her head, while Asuma, Kurenai, and Aoba behind her all nodded. Obviously, they had no idea about taking care of the students.

The treatment of being a Shadow Guard is very good, especially being a Shadow Guard of Hokage like Haori, it is even more trouble-free!

What's more, now they are not just trying to save trouble, they have learned to use the 'immortal mode' in conjunction with the curse seal. Now he naturally wants to further improve himself.

After all, they knew some of Haori's plans, especially what other countries might do to Konoha.

Therefore, they are always somewhat uninterested in teaching students. What they want more is to improve themselves so that they can make more contributions in the future!

"Hey, okay."

Seeing the looks of Lin and others, Yuzhi knew that they probably really didn't want to do it anymore, so let's see what other people's plans were.

If it really doesn’t work, just adjust it directly!

What just makes Haori a little funny is that Kurenai doesn't want to participate, Asuma doesn't want to participate, and Kakashi has become the ANBU minister.

This also means that three of the twelve strong teams in the original book no longer have the leading jounin.

This made Haori somewhat uncomfortable. Even though he himself had admitted that he was a 'plot crusher', this situation really made him helpless.

"Forget it, I'm just a wooden clone, and all of this has nothing to do with me."

Yuzhi complained in his heart, and then he was too lazy to dwell on these things anymore.

Konoha is full of talents, it doesn't mean that they can't do it without Kakashi, not to mention that Kakashi's team has a brand new teacher ready to go.

Haori is also relatively relieved about this, and this person is Jiraiya!

As a high-ranking official in Konoha, and a kind of 'hands-off boss', Jiraiya really doesn't have much to do.

And since being 'influenced' by Haori, this guy also knows that he may have to bear more responsibilities and obligations.

Therefore, as long as Haori arranges many things, he will not refuse. Although this guy still hangs out in bars and bathhouses all day long, his whole person has changed a lot.

Since Kakashi is currently busy with other things, he has no time to lead the team, and Kakashi himself seems to have no idea of ​​leading the team.

Especially when Haori asked him, ‘Do you want to lead a team of Shadow Sons?’, but he just laughed twice and left the village to perform the mission the next day.

Being a teacher for Kage's son is scary when you think about it. Kakashi would never do such a thing even to death!

Looking at the whole of Konoha, the only one who could control the situation and hold an important position without so much trouble, thinking about it, was Jiraiya.

And the most suitable one seemed to be Jiraiya. Naturally, Jiraiya became their choice, and this guy had no intention of refusing.

As for the other two teams, this is not a problem, or it has never been a problem.

Not even Kurenai and Asuma, but there are others who can do it.

"Okay, before the competition ends, I think I need to say a few more words."

When the Sandaime saw that his son refused, he couldn't help but cursed 'treason' in his heart, and then he spoke calmly.

"We are all Jonin and the core personnel of Konoha. Now there are some things that we really need to inform everyone so that everyone can be mentally prepared."

The Sandaime's words stunned all the Jonin present, and then they subconsciously looked at Haori.

Haori shrugged lightly, which made all the jonins sit down with peace of mind. After all, they respected Haori from the bottom of their hearts and didn't want anything to happen that went beyond their reach.

The Sandaime was not angry when he saw all this, because he knew Haori's status in the hearts of the current Konoha ninjas.

He also looked at Yu Zhi, and after receiving Yu Zhi's signal, he continued to preside over the meeting.

"Everyone, there is an important thing that I need to tell you when I stay here this time. According to accurate information about the Chunin Examination in September this year, I am afraid that other villages will not be peaceful.

They are likely to take the opportunity of this Chunin Exam to attack Konoha, and may even directly attack our village. We need to respond adequately to this. "


The Jonin present thought that staying was just a trivial matter at first, but they didn't expect that the Sandaime would give them a big one as soon as he opened his mouth!

This immediately caused the Jonin present to explode.

Attack on Konoha?

Unite all other villages?

Are these people crazy, or are they tired of life?

None of the Jonin present was afraid. Although Konoha has been at peace these years, there has been no war for at least ten years.

But among them, which jounin has not experienced the test of war, and which one has not "made outstanding achievements"?

Facing the war, they are still a little unhappy, but they will never think that they can't beat it, because Yuori is the source of their confidence!

With Haori here, they are confident that they can face any war!

What's more, the people who have been most deeply influenced by Haori's "cultural thoughts" in recent years are actually the ninjas of Konoha.

There is a saying that goes like this, if you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself.

Haori is not lying, it can only be said that he uses the mode of public opinion war to influence other people, which will inevitably affect his own people.

They have already determined and recognized one thing, that is, the ninja world actually needs to be integrated.

Only by integrating the entire ninja world can everyone live a better life and avoid war!

It's just that they have ideas, but there is no movement in Konoha, which makes them feel somewhat depressed.

"Why don't you plow them out and clear out their holes? Then it will be over once and for all?"

Many ninjas think this way, and people with foresight have guessed that 'the village just lacks an excuse to start a war'!

Therefore, some people have really considered whether they should run to other people's villages and then take the initiative to stage a wave of 'disappearances' so that the village can find them with results?

Of course, if they think like this, they still don't dare to do it.

It's okay to talk a little bit. As ninjas, they still have the discipline of ninjas. They can do whatever Konoha says.

But now the situation is different. These people actually take the initiative to bring opportunities to their doorsteps. How can they not feel excited about this?

If they take action, won't they be able to create real peace?

Therefore, all the jounin present were not only angry, but also more excited!

"Everyone, calm down."

Yu Zhi looked at the people who were "happy to see the battle" and felt a little headache. He could only shake his head helplessly and said.

"After all, it is a war, and we must deal with it seriously."

"Yes, especially this time the war may start in the village."

The Sandaime also immediately took over the conversation, and he spoke seriously.

"So we must make more preparations. In addition, we have other purposes and ideas for this war."

"Hokage-sama, why don't you take the initiative and we just block them out?"

At this time, a jounin couldn't help but ask. He was not opposed to fighting, but he also had a headache when he thought that the fighting might start in the village.

"Starting a war in the village is likely to cause many accidents. Since we all know that they are going to take action, why don't we take the initiative?"

His question also made many people couldn't help but look at Ke Yuzhi. Obviously everyone was thinking about this question.

"I know everyone's doubts. If a war breaks out in the village, the destruction to Konoha can be imagined."

When Yuzhi saw this, he simply explained. Although he was a wooden clone, he still adhered to the original idea. He knew exactly what he wanted to do.

"But folks, for us the point of war is not what we will lose, but what we will gain through the war."

Having said this, Yuzhi paused for a moment, looked at everyone present and asked with a smile.

"War is actually not difficult for us at all. I believe in your strength. Of course, I also believe in mine."

Yuzhi's words immediately made everyone present laugh. Although Yuzhi's words somewhat pierced their minds, no one would refute.

And they are also confident. If they really encounter a war, they know what to do.

"But we also need to consider more now, such as those children who have just become ninjas."

Haori leaned on the Hokage chair and chuckled. He looked out the window and spoke calmly.

“They have never seen blood, they have never seen battles in war, and the only things they know are probably our oral accounts and what they see in movies.

Although the movie is shot very realistically, the protagonists always turn disaster into good fortune. This is understandable for the sake of the plot, but it may also cause wrong perceptions for the little ones.

I don't want each of them to think that they are born to be the protagonist, otherwise they will really suffer disaster on the battlefield. "

The Jonin present couldn't help but nodded when they heard these words. Everyone is the protagonist in their own life, but they will never be the protagonist in this world.

Even if you are lucky once or twice on the battlefield, it will make you stand out from the crowd, but more often, you still don’t know where or who shot the kunai.

Or maybe it was the overwhelming number of people who didn't even know who was performing the ninjutsu.

You have to experience the cruelty of war to understand it. Konoha is too peaceful now, and the little guys have never experienced such a test.

"In addition to these little guys, I also need their invasion this time to give us a chance to take action."

Haori saw that everyone understood, and he also expanded the topic.

The people present are all Jonin, and they are likely to be stationed in other countries and villages to hold important positions in the future, so Haori feels that it is time to explain some of their thoughts and ideas.

In the future, if they don't have this preparation and don't know what to do, it will be troublesome.

"I think everyone is confused, why we haven't taken action until now despite the fact that we have the strength to plow their holes and integrate the entire ninja world?"

This question immediately silenced the people present. They had indeed discussed this issue secretly and all had their own ideas.

But now that Haori is explaining it to them as Hokage, they naturally want to know the meaning of "going to the peak".

"The reason is simple, because they have formed a new set of thinking logic."

Haori shrugged, and he spoke helplessly.

"When the village was not first built, someone refused to integrate them and thought that the village model could bring peace. As a result,"

Yuzhi's words made everyone present lower their heads and say nothing, but there was a person in the corner who looked helpless.

It was obviously the Immortal of Six Paths who caused this, so why did you end up taking the blame?

"Because they missed that opportunity, people in other villages gradually had the will to belong to the village."

Haori didn't care what others thought, he continued to speak.

"To break all this, it is not advisable to use violent means. Forcibly conquering them will only bring endless troubles.

What we long for is peace, and what we long for is that everyone has the opportunity and ability to show themselves, instead of harboring hatred, always being hostile to us, and being ready to take action at any time.

If that's the case, do we still need to conquer them? "

Haori's question silenced the jounin. They only thought about bringing peace to the ninja world, but did not consider these issues at all.

This made each of them feel a little ashamed, and if they put themselves in their shoes, it seemed that if others directly broke into their homes and conquered everything they owned, then

"I'm afraid we will resist to the end!"

The people of Konoha are like this, but what about the others?

Moreover, what they want to conquer is not just a country or a village, but the entire ninja world. They don't dare to think about how much trouble there will be.

There are countless "mobs" who may attack you at any time. Such a scene is really too scary.

"Of course, there is nothing we can do to deal with these mobs."

Yuzhi secretly thought in his heart. In fact, strictly speaking, he had actually considered pushing directly. For this reason, he also considered how to deal with those 'thugs'.

In fact, before he traveled through time, two countries had already shown him the 'process'.

How to make a group of "mobs" stop being "rebels" and become their own steps?

In fact, the plan is very simple. You can first rely on divine authority and faith.

Religion can always be used to entrust a person's spiritual world, as long as it explains suffering through religion.

Tell them to ‘believe in the afterlife’, or ‘life is painful and needs redemption’, and so on, and let them ‘self-move’ and ‘self-convert’.

Then, the idea of ​​resistance will naturally be reduced, especially if you 'believe in the next life' and firmly believe that 'if you suffer now, you will enjoy happiness in the next life'.

If we keep telling them to ‘think about your family’, won’t the will to resist be lost?

Of course, this is the previous version. There was a new version before Haori traveled through time, and that was relying on ‘medicine’.

As long as everyone is "too high", doesn't it mean that they are deprived of their ability to think and resist?

So all that's left to do is to wait until he dies, squeeze out the last of his value, and don't have to worry about what damage he will do?

The 'diversity of the world' before Haori traveled through time brought him too many reference materials.

But the problem is that Haori has a natural aversion to the second kind of aversion, which is something engraved in his bones. In addition, he never wants a lifeless world.

What he wants is a dynamic, value-creating and infinitely exciting world, a world that can play a role against Otsutsuki in the future.

Those 'over-the-top' 'poisonous dogs' can't even think, let alone resist, let alone deal with those foreign Otsutsuki.

The first ones to kneel will most likely be them.

Therefore, Haori would rather take his time, would rather "learn from others", and would rather have "cultural invasion" than make a mess.

He is always very clear about what he wants to do!

"So everyone."

Looking at the silent Jonin present, Haori knocked on the table and continued to speak.

“We need to understand what we are going to do, but also how we are going to do it and how we are going to do it.

You are all jounin and the elite of Konoha, and you need to figure out these issues.

But now, it is not very good for us that they take the initiative, and we need to seize this excuse to tell them that they did it first.

And also let them see what kind of damage they have caused and what we are going to do.

Public opinion is in our hands, we naturally have an advantage, and we must make good use of this advantage to completely and irrefutably defeat them. This is what we have to do! "

"I think you all understand what I mean, right?"



"Team 7, Uzumaki Naruto, Gaara, Uchiha Sasuke!"

"Class 8, Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, Hinata Hinata!"


"Class 10, Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choji, Nara Shikamaru!"

On the podium, Iruka read about the class placement of this graduates. Soon, the corresponding ninja will come to take them away.

But for this class, or for the vast majority of people in this class, most of the people who come will be jounin.

After all, this class is an elite class. Those who can enter this class mean that they have great potential and are favored by Konoha.

Just like Haori and Uchiha Obito back then. Although they were the weakest in the class, their class was also an elite class.

It was just that Iruka was reciting the class divisions step by step, but the students below suddenly exploded, and they couldn't help but start discussing.

Maybe everyone doesn't care so much about other groupings, but Sasuke and Naruto are actually grouped together. Is this really reasonable?

Naruto and Sasuke have always been the "big ones" in the class. After all, they are both sons of the Hokage, so they naturally receive a lot of attention.

And they are also very competitive, even though they cause all kinds of problems in one day, such as skipping classes and so on.

But their achievements and strength are obvious to all. They were actually able to graduate a few years ago!

But they didn't. They stayed in school honestly and were extremely friendly to everyone and had fun with everyone.

Who doesn't like people like this? Who doesn't want to graduate and form a team with one of them?

Result, that's it?

"Teacher, why are Sasuke and Naruto placed in the same class?"

Sakura was a little overwhelmed. She had long thought that it would be better if she could team up with one of these two people, especially Sasuke.

But now she was told that these two people were 'locked', and a red-haired guy from another village was also added to the group, which made her feel a little dissatisfied.

“As far as I know, shouldn’t the strength of graduates be taken into account when classifying classes, and then should they be balanced?

Among the graduates of this class, Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun both ranked first overall, and Gaara was an exchange student, and his grades were not bad either.

Putting all three of them together, is this division really reasonable? "

"That's right."

The other girls stood up now, obviously none of them were satisfied.

"Forget the two first places and put the second place in. Isn't this too unfair?"

"That's right, how about replacing us in it!"

"Yes, we should at least balance the team, right?"


Faced with such a chattering noise, even Iruka, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, couldn't hold back.

It's not like he was assigned to this class. He just came here to read out the list. Even if you tell him about this kind of thing, it won't be of any use, right?

However, Naruto and Sasuke couldn't help but look at each other, and they were also a little confused at this time.

What happened, what happened, why were the two of them together?

However, their expressions changed in just a moment.

"It's broken. It must be arranged by Uncle Hokage (father). If I am with this guy, then my future will be ruined."

Returning to Neji's miserable appearance and seeing them grouped together, they couldn't help but have an idea.

Could it be that they did this in order to better 'train' us?

So, do we still have a future——

"It's time to start."

While all kinds of messy things were happening in the ninja world, Haori's body was already sitting calmly cross-legged in the Hamura Shrine.

In front of him was the huge reincarnated eye, and Hikari was quietly not far away. She looked at Haori with a little worry.

However, Yuzhi did not look at it. He had already made up his mind that he must continue on this path firmly.

What's more, he has reached this stage where he can 'go further', so how could he give up and miss it?

As Haori breathed, the chakra in his body began to surge, and terrifying and huge chakra erupted one after another.

The pupil power of the reincarnation eye is activated, echoing the huge energy of the reincarnation eye not far away.

Two chakras with equally creative and destructive qualities merged with each other and began to reverberate throughout the temple.

With the blending of these two forces, Haori's chakra aura began to become 'distinct'.

In his body, he has already prepared various blood inheritance limits.

The aura presented by each blood succession boundary is completely different, or the chakra characteristics they present are so clear.

Not only the power of these 'blood inheritance limits', but also the power of Yuzhi's bloodline, which is unique to the bloodline, is also constantly flourishing at this moment, constantly showing its existence.

The fusion of the four bloodlines has been more than halfway through, but Yuzhi no longer dares to continue easily.

In addition to the ever-increasing difficulty, there was also the consumption of chakra, which had reached a level that he could not even imagine.

Although he can bear such an improvement, after all, he has the chakra of the dragon-veined tailed beast and the power of the Tsangigan.

But he also wants to completely condense these chakras together and completely integrate all the powers together!

"Ninja Technique: Oni Meira no Jutsu!"

When Haori had completely stripped away his own power, he quickly completed the seals with his hands.

Just for a moment, a black unknown chakra like a 'twig' slowly emerged.

This Chuck exuded a strange aura, and with its appearance, Yu Zhi's aura suddenly suffocated slightly.

The black 'branch buds' slowly spread out and covered Yu Zhi's body. Before long, Ha Zhi's whole body was wrapped in this black chakra.

From a distance, he looked like a new 'Black Zetsu'.

But with such a package, the aura belonging to Haori seemed to slowly begin to dissipate until it completely disappeared!

“Don’t let anything happen to you.”

Looking at Haori who had completely transformed into 'Black Zetsu', she muttered in her heart, and then she instantly opened her Rinnegan.

Her eyes kept scanning Yu Zhi's body, and at the same time, she was constantly sensing the mark of her "Eight Thousand Spears" on Ha Zhi's body.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Haori remained quiet, as if nothing happened.

Only the reincarnated eye chakra that was constantly blending and reverberating was telling that Haori was doing something extremely dangerous.

"How long will it take?"

Guang secretly muttered in his heart, but at this moment, the reincarnation eye suddenly suffocated, and violent chakra rushed out in the next moment.

Not only the chakra of the reincarnated eye, it seems that all the chakra that can be sensed by light is erupting at this moment!

The power of the dragon veins, the power of the tailed beasts, and even the power of Haori Susanoo were all gathering together crazily at this moment.

And all of this was imprisoned in Yuzhi's black body!

"Is it such a critical moment so soon? Then..."

Guang did not hesitate at all. Her eyes instantly turned into the state of eternal eyes. Instantly, she formed a connection with the eight thousand spears mark on Yuzhi's body.

Endless chakra continued to pour out of her body, and her chakra was completely gathered on Yuzhi through the connection of the eight thousand spears.

The huge chakra output almost made her face pale. You know, Guang's chakra is not inferior to any tailed beast, but this one almost drained her.

It is conceivable how huge the chakra required by Yuzhi is!



When the chakra infusion almost reached saturation, the black "restraint" on Yuzhi's body beat like a heart, and made a sound that shocked the soul.

Along with such a pulsation, some cracks suddenly appeared on the black chakra, and a sacred breath slowly flowed out from it.

The ‘heartbeat’ became faster and stronger, and the weak cracks continued to spread.

The next moment, the cracks suddenly spread completely, covering the entire black chakra surface like a spider web!


As if peeled off and broken, these black chakras instantly scattered into stars.

The vast and sacred aura instantly filled the entire Hamura Temple

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