Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 50 Be careful, Lin! (Seeking for further reading)

"We finally meet, we finally meet!"

In the forest, Obito was covered with Uzumaki White Zetsu's body, wearing a black robe and quickly heading towards the battle place.

After waiting day and night for so long, he finally arrived today, and now he is really excited.

During these days, he has been thinking about Kakashi and Lin. He thinks they must also be thinking about him, right?

"But that old man is troublesome and insists on making me look like this."

Obito whispered as he moved forward quickly.

"Don't he know that he needs to dress up more handsomely when we meet again? It's true.

And you, you also lied to me. You could obviously take me out directly, so why did you say you needed that old man to ‘open the door’? "

Uzumaki-face was quite speechless for a moment when he heard Obito's words. Although he was indeed a little stupid, Obito seemed to be even stupider than himself.

"If I didn't cover you, would you have the power you have now?"

Although Uzumaki's face was a little helpless, he still opened his mouth to explain.

"How long did it take you to recover? How much power can you master? You can complete this rescue with the help of my body.

Also, I couldn’t have brought you out without Master Madara’s consent, so I didn’t lie to you. "

This time, Obito did not use the power of the Ten-Tails to open the door, but Uzumaki-face directly took him out of the earth.

After all, he and Madara had a bet, and Madara would not embarrass him in this regard.

Of course, there was one thing that Uzumaki-face Bai Jue did not tell Obito, and that was that he needed to check the extent of Obito's fusion.

The reason why Obito can recover so quickly is because Bai Zetsu's cells have been injected into his body. So far, everything is going well.

But it remains to be seen how effective these cells can be, and how much power they can bring out from Obito.

"Okay, I guess you're right."

Obito felt that he couldn't explain this Uzumaki face, so he simply changed the topic.

"By the way, what's the situation over there now? How are Kakashi and Lin doing now?"

"To be honest, it's not great."

Uzumaki-face's voice soon echoed through him.

“They met Kirigakure’s people by chance and were then hunted down. This was our plan.

But they were unlucky. They didn't expect to meet someone from Iwagakure halfway.

Iwagakure and Kirigakure are enemies, and they also have to deal with people from Konoha, so they are now fighting together.

That chaotic scene was really interesting. "


Obito's expression suddenly changed when he heard Bai Zetsu's words.

"How could this happen? What happened? Didn't you promise that nothing would go wrong?"

"I don't know about that either. It was the guy named Haori who was unlucky. The noise caused by his battle was too great and attracted Iwagakure."

Uzumaki-face replied nonchalantly, but this sentence immediately made Obito grit his teeth.

Why is this guy here again? Why is he here? Why is this guy always haunting me?

"But don't worry, although their situation is not that good, the guy named Yu Zhi is still very powerful."

Uzumaki-face saw that Obito didn't speak, so he continued to speak.

"Although their situation is not very good, they can still hold on with this guy here."

"Shut up and stop talking about this guy!"

Obito was not in a good mood and his face turned cold.

"Where are the people in Konoha? Why are they still here now that things have become like this? And what are Minato-sensei doing?"

"The people from Konoha are on their way, but the distance is a little too far."

Uzumaki-face didn't care about Obito's attitude, he said everything he could say.

"As for your teacher being busy right now, he should be negotiating with Iwa Ninja. After all, Konoha will need to handle many things if he wins."

"It's like this again, why is it like this every time."

Obito's heart became a little complicated at this moment, but he soon stopped thinking about it.

"Forget it, it was the same last time anyway, but this is okay."

This time, I want to be the hero!

Kakashi, Lin, wait for me

Thinking in his mind, Obito's speed became faster, and he could faintly hear the sound of the battle ahead——

“It’s really troublesome”

In the forest, Haori, Kakashi and Lin stood back to back, constantly resisting attacks from all directions.

The situation was really chaotic now. Both Iwagakure and Kirigakure were fighting each other, but they did not ignore the three of Haori at all.

For a time, the pressure on Yuzhi and the other two people became extremely high.

Fortunately, these people were not united and would even save Haori and the others from time to time. Otherwise, Haori and Kakashi might be okay, but Lin would definitely not be able to handle it.

This situation also made Lin feel particularly uncomfortable, but she still braced herself to face everything in front of her.

"We have to find a way to break out."

Haori quickly scanned the surrounding enemies. After all, Kirigakure was an ANBU member. They were stronger, and Iwagakure was almost unable to suppress them.

Faced with this situation, he thought for a moment and then lowered his voice and said.

“As long as we can break out, the pressure on us will be reduced.

They don't deal with each other, so it would be better for us.

By the way, have you summoned Minato Jonin? "

Each dispatched team received a kunai given by Namikaze Minato, in order to summon him at critical moments.

And this kunai is now in Kakashi's hand.

"I've been summoned, but there has been no response."

Kakashi said breathlessly, his eyes still staring at the surroundings.

"Is that so? It seems we can only rely on ourselves."

Haori couldn't help but sigh after hearing these words. It seemed that it was normal for Namikaze Minato to lose his chain at critical moments.

The fastest person in the ninja world is the most likely to be late. Even if it is really not his own fault sometimes, it is really a headache.

"I'll carry out the strong attack, and you cover Lin."

Since Namikaze Minato couldn't arrive in time, Haori could only find a way on his own.

Although it’s not entirely clear why Madara’s script turned into such a ghostly state, and there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with Rin’s appearance.

At least under the Sharingan's eyes, Haori didn't notice anything unusual about Lin, so he didn't bother to care so much!

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Haori completed the seal in an instant, and a huge fireball rushed straight towards an Iwa Ninja in front of him.

This Iwa nin reacted very quickly to Haori's Fire Release. He immediately jumped back and formed seals with his hands.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

The earthen wall rose rapidly, firmly blocking Yuori's fireball, but the strong explosion also caused people around to avoid it.


Haori seized the opportunity. He immediately grabbed Lin and threw her forward, allowing Lin to avoid a sneak attack from a Mist ninja. At the same time, he quickly followed.

"They want to break out, stop them!"

These Iwagakure and Kirigakure were not stupid either. Although they fought fiercely, their eyes were always on the three of Haori.

The moment they noticed Yuzhi's movements, both parties began to stop in a tacit understanding and then moved towards the three of them!

"I'll stop you, let's go."

Yuzhi is very calm. Although there are many people, he is not that afraid.

He shouted directly, and immediately slashed the pursuing ninja with his sword.

"I can't go on like this forever."

Lin saw Haori stopping the enemy, and then looked at Kakashi who was also struggling to attack. She held the kunai in both hands and gritted her teeth and thought to herself.

Along the way, she no longer knew how much protection she had received.

This is not what she expected, she is also a qualified ninja!


Suddenly, Lin saw an Iwa nin coming quietly behind Haori, while Haori was concentrating on dealing with the enemy in front of him.

Lin's eyes became firm when she saw this scene. She would never allow herself to be a drag on everyone!

In an instant, Lin did not retreat but moved forward behind Yu Zhi.

The moment the Iwa Ninja took action, the kunai in her hand had been stabbed out fiercely!


The sound of metal piercing the body was heard instantly, and bright red blood spattered.

The Iwa Ninja looked at Lin in disbelief. He seemed to have never expected that the person who had always been their breakthrough point would be so brave at this moment.

"I did it."

Looking at the Iwa Ninja slowly falling to the ground in front of her, Lin felt a little happy in her heart, but at this moment.

"Careful, Lin!"

Kakashi's voice suddenly came from the side. The moment the Iwa nin fell to the ground, a guy wearing a white vortex mask had quietly appeared.

The kunai in his hand was heading straight towards Lin's chest.

Mengxin begged to pursue reading. Now, pursuing reading will determine everything about a book. It is easy to die if you keep books.

Thank you guys Onz

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