Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 51 Why is this happening (please follow up)

"Damn it, is the situation that bad?"

During the melee between the three parties, Obito had quietly arrived at the edge of the battleground.

Although he had long wanted to take action, he was persuaded by Uzumaki Face, because Uzumaki Face told him that now was not the most dangerous time.

After thinking about it, he finally hid quietly aside and watched with great anxiety.

But while he was anxious, he also felt increasingly uncomfortable.

Because he discovered that Kakashi and Lin actually cooperated so well with that guy Haori!

"Why is this happening"

This kind of cooperation is what he dreams of in his heart. You must know that Kakashi ignored him at all, and he couldn't cooperate with Kakashi.

Now that he saw the scene where he and Lin were so cooperative, he was a little confused for a moment.

Isn't this what I have been looking forward to? Why is that person not me?

But as he was thinking about it, he discovered that Lin's condition was getting worse.

Kirigakure and Iwagakure tacitly regarded Lin as a breakthrough. Even if Kakashi and Haori were supporting them, it was obviously not enough.

"Uzumaki-face, it's my turn to take action, right?"

Obito clenched his fists, and he immediately asked.

He really didn't want to stand aside and watch the performance of Yuzhi and the others like a stranger!

"You can actually wait a little longer."

Uzumaki-face heard Obito's words and couldn't help but remind him.

"If you go out rashly now, it may cause a bigger misunderstanding."

"But they are in such a bad situation now, not to mention"

Obito gritted his teeth, not to mention that they cooperated so well, who was he now?

But at this moment, Obito saw Lin, who had been dragged away, suddenly turn around and rush behind Haori.

And there, an Iwa ninja was ready for a sneak attack!


Obito couldn't stand it anymore after seeing this scene. He didn't care at all if Yuori was attacked, even if he was from the same clan.

But Lin is different from Kakashi, especially Lin. Why is she so stupid?

Without thinking too much, Obito rushed out in an instant.

He picked up a handful of kunai on the ground. He had to save Lin!

However, what he never dreamed of was that Lin burst out with incredible power at this moment, and she actually killed the Iwa Ninja!

And this also made it difficult for Obito, who had already rushed out, to stop. He could only watch in horror as his kunai stabbed Lin!

"How is this going?"

In fact, Yuzhi had already noticed the movement behind him, but he didn't expect that Lin would suddenly run back to save him.

What made him even more unexpected was that this guy Obito actually appeared at this time!

Looking at the kunai that was about to hit Lin, Haori almost collapsed. He had never expected it.

The person most likely to kill Lin was the bastard Obito!

"Want to use Obito to kill Lin and open the kaleidoscope? Just dream!"

However, Haori reacted quickly. He took Lin in his arms and forced her away. At the same time, he quickly reached out with the ninja sword in his hand.


With a crisp sound, when Obito was at his most desperate, Haori's ninja sword blocked his kunai at the critical moment!

Obito didn't seem to have come to his senses at this time, but Haori didn't show any courtesy and kicked this guy away with one kick.


Obito's body hit a tree hard, and because of Obito's appearance, Kirigakure and Iwagakure also stopped at this moment.

"Who is this guy?"

"Are there any more enemies?"

"It doesn't look like it's from Konoha, or us or them."

People in Kirigakure and Iwagakure were communicating secretly, and Kakashi quickly came to Haori and Lin at this time.

"Are you okay, Yuori, Lin?"

He asked in a low voice, but his eyes were fixed on Obito who was wearing the Uzumaki face.

It was because of this guy that Lin almost died on the spot!

"I'm fine"

Lin replied softly, but her eyes looked at Haori.

Haori, on the other hand, still looked at Obito with a bit of confusion, he didn't quite understand something.

Why is this guy Obito dressed like this? Why doesn't he come to see them with his true face?

However, Haori was too lazy to think about it so much. What Obito did just now almost caused his mission to fail, which made him not in a good mood.

"It's okay."

Yuzhi took a deep breath, nodded slightly, and then suddenly showed a smile.

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

Yuzhi's words made Lin lower her head slightly, but soon she raised her head firmly and looked at the enemies around her.

Kakashi's eyes were still staring at Obito, and there seemed to be anger burning in his scarlet Sharingan eyes.

"Damn it. Why did it become like this?"

This scene all fell in Obito's eyes, although he was completely relieved to see that Lin was okay.

But at this moment, he felt like his heart was twisting in a knife. This was not the result he wanted!

"Don't forget the bet. You can't talk casually now. You can only let them recognize you through your actions."

Obito opened his mouth slightly to say something, but Uzumaki-face's voice rang in his ears again.

"Also, that girl really burst out with strong belief just now.

If she didn't have such a strong belief, she wouldn't be able to turn around and go back to save people and kill the enemies. "

"you shut up!"

Obito couldn't hold back after hearing these words. He burst out with such belief in order to protect Haori, and he didn't want to admit it!

He stood up silently, staring at Yuzhi, but soon he looked at the other two people.

It was just an accident. He firmly believed that Kakashi and Lin still had their hearts in their hearts.

Even if he doesn't speak, even if he doesn't show his face, he can still prove himself!

"Whoever they are, kill them!"

"Do it!"

Although Obito's sudden appearance made everyone present feel a little stunned, everyone was a ninja and naturally reacted quickly.

Even if Obito is dressed strangely and dares to come here alone, he may have some ability.

But he is only one person, which can be regarded as reducing their pressure. What's more, there are already enemies everywhere here, and it doesn't matter if he is one more!

Iwagakure and Kirigakure instantly moved again under the orders of their respective captains.

Perhaps with the emergence of Obito, they all felt that they could no longer delay time and solving the problem as soon as possible was the key.

This time, their attacks became more ruthless and decisive.

"Be careful, defend first, we will slowly find an opportunity to get out!"

Haori immediately spoke in a low voice, and then he immediately got into a fight with an Iwa Ninja.

Kakashi protected Lin while defending against the enemy's attack, and his eyes were always staring in Obito's direction.


When Obito saw everyone taking action again, and the Mist Ninja and Iwa Ninja coming towards him, he cursed inwardly.

He knew that Kakashi and the others wanted to break out. He had made a mistake before, so he would make up for it this time.

"Everyone get out of here!"

Obito shouted angrily, and then rushed out suddenly. With the blessing of Uzumaki-faced White Zetsu, his power seemed to be amplified.

He actually knocked an Iwa Ninja away with one punch. At the same time, he dodged the attack of a Mist Ninja and quickly rushed towards Kakashi.

"I want to prove myself, I want them to break out!"

The kunai in Obito's hand struck directly at the ninjas surrounding Kakashi. He knew very well that the only way for them to recognize him was to get closer.


However, as soon as he got closer, his expression froze slightly.

Because Kakashi, who had been wary of him, suddenly struck him with a knife!

Seeing the decisive blow and Kakashi's cold eyes, Obito felt even more heartbroken for a moment.

"I'm obviously here to help you, why is this happening?"

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