Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 52 Why is this happening! (Seeking for further reading)

Although Obito was heartbroken, he knew that the misunderstanding he had just caused was huge.

Therefore, he suppressed the discomfort in his heart and quickly avoided the knife.

Even after encountering such setbacks, he was still willing to believe in Kakashi and the others, believing that they would definitely recognize him!

"This damn bastard!"

What Obito didn't know was that for some reason, Kakashi felt particularly agitated when he saw Obito.

There seemed to be a strong emotion brewing in his mind, making him involuntarily hate the guy in front of him.

Not only him, but Lin also felt the same.

However, neither of them looked into this issue in detail at this time. Perhaps in their opinion, Obito almost killed Lin that made them feel this way.

Yuzhi didn't feel anything about this. He was only thinking about one issue now - how to end it all.

"The people in Kirigakure are all Anbu. They are strong. Although the Iwa ninja are far behind, they have backup troops."

After Haori knocked down an Iwa nin, he quickly analyzed in his mind.

"But now we have basically understood the situation. Madara probably wants to kill Lin so that Obito can activate the kaleidoscope.

Of course, this might just be part of the plan, who knows what other ideas this guy has.

That being the case"

Thinking of this, Yuzhi couldn't help but take a deep breath, and he made a decision in his heart - use sage mode!

In fact, he really doesn't want to use this power easily. On the one hand, this power consumes too much and does not last long.

On the other hand, that old ghost Madara is probably observing everything here.

Of course, the most important thing is that he only used this power once, and it was over before the fight started.

However, if the current situation continues to consume, it is definitely not a good thing for them.

Haori might as well try harder and things might be better for him.

"Even if it doesn't work, is there still light?"

Guang didn't take action at this time. Haori had communicated with him before, and she was obviously more restrained now.

After all, Haori still needs to hone his Sharingan, and such a battle is really necessary for him.

Thinking of this, Haori was secretly preparing for the Sage Mode while dealing with the offensive attacks from Kirigakure and Iwagakure.


While Haori was secretly preparing, Obito's mood was getting worse and worse, and he kept repeating these words in his heart.

The battle is still stalemate, Obito has the help of Uzumaki Face, and the continuous fighting accelerates the fusion of his White Zetsu cells.

This allowed him to develop stronger and stronger abilities. In order to attract Kakashi and Lin's attention, he even began to use Uchiha's skills continuously.

Or to be more precise, it was the abilities he used commonly when training with Kakashi and Lin.

But it's a pity that no matter what he does, he can't seem to attract the attention of Kakashi and Lin.

And as long as he gets a little closer, he will definitely be greeted by Kakashi's hostile eyes and Lin's cold eyes!

Even if he helped Kakashi or Lin block the attack from the enemy, it did not change the disgusted look they looked at him at all.

"Why is this happening"

Obito asked himself secretly, he didn't understand why.

"Why can't you recognize me? Why is this happening?"

We are all betrayed and we are all forgotten

For some reason, Madara's words suddenly appeared in Obito's mind.

Have I really been forgotten, really betrayed?

"Go to hell!"

For a moment, Obito was in a daze. Even though a Mist Ninja rushed in front of him and brandished a sword, he didn't react at all.

"Be careful, Haori!"

However, as luck would have it, almost at the same time, a mist ninja rushed to Haori's side, who was fishing for the sage mode.

But Lin and Kakashi reacted almost at the same time. They both shouted reminders and even made moves to intercept at the same time.

"Why...is this happening?"

Obito couldn't help but tremble a little, but at this moment his body suddenly turned to the side, barely avoiding the knife.

"Hey, you have to concentrate, you will die if you do this."

Obviously, it was Uzumaki-faced White Zetsu who saved Obito's life, but Obito's eyes were still staring to the side.

And Yuzhi was completely prepared at this moment, and a unique power burst out from his body almost instantly.

A strange lilac eye shadow appeared in the corner of his eyes, and at this moment he felt unimaginably powerful!

"Is this the true power of Sage Mode?"

Yuzhi murmured in a low voice. He could feel that his power became stronger, and the quality of chakra seemed to become more terrifying.

Moreover, his perception seems to have become unimaginable, and he can detect the enemy's movements even without looking.

This kind of perception combined with his Sharingan will only make it even more terrifying!

Raising his head and looking at the mist ninja rushing towards him quickly, Yuzhi felt that his speed was so slow at this moment.


The Ninja Sword was swung instantly, and along with the soft sound of the Ninja Sword, a sword light visible to the naked eye was instantly shot out along with chakra.

The Kirigakure ninja couldn't dodge at all. Even if he evaded, the ray of sword light still cut off his arm!

"Thank you guys, I'm fine."

Yuzhi looked at the two people standing in front of him, and he smiled slightly.

"Next, leave it to me!"

As he spoke, he looked again at Iwagakure and Kirigakure, who were still fighting and rushing towards them at the same time.

"Immortal Technique: Fire Dragon Technique!"

Almost in an instant, he had completed the seal, and majestic chakra surged crazily in his body.

The natural aura became even more intense at this moment, and a huge fire dragon spurted out directly at him, slamming into the crowd!


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and violent flames swept through the forest. This violent explosion even made the earth tremble slightly.

"Huh? What's going on?"

In the distance, Asuma and other Konoha ninjas were rushing towards this direction.

They also noticed the traces of the mist ninja, so they quickly tracked them, and Asuma was thinking that he could beat Haori this time.

"If you win against him, you can at least stop Hong from saying a few words."

However, they really didn't expect that they would encounter such a scene.

Especially looking at the huge smoke rising in the distance and the constant wanton fire.

This made them suddenly realize that the battle might be more tragic than they imagined!

After looking at each other, they all suddenly accelerated, trying to reach the battlefield as quickly as possible.

"Hoo, hoo"

In the battlefield, Yu Zhi panted slightly and glanced around, but the surroundings were already on fire.

The ninjas from Iwagakure and Kirigakure had already dispersed. Even though they still hadn't left, they didn't dare to come up easily at this time.

"Who is this guy?"

With the help of firelight and smoke, Haori used his sage mode perception and Sharingan to wreak havoc like a demon in the smoke.

Although he did not completely annihilate these people, Yu Zhi also made them dare not act rashly for the time being!

After all, these are ninjas, not pigs to be slaughtered. Even pigs will run away when they are in danger.

However, Uzumaki-faced Obito still did not choose to hide. He was standing not far from Haori and the three of them, his eyes still staring at the three of them.

"This bastard!"

Kakashi and Lin were also staring at Obito at this time, their eyes still filled with vigilance and disgust.

Such a look made Obito's heart beat like a knife. He was not recognized. He was not recognized from the beginning to the end!

Why is this happening?

"Wait a moment."

Haori suddenly spoke at this time. He also felt that there was something wrong with Obito, or that there was something wrong with Kakashi and Lin.

He suddenly had a strange idea. He had no plot to help others, but at this time he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"This guy has Sharingan, and the way he fought just now was very much like an Uchiha."

Having said this, Yuori paused, his eyes fixed on Obito, and then asked in a low voice.

"Are you Uchiha Obito?"


However, as soon as he finished speaking, and Obito's eyes showed surprise, he was instantly interrupted by Kakashi and Lin.

"Haori, he can't be Obito!"

"Don't be joking, Yuori."

After hearing the words of these two people, Haori was silent for a while, while Obito's body began to tremble and his eyes lost light.

why why?

Why is it that even Uchiha Haori recognized me, but you still can't?

"Why is this happening!"

Mengxin begged to pursue reading. Now, pursuing reading will determine everything about a book. It is easy to die if you keep books.

Thank you guys Onz

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