Konoha, Tsunade Is Pregnant At The Beginning

Chapter 126 Eight Tails: Uchiha Madara, Don't Force Me

"Run, run away...

That kind of power is simply not something we can stop.

Hurry up and bring the information to Master Raikage..."

The vice-captain of the Cloud Shinobi team looked at the back of the huge Susan who was going away in horror, let out a low drink without hesitation, turned around and was about to run away.

Even with the addition of the Six Paths ninja gear to their strength, Susanoo, who is facing the power of God, is still overwhelmed and overwhelmed.


Lord Madara will not allow you to leak his information. "

Several White Zetsu clones suddenly emerged from the ground and stopped in front of the four of them.

"What monsters are you?"

The vice-captain of the Cloud Shinobi team looked at several strange-looking White Zetsu clones, and said cautiously.

"Wood Style Nepenthes..."

Several White Zetsu clones looked at each other, did not answer this question at all, and shouted at the same time, quickly fused together......

Under the horrified eyes of the four members of Cloud Shinobi, "013", an exaggerated, ferocious and disgusting monster appeared in front of them.

"Wood Style Dan Genyin..."

The giant pitcher plant White Zetsu let out a low cry again, and fled into the ground.

With their current strength, facing Cloud Shinobi's elite ninjas, they are still somewhat inadequate.

But sneak attack, then no problem.


The vice-captain of the Cloud Shinobi team made a decisive decision, waved his hands and gave a low shout, and quickly ran in one direction.

The other three also quickly fled in one direction.

That monster was hard to deal with at first glance, and the vice-captain of Cloud Shinobi could only find a way to bring back the information first.

"Quack quack...


It's better this way..."

Nepenthes White Zetsu hid underground, looked at Cloud Shinobi fleeing in four directions, and laughed sinisterly.

White Zetsu, was originally good at tracking down the ground.

Nepenthes White Zetsu has brought this ability to Ultimate.

The speed of escaping the ground is far faster than that of ordinary ninjas.

Cloud Shinobi, holding a plantain fan, was running for his life when he was pulled into the ground by a Nepenthes White Zetsu that suddenly emerged from the ground and swallowed it instantly.

In an instant, Nepenthes White Zetsu reappeared at the foot of Cloud Shinobi holding the Seven Star Sword, repeating the old trick!

The ability of Nepenthes White Zetsu, against the ninja of Cloud Shinobi Village, is so simple, rude and incomprehensible.


Now it's my limit speed!

How could that monster be so fast..."

The vice-captain of Cloud Shinobi broke out the Thunder attribute Chakra of Ultimate, urged his own extreme speed, and after dodging two attacks, he couldn't help saying in amazement.

Just now, Cloud Shinobi, who was holding a golden rope, has also been swallowed by Nepenthes White Zetsu.

He is the only one who can barely dodge in terms of speed.

But in this state, he didn't dare to stop at all, he could only push Chakra extremely, bursting out at the limit speed.

But if this continues, it will be a matter of time before he is swallowed.

"Lightning Style Sanda Muliudou..."

The vice-captain of Cloud Shinobi gritted his teeth, made mudras with his hands while running, and stopped at the moment when ninjutsu was about to take shape.

Nepenthes White Zetsu also burst out of the ground in an instant and rushed towards the vice-captain of Cloud Shinobi.

I saw the vice-captain of Cloud Shinobi condensing two balls of lightning in his hands, and the thunder and lightning attacked Nepenthes White Zetsu indiscriminately.

In an instant, there was a howl of misery, and Nepenthes White Zetsu was enveloped by lightning...

"Did you make it?"

The vice-captain of Cloud Shinobi looked at the smoky Nepenthes White Zetsu who was electrified, and said in surprise with an arc of his mouth.

At this moment, another pitcher plant, White Zetsu, burst out from under his feet, tearing him apart instantly.

Before dying, Vice Captain Cloud Shinobi still had an incredulous expression on his face.

Actually, there is one more!

at the same time

Eight Tails Jinchūriki Burubi is also extremely thrilling.

In front of the flying Susan, the Seven Tails-like Bruby couldn't escape Uchiha Madara's sight at all.


If this goes on, I can't escape at all.

Eight Tails, can you give me more strength!"

Eight Tails Jinchūriki Bu Rubi, terrified, looked back at the huge monster in the sky from time to time [finally gritted his teeth and faced Xiao Onomichi.


Have you really realized this?

Do you dare to accept my power?"

Even though Eight Tails Gyūki felt that there was a lot of danger, he still opened his mouth to confirm.

Before, because Bruby was afraid of its power and could not hold it.

So the two have never accepted each other.

If there is still fear in Bruby's heart, and a hole in his heart that has not been filled.

No matter how much power there is, Bruby will go berserk immediately...

Normally, this is an opportunity that Eight Tails longs for and will not hesitate at all.

But now, the opponent is Uchiha Madara.

Eight Tails has no confidence to face it at all, so they can only let the smaller Jinchūriki use Ultimate speed to escape...

"I can't help it!

Eight Tails, if I hadn't held on.

Then congratulations on your freedom..."

Bruby smiled bitterly, and sighed to the Eight Tails in his body.


Now that you have decided!

Come on then. "

Seeing this, Eight Tails agreed with pain and joy.

If that doesn't work, just use that one.

The boundless tailed beast Chakra emerged from Braby's body in an instant.

The eighth tail behind him also gradually revealed.

But at the same time, a lot of negative emotions also quickly appeared in Braby's consciousness, causing him to sink quickly...

Just for a moment, Eight Tails Bu Rubi let out a furious roar, burst out at a faster speed, and rushed out.

Only this time, it was not to escape, but to comment on Susano in the sky.

In the mouth, the Tailed Beast Bomb is quickly condensed.


Eight Tails sighed sensibly as he looked at Bruby, whose mind was almost depleted.

This situation has long been expected.

However, we can't let Bruby continue to make trouble like this.

After Bullby launched a small Tailed Beast Bomb, Eight Tails immediately controlled Bullby's body and quickly evacuated.

"The game of cat chasing mouse should be over."

Uchiha Madara controlled Susanoo, and after slashing through the little Tailed Beast Bomb, the speed increased several times.

In an instant, he stopped in front of Eight Tails Bruby.

"Yu 2.7 Zhibo Madara, don't force me!

If you really have to work hard, you may not be unscathed..."

Eight Tails made a final probe through Bruby's mouth.

"It's just a beast, dare to speak nonsense..."

Uchiha Madara didn't care about Eight Tails' meaning at all, snorted arrogantly, and slashed with the big knife in his hand.


Eight Tails was also defeated by Uchiha Madara's attitude. With a roar, he dodged the attack, and Eight Tails' real body appeared instantly.

"bang bang bang"

As soon as Eight Tails' real body appeared, the Tailed Beast Bomb Barrage in his mouth sprayed out like money-free ones.

Even Uchiha Madara was confused by the continuous Tailed Beast Bomb.

After all, at this time Uchiha Madara, strength is not his peak.

There is no Mangekyō Sharingan that restrains tailed beasts!.

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