Konoha, Tsunade Is Pregnant At The Beginning

Chapter 127: Recovery Of Eight Tails, The Sky Fortress Of The Dragon Country Base

"Wood Style Birth of the Tree World..."

Uchiha Madara, who was hiding in the Susan Crystal, clapped her hands in anger and shouted loudly.

Eight Tails, who was looking for an opportunity to escape, immediately appeared dense trees under their feet, twisting and winding around Eight Tails.

How can it be??

Wood Style from First Generation, how could he?"

When Eight Tails saw the appearance of Wood Style, his eyes almost popped out, and he hurriedly waved his arms and tail to break away from Wood Style.

Under the terrified expression of Eight Tails, Uchiha Madara's Wood Style was instantly destroyed and disintegrated by it like a piece of grass.........

Just when Eight Tails was happy, Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, immediately bullied her.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu..."

Uchiha Madara let out a low cry, and the huge Susanoo stretched out his hands, and several balls of blue-purple Chakra jade were thrown from his hands.

The speed is so fast that it is almost a blink of an eye.

Eight Tails was immediately hit by this move, he was so dizzy that he couldn't stand and fell to the ground.

"Adamantine Sealing Chains..."

Uzumaki Mito, standing 28 in Susanoo, shouted decisively, and the Chakra chains on his body exploded again.

Dozens of golden Chakra chains burst out from Uzumaki Mito's body, binding Eight Tails tightly in an instant.

The huge sealing power was activated in an instant, restraining Eight Tails.

"Sealing Technique Four Symbols Seal..."

Uzumaki Mito didn't stop, he quickly completed the mudra with both hands, and slapped Eight Tails with one palm.

With the tyrannical four-element seal, coupled with the suppression of Adamantine Sealing Chains, the power of Eight Tails was quickly sealed.

With Eight Tails roaring unwillingly, its true body turned into Chakra again, and flowed into the dying Bruby's body.

Seeing this, Uchiha Madara dispersed Chakra, and the huge Susanohei disappeared instantly.

With his current strength, it is still a bit difficult to maintain the full body of Susanoo.

"Come out, White Zetsu

Uchiha stepped forward, grabbed the fainted Bruby, stomped the ground with his feet and let out a low cry, and a White Zetsu emerged from the ground.

"Guarantee his life, don't die on the way..."

Uchiha Madara threw Bruby, who was fainting and dying, to White Zetsu.

White Zetsu understood immediately, stepped forward and stretched out his body, wrapped Brapi, and then went underground to follow Uchiha Madara.

"Well, now we can go back to Konoha!

let's go....…."

Uchiha Madara watched White Zetsu off, and then greeted, and walked towards Konoha without looking back.

Although Uzumaki Mito was dissatisfied with Uchiha Madara's attitude, he bit his lip and followed quickly.

Just go back to Konoha and Hashirama can be revived!

By the time......

blue star

A scientific research base in Longguo

"You said, this thing came out of nowhere?"


"Such a big thing suddenly appeared, are you sure?"


"This thing can only work by absorbing people's physical strength?"


"Is it really possible to fly against science and gravity?"


"Can this thing be converted into an aerospace carrier?"


"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"Can you stop just being yes, say something useful!"

The military boss was sweating on his forehead and looked at the huge monster that was up and down in front of him, and asked the person in charge beside him intently.

"Boss, we have nothing to say.

We have verified those data.

This thing indeed satisfied the vision of the Tianmen Project.

Now many experts and professors are going crazy!

Study inside without eating or drinking..."

The person in charge of the base suppressed the excitement in his heart, staring at the huge air fortress with fiery eyes and said excitedly.

When the military leader heard the reconfirmed answer, his depressed expression instantly became colorful.

The Tianmen project is a plan for the next hundred years, and it is also another attempt to ignore the war.

Dragon Kingdom is ready to gamble on the fate of the country.

However, this is less than a year.

This, this becomes???


How did you test this thing out.

Direct conversion from physical strength to energy should not be science!

Could it be that the end of science is actually metaphysics?"

The military boss swallowed secretly, and thought of a doubt and asked.


In fact, we didn't know it at first.

The key is that there is an instruction manual on it.

Now many energy and power experts are almost doubting themselves..."

The person in charge of the base smiled awkwardly, took out a copy of the manual he had prepared earlier, and handed it to the military boss for inspection.

"This, this is actually Mandarin!!!

Could it be that this was made by us Longguo people. "

Seeing the handwriting on the manual, the military leader shrank his pupils and blurted out a trembling voice.

"We don't know either!

This thing just appeared on the square of the base out of thin air.

Chief, please mobilize a group of strong soldiers to help us experiment and test.

There are too few people in our base, and their physical fitness is poor. We can only try a height of tens of meters, and we cannot normally measure the actual energy consumption of this thing.

And in the next period of time, set this place as a no-fly zone, interfere with satellite signals of other countries, and implement the highest level of confidentiality.

The person in charge of the base looked at the military boss with firm eyes and said seriously.

"How many people do you need 667?

Are you sure there is no other harm to the human body?"

The military leader's momentum changed, and he said in a solemn voice without anger.

"For the time being, transfer 10,000 people first, and that's enough.

We are very sure that as long as it is not over-pressed, there is no harm to the human body.

The secret room that absorbs physical strength can accommodate at least 2,000 people.

We are divided into five groups, take turns to rest and replace, there should be no problem.

But chief, this army must be a loyal and reliable army elite!"

The person in charge of the base also patted his chest and assured.

The power experts in the base have already experienced this with the students themselves.

As long as we find out the consumption data and formulate a safe rotation system, there will be no problem.


Military control is temporarily implemented here.

I will go to that person to discuss it, and consider setting this place as a restricted area.

You are here to prepare, tomorrow that person should come to inspect. "

The military chief looked back reluctantly, gave a few orders, and left in a hurry.

This thing, if the data is real!

Blue Star, the sky is about to change.

Well, that's right, this is the Kong Nin War Fort that Father Bai quietly sent.

And it also comes with an instruction manual!

As for the follow-up, it has nothing to do with what he knows during the day. .

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