Konoha, Tsunade Is Pregnant At The Beginning

Chapter 128 Ten Tails JinchūRiki, Baishan Sage


Baishan Aoba looked at Uchiha Madara, a stern man, and Uzumaki Mito, who looked like a pissed off daughter-in-law, with suspicious eyes?

What are these two things arguing about?

"We captured Erwei and Eight Tails this time, so we have two resurrection quotas.

I want you to resurrect my brother Izuna, and Hashirama. "

Uchiha Madara looked at Baishan Aoba coldly and arrogantly, and asked for the resurrection candidate under Mito's surprised eyes.

Uchiha Madara will take the initiative to resurrect Hashirama, which Mito did not expect.

However, Mito did not raise objections.

"I want you to help me revive Tobirama, which is my quota for joining Akatsuki.

As soon as Mito rolled his eyes, he changed the resurrection candidate to Tobirama.

In this way, they are three against two, no matter how you look at it, they are sure to win!

"No problem, you go prepare the materials.

I will deal with these two tailed beasts..."

Baishan Aoba fully agreed that the resurrection candidate was exactly what he wanted.

After the three reached an agreement, Uchiha Madara and Uzumaki Mito went to prepare the flesh and blood of Impure World Reincarnation and the clone of White Zetsu respectively.

And Baishan Aoba also summoned the Ten Tails golem in Konoha Houshan and absorbed the two-tailed Matatabi.

As for Eight Tails, he sealed them in the war fortress of Kong Nin Village and used them as energy sources.

next day

In the case of complete materials, Baishan Aoba became the revived Hashirama, Tobirama, and Izuna.

Except for a little fee for White Zetsu, basically there is not much loss.

And the three of them were fooled by Baishan Aoba, and he successfully joined the Akatsuki organization.

only this

Akatsuki Blue Dragon, Senju Hashirama, Akatsuki Hokuto, Senju Tobirama, Akatsuki Santai, Uchiha Izuna, three return to their positions.

Baishan Aoba reorganized them according to his personal opinion.

Hashirama and Madara, naturally there is no dispute.

In the middle, Baishan Aoba thoughtfully put Mito in to prevent the two from being passionate.

Tobirama and Izuna, these two real desperate goods, were arranged in a group by Baishan Aoba.

Afterwards, they were sent out again to collect tail beasts.

At the same time, Cloud Shinobi lost Erwei and Eight Tails, and Third Raikage was naturally very unwilling.

For a while, Cloud Shinobi sharpened his sword and prepared his troops...

In the slightly stable ninja world, the Japanese faction is about to storm.

Under such circumstances, after several months, Baishan Aoba finally welcomed Tsunade's gift.

A little princess with black hair and black eyes.

Under the discussion and research of the white father and the white mother, the little princess was named Baishan Qianxue.

Also during this period, Uchiha Madara and Hashirama also recovered all Three Tails, Four Tails, Five Tails, Six Tails, and Seven Tails.

Then, as expected, the third ninja world war was triggered.

The four major ninja villages led the small ninja village in the ninja world to besiege Konoha Village.

Then, it was strongly suppressed by Madara and Hashirama's Susanoo Buddha.

At this time, not to mention the collapsed mood of other Ninja Villages, everyone in Konoha was also confused.

Especially Fourth Hokage Tsunade, as well as Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

"The time is now~!"

Baishan Aoba stood on the cliff above the Hokage Rock, watched the gunpowder smoke in the distance, and whispered.

Immediately, Baishan Aoba no longer hesitated, and directly summoned the Ten Tails golem who was only short of the Nine Tails Chakra.

The current War Fortress, or Sky Castle, is powered by Kushina.

Well, she was accepted by Baishan Aoba as Xiaozhi Xuanwu, and the big girl in the greenhouse.

Baishan Aoba stood on top of the Ten Tails golem, and manipulated the Chakra chain to directly pull out half of the Nine Tails from its body.

Then, it's time to absorb the fully awakened Ten Tails Golem, becoming the Ten Tails Jinchūriki.

There were no accidents when the damage was transferred to the plug-in.

Whether it's Ten Tails' malice, or Kaguya's consciousness, he was transferred to the void.

After all, he prepared 100 million funds this time just in case.

When the ninja coalition forces were bullied by Susan Buddha, they felt the terrifying coercion belonging to Ten Tails Jinchūriki in horror.

With this kind of strength, there is no ninja village that can resist it.

Under the choice between life and death, not many people would choose to die meaninglessly.

Times, like reincarnation...

After Uno-goddess and Sage of Six Paths, the Ninja world is once again ruled by the Baishan sage.

Only this time, it's a real unification!

After completing the unification of the ninja world, Baishan Aoba secretly started a national census in the name of counting the population.

Yishi, who lives in Cixian, was discovered by Baishan Aoba even though he did mental calculations but didn't care.

But Baishan Aoba didn't act immediately.

It's too much to scare the snake, he is not in a hurry.

Baishan Aoba secretly observed, while cultivating the strength of all members of the Xiao organization.

At the same time, it also launched a deeper win-win plan with Bluestar.

three years later

Baishan Aoba led the Akatsuki organization with all members of Super Shadow to encircle and wipe out the Shell organization.

Even though he forcibly erupted, he still fell short in front of Baishan Aoba who was hanging out!

After this battle, the ninja world temporarily gained peace.

Uchiha Madara, together with Hashirama and Mito, went to the sea to find the Ōtsutsuki Noble Phantasm "Plow" that travels through time.

Jiraiya went on to start her own writing career.

Tobirama forms a research team with Orochimaru and begins to study the secret of Ōtsutsuki. (Good Lee)

Izuna returned to Konoha and served as the captain of the Konoha Guard.

And Baishan Aoba is wandering around the ninja world in Sky City with Tsunade, Kushina and other girls.

By the way, shamelessly began to spread the power of Ōtsutsuki blood.

As for Konoha, leave it to White Fang and the new generation of ninjas.

Occasionally, when she is free, Baishan Aoba will return to Konoha with her family to rest.

As for Blue Star?

Under the operation of Baishan Aoba, the Bai family officially became the existence of all super shadows.

Wu Zong also gradually surfaced.

It's just that Wuzong at this time has already spread all over all walks of life, and his strength is also based on Jōnin, and Elite Jōnin is even more powerful.

Under Wu Zong's illusion and various manipulations, Long Guo also became the sole overlord of Blue Star.

The details are not to be believed...

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