What is the purpose of the revolutionary army?

Overthrow the tyranny of the World Government and rescue the countries and people under the tyranny of the World Government.

How did they do it?

Organize riots to overthrow affiliated nations under the World Government, then elect a wiser leader to serve as the new king of the overthrown kingdom.

Yes, although the revolutionary army calls itself a revolutionary army, their ideas and actions are actually far from revolutionary.

They still carry out their activities in a more traditional, even feudal way.

The king of this country is tyrannizing and oppressing the people, so overthrow him and elect a better king.

In general, the revolutionary army has not yet truly liberated their minds, and their ideas are still affected by the inherent ideas passed down for hundreds of thousands of years.

The notice that Kizaru arranged for was delivered to Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, at night.

The Grand Line, Bardigo, known as the "Land of White Earth", is the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

After Long read the report sent by Kizaru, he fell into a long silence.

The man who calls himself Kizaru, and the country he leads, actually did it.

With the power of one person, he conquered the entire navy and made the world government compromise and be willing to cede the entire East China Sea.

How powerful is this?

As the leader of the revolutionary army, Long is very powerful, but he thinks he cannot do this.

Not to mention forcing out the five old stars, even if he faced the three navy generals, he alone had no hope of victory.

In Long's mind, he recalled the thoughts that Kizaru had talked about when he met Kizaru last time, as well as his confident attitude, as if he had the world in his hands. For the first time, he felt admiration for the first person. Affection.

Such a powerful being can set its sights on the people at the lowest level, is willing to share power, and is willing to give the people fairness. What a big heart.

Perhaps, he should take a closer look at the country that Kizaru talked about, the country that Kizaru said symbolized freedom and democracy.


Peace Island, in the expeditionary army base outside Cocoa West Village.

Kizaru was sitting in the main seat of the conference room, having a meeting with Danzo.

Although Kizaru has mentioned this uncle many times, Danzo still prefers and is more suitable to do some work in the dark due to his years of experience and personality.

Just like this time, as the apparent high-level commander of the expeditionary force, Danzo's actual responsibility is still focused on underground intelligence.

The ninjas from the Naruto world, in this new world, the greatest ability they can exert and the greatest destruction they can create will never come from the frontal battlefield.

Transforming and sneaking in, spying on intelligence, assassinating and decapitating people, this is what most normal ninjas are good at.

As a former Shinobi, these things are what Danzo is best at.

Now, Kizaru has one of the most important latent missions, which requires Danzo to be responsible for planning.

Dr. Vegabank, the smartest man in the pirate world, a genius scientist recruited by the world government.

In Kizaru's eyes, the value of this person surpasses everyone in the pirate world.

Technology is the first survivability! Kizaru has always believed in this.

A few extraordinary and powerful people cannot achieve the progress of a country, a nation, or even the world.

But a genius who is five hundred years beyond the technology of the pirate world can do it.

Therefore, Kizaru wants to "invite" Dr. Bergabank to his side and use his smart brain to lead the great scientific and technological progress of the Kingdom of Light.

"Vegabank?" As the intelligence chief of the expeditionary force, Danzo heard this name for the first time.

"As I just said, that is a genius scientist who spans centuries, a super genius who can change the existing technology of the Kingdom of Light." Kizaru said with a cigar in his hand.

"I will arrange for people to find his whereabouts as soon as possible." Under the reforms led by Kizaru, Danzo has initially realized the power of scientific and technological progress. He understands the huge value that such a talented scientist represents in itself.

"According to the information I have confirmed now, Bergabank works under the World Government. The island he is on should be located on the Grand Route, and is most likely in the second half of the Grand Route." Kizaru told what he knew, and All the inferred information was told to Danzo.

"The people we are currently lurking into the Navy and the World Government do not have high positions." Danzo explained the current difficulty, and then continued, "If you want to obtain information as soon as possible, I suggest sending Uchiha ninjas to use genjutsu To get information."

"You can't alert the snake, lest the World Government take drastic measures." Kizaru has no doubt that the World Government is ruthless. If they realize that someone is looking for information about Bergabank, they can only take two options.

When things are under control, strengthen security or relocate.

If things are out of control, for example, if they realize that Kizaru is looking for the location of Begabank, then they are likely to look for and kill Begabank.

This is what Kizaru doesn't want to see.

"Don't worry, I promise to handle this matter cleanly." Danzo promised.

"Then I'll leave it to you, uncle. No matter what method is used, even if it requires Uchiha Madara to take action, I can satisfy it." Kizaru said solemnly.

Danzo once again felt the importance of Bergabank from Kizaru's solemn attitude. He nodded solemnly, "I promise to complete this mission."

Kizaru nodded and stopped talking.

After arranging the task of finding Vegabank, Kizaru did not interfere with the operation of the expeditionary force for the rest of the time, and all matters were handed over to Danzo and Tobirama.

Three days passed quickly, and the day of the peace talks came in a blink of an eye.

This time, the peace talks team led by Kizaru had a total of three people, namely Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato, and Senju Hashirama.

Tobirama was the main negotiator of this peace talks. At the same time, he and Minato mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique, which could also ensure that the team could retreat in time when things were in crisis.

As for Senju Hashirama, his role was very simple. He was the top combat force under Kizaru, responsible for security and combat.

A group of four people set off in the morning and came to the East Sea Rogue Town.

According to the agreement, the fleet sent by the World Government was waiting for them at the port here.

What surprised Kizaru, but also made sense, was that the welcoming team this time came from the navy, led by Admiral Kizaru and Chief of Staff Crane.

Compared to the meeting at the Navy Headquarters, both sides behaved very peacefully this time.

"The World Government actually sent you here? I thought they would send people from the intelligence organization." Seeing an acquaintance, Kizaru took the initiative to step forward and said.

"They are not suitable for such a job, please go aboard!" Chief of Staff Tsuru took the initiative to respond.

Kizaru nodded with a smile, then turned his head to look behind him, gave Tobirama a reassuring look, and led the team to the warship.

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