The peace talks between Kizaru and the World Government are a shocking event for the whole world.

Since the 20 kings established the World Government 800 years ago, their rule over the sea has continued to this day.

During this period, there were heroes on the sea, but none of them really shook the rule of the World Government.

Eight hundred years of rule, the secret treasures of the Celestial Dragons, the power of the Five Elders, and the accumulation of talents from the entire sea by the Navy have brought the World Government a terrifying ruling power.

But now, after the World Government dominated the sea for more than 800 years, someone broke their rule, defeated the Navy and the World Government by himself, occupied the East China Sea, and split the land to become the king.

What a powerful strength is this?

In order to maintain the stability of its rule, the World Government chose to deal with this matter coldly, neither publicly acknowledging the peace talks nor denying them.

Kizaru did not publicize this matter with great fanfare. Now he is sitting in the headquarters of Peace Island, paying attention to the progress of the expeditionary force's liberation.

Faced with the ninja army that gathered the essence of the ninja world, the kingdoms in the East China Sea did not have the power to confront head-on.

In just a few days, the royal families and nobles of the large army kingdoms were defeated and captured by the ninja army. The few royal families and nobles who were prepared also fled secretly with floating wealth.

These guys did not know that they had been abandoned by the World Government, and they still wanted to seek help from the World Government.

At the same time, the naval base stationed in the East China Sea also received an order from the Navy Headquarters and began to evacuate the East China Sea in an orderly manner.

For the retreating navy, Kizaru did not make it difficult. On the one hand, he had reached a peace agreement with the World Government, and he would need to enter the World Government's rule to dump goods in the future. On the other hand, he had been trying to sever the relationship between the Navy and the World Government, and did not want to take action against the lower-level navy at this time, which would cause the Navy to unite against the enemy.

At the Peace Island Command, Senju Tobirama hurriedly walked into the room and came to Kizaru.

"Our ninjas have occupied most of the island, but now there is a problem that requires your decision." Senju Tobirama said as he sat on the sofa next to Kizaru.

Huang Yuan did not speak. He watched Tobirama sit down and waited for the follow-up content.

"Some islands' royal families and nobles have a good reputation among the people. Now some people are hiding among the civilians and inciting them to resist our rule." Senju Tobirama said.

Huang Yuan looked at Tobirama with a little surprise. Such a small problem still needs his decision?

"After all, this is a different world. If we want to rule this place, our own manpower is not enough. We need to rely on the people here to assist us in management." Tobirama gave the reason.

This time, Huang Yuan understood Tobirama's meaning. He was not soft-hearted and reluctant to do it, but was considering the impact on public opinion.

"We can give them a chance, just like we deal with those daimyo and nobles ourselves, allowing them to take away some of their property, leave their islands, and settle in other places." Huang Yuan replied.

"But they won't be satisfied with this." Tobirama already had a lot of information in his hands, and said with certainty.

"If they are not satisfied, then deal with them." Huang Yuan had no mercy on the nobles, "Leave this matter to the Uchiha people."

"Uchiha?" Tobirama frowned instinctively.

"Aren't those nobles famous and popular? Then destroy their popular support. Let the Uchiha ninja use illusion to get rid of those guys." Kizaru said with a smile.

"Good!" Tobirama's eyes lit up, "I'll arrange someone to deal with it right away."

Kizaru lit a cigar, slowly exhaled smoke from his mouth, and then continued: "Those so-called kind nobles are just relying on the privileges of the nobles, exploiting for many years, and accumulating a lot of wealth. After sprinkling some food residue from their hands, they can exchange for the gratitude of the common people."

"I don't deny that there are good people among these people. But their existence itself is a mistake!

If those guys can recognize the facts, I don't mind giving them the opportunity to reform and learn, but if they are stubborn, then get rid of them all."

Tobirama nodded in agreement, and then talked about the next thing.

"There's news from the navy that their Vice Admiral Garp hopes to take a ship into the East China Sea and go to Windmill Village, which is Garp's hometown."

"In addition to Garp, we have also received news from the Red Hair Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, who also hope to enter the East China Sea and go to Windmill Village."

Kizaru smiled and said, "If they are willing to come, let them come. We are here to liberate the East China Sea, and there is nothing to hide. It's also a good thing to let them come and see our management."

Tobirama nodded, then stood up, "I'll reply to them right away."

"Senior Tobirama, I'm going to go to Windmill Village and have a good chat with Red Hair and Garp there." Kizaru said to Tobirama who stood up.

"Do you need me to arrange someone to accompany you? I am very interested in their world and the sailing experience of the Pirate King, especially the mysterious terminal island." Senju Tobirama said.

"No, I am enough by myself. I am also interested in the secrets of Raftel. There is a lot of information hidden in the history of this world. After we stabilize in the East China Sea, we can dig it out." Kizaru said.

"I understand." Tobirama replied, and then walked out of the room.


"That guy really did something amazing!" On the island of the New World, red-haired Shanks, who received the reply, was having a banquet with his companions.

"The World Government is willing to cede the entire East China Sea to them. What did that guy do at the Navy Headquarters?" Ben Beckman, the vice captain, was sitting aside with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Compared to us, that guy is the real monster!" Shanks thought of his last duel with Kizaru and couldn't help but comment.

Not only Shanks, but the other three Four Emperors, especially Whitebeard, who was one of the parties involved, couldn't help but admire after receiving the message from Kizaru.

"Compared to us guys, Kizaru is the real monster on this sea!"

"Dad, should we go to the East China Sea?" Ace, who was rescued, took the initiative to propose. Windmill Village was also where he grew up.

"East China Sea?" Whitebeard recalled what Kizaru said in the square of the Navy Headquarters at that time. That man wanted to bring real changes to this sea.

"Guys! Get ready. We'll set off tomorrow and head to the East China Sea! Let's thank our benefactor!" Whitebeard raised his wine glass and said proudly.

In an instant, thunderous cheers rang out on the deck.

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