Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 104 This Cat Lets You Run 40 Meters First

Hinata is a big family.

Even if it is just a sub-family head, the family wealth is very rich. Whether the food is good or not is one thing, it must be expensive and cherished.

Qian Ming, who was born as a commoner, has never eaten food from a noble family, neither in his previous life nor in this life.

"See you later, then."

Hinata and Riza quickly left.

His speed was top-notch among Jonin, and he disappeared from Qianming's sight not long after, but he could feel that this guy could see him.

In this regard, Bai Yan is really against the sky.

Qian Ming sighed slightly, and then the thought of "Fortunately, Ziraiya didn't roll his eyes" flashed in his mind. If the blank eyes fell into Jiraiya's hands, they would probably be played into the shape of "Jiraiya".

‘Hey, my points are almost breaking 10,000. '

It looked at the panel while wandering around, and found that the points that were still about 1,000 before were very close to 10,000—this is the reason why the black cat changed to a ninja cat food and a special cat food.

If it weren't for the change of cat food, the points would have broken through the 10,000 mark.

Such a commemorative moment, I didn't even notice it... No, I can't post it on Moments now, what a pity.

The black cat's mind is very messy.

This is mainly caused by boredom. It is not that difficult to find the smell, even if you can do it with one mind. The keen sense of smell and the perception ability stimulated some time ago make it quite boring when dealing with these tasks.

But at this moment, its fur stood on end.

A sign of crisis!

There are enemies!

Sand Shinobi is really haunted...

Qianming's muscles tensed, but he didn't stop after pondering for a second, because he decided to surprise the old man from Shayin Village.

It finds a tree and stays there for a while.

A few seconds later, a puppet came from below, and the black cat could clearly feel the hostility getting closer, and it could vaguely sense which direction Chakra came from.

So, when the puppet was about to approach...

It suddenly jumped to the side. Since this jump blesses Chakra, its force is much stronger than normal, and the surrounding dust and some stones are blown up.

The next second, the black cat was four or five steps away, and suddenly spouted a jet of water from its mouth.

The water column carried rocks, dust, and broken trees and blasted towards the source of the chakra. The destructive power was quite strong, and no one could hide under the impact of the water column.

After a while, there was a continuous "swish" sound.

The enemy has appeared.

This is a puppeteer, and he has tiny chakra lines in his hand to control a certain puppet. The next second, Qian Ming suddenly screamed and moved away from this area.

poison gas!

Fortunately, it sensed the danger in advance and avoided it, otherwise it might have been poisoned by now.

Qian Ming gritted his teeth, regretting that he didn't use the "extreme" measures, but he regretted it for less than half a second, and another method immediately appeared in his mind.

Remote attack!

Of course, the fleshy palm can't touch the puppets, but it doesn't need to target the puppets, just get the body directly. However, in order to prevent these old Yinbi from hiding poison and hidden weapons on their bodies, it is best to add a layer of protection with needles.

Just do what comes to mind.

The ninja from Sha Yin Village slipped away very quickly and didn't intend to fight, and Qian Ming didn't seem to have any intention of chasing him.


In the next moment, one of the cat's front paws grew rapidly, and became tens of meters long in an instant. The pointed claws and cat fur were thick and sharp, which looked very scary.

The most frightening thing was that under the cat's claws, a stream of chakra quickly condensed into a huge chakra ball.


My mother, is Konoha such a scary cat?

The Anbu ninja puppets in Shayin Village are all gone, and Jieyin directly lifts the puppets into the air to resist the claws, and wants to block them for a while by self-destructing the puppets.

But cat hairs grew out one by one, binding and throwing off the puppet in the air.

At this moment, Sand Hidden's Anbu ninja regretted it immensely.

Why do you want to accept the task?

Why do you want to die?

Konoha is so strong, how could Hidden Sand Village beat it...

He was only in the middle of his thoughts when the giant palm and the big spiral pill were covered. Although he didn't hit him head-on, the whirlwind created by the spiral pill and the giant claw brought him to the middle.

At this point, he was desperate.

Konoha's cats are so strong, I lurk your mother's Konoha, is this a job done by people!

‘Heh, so what if I let you run a few dozen meters first? '

Immediately after...


With a loud noise, the cat's paw slapped it, and the spiral chakra ball swept around like a whirlwind. The puppeteer couldn't escape at all, and was directly smashed into pieces, and then slapped on the ground.

Combination punches are powerful!

The burst is really strong, but the consumption is a bit big.

Qian Ming drew back the ninjutsu effect and poured a pack of special cat food into his mouth to restore his stamina and chakra. It felt a little empty without a pack, and he always felt that the chakra was not more than 70% and it was not at ease.

Chakra is still too little.

I used to feel that I had too much chakra, but now I see...

Don't bloat, cat food can't stop.

I have been salting fish here for a long time, and when the poisonous fog dissipated, the black cat carefully walked around to the big hole covered by its slap, and lowered its head to take a look.

Good guy, the grave is spared.

Seeing that the opponent had contributed more than 500 points, allowing it to break through the 10,000 mark again, the corpse was not dug up. Although the whole body could not be kept, it still had a destination.

In a way, he died more comfortably than his companions.

At least he doesn't have to worry about being tortured, or having the remaining memories read by the mountain clan after death, etc. After all, his head is probably broken, and there is basically no possibility of being read out of the memory.

Qian Ming glanced at it, and then continued to wander, but it didn't take long for it to smell the smell of Riga Rizai, and a few seconds later, Rizai was standing on the tree in front of him, waiting for it.

"You looking for me?"

"No, I'm still wondering why you ran ahead of me meow~"

Qian Ming swished through the forest and arrived at him not long after.

Hinata Hinata was silent for a second or two.

He rolled his eyes and looked at it, and then said: "My direction is correct, you must have lost your way."

get lost?

I am dignified...

Heck, it's really possible.

Qian Ming wanted to quibble, but when he thought about it carefully, he was just wandering around, and the probability of getting lost and going back to the day difference is indeed not low.

"Meow~ This cat thinks that there may be enemies here."

"Ha, the enemy has retreated, we can retreat."

Hinata Hinata finished a few jumps, rushed to a tree, and pulled out a comatose ninja from there.

This is the ninja who Qianming had smelled the "puppet" before.

A Sagakure Anbe ninja who is good at puppetry, but has little advantage in the face of white eyes. Under these eyes, both the puppet and the main body can't hide.


In a big way, the camp dispatched all the reconnaissance teams, but you told me to retreat!

Qian Ming was not in a good mood.

"It was just trying to sneak across the border. If you want to start a war, you don't need to just send out tracking troops... Speaking of which, why am I telling you this to a cat?"

Hinata and Risai were halfway through, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

No matter how smart a cat is, how can it understand these things.


Qian Ming yelled, jumped up and slapped his hand with his paw, the speed was comparable to the hand speed of the Hyuga clan when acupuncture points.

Well done!

Although Hinata Hinata didn't say this, but his expression clearly meant it. He pulled his hand instantly, and wanted to tap back with his backhand. One person and one cat hand and claw fought, competing with each other for their hand speed.

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