Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 105 Not everyone can masturbate cats

However, the next second.

open the door, open!

With three slaps in an instant, there were three shallow claw marks on Rizai's hand, and no blood flowed out, which shows that Qianming controlled his strength just right.

But the problem is that these three cat claw marks are very obvious, and I'm afraid they will have to be treated by a medical ninja when they go back.

In this way, others will know about being scratched by a cat.

Hinata Hichizai glanced at his hands.

As the head of the family, he was so bored that he would play a hand-to-hand game with a cat. It was no good to win, and it would affect his reputation if he lost.

Sure enough, what Yuhi Zhenhong said made sense, pets such as cats and dogs are really not allowed, even ninja beasts are the same.


He said dullly: "Let's go, the Anbu of Shayin Village has already retreated, and we have many more candidates who can check the information, so we can call it a day."

"Meow~ My combat achievements, and..."

Qian Ming hangs on Hinata Risai, and can't help reminding him.

After spending a short time with the head of the split family, it found that the tragic tool man of the Hinata split family in his twenties was actually quite easy to get along with.

"I can't forget."

Hyuga Hyuzai glanced angrily.

At the beginning, he thought that the cat was strong and smart, and would be a good helper, but after a while, he felt that there was something wrong with the cat, and the problem was still serious.

On the way back to the camp, Qian Ming tried to provoke or disturb Nissai's hairstyle, clothes, etc., but was resolved by Hinata Nissai or simply didn't get points.

It's not that Rizai has a good temper, but that he is fully prepared for the cat's cruelty.

In the end, Qianming began to look at Hinata Hinata's eyes and the area around the eyes. He was very curious. Every time he used his white eyes, his veins would burst out, so is the blood vessel on Hinata's side special?


Rizai squinted at it, but even if he didn't use his white eyes, his eyes were almost white. If he didn't pay attention directly, it would be difficult to see whether he was squinting or looking straight at him.

But Qian Ming knew that he was looking at himself.

It's a feeling.

The man and the cat looked at each other, and after a few seconds, seeing the paw getting closer and closer to the eyes, Riji tilted his head and stared at it with warning eyes, and the black cat withdrew its criminal paw.

He regretted inviting the cat to play at Hyuga's branch. This cat is a lawless master who doesn't know what awe and respect are, and it doesn't fit in with their big family's style.

Of course, it's not terrible just to make trouble, what's terrible is that the strength is still strong.

Even if the Hyuga Clan definitely has a Jonin who can subdue Chiaki, no Jonin can be so shameless as to shoot at a one-year-old cat. Laughing crazy.

Don't give your opponent a chance to laugh at you.

'Turn back and bring Nohara Lin, that girl is its master, she should be able to control this black cat. '

Hyuga Hinata said in his heart, and at the same time secretly made another decision. In the future, like the Yuhi family, cats and dogs are prohibited in the clan!

Couldn't be more cute.


Why did my points increase? What did I do just now?

Qian Ming is confused, although it is a good thing to have points in the account, but the problem is that it does not remember what it has done...

This is very kind, I obviously didn't do anything, but I somehow got a sense of sight of a pot.

Could it be that……

Got it, eyes, eyes!

Qian Ming woke up.

Regardless of Hinata's status or the status of the separated family, eyes are the most important thing for them. Thinking about it this way, it was really frustrating for me to stretch out my paws just now to touch the piece of flesh next to the eyes.

Hey, I can't stop my instinctive curiosity!

Its paws were about to move, but still couldn't stop touching Higashi Risai's eyes,

Although Hinata has a good temper, it's not a good way, so...

In the next second, Soft Fist · Acupuncture.

bang bang~

After two or three strokes, the black cat felt that the chakras on its paws were sealed. Although not all of them, it made it unable to infuse chakras into its limbs, and its strength and speed were greatly reduced.

"Meow~ I'm just curious, are the blood vessels and nerves on both sides of your Hinata family's eyes particularly thick, that's why you get blue veins when you use white eyes."

Qianming added the debuff, knowing that he could not deal with Rouquan for the time being, so he had no choice but to give in, but driven by curiosity, he still couldn't hold back from asking this sentence.

"Don't make trouble, we're almost at camp."

Nissai admires the young man from the Uchiha family. The black cat is harassing everywhere like an ADHD patient, and his strength is higher than that young man. How did that child endure until now?

No, the one who feels more distressed should be the little girl from the Nohara family...

Raising a ninja cat is really miserable.

He held the skin around the cat's neck, and then ran back quickly with Sando Anbe Ninja in one hand and the black cat in the other.

Kakashi, Obito, and Yume Shima came back from reconnaissance, and they also got the signal of the sand hidden ninja retreat, so they rushed to the camp to clean up and go back to rest.

As a result, halfway...

"Senior day difference?"

After all, Obito has opened his eyes. Although he didn't use Sharingan, his eyesight is good. Neither Kakashi nor Ayume Shima saw it.

I'm gone, what a pity.

But in the next second, a black shadow was thrown over by Hizashi skillfully. Hyuga family jonin are good at martial arts, and the use of hand strength is an expert among experts. This throw will not hurt the black cat, but will be accurately It goes to Obito here.

Obito was a bit disgusted in his bewilderment, the mission is over, why does he still need this cat?

During this ignorance, Qian Ming has landed steadily.

Be disgusted...

Kakashi stood on the sidelines, and secretly lighted the wax for Obito while he was happy. With Chiaki's vengeful personality, he will definitely write down today's account, and he will report back sooner or later.

Take the soil and ask for blessings.

"Strange, Qian Ming, is your state not right?"

Younv Zhizhen squatted down and asked curiously.


Qian Ming was a little puzzled at first, but then he found that the treasure ninja seemed to be no longer afraid of him. He had always avoided him before, but now he even dared to come over and rub his hair.

Younv Zhizhen keeps stroking the black cat from its head to its tail. This black cat has a bad personality, but its hair is really smooth, more comfortable than a girl's hair...

He's kind of addicted.

Meow, this cat has been acupunctured, even you dare to come and rub it twice? !

Qian Ming was very upset.

It’s true that the chakras of its limbs have been tapped, but the chakras of its body are fine, and it doesn’t need seals, so...

Eat my spear of Africa!

There is even a trace of chakra that has changed the nature of the wind attribute on the instantly tempered cat fur, which is done unconsciously in anger, and Qian Ming himself did not notice it.

If it weren't for the parasite stress response and spontaneous protection, Younv Zhizhen would have had no time to stop, and I'm afraid she would be pierced by the cat hair in the end.

"This is the piercing effect of the wind attribute!"

Kakashi was very surprised.

This cat has unlocked a new pose again?

Nima, don't be so good, can you give Ninja a chance to perform...

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