Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 49 Fierce Battle with Jounin!

"This canyon is the closest passage to Yuyin Village. If we take a detour, we have to pass through the area where Yanren is currently stationed, and it will be even more dangerous there."

After Namakaze Minato went to reconnaissance, the ninja Yuyin explained to Chiaki and the others.

Although these gangsters are just youngsters, their strength is really good after observation all the way, and I still depend on them for my safety, so of course I have to make it clear.


Kakashi responded, and then channeled all the ninja dogs, observing the surroundings intently.

This is almost their strongest combat power.

Everyone's attention is raised to the extreme, because everyone knows that there may be three ninja teams in this place, and Yan Ninja is best at earth escape. For example, the earth dragon hidden technique can move underground, perceive the ground situation, and then Surprise assassination.

After these techniques are latent, it is difficult to perceive them with the sense of smell.

However, Kakashi is also good at earth escape, and can use this to perceive the situation under the earth...

Qian Ming guarded Nohara Lin, bowed all over, and not far away, Minato Namikaze was checking the surrounding forest to see if there were ninjas hiding.

After a few minutes, there was an explosion in the mountains.


The movement of the valley came, and Kakashi's face changed suddenly in the next second.

"Be careful where you step."


In the blink of an eye, a piece of soil thorns drilled out, each one was extremely sharp. If everyone hadn't reacted quickly, they might have been severely injured as soon as they met.

Four ninjas jumped out of the ground, and each of them threw a piece of kunai with a detonating talisman in their hands. The target was very consistent—the rain ninja who jumped up to avoid the ground thorn.

"The mountain is steep!"

Yu Ninja recognized the identity of the opponent's Jonin, yelled in horror, and then opened his umbrella to block the detonating charms, but even though he had an umbrella, he couldn't really block the damage of the explosion.

He almost saw his fate...

However, at this moment, silver-white hairs flew over one by one, weaving a curtain to deflect those Kunai, but those curtains exploded in the air.

Although Kakashi's hair blocked some damage, it couldn't completely block it, and the Lush Lion's Hair Technique was also burnt by this blow. Originally, his hair was not only pitted but also burnt.

It can be seen from this that there is still a certain risk if this ninjutsu is not practiced to Jiraiya's level.

But their strongest is the first wave of attack, the first wave of attack was "strongly" blocked by Kakashi, eight ninja dogs, iron-armed toad and Obito immediately rushed up to fight.

Poor Urenin, although protected by the weapon and Kakashi's hair, was blown out and lay motionless on the ground.

Nohara Lin quickly ran over.

"Not dead, Qianming, you lurk to protect me."

She whispered something, and then began to mobilize the chakra—this kind of explosion would hurt the internal organs, and simple medical ninjutsu could not be cured, so the palm fairy technique must be used.

Qian Ming was at the side, using the transformation technique to lurk.

It knew what Nohara Lin meant. The other party was equipped with three Chunin and one Jōnin. Jōnin was probably the Gao Shanjun that Urenin said.

"I don't know how long that iron-armed toad can block. Although it blocked Kisame's blow in the anime, it is still more than ten years away from the future generations..."

Qian Ming was faintly worried.

This Jōnin is the biggest threat. The Iron-armed Toad is probably good in defense, but there is really no threat in terms of offense. It only needs to be held back by a Chunin or a shadow clone.

Its strength is good, but it is probably not enough to face the ninja, so it has to be hidden to have a chance. If it can be hit with one blow, it can be delayed for a while.

"Be careful, Gao Shanjun... swordsmanship."

Yu Ren breathed a sigh of relief under the Palm Immortal Technique, and struggled to say a word.

"I know."

Nohara Lin responded in a low voice, she pressed her hand on Yu Ninjutsu's heart, and used Zhang Xianjutsu to heal his internal wounds continuously. At this time, he was gradually recovering under the medical ninjutsu.

But at this time...

There was a slight vibration in the ground, and Nohara Lin's face changed. She interrupted the treatment of the Palm Immortal Technique, hugged Yu Ren with difficulty, and stabbed a knife out of the soil in the next second, killing Nohara Lin and Yu Ren.

high speed.

But at that moment, Nohara Rin threw Yuren on the ground and made seals with both hands, and her hair grew quickly to protect her back.

As the sword approached, it made a "dang" sound.

"Jiraiya's technique!"

Gao Shanjun's face was solemn, and the ability to obtain the secret technique was enough to prove that this girl was one of Jiraiya's descendants, but...even so, he still wanted to kill her.

Draw the sword, swing the sword, and prepare to attack again.

Nohara Lin only has the ability to block this, and she will definitely die with the next blow. This is Gao Shanjun's self-confidence as a jounin.

However, after he swung his sword, there was a very slight sound from behind.

Someone sneaked up!

Gao Shanjun immediately withdrew his knife, turned around and went to the rear, only to see "Namikaze Minato" condensing a spiral pill in his hand, blasting him head-on.

"How can it be!"

He was stunned for a while, Namikaze Minato was facing two elite teams alone, yet he was able to draw himself out to deal with him?

Gao Shanjun's mind flashed through everyone in the field just now, everyone was there, there is no possibility of someone turning into a fraud, so... this guy is real.

How can it be!

Could it be Flying Thunder God?

But anyway, everyone is Jonin, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

He swung his sword resolutely and fought with each other.

The sword is longer than the hand, which has its own advantages.

Gao Shanjun thought to himself.

However, at this moment, he was suddenly in a trance, seeing a golden light flashing in front of his eyes, and his head was already flying into the sky...

I am dead?

No, this is illusion!

Jonin has a lot of experience, and immediately sensed something was wrong. He dispelled the illusion in the blink of an eye, and then rolled away without even thinking about it, but...

As soon as he got out of the illusion, he instantly felt a sharp pain, as if there were blades twisting in his chest.

Spiral pill!

Isn't this an illusion?

He lowered his head and saw a black cat nimbly jumping away from his chest. There were five bloody wounds on his chest, which was very hideous and terrifying.

This cat, using five spiral pills at the same time?

How can it be!

Gao Shanjun was a little skeptical about life, but he knew that the more he was at this moment, the less he could be distracted. He immediately gathered his mind, and suddenly felt a crisis—there was someone underground!

In the next second, a knife light appeared underground.

Kakashi took advantage of this opportunity and slashed towards Gao Shanjun's throat, but Gao Shanjun reacted very quickly and immediately wanted to avoid it, but at this moment the ball of black hair came again.

Damn black cat!

Gao Shanjun was annoyed in his heart, he didn't pay attention to the black cat at all before, but he was tricked first, and now he was entangled by the black cat with this weird ninjutsu...

A knife was cut along the left shoulder, and the bone was visible deep in the wound.

Gao Shanjun made a backhand attack and also slashed and killed "Kakashi", but the opponent was just a shadow clone, and he was not afraid of this knife at all.

However, when the shadow clone was killed, Kakashi's body felt the same, and his stature froze instantly. If it wasn't for Ninja Dog who rescued him at this moment, he might have been severely injured at this moment.

Gao Shanjun endured the pain, and cut off those cat hairs with a single knife.

But at this time, the little girl has taken Yuren to hide far away, and the most important treatment protocol has been completed. What Lin needs now is not treatment but protection, so she holds Kunai in her hand and waits for it.

As for the little black cat, Gao Shanjun couldn't find it.

Not only that, the iron-armed toad finally got rid of the entanglement, and jumped here to fight with him. If Gao Shanjun hadn't been cut off on his left shoulder, he would have been able to shake off the iron-armed toad as long as he was entangled for a while, but now he lacks strength, and the strength of this toad Then compare the weight...

Just when he was fighting the iron-armed toad with all his heart, his feet suddenly hurt. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the black cat not far away, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.


Qian Ming arched his back, looking ready to go, Gao Shanjun was distracted, and the iron-armed toad attacked with both arms, and one attack made his arms numb.


It attacked again, again targeting the wounded foot.

As long as Gao Shanjun's feet are abolished, it will be very difficult for Gao Shanjun to chase Lin and Yu Ren.

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