Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 50 Wind Escape·Spitting Technique


Gao Shanjun screamed, his right foot was hit again, the shoe was shattered at the wound, and the fragile hamstring was directly torn off by the sharp cat's claw.

Without medical ninjutsu treatment, he is limping for the time being. In addition, he was injured by the spiral pill before, even if he is a ninja, he is at the end of his strength.

"Fighting is the main thing, don't fight hard, meow~"

After Qian Ming finished speaking, he jumped into the jungle. Frontal combat is not its specialty, and it has already gained a lot of points in the few fights just now, and its chakra is almost exhausted. If it continues to fight, it may die. .

The trapped beast is still fighting, not to mention Jonin, life is more important than points.

After sneaking into the forest, it exchanged for the lowest priced special cat food. This cat food can restore physical strength and part of the chakra, which is most suitable for this kind of time.

After eating, it returned to Lin's side.

After confirming that there was no threat, Nohara Lin continued to treat the mission target, while Qian Ming hid behind the medical box and observed secretly.

Kakashi folded a shadow clone on the other side, and his strength was obviously not as strong as at the beginning, and he could only achieve a 50-50 split with a Chunin.

'Naruto is still strong, that willpower...much stronger than Kakashi. '

Qianming complained secretly in his heart, but he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​going up to support it. Its strength has not yet fully recovered. Secondly, there is no danger there in a short period of time. more threatening than him.

For now, all it needs to do is watch.

In case those ninjas attacked with shadow clones like Kakashi, both Lin and the mission target would die if no one protected them, and it would severely wound one of the ninjas, which was worthy of its own value no matter what.


After a while, Nohara Lin put down her hand and let out a long sigh of relief.

The task target was finally rescued.

After a while, this guy should be able to wake up, and then she and Qian Ming won't have to be so passive.

"Qianming, over there with the soil..."

"Don't worry meow!"

The little black cat was lying on its stomach, and the Obito side looked dangerous, but in fact it was all skin trauma and it didn't matter at all. That kid didn't mess with Akai in vain, and now his physical skills are pretty good.

The only pity is that he probably hasn't learned the eight-door dunjia passed down from Akai's family, otherwise, even if he opens the first door of the eight-door, it will be enough to win the battle by surprise.

At this moment, it listened attentively.

The movement in the valley became less and less, and it seemed that Namikaze Minato was about to be killed inside. It glanced at the exhausted Gao Shanjun, and found that the ninja lying dead in Yuyin Village seemed to wake up...

In the distance, the mountains were steep and fighting and retreating, with wounds all over his body bursting and bleeding profusely, from a strong attack at the beginning to a panic-stricken escape, seeing that it was the end of the battle, it was just the time to take the head.


It gave a low cry, then sneaked into the woods and quickly circled behind Gao Shanjun.

But while running, Qian Ming was thinking about one thing.

I had 2,000 points before, plus the 1,000+ points I got from cheating, sneak attacking, and hurting my hamstring in the ninja battle just now, I have more than 3,000 points.

Originally, it thought that it could give priority to the doubling operation.

However, after going through a series of battles, Qianming found that although the multiplication technique is strong, he still needs a long-range ninjutsu to make up for the vacancy. Otherwise, Chakra is not enough to rely on the extremely expensive ninjutsu such as spiral pill and chaotic lion hair. .

Because it was a temporary idea, he didn't have any good goals. He was browsing "Taobao" while running his eyes to see which ninjutsu was cheap and easy to use.

The cheapest one is Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough.

It is simple to perform, so it is also very cheap, but the effect is relatively poor.

Although it is possible to blow away kunai, shuriken and even fire ninjutsu in the hands of jōnin such as Namikaze Minato, but if it is used in its mouth, it may only be blown out for people to enjoy the cool...

glanced again,

It saw a good technique - Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade.

It's worth two thousand points.


Qian Ming looked at the high mountains in the distance, and decisively exchanged this ninjutsu.

With this kind of ninjutsu, it can shoot in the back without needing to fight in close quarters all the time, which is safe and decent.

The usage of the technique is relatively simple, so it can be mastered immediately after exchange.

After the simplification, there is also no need to seal, just open your mouth to accumulate chakra, and then spit it out. It ran behind Gao Shanjun, brewed for a while...

Inhale and exhale!

A series of air bullets flew out.

After Qian Ming vomited, he felt a little weird—it feels like spitting out a bullet, why is it a bit like spitting on someone else?

Gao Shanjun was fighting and retreating with this difficult toad, but suddenly there was a gust of wind behind him, apparently someone used wind escape to sneak attack.

He immediately dodged sideways, but this series of wind bombs was so fast that he almost reached him in the blink of an eye.

At this time, his left hand was half useless, and his right hand was numb from the great force of the iron-armed toad, so he could only try his best to prevent the wind bombs from hitting his vitals.

His left hand and right foot were injured, so he simply let them block the blow.

It almost runs through, but Gao Shanjun vaguely feels that the wind bomb seems to be a little wet, and it feels a little sticky, a bit like... phlegm.

But don't say it looks like phlegm at this moment, even if someone actually spits in the face, he will have to bear it, because the iron-armed toad is attacking again, let alone killing the target if this continues, he is afraid that he will be dragged to death alive.

While I still have the strength to escape...

With this thought in Gao Shanjun's mind, his fighting spirit became more and more unstable. He glanced around, blocked the opponent's iron arm with a knife, and then threw two or three smoke bombs on the ground.

However, in the next second, there was a scream in the smoke, and when the smoke cleared, Namikaze Minato supported Gao Shanjun, unable to hide the fatigue on his face.

"Good job, next..."

Namikaze Minato patted the iron-armed toad, but he staggered and almost couldn't stop. It was obvious that he was fighting alone with two teams and rushed back quickly. Even he was exhausted.

"Take a break, they won't lose anyway."

The iron-armed toad is standing there.

Although it is young, it has already accumulated a lot of fairy chakra in its body. It does not know ninjutsu but is good at defense and long-term fighting. It still has a lot of strength after fighting for so long.

"Go and help, first help bring soil."


Toad jumped up and rushed towards the battlefield.

Namikaze Minato sat down, glanced at the corpse beside him, then pondered for a moment, then spit out a small fireball after making a mudra with his hands, burning the wound on Gao Shanjun's chest, making it impossible to see the five bloody holes.


Qianming came out from not far away. After seeing this scene, he was puzzled for a moment, and immediately understood the intention of Namikaze Minato's move.

This wound was obviously caused by five spiral pills at the same time.

"here you go."

Namikaze Minato stroked its head, then sat on the ground and continued to observe Takayama's wound.

The knife wound was Kakashi's, on the foot...

"Gao Shanjun used to be a member of the Anbu of Yanyin Village, and his strength is very strong. Fortunately, this time, you and Kakashi cooperated tacitly to take the lead in severely injuring and disabling his left hand, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

For ninjas, hands are of the utmost importance.

Muji, one-handed or footprints are a minority, and most people need two-handed seals. Abolishing one hand is equivalent to beheading the ninjutsu of the ninja.

Although Gao Shanjun is good at swordsmanship, he is not a group of people who only practice swordsmanship in the Iron Kingdom. Without ninjutsu, he lost half of his strength immediately. In addition, his hamstring was broken and he was inconvenient to move, so he has been fighting until now.

"Good, meow!"

"Go back and treat you to a big meal. Besides... I will ask the Uchiha people to take you to the cat ninja from their family to buy some weapons and coats. It is always a layer of protection. I will pay for it."

Namikaze Minato is very generous. After completing this wave of missions, he can get a lot of rewards, which happens to buy ninja tools for the little black cat.

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