Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 235: Framing the blame [please vote]

"We might have to abandon the mission!"

After listening to Qingkong's words, Kai's eyes opened like bells, and he said with disbelief on his face: "Abandoning the mission? Why?"

Junpei also looked at Qingkong in surprise and asked, "The task of clearing the black market went smoothly. There is no danger."

Aozora drew the location of Kyoto City on the map, and then circled the black market, their mission target.

Qingkong asked softly: "Did you see anything?"

Kaigeng shook his head, Junpei looked at it, and then said: "These black markets are distributed near Kyoto City, and they are the radiation range of Daming Mansion."

Qingkong nodded, and then asked: "Do you think that with the intelligence capabilities of Daming Mansion, these black markets will not be discovered? You must know that there are many black market strongholds built directly under public toilets along the way!

If it hadn't been designed from the beginning, how could ordinary people be willing to establish a black market under the toilet? "

Junpei and Kai nodded. Although the toilet can cover up the rotting odor of corpses, the ninja world has other effective ways to deal with corpse odor. And it is difficult to do construction under a built public toilet without attracting the attention of others.

Junpei guessed: "You mean Daming Mansion is related to the black market?"

Kai heard that it was impossible and said: "If the daimyo needs anything, he can mobilize his subordinates and hire us. There is no need to establish a black market!"

Aozora did not argue with Kaido, but said directly: "Public toilets were built by the Daming Prefecture, and it is undeniable that most black markets built in public toilets have more advanced equipment and higher quality personnel than other black markets."

After recalling the process of clearing everything along the way, Kai and Junpei both nodded.

"I can't conclude that the boss behind the black market is the daimyo, but there must be support from high-ranking nobles of the Fire Nation behind the scenes."

Facing the two of them, Qingkong said seriously: "If I were alone, I would not hesitate to offend the Daimyo of Fire Country in order to eliminate evil. However, what we represent now is Konoha!

If we continue to clear up the black market, we will definitely offend the nobles and even daimyo behind the black market. At that time, Konoha's budget may be reduced, and the three of us will become Konoha's sinners. "

Upon hearing this, Junpei and Kai instantly understood the possible disastrous consequences of continuing to perform the mission, and immediately agreed to Aozora's suggestion.

On the way back, Kai felt a little hesitant and said, "Even so, if we abandon the mission without permission..."

His friend Kakashi's father was slandered by rumors and even committed suicide because he abandoned his mission. Kai was a little worried.

Qingkong shook his head and said: "It will be okay! The reason why Sakumo-senpai is under so much pressure is not because he gave up the mission, but because the consequences of giving up the mission were too serious.

Under normal circumstances, although you will be reprimanded and punished for giving up a task, it will not be too serious. "

As he spoke, Qingkong told the two of them an example of his previous abandonment of the task of escorting grain and grass, making them feel more relaxed.

Jumping back and forth in the forest, Qingkong said easily: "Besides, we don't have to give up the mission. We just found important information and went to report it to Mr. Gu Jie. If we still have to pay it to the black market after reporting it, we won't decline."

Both Junpei and Kai knew that this was an excuse. After all, one visit would definitely give the black market more time to prepare.

However, after hearing this, both of them felt a little less burdened.

As soon as the three of them left the dense forest, an ANBU wearing a white robe emerged from the ground.

"Did you notice anything unusual?" Xiang frowned as he looked at the three returning figures.

After pondering for a moment, his eyes lit up and he headed directly in the opposite direction to Qingkong and the others.

Qingkong and the three of them ran all the way, chatting wordlessly. With Qingkong's deliberate mediation, the relationship between the three of them gradually became closer.

While chatting, the three of them suddenly heard a loud explosion from behind.

Qingkong and the others looked up and saw three red clouds of smoke appearing in the sky.

"Level A emergency rescue!" Kai stopped and said worriedly.

Junpei also stopped and looked at Aozora.

Aozora looked at the signal flares passing through the air and quickly analyzed the location of the Konoha ninja who sent the distress signal. It was originally the black market that their team planned to clear.

He instinctively felt there was a conspiracy and couldn't help but frown.

Kai said anxiously: "Qingkong, what are you thinking about? If we wait any longer, our companions in the village may be sacrificed."

Qingkong glanced at Kai, sighed in his heart, and said, "Let's go and have a look!"

As a ninja of Konoha, everyone has the responsibility and obligation to rescue their companions.

The three people worked non-stop and quickly arrived at the location where the emergency distress signal was transmitted.

Standing on a tall tree, what the three of them saw was a market in a sea of ​​fire.

The fire crackled the wooden houses, and the residents of the market ran around in panic, shouting and crying.

Kai rushed forward immediately, kicked open a wide road, and shouted: "Go this way!"

However, when the market residents saw Kai, instead of being grateful, they took a few steps back in fright, and even sat down on the ground, shouting in terror.

"The devil! The devil who sets fire!"

"Don't come over here!"


Listening to the shouts of the residents, Qingkong understood everything instantly.

They were framed and blamed!

The rescue signal was fake, the purpose was to attract their team here and take the blame for killing civilians.

If you just clear the black market, even if you are feared by the daimyo, you will only be killed secretly.

But if they were blamed for killing civilians, the three of them would even be handed over to the daimyo by Konoha.

His eyes suddenly became as cold as moonlight, and he shouted in a low voice: "Let's go! The rescue is fake! We have been set up!"

Kai was stunned for a moment, then looked at the market residents struggling in the fire and hesitated: "What should they do?"

Junpei sighed, struggle flashed in his eyes, and the kunai kept flying in his hand.

This group mistook them for the people who burned their market, and the best way to avoid trouble was to get rid of them.

Qingkong glanced at the kunai in Junpei's hand, shook his head at Junpei, and said: "It's useless! Someone must have reported it a long time ago!"

After saying that, Qingkong looked at the market residents surrounded by flames and made a seal with his hands.

"Turong-Tulong Spear!"

In the blink of an eye, the earth dragon rolled and earth thorns flew around. After a burst of smoke and dust, one side of the sea of ​​​​fire was completely extinguished.

Qingkong turned to Kai and said, "Can you go?"

Kai looked at the survival passage left by Qingkong for the market residents and nodded quickly.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Chakra erupted under their feet as if it were free of money, and the three of them instantly turned into black shadows and flew through the forest, quickly leaving the forest market where the black market was hidden.

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