Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 236 Guardian Ninja Interception [Please vote]

The gray clouds blocked the sunlight, making the world more depressing.

Qingkong and the other three quickly left the dense forest, sprinted across the wasteland, and headed towards Konoha.

Qingkong ran very fast and his head turned rapidly, constantly thinking about ways to clear his name.

Suddenly, Qingkong felt something was wrong and stopped frowning.


With a low drink, Aozora opened his Sharingan and glanced around.

The three of them passed by here just now, but now that they returned again, he felt something was different.

Junpei opened his Sharingan and scanned it once, and then asked Qingzora: "It's the same as before!"

Qingkong didn't detect any problems. He closed his left eye and concentrated on perception.

The next moment, he finally knew what was wrong, and there was some change in the natural energy around him.

Since perfecting the "Fetal Transformation", Qingkong has taken time every day to practice the Tianxin meditation method and fetal breath in "Fetal Transformation".

Although it has not achieved any results so far, after practicing for a long time, Qingkong can vaguely detect whether the surrounding natural environment is coordinated and the increase or decrease of the surrounding natural energy.

Although the surrounding environment seems to have not changed now, Qingkong feels the incongruity and some changes in the surrounding natural energy.

Qingkong flew backwards and shouted: "Back off!"

Junpei and Kai heard this and immediately retreated.

As soon as the three people flew out, the next moment, the ground where they were standing broke apart.

Soon, a huge earth platform appeared on the ground, with a green dragon statue standing in the center of the earth platform.

"What a pity! If you had reacted even half a minute later, you would have been favored by me!"

A beautiful woman walked to the edge of the high platform and looked down at the three people.

Looking at the long fair legs exposed by the beautiful woman, Kai and Junpei broke out in cold sweat.

The barrier is so weird and unpredictable that even a shadow-level expert can only use ninjutsu to obliterate the barrier and consume the caster's chakra.

"What a keen insight. He is indeed an elite jounin of Konoha!"

A white-haired middle-aged ninja walked out of the smoke and stood in the center of the high platform, and then three more figures appeared on the high platform.

Aozora's left eye, Sharingan, had been opened, and he quickly scanned the crowd and said coldly: "Looking at the amount of chakra, they are all jounin-level experts."

Junpei and Kai's expressions became serious after hearing this, and they made moves that could take action at any time.

There is not much difference in the amount of chakra between elite jounin and jounin, so the five of them may be strong men of the same level as them.

Kai threatened: "Who are you, who dare to attack our Konoha ninjas? Aren't you afraid of our Konoha's revenge?"


A ninja with a red hairband and white paint under his eyes took two steps forward, stared at the three of them coldly and said: "Not only do you Konoha ninjas kill bounty ninjas indiscriminately, but you also kill civilians, and you will also name your name." Do you take it seriously?"

Qingkong saw this person's attire and felt a little impressed, so he said, "Do you dare to tell me your name?"

"Why don't you dare!"

Kazuma proudly pointed to the loincloth with the word "fire" on his waist and said, "I am Kazuma, one of the twelve guardian ninjas under the Daimyo!"

Qingkong's face instantly turned cold, and they seemed to have taken the blame.

Kai heard this and said loudly: "It wasn't us, it was something else..."

Before he could finish explaining, Qingkong had already completed the hand seals.

"Fire Escape - Fire Extinguishment!"

The purest Flame Escape Chakra was not used, but the tempered fire attribute chakra spewed out from Qingkong's mouth and instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire like an ocean.

The wave of fire swept into the sky and swept towards the five Kazuma people in an instant.

Facing the overwhelming sea of ​​​​fire, Kazuma did not dodge at all, watching with interest the scene of the fire waves hitting the barrier.

They couldn't help but show contempt in their eyes. The eight-door barrier was extremely defensive. How could it be shaken by ordinary ninjutsu?

Boom boom boom——!

Waves of fire hit the barrier of the eight gates, like waves hitting the rocks, making the barrier of the eight gates crackle, causing ripples after waves, and quickly became thinner.

After a while, the impact of the fire wave finally exhausted, but the barrier also became as thin as glass.

Bu Yuan's face was pale and her whole body was weak. Just now, she almost overdrawn a large amount of chakra just to maintain the operation of the barrier.

Kazuma and the others looked down through the barrier and saw that Qingkong and the others had long since disappeared. The dead branches and weeds on the wasteland had been burned to ashes. The barrier was surrounded by scorched earth, and the entire wasteland became a bare patch.

Looking at the charred wasteland and feeling the scorching air, the five people and the horse were silent for a moment.

Fudo said in horror: "Is this the strength of Konoha's elite Jonin? It's as terrifying as a monster!"

Kazuma snorted coldly and did not refute. The power of this fire escape was indeed beyond his imagination.

The few remaining chakras that were not destined to be transported immediately lifted the eight gates.

As the barrier disappeared, she recovered a little. She reached out from the ground and took out a map with mountains, rivers, lakes and seas. She took a few breaths and asked, "Why is his fire escape so powerful?"

Hongji said with a solemn expression: "This person is definitely not an unknown person. His fire escape ninjutsu has surpassed the power of ordinary A-level ninjutsu.

In addition, you have just learned how to close the eight gates, and you are unable to spread the opponent's attack across the entire barrier, which is why he almost broke the barrier. "

After listening to Hong Ji's explanation, Bu Yun still couldn't let go and questioned: "That person looks younger than us, but he has such strong strength. Konoha's strength is so powerful, we can really destroy Konoha Village and replace Konoha?"

Hong Ji looked back at the four people who were a little confused, and comforted: "Konoha is indeed full of geniuses, but their leaders have become corrupted! High-level officials like Orochimaru and Danzo have rebelled against the village, which shows how troubled Konoha is inside. dark.

Moreover, we have mastered the ultimate earth escape. As long as we collect enough corpses, we will become invincible to the ninja world sooner or later. "

Hearing this, the eyes of the four people glowed again.

Kazuma actively stepped forward and asked, "Uncle, are we still chasing him?"

Hearing this, Hong Ji couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Without the favorable location of the barrier, how could the five of them leave three elite jonin in the wilderness?

However, his face was very calm and he said calmly: "No need to chase!"

Kazuma said angrily: "Are we going to let them go like this? This time the Konoha ninjas destroyed many of our strongholds and lost countless bodies!"

Hong Ji said calmly: "We only need to report the name. I believe that the Hokage of Konoha will give the name a satisfactory answer!"

Kazuma frowned and said, "Will the Hokage give us an answer?"

"Yes!" Hongji said confidently.

He knew the real reason why Konoha White Fang committed suicide.

White Fang could be sacrificed for Konoha.

With just three elite jounin, I believe the Third Hokage will not hesitate too much.

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