"Hahaha, it seems that I don't have a second option in front of me." Orochimaru felt the pressure of constant cannibalization, confirmed that the other party's words were indeed correct, and continued the stalemate. In the end, he must be the loser.

"Of course there is the second option, but I don't recommend that you choose." Xia Shu shook his head and said, "Master Orochimaru, I have learned a lot from you. Even if you want to defect now, I still want to let go. You leave, please don't disappoint my kindness."

"Oh? Are you really not worried that I will tell Danzo what you did?" Orochimaru wondered.

"That's just a little more effort." Xia Shu said faintly, "Besides, what you know is just a guess from the result, and it is not enough to make Master Danzo give up on me, even if he will definitely Be suspicious."

"Yeah, Master knows you of the Spiritualization Technique, Danzo's insidious guy is nothing at all." Orochimaru nodded and said.

"Haha, Lord Orochimaru, although you spend more time with Lord Danzo and have many secrets with him, you must be inferior to my subordinate who is restricted by him if you want to say who knows him better." With his eyes, Ruo looked at Orochimaru deeply.

Danzo's three hole cards, Sharingan, Wood Style, and the Seal of the Four Elephants. Among them, Wood Style was developed by Orochimaru himself. Natsuki also knew that the Seal of the Three Elephants came from his hands, which is considered to be Danzo's two hole cards. , And the key lies in the third hole card Sharingan.

In Orochimaru's view, although Xia Shu knew about the existence of Danzo Sharingan, it was absolutely impossible to know the secret Izanaki of the Uchiha clan. After all, it was the Forbidden Technique included in the "Book of Seals".

So if Xia Shu really underestimated Danzo's methods as he pretended to be sure, then at the critical moment, he would inevitably suffer a fatal backlash, and obviously that was the result he was expecting.

However, he didn't know that Xia Shu actually knew it, of course, before Xia Shu spoke the above sentence, he already knew it now.

"Really? Actually I hope that's the case. After all, Danzo is really unpleasant." Orochimaru smiled and then nodded: "I'll give you the corner of Eight Tails, but can you tell me? You want it. What will the corner of Eight Tails do?"

"This is a great secret." Xia Shu shook his head, "you will see it in the future."

Seeing that he was dripping, Orochimaru became more curious, but at the same time he was helpless, because no matter what secret it was, he could only give it to the other party, otherwise he might really have his life left.

"Solution!" Xia Shu let out a low cry, and the soul withdrew from Orochimaru's body and returned to his body.

Orochimaru took over again, blinking to see the situation on the opposite side, and saw a group of ninjas with black clothes, blue skin and blood red eyes surrounded by Natsuki, holding different weapons that can deal with various situations, and he was on guard. Yan Ming momentum.

"Natsuki-kun is very cautious." Orochimaru smiled upon seeing this.

"Facing an opponent like Orochimaru-sama, I dare not let up in the slightest." Xia Shu's forehead Jin Hui shone, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, he waved away the black shadow ninja, standing in the floating black mist and looking at Orochimaru. "The corner of Eight Tails."

"We will meet again in the future, Natsuki-kun." Orochimaru opened his mouth wide, raised his head and spit out a section of the seal scroll, and then spit it out before spitting it out completely. While throwing it to the other side, he jumped back and said, looking at Natsuki. .

"Of course I will meet again." Natsuki summoned a black shadow ninja to catch the seal scroll full of slime, and watched Orochimaru's rapidly disappearing figure muttering to himself: "Orochimaru, you are the most important thing in my plan. A chess piece."

After putting away the seal scroll and waiting for a while, Xia Shu turned and looked at the figure drilled out of the mud.

"Senior Xia Shu?" Silver-haired Anbu glanced at the signs of fighting around his eyes, and then looked at the young man standing on the tree inquiringly.

"That one deserves Sannin's name." Xia Shu shook his head and jumped from the tree. "Where is the Third Generation Lord?"

"He went back." Kakashi sighed slightly.

"After all, it's a master and apprentice. The blade facing each other is sad enough." Xia Shu sighed and patted Kakashi on the shoulder, and walked in the direction of Konoha Village. "It's just now that the result will definitely make the Third Generation look even more sad. ."

When Kakashi heard the words, he lowered his head and thought about it. He felt that this might be the case, so he couldn't help but sighed, and then followed Natsuki's back.


The defection of Orochimaru caused Konoha Village to send a bad signal to the outside world, and it was not the other Shinobu villages who responded first to this incident, but Jiraiya, who was also Sannin, and the next one was the collapse of the talks not long ago. Cloud Shinobi took the opportunity to send a signal of negotiation to Konoha Village again.

Hokage House.

The door of Hokage's office was slammed open. As soon as Jiraiya, wearing a Jōnin vest, entered the door, she shouted: "Tsunade, why did you put Orochimaru on the kill list? He can't betray Konoha Village!"

"Jiraiya?" Tsunade raised his head from the pile of files, dropped the brush in his hand, and frowned, "This is Hokage's office."

"Of course I know where this place is, but why are you..." Jiraiya said impatiently.

"Because he is already a traitor." Tsunade said dissatisfiedly: "Calm down, Jiraiya!"

Jiraiya gasped, calmed down a bit, and then quickly said: "Tsunade, Orochimaru grew up with us. Although he is a bit arrogant, arrogant, and self-righteous, his love for Konoha Village is not inferior to any of us. I absolutely don't believe he will defect!"

"But this is the truth." Tsunade sighed, "It seems you don't know what he did."

"What did he do?" Jiraiya stunned slightly.

"Let's see for yourself." Tsunade opened the drawer, took out a thick, sealed document, and threw it in front of Jiraiya. "People will change. He is no longer the companion in your memory."

"I don't believe it!" Jiraiya picked up the file, hesitated, and gritted his teeth to take it apart.

After a long time, Jiraiya looked faster and faster, and his hands were shaking more and more. Finally, the documents slipped from his hands and spilled on the desk and the floor. And he had his eyes dull, his mouth opened slightly, and he whispered as if to say something, but in the end he didn't say it. After all, the facts are already in sight, and any rebuttal is a trampling on those Konoha Shinobi who were killed by Orochimaru.

"Jiraiya..." Tsunade looked unbearable, and whispered.

"I will chase him back." Jiraiya suddenly said, raised his head to look at Tsunade, eyes sad, angry and firm, and repeated: "I will chase him back!"

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