In Hokage's office, Xia Shu couldn't help sighing as she watched Jiraiya's figure go away through the window.

"Sigh what?" Tsunade looked at him and asked.

"Tsunade, do you think he can chase Orochimaru back?" Xia Shu retracted his gaze, turned to his side and asked instead.

"What if you chase back, what if you can't chase back?" Tsunade shook his head and hugged his arms, creating a striking and shocking scenery. Even though it was already owned by Xia Shu, he couldn't help but pay attention to the past at this moment.

He gave Natsuki a look with a charming look, and Tsunade continued: "Orochimaru has been the best of the three of us since childhood. Whether it is the speed of learning ninjutsu or the decisiveness in encountering problems on the battlefield, he is better than me and Jiraiya. Do it better."

"Don't be presumptuous, your medical ninjutsu and Jiraiya's Sage Mode are equally admirable." Xia Shu interrupted.

"It's natural." Tsunade is not arrogant but nodded confidently, and said: "And only in terms of combat strength, Jiraiya who has learned Mount Myōboku Sage Mode is actually stronger. Although Orochimaru has tried it, and He left a mark on his body, but in the end he was not recognized by the White Snake Immortal. Instead, Jiraiya, who has always been inconspicuous, has accumulated a lot, especially after learning Sage Mode, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. He was once on the battlefield and was responsible. He is usually the main attacker."

"It's just the strength and weakness, it has nothing to do with the current situation, right?" Xia Shu heard the overtones in Tsunade's tone.

Tsunade raised his eyebrows, smiled at Natsuki who could understand her, and nodded: "Orochimaru's personality has always been radical. In one of the previous battles, Jiraiya was seriously injured, and we were also blocked by the enemy in the cave. It was the best at the time. The method is to abandon Jiraiya, and Orochimaru and I are looking for another chance, and this method is what Orochimaru first thought of and intends to put it into practice."

"What about the final result?" Xia Shu asked curiously.

"While hesitating, the companion who came to support found us." Tsunade walked to the window, leaning his shoulders on the window, looking sideways at the figure disappearing into the distance, the light of memories flashed in Xing's eyes. Sighing: "Orochimaru's expression was very funny at that time, shock, regret, and self-blame, intertwined in his eyes, but he could feel that he was very grateful and relieved."

"Although Orochimaru was already full of cold aura when I came into contact with him, I can probably imagine what the genius ninja was hoped for by the Third Generation in the past." Natsuki sighed with regret: " Without Minato’s emergence, Orochimaru might become the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village under various factors of reality. If he shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting Konoha Village, he may not be what he is today."

"Perhaps, but it's just maybe." Tsunade shook his head, sighing and helpless.

"Indeed." Xia Shu nodded.

Sarutobi Hiruzen abdicated that year because he was responsible for several losses during the war and the trauma that Konoha suffered. In this way, his ideas continue to lead the direction of Konoha Village.

Of course, Danzo also played a role in promoting public opinion. Although he couldn't become Hokage in the dark, Orochimaru, who was in collusion with him, was the root of Zhengmiaohong and was a very popular candidate at that time.

At that time, however, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already seen that Orochimaru had conflicts and contradictions with his Wen Tun philosophy, so even if there is no Namikaze Minato, there will be others, at least Jiraiya is a good choice.

Although Jiraiya refused to serve as Hokage in the original work, if it was Sarutobi Hiruzen who made the request and persecuted him with responsibility, he would undoubtedly agree with him in the end because of his character.

"Okay, don't disturb my office here." Tsunade waved a big hand, sat down on the chair at the desk and continued to work on the documents, and said casually: "By the way, remember to go home for dinner at night."

"Huh? Good." Xia Shu was stunned, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It wasn't that he had thought about the after-dinner thing, but his ordinary but warm feeling made him very comfortable.


A few days later, Aburame Ryoma completed the task and returned to Konoha Village. He was accompanied by an old man who looked ordinary.

In the root base, Xia Shuzheng replies to the root ninja in Kawa no Kuni with a writing brush.

Just yesterday afternoon, the Ninja Village, which was reluctantly formed by wandering ninjas, was suddenly attacked by the Sand Shinobi ninja. It is not hard to imagine that the attack was premeditated.

However, as a buffer zone at the junction of wind and fire, the country of Sichuan has not stopped paying attention to the situation of the country of Sichuan even if it is a truce and peace. After all, the signs of war have always been small. If the enemy has Actions and intentions can be inferred and predicted only by observing the surrounding movements, which is also convenient for preparing and responding at the fastest speed.

In fact, Konoha Village was aware of the recent situation in Kawa no Kuni, but he was suppressed by him. Therefore, he had anticipated Sunagakure’s attack on the Shinoha Village that was just formed in Kawa no Kuni and arranged a countermeasure at this moment. It's just to activate those arrangements.

Kawa no Kuni is just a small problem. The main reason for saying this is that it takes a long time for Sunagakure to recover. In contrast, Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure are the existences that need to be treated with caution.

Ordering the root ninja who was always obedient outside the door to send the secret letter away, Natsuki took out the map that had been placed on the table recently. When he lifted the writing brush and hung it above Cloud Shinobi Village, the door was knocked gently.

"Say." Xia Shu said without looking up.

The door was pushed through a gap, and a rooted ninja knelt on one knee and respectfully said, "Master Natsuki, Aburame Ryoma has returned from completing his mission."

"One person or two people?" Xia Shu narrowed his eyes and looked up at the crack of the door.

"Two." The root ninja replied truthfully.

"Okay, let him take someone to wait for me." After Xia Shu finished speaking, his eyes fell, and with a light smile, he drew two strokes on the Cloud Shinobi Village on the map, forming a black cross.

The root ninja outside the door responded and left immediately.

"Did you catch it once? It was a bit beyond my expectation." Xia Shu put down the brush, gathered the papers on the table, lifted the coat and put it on her body, walked towards the door, and smiled as she walked: "But this way Fortunately, when Cloud Shinobi takes a shot against the Hyuga clan in the future, and then I was caught taking the opportunity to attack Cloud Shinobi, I can also have an internal response in Cloud Shinobi Village. With his disguise and level of infiltration, the ordinary root ninja still It's really incomparable."

Thinking about this, Xia Shu came to the place where Aburame Ryoma was waiting, and saw the old man he had sent someone to look for.

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