"When I first met, I haven't consulted yet?" The old man smiled gently and asked politely. He couldn't tell that he was already a prisoner.

"Matsuzaki Natsuki, maybe you have heard some of my rumors, although they are not comprehensive." Xia Shu looked at the old man who seemed to disappear from the crowd with interest, and said with a smile: "On the contrary, I understand you. But it's very deep, Xuanweng from Yanyang Ninja Village, Mountain Country."

Hearing the name of the village that had been destroyed more than ten years ago, Xuanweng sighed and shook his head with a wry smile: "People in exile, don't mention it or mention it."

"But I found you just for the things of the past." Xia Shu said, squinting at Xuanweng.

"What happened in the past?" Xuan Weng raised his head, staring at these eyes that seemed to be able to see through the soul, and suddenly thought of that secret thing in his mind.

"Haha, it seems that you have already thought about it." Xia Shu teased, Xuanweng's expression has explained everything.

Xuanweng lowered his head, was silent for a while, and sighed: "Master Matsuzaki, Yanyang Ninja Village no longer exists, and the hatred of the past can no longer be traced, and everything in the end is just vain."

"Anything needs an ending, even if the final result is a tragedy." Xia Shu shook his head, disagreeing.

"Oh! What do you want me to do?" Xuanweng asked helplessly.

"Xuan Weng, you are very smart." Xia Shu smiled satisfied.

"If I was just investigating that matter, I don't need to save my life until now, so the only explanation is that I still have the value of being used." Xuan Weng seemed to say fatefully.

"So, what do you think I want to use you for?" Xia Shu asked.

"I can only be sure that it is not because of Konoha Village." Xuan Weng shook his head, "Since you found me, it means that the detonation symbols I set up in various places in Konoha Village have been exposed, so I can say to Konoha Village that it has been There is no threat. And if you want to wipe out the roots, you only need to kill me, or even let it go."

"The organization is clear and the inference is accurate. Even if you don't mention your organizational knowledge, you can definitely become an excellent spy." Xia Shu praised her palm.

"So...a spy?" Xuan Weng grasped the information in the words and looked at the opponent inquiringly.

"Yes, and I need you to do what you did to Konoha Village again." Xia Shu stared at Xuan Weng with slightly narrowed eyes, and said in a serious tone.

Hearing this, Xuanweng's pupils trembled.

What he has done to Konoha Village, of course, refers to spreading the detonating charms in the Konoha Village buildings and connecting them with special leads. Only one trigger is needed to cause a chain reaction.

After all, according to the task assigned to him by the leader of Yanyang Ninja Village, he was required to trigger the detonation talisman when the main force of Yanyang Ninja Village arrived, and destroy the number one Konoha Village in the Ninja World in one fell swoop.

Now he, a homeless person, has put down his grudges, but once the detonating talisman set in the past is triggered, it is still enough to blow up half of Konoha Village into ruins.

But the purpose of the person in front of him now was to copy what he had done in the past, which shows the magnitude of his goal.

"What is the goal?" Xuan Weng lowered his heart and was shocked, and asked tentatively.

Xia Shu did not answer directly, but changed the conversation: "Xuan Weng, after all, you are not a ninja of Konoha Village. You are hired to work for Konoha Village, although the way of hiring may not be very good."

Xuanweng smiled bitterly, but couldn't say anything. After all, he provoked the relationship between him and Konoha Village first.

Xia Shu didn’t care about Xuanweng’s expression, and continued to say seriously: “Since it’s an employment, of course there will be compensation. I know that since you, who used to be known as an agency master, chose to remain anonymous, you definitely don’t care about money, so I have to pay you. The remuneration is other, and you can never refuse."

Listening to the other party's rhetoric, full of affirmation and confidence, Xuanweng couldn't help being provoked with curiosity and anticipation, and asked: "The reward I can't refuse? What is it?"

Xia Shu smiled confidently, waved and said loudly: "Bring in!"

He said that he took a seal scroll from Aburame Ryoma's hand, and stored the material that he specifically asked Aburame Ryoma to search for.

Xuan Weng looked at the middle-aged man dressed as a prisoner who was pressed in with a puzzled look. The opponent tried to struggle, but was beaten by the root ninja who was in charge of suppressing people and shrank into a prawn shape, respecting the man named Matsuzaki Natsuki. Nodded back and walked out, closing the door by the way.

With the right of the roots, no one will care about the execution of several death row prisoners in advance.

"Please wait a moment." Xia Shu smiled at Xuanweng, turned around and took out a scroll and opened it together with the seal scroll, overlapping the convulsed condemned prisoners and placing them on the ground.

Immediately, a large number of densely packed spells crawled out of the scroll and spread out on the ground, eventually forming an obscure and complicated technique with the words ‘dirty’ and ‘earth’ written in it that included the death row.

Xia Shu quickly formed four seals with her hands, and finally put her hands together, and shouted: "Summoning·Impure World Reincarnation!"

The technique was immediately activated, and the condemned inmate in the semicircle vacancy of the technique suddenly widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and his expression became extremely frightened, struggling and trembling, as if he saw the yellow spring of flowers on the other side in full bloom.

A coffin broke out vertically from the shimmer light emitted by the technique, bringing out a creepy and gloomy breath, strange and cold.

"Xuanweng." Xia Shu stepped aside, butting Xuanweng's gaze with the coffin.

At the same time, with a click, the lid of the coffin opened from above, poured down and slapped it on the ground.

Seeing the short child-like figure in the coffin, Xuan Weng suddenly opened his mouth, his pupils shrank to the size of a needle, and they trembled violently.

I saw a young man in the coffin open his eyes, dark pupils, confused and ignorant eyes, and cracks in his bare skin, all of which indicated his deceased identity.

"You must have a lot to say, but although this technique has been improved, it still has many shortcomings, so you only have five minutes." After Xia Shu told him, he cast a look at Aburame Ryoma who was watching, and then turned and walked out. The room.

He once told Orochimaru that he had learned a lot from the other party, but that was not just a scene, this trick Impure World Reincarnation is one of them.

As for the one summoned from the underworld by him using Impure World Reincarnation, it was not someone else but the son of Xuan Weng's early death.

And with this handle Master in his hands, no matter whether Xuan Weng really resigned his fate as he showed before, he can now be completely certain that he will definitely complete the tasks he needs him to complete.

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